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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1907, p. 8

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’ House Cleaning Oil Cloth in all widths l yrd. 11/2 yrd‘. and 2 yards, all new and beautifully designed. Tapestry and Chenille Curtains in all shades and Designs. We always have on hand a Full Line of Gent’s Furnishing. LACE QURTAINS in all varieties and patterns. Brussels and Tapestry Carpets and Beautiful Rugs. Linoleum in Floral and Block Design, 2 yards and 4 yards Wide. The house cleaning season is here again, and it is up to us to help you make some IMPROVEMENTS in your home. We can do this by sellingyou your ‘LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, and OIL CLOTH. ROBERT BURNETT The Linoleum An early settler of the township of Bentinck and a highly respected man- was gathered to his fathers on Mon day of this week with the passing of Mr John Muir at the age of 66 years He had b-‘en trouble-d for some time with his heart, but the immediate cz-uuseuf his death wasa paralytic stroke which he took on Sundav Deceased was born in Lanarkshire. Scotland, and emigrated to Canada 52 years ago. He spent three years in Waterloo and then came to Buntiuck toanhip. since which time he has re~ided on the property on lot 3‘ (Lin 3. until his death In 1867 “V “'3';de Miss Eiizabemh Whiteiord .f ermanby. who with a family of 6w survive They are Henryof Han over. Elizabeth (\ire. Chas. Furs man) of Bentink, Robert of .\i ,rde;.. Manitoba, and Janet and Clara at. home Deceased was a Presbyteri-m m religion and a Conservative in rmli'ics. but brim; of a quiet and re tiring disposition he would neve: w‘nsent to accept any position of at pu'niic character. The funeral wilt take place to the Haznpden (:Htl‘tBlT-“ZW to marrow afternoon. and the re mains of a fine old gentleman will b: lai-i to rest â€"-Hauover Post. Montreal Doctor Will Lose Several Toes. (Special Deepatch to The Globe.) Dr. Shirrs of this city had an ex oerience this morning which he is n0t likely to forget. While out rid ing on Lachine road his horse was attacked by a. bulldog. The dog eprang at the horse’s hindquarter~ and tore them badly, and when the doctor dismounted to save his horse he was attacked by the dog. and bad- ly bitten in both feet, and several toes will have to be amputated as a rfisult. The deg escaped although, a vigorous search was made for him by the police. 1, Alexander Drimmie, of the Town- ShiP 0f Egremont, hereby make apol- ogy to Peter Match of this Township and hereby withdraw any and all false statements that I have made about his entire horse “Macgregor Last” No. [3844] [11419]. My belief that the horse was not imported was from a misun- derstanding of the reading of the pegigree of the aniihal. ' , 'ro wnom IT MAY CONCERN. ATTACKED BY BUI LDOG. DEATH OF JOHN MUIR -ALEX. DRIMMIE. Chas. McInnis', witness. at 'Egremont. this 7th day of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Jamaica holds a notable place in Eng. llsh history! It has witnessed the war- fare of English, French and Spaniards. Rodney, Nelson and Benbow knew it well In their fighting days, and the lat. ter neg hurled ln Jamaican earth. The baccaneersmadeltaport of call and Maine’s First Cotton Mill. The first cotton mill in. Maine was built at 8111ka in 1809, only twenty years after the first mm'ln the country was built Hurrah. Hurrah derives from the old Egyp- tian battlecry. “Boo-ta,” which means “fire king." The Turkish Navy. In the Turkish navy the crew and otâ€" flcers of a warship form a regiment, and the emcers hold the same rank as on land. The captain is lieutenant colonel, and so on. The Abstract. The largest of sea birds is the alba- tross. It weighs from twelve to twen- U-eight pounds, and one shot off the Cape of Good . Hope measured seven- teen and a half feet from wing to wing. Battle of Arboh. The forces of Darius at Arbela num- bered more than 1,000,000. The Per. clans 1081: 90,000 men in this battle, Al- exander about 500 men. So says Dio doms. Other authorities say the Per- sians in this battle lost 300,000, the Graveyards. The south side of a graveyard is pre- ferred to the north. because formerly bodies of notorious offenders were buried on the north side of the church. Greeks 1,200. ’ A Much Married Pair. In 1768 there died in Scotland one Mrs. Margaret McDowal, who had married and survived thirteen hus- bands, she being 106 years old at the time of her death. A Frenchman nam- ed Gay married sixteen wives and died childless. Pinole.” Pinole is a Mexican corn dainty. The corn is roasted, ground to a coarse meal, mixed with sugar and Spices and then stirred with water. It is very nu- tritious and often forms the sole food of travelers on long journeys. The Pipe. The tobacco pipe in its present form is said to have been invented by Dr. Villarius in 1690. Battle of Hanging Rock. _ The battle 01’ Hanging Rock was fought near a natural feature or seen- ery of that name in South Carolina, Aug. 6, 1780. The British were defeat- ed. by Sumter. This was the first bat- tle in which Andrew Jackson took part. Ancaent War FIeots. A Roman fleet led by Regulus against Carthage consisted of 330 vessels with 140,000 men. The Carthaginian fleet numbered 350 vessels with 150.00 men. Watercress. . If you suffer from pimples eat lib- erally of water cress. There is no bet- ter blood purifier. Water cress is rich in iron and so is very good for those who are inclined to be anaemic. The Chain Cable. The first man who succeeded in mak- ing a useful chain cable was Robert Flinn, who experimented with it in 1808. His cable was made of very short links, with no stay pins or studs, but it served the purpose. Harrisburg. John Harris was the first settler of Harrisburg. Its name was afterward changed to Louishurg. then back to Harrisburg. Bronzing Plaster of Paqis. _To bronze :1 plaster cast give the cast a coat of size 'arnish and let it stand till almost dry. Then put some metallic bronze powder into a muslin bag, dust it over the surface, dab it with a wad of linen and when perfect- ly dry give it a coating of varnish. Kentucky River. The Kentucky river was first named the Louisa, in- honor of the Duchess of Cumberland. Lively Weddings. Among the natives of central India a marriage ceremony is always attended by a sham fight. and the same prac- tice prevails among the Kalmucks of Siberia. Rye. Rye is said to grow ivild in Anatolia and Turkestan, as well as between the Black and Caspian seas. Its original home is believed to be somewhere be- The Forces at Cannae. At the battle of Gamma there were of the Romans, including allies, 80,000 foot and 6,000 horse; of the Carthagin- tans 40,000 foot and 10,000 horse. Of these 70,000 were slain in all and 10,- 000 taken prisoners-more than half slain. Urals. First English Iron Furnaces. The first English iron furnaces were erected on the time o: hills so as to get the greatest Mble blast of wind. Trades Unions. Trades unions are no new invention. Accurate records of their existence in Roman times have been dug up in Pompeii. it the - {Lustrifin Alps and the lnto the kingdom of ro- Jamaica. £3“ng Fall Wheat .......... 8 68 to 3 Spring Wheat ........ 70 to Oats ...,........... 45 to Peas.....§ ........... 75 to Barley .............. . 50 to Hay ................ .14 00 to 15 Butter............... 19 to Eggs. ................ 16 to Potatoes per bag ...... 65 to Apples per bag. ...... 50 to 1 Flour per cwt ........ 2 10 to 2 Oatmeal per sack. 2 50 to 2 Chop per cwt ........ 1 50 to 1 Live Hogs .......... . 6 00 to (S DressedHogs per cwt. 7 35 to 7 Hides per lb ........ 9 to Sheepskins ........... 90 to 1 W001 ............... . ‘29 to Tallow .............. 5 to Lard ................ 1:2 to was, 3.1 1" ZAM-BUK CURES A CASE WHICH FOR TWO YEARS HAD DEFIED EVERY REMEDY TRIED. ECZEMA AGAIN No case of eczema, skin disease. or ulceration. should be despaired of un. til ZamoBuk has been applied. The case of Mrs Francis Benoit of St. Anne’s Mr. Francis Penoit. of St. Anne’s (Man).. is a powerlul illustra- tion of Zam-Buk’s efiicacy. He says: “I suffered from eczema for two years. and tried a great number of remedies. None of them. however, seemed to do me any good. The ail ment was mostly in my legs, and both these were actually raw from the knees down. A small sample box of ZamoBuk was given to me, and even so small a q.nantiry as that did me a little good I then obtained a proper supply. and by the time I had used a few boxes I was. complete ly cured.” That’s Easyâ€" If you can’t §ee wh: come in and 111th HATB.” It’s up to you. - KNOW ‘ What they want “I U“ U was-.â€" eto, Zam-Buk is unedualled. cures piles. All druggists a1 at 500. a. box. or from Zam- Toronto. for price. 6 boxes 1 Zam-Buk difleis from ordinary salves and embrocations in contain- ing no anlmal oil n!‘ {at It is com- pounded frum rich. healing. herbal essences. and is an ideal uat.ur..l com- bination of power and purity. In is highly antiseptic, and inscautly kills bacilli and disease germs. which set,- tle on to wounds and skin diseases set. up festering. blood poissn. etc For cuts. burns. Nukes, ulcers. at)- scesses. pimples, boils. skin erupt-ions scalp sores, spreading sores, chil- dren's skin troubles, chafing Sures, _-- 7nm_‘Rnbicnnenualled. It. also Do you like it? Then why1 be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer’ 3 Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’a Hair Vigor'will lat disappoint you. it feeds the Hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The beat kind 0! n team- “3014 tor over sixty roan.” My Hairis Scraggly A Farm er’s Grateful Testimony. Market Report. DURHAM.May 16. 1907 I“. m. 33.1.9 mo... . MOGKLER All druégists and stores or from Zam-Buk Co., price. (3 boxes for $2 :30 OVERCOME can! mm. what YOU-want pect our “KING 00 to 35 to 9 to 90 to 29 to {‘1“"' .x“I'\I To 50 5O 10 50 Barling’s ' DRUG STORE plete line of garde in bulk A. S. HUNTER These seeds are bought fri m reputable growers and are pure and let us showyml this whether you buy or not; it it is a pleasure to show our goods. We carry in stock :1 full strength (40/ 0’ ‘ F01 malm Kills smut Germs. Tn it. It can be used for dudoes ()1‘ borders around carpets w- rugs, for covering; mm- ter tops, for The shuw \Vindt m, for (:<)\'w'ing walls, for old and new \\'()()d‘.\'():'k of any kind, and espwtizllly for flours. or Oils, we have it. as now is the time to paint up - old woodwork. We are also Agents for the National Portland Cement We. haw it, in :1 «iuzeu (ilffierent shades and it’s very reasonable in price. CALL IN We also have in stock a. lull line at Turnip. Mangol and Sugar Beet Seeds. New Surface Oak Fibre Veneer . . Fioering Dariing’s We have just. put- in stock a very c()ml_>lete line ofâ€" .. PAINTS . . Give us a Trial When Highest Cash price aid for s, Grainp and $001. egg GARDENERS ATTENTION ! PEAS, ONIONS, CORN. BFANS, AND RADISHES A Anything NEW FLOORING Bear in mind we have I he People's Druggists Needing These Formalin in the line of May 16. 1907 a com-

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