West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1907, p. 1

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‘ SEE Russell’s Saturday bargains. MANGEL.’ turnips and corn of all kinds at the seed store A. 8. Hunter. THE Division Court is being held toâ€" day, W'ednesday. A docket of over forty cases is reported. WE don’t keep Martin-Senour Paint we sell it 1007; pure,â€"A. 8. Hunter. . TOWN Lars are offered for sale by Mr. Thomas Smith. See classified list of ads. on page 2. ON Tuesday evening at 7:39 o’clock there will be Divine Service at which Rev. \V. J. Connor will preach. Go with the crowd to Murdock’s and buy your buggy. Only a few left out of a. car load. THE meeting of Grey Deanery will be held in Trinity Church on Tuesday and \Vednesday May 28th and 29th. Ox \Vednesday there will be a public celebration of Holy Communion at the close of which there will be a. sacred stud y nf John 15. conducted by Rev. ‘V. G. Reilly of Chatswnrth. THERE are complaints from Gienelg about the Sunday shooting indulged in by the Dago Railroaders. They are charged with the desfruction of any- thing and everything thpv can find alive. ‘Vho i: the Game \Varden ? THE Steamer annn. nwned hy the Pittshm-g Steamship (’nmpany. stran- ded on \Vedneednv night of last week during a fog on the north side nf Car- ibou Island, Lake Superior. She was valued at $110,000 and Will. it is thought, he a total wreck. TWO of our citizens went. out fishing last week in Glenelg. The horse they took with them was not securely tied, and having worked off his bridle took French leave of his driver and is re- THE Mount Forest district meeting of the Methodist church holds its ses- sions this week, at Mt. Forest. Rev. Thomas Coiling B. A. of Durham church being the presiding officer dur- ing the sessions. His church here has juSL closed a successful year. ported 1 damage. OUR town bakers are beginning to put. on city airs. Mr. Stimson started a new delivery wagon :1 week or so ago and lastâ€"week Messrs. Rowe. and Hughes came out with an equally handsome outfit. Bakers have. always got the (iotfigh and its right enough that, thev should put on stvle. THREE doctors in Kalamazoo were holding :1. consultation. They looked the patient over thoroughly and well expending; fully ten minutes time (li- agnosing the case with care. Then. they retired to an adjoining room. closed the door, and a somewhat heat- ed argument followed. “One of the doctors thought themmn’ had money two were sure he hadn’t. They didn't Operate. . THE Spring is very backward and vegetation very slow. \\'e are told that flakes of snow were seen on Monday morning last, and from the temperature of the fornoon we have no doubt about. the matter. W'e have not seen the observatory comparisons, but feel assured that the present month will be a record breaker for cold just as April was the coldest April in 58 years. WE advertised money that was left; AN interesting part of the Junior : stood-a year ago at this office last week and on Friday l League program given in the Metho- i the road would b night the right claimant, Mr. J. W. l dist church on Monday night Was a‘first of July next, Manary, of Holstein gave us a. call u letter to the young people from Mrs. i months later. Pe about ten o’clock. The purse contain-; Holmes, Tokio, Japan. The writer’s 7 fly again before t ed eighteen dollars in cash and a, description of the Japanese methodsition. There is nc promissory note f’or $2); The'descripâ€" I of house cleaning, voice culture, sing-i tween the Compal tion was satisfactory and we had no; ing. and of the millinery fashions and , gar-ding right of hesitation in giving up the purse and , display in Tokio, was amusing and in- 3 town, the princi; its contents. The finders were the i Stflwtive, Whilst her account of the l the protection at McCIocklin twins and as this is 'theé effect 0f Christian example and life I Garafraxa street ’second or third time the same boys; was encouraging and stimulating to there a difference left found money at this office we are . purer motive and nobler aim. Each the Company and getting thoroughly satisfied regarding Junior sustained his and her part in but there is also; their honesty. Many aL person would, theyucal part of the program loyally local opinion- SO have kept the money and left the note and well. The proceeds will bedevoted g Watchman, some and pocket - book for some one else. to the work of the Junior League. ‘ others see nothin; They were rewarded by Mr. Manary Will all friends who were present ‘ struction unless t1 who was quite tickled over his good kindly accept the sincere thanks of the l and the town be luck. It pays to advertise in the ofiicers in charge. The letter referred 'driveway. A dm the Chronicle. ‘ to Will be found elsewhere in this issue. . must soon be arri‘ VOL. 40â€"N0. 2097. to have caused considerable rvu U“... s and a ‘ descripâ€" i had no; rse and ‘ Ice Cream Sundaes and Sodas Two 'good second hand buggies cheap, at Murdoch’s. DON’T forget the excursion Model Farm on June 8th. WE have heard of some big fish caught this season, but no cases of sunstroke have yet been reported. GIANT Triplets “Currency ” “Bobs" and “Stag” Chewing Tobaccos, in big plugs. Quality always the same. FOR quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “ Bobs” “ Stag” and “ Currency ” Chewing To- bzccos. THE contest for the GooCarl; offered as a prize by Ed. Kress will be held to-morrow. ‘Vho’ll be the winner. REV. W. J. CONNOR of Brookholm, a. former Rector of this parish, will de- liver missionary addresses in Trinity Church on Sunday May 26th. A TROUT weighing three pounds was caught in the Saugeen near the Agricultural Park last‘ week. This is the largest that was taken for years. CAMPBELL’S VARNISH STAINS are guaranteed by the makers to give per- ect satisfaction for refinishing Furni- ture, Floors and Interior Woodwork. Mr. A. Russell, is authorized to refund purchase price in every case where the goods fail to give perfect results. ON \Vednesday evening at 8 o’clock Rev. J. McQueen Baldwin 3. mission- ary on furlough from Japan will de- liver an illustrated address on the habits and customs of the Japanese in the Town Hall. A silver collection will be taken at the door. A RAILW‘AY emplnyee Was caught. between two construction cars near Allan Pen-k. M md1y and was serious- ly Injured. He was taken Tuesday 111 main}: to Fergus hospital, accompa- nied by Dr. Maclaurin. He is a. s’tranger here and we are unable to gwe his name or his former home. MR. R. F CHAD\VICK. of Winchen -' den, Mass. will accept thanks for re' Inittance of two dollars “for extra postage for this year and also subscrip- tion in advance for next year.” He says “anybmly interested enough to tzlkethe paper should be willing to pay ' the extra postage.” It 1s not our fault . that the postage has been incrsascd. i and we hope our readers on the other‘ side of the line will not drop out on | account of it. i T :3 South Grey Temperance Society held their annual meeting on Tuesday night in the school room of the Baptist church. A great deal of important husiuess was tr:ms:1r3ted and it was un- animously de sided to submit the question of Local Option at the next muni(__-ipzil election. All temperance workers are requested by the society to submit their forces to the accomp- lishment of this purpose. Due notice ‘will he given of the various meetings to he held by the. society. THE base bull league will open the sezimn’s exercises on Tuesday next. In is sail that, Mayor Calder will pitch the double curve, and Alderman Coch- rane will he the first Casey at the hat, Alderman Swallow is to don the mask. the big mit and the Body guard and perform the duties of catcher. Jim Lennhnn will he umpire, and Tom ‘.Vhelan will hunt for lost balls. The other members of the Council will also Mko part. hut we are notadvised of the positions to which they are ap- ;) iiiited for the initial flame. rt“ 1» Mon- ntreal. - tton went to Mo 03 Mr. day. Mr. Flarity was down from Owen Sound on Monday. - Mr. W. D. Mills was home 'from Ottawa. over Sunday. Mrs. McMurray was in Priceville the beginning of the week. Mr. W. J. Swinburne, of Hanover, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Midford returned from a visit with his parents in Toronto. - Mr. Thos. Park of Neustadt was in town the fore part of the week. Miss May Robson, left Tuesday to take a situation as hookkeéper in Tor- onto. Rev. Mr. Farquharson attended Presbytery meeting at Harriston on Monday. Dr. Park, of Hamilton, was in town a few days visiting his mother and sister. Mrs. Frank Canton visited her daughter Mrs. Wm. Bailey at, Hanover last week. Mr. Hugh MacKay left last week for New Ontario and intends to remain for some time. Mr. J. \V. Irwin left Tuesdew after- noon for Englehart, New Ontario, Where he will remain during the sum- 1119?. Mr. Sutherland and daughter, Miss Gertrude returned to Fort William Monday after visiting friends in town a fefi' days. Mr. Whitfield Tyerman Medical Student left for the West Wednesday mnrning to take a position as teacher during his holidays, Mr. Daniel Greenwood, of Edge Hill. is able to be about again but he is far from well yet, if we are to judge by appearances. He has heart trouble. Miss Martin. daughter of the late Thns. Martin M. P.. of Mt. Forest, spent the latter part of the week with her cousin Mics Straith, at Jnhn Clark’s. Meesrs. Lou and Genrge Straith vis- ited thnir sister Miss Annie Straith on Sunday last. Mr. Lou Straith left Mt. Fnrpst Monday morning; tn spend the summer at Armin. ;a day to work on the road between EProton and Durham. It was under- lstood-a year ago that this portion of {the road would be completed .by the 2 first of July next, but it will be some Emonths later. Perhaps the snow will fly again before the road is in Opera- Etion. There is no settlement yet be- tween the Company and the town re- garding right of way through the 'town, the principal hitch being over lthe protection at crossing at foot of Miss Jean Stewart and Miss Annie \Vatt, return to-dav to Toronto where they enter good positions. For several weeks they have been enjoy- ing: themselves with friends in this vicinibv. BILLs are out unnouncmg meetings of the. South Grey \Vomen’s Institutes to be held on the following dates:â€" Elmwood June 4th. Hanover June 5th, Durham June 6th, Holstein June 7th, Dromore June 18th. The delegates consist of Dr. Annie Backus of Ayl- mer and Miss Isabel Murray of St. Thomas. The Guelph Mercury says :â€"-“ Mr. Richard McEllistrum on lot 15, con. 3 Puslinch, reports that he has a hen which hatched out of 8 duck eggs 9 ducks. The ninth duck has four legs and can walk smartly on two. The fowl was hatched out of a double- yoked egg. It chipped the shell somel {our days ago and 18 strutting around the same as if he had extra pedals and 18 as smart as the rest of the brood. The duck is a curiosity in“ the neighborhood. WORK is progressmg very favorably on the new railway, but. the contract- ors are in need of more help. Posters are out advertising for teams at; $4.00 the Uompany and the Town Council} but there is also a. wide difference in: local opinion. Some want a. gate and Watchman, some an electric bell, and others see nothing but death and den struction unless the hill be excavated | and the town be given an overhead; driveway. A decision of some kind. must soon he arrived at. Garéfraxa, street hill. Not only is there a. difference 'in opinion between DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. MAY 23. ‘907. PERSONAL. The Junior League of the Methodist church had a very pleasant social meeting on Monday night last, and the program furnished was very inter- esting. The training of the little ones for the occasion was chiefly done by Mrs. Benton who deserves much credit for the excellent results. It was no small task to undertake, but there’s no such word as f‘fail” to those who go to work with proper determination. The program consisted of an Organ 8010 by Miss Rita Irwin, Vocal Selec- tions by Misses. Bertha and Myrtle Sparling. Quartettes and Cboruses by members of the League, a 8010 by Miss Pansy Colling, a 8010 by Miss M. Darling and a reading entitled “Anibng the Lepers” by Miss Florence Bryon. Mr. J. L. Flarity who had considerable to do with the League while he lived here was down from Owen Sound, and gave an address on “How to Bring Up Children.” As Mr. Flarity is a bachelor he will know how it, should be done. Some of the rest of us knew all about the business before we had families of our own. A Junior Lacrosse League consisting of Arthur and Durham teams have arranged a series of games as follows Arthur at Durham June 18th. Durham at Arthur June 29th. Arthur at Durham July 9th. Durham at Arthur July 23rd. BORN . ANDERSONâ€"In Portland, Oregon, on May 10th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson, a son. NICHOLLsâ€"Un Friday May 17ch, 1907, at98 Edwin Ave., Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholls, a son. For plumbing basement closets, etc.. for Durham Public School. Tenders will be received up to 13!; August A. D. 1907. Plans and specifications may be seen at. J. P. Telford’s Office, Dur- ham. _ _ __-__.-.__-â€"~ -- kum, auu Ewe show you Janeway Carpenper’s : newest patterns manufactured by the ' above firm in the United States which WILLIAM JUBNSTON, Chairman Durham Public School Bd. Dated an 218t. 1907. New Wall Papers At Keeler’s JUNIOR LACROSSE SCHEDULE are the largest makers of wall papers in America. By handling these three lines we have the strongest line of papers ever shown in this part of the country. Come and see the new goods, it will pay you well. “’9 now have on display the larg- est stock of Canadian and American ‘Vall Papers that has ever been shown in Durham. Our stock for this spring is all brand new as we had a very large wall paper trade last year which cleaned up our stock, and for this spring we are showing every- thing brand" new in wall paper and will sell you the brand new goods cheaper than you are asked to pay elsewhere for old stock. Come with the crowd and you will also save money. We show you the very latest patterns manufactured by the Menzie Wall Paper Co. of Tor- onto, called the Menzie line. All that is new and up-to-date, manufactured by the Watson, Foster 00. of Mon- treal. These are two of the best wall paper manufacturers in Canada, and Two Mammoth Stores . DURHAM m WELI This is the Noted Store for Wall Paper R. B. Keeler 8: Sons Tenders Wanted. Junior League 80019.1. “a . S. F. MORLOCK Progress Brand Clothing If you will inspect our stock and note Style Fashion, Material, Linings, Workmanship and Price of our Clothing, you will see that it is almost imposible for us to improve on them. We never had such a. large assortment of Men’s Boys and Childrens suits as we have this Spring. We have almost any kind of a suit you want in Fine Tweed and Fine English Worsteds of the very newest patterns which are particular well tailored in the very latest cut at prices all the way from $7.50 to $15.00. This is a department that we have always paid special attention to, and our stock this Spring is one to be proud of, We have a very wide range in boys two and three piece suits and childrens fancy Norfolk and Buster Brown Styles. Men’s Youths Worsteds and Tweed Pants and Boy’s Short Pants in great varities. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS BOY’S AND CHILDREN’S SUITS M .J SOLE AGENT FOR PROGRESS BRAND. MEN AND BOYS. CASH AND ONE PRICE. FOR $1.00 PER YEAR

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