West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1907, p. 3

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THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEB To change his advertisements but now ofi'ers some NEW BARGAINS : 1(1) ACRES Beutinck. near Crawford. brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig stables. good soil. good orchard. good bush. Price should be W but wil} eel! tor less than $3000 it sold at once , 250 ACRES pear Durham. a good farm, splendidly unmoved. was askmg S7 500. will new take great. deal less 10) ACRES in Glevvelg. near Uzrnam, a fine well improved farm. will sell very cheap or trade. i ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PR()"ITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. lNfiUR- ANQES placed Difficultieag vianged. ‘U -u-v â€"' '7“""- â€" ~ _- P R and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale.‘ Everything private. GAS Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIZs JERS MO WERS SEED DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGONS (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos‘ and Organs. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Democrats and Buggies Implements We. 2320.331 91”. Q - . .0 .. mix-2. ' ’ ‘J-‘Lh- as‘ $1912 .4353. :19. Implemént Agent and Auctioneer. '1. éThis Means You; g 3 So Come Alongg :- Ramsay W'hen we talk Paint to a cus- tomer we claim that we have a stock that stands for quality and satisfaction. A Paint must be made rightâ€"made to with- stand the storms of rain and snow,- as well as burning sun. With Ramsay Paints goes a guarantee of satisfaction. The Ramsay Paints have been made in Canada since l842â€"made for Canadian weatherâ€"made rop- erly. The quality of the Eam- say Paints remain long after the F. E. SIEGNER Monuments and Tmnbszones OWEN SOUND. . AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Deering Harvester Co.'s SOLINE ENGINES. May 23, 1907, Hardware and Tinware Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. Let us tell you all about it. int Season 'Will Soon Be Here John Clark WE HAVE THE A FULL LINE OF THE price is forgotfen. HAS BEEN 2 BUSY DURHAM. H. H. MILLER . Miller Paints Berlitz Fiance South Grey and East Wellington; SATURDAY, JUNE H, ’[II Leave Adults Child’n Durham 7.10 11.111. $1.15 $0.60 Varney 7.15 " 1 15 60 Holstein 7.29 “ 1.15 60 Mt. Fares: 7.45 “ 1.05 55 Palmerston 8 05 “ Elmwood 7 10 “ 1 20 60 Hanover 7.27 “ 1.15 60 Neuscadt 7.32 -‘ 1.15 60 Ayton 7.40 " 1.10 55 Alsfeldc 7 55 .. 1 10 :35 Palmerston 8.20 “ The Excursion will start by Special Trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. Trains will run accord- ing to the following Time Table: PEI Bland hunk Railway - TU GUELPH Arrive at Guelph 9 35 a. m. Re- turning. leave Guelph 5.30 p. :11. Tickets good to return on any train on the 10111. All are invited, and all should take this opportunity of visiting the farm. which in all 'ts difierent departments is worthy of i pectiou.-â€"The GXperi- mental plOts of all varieties of grains, grasses, roots. and forage crops; the difierent breeds of Live Stock; the Farm Dairy, the ‘ Creamery, the Cheeee Factory, the Museum and Flower Department; the Rural Con- solidated School Buildings. where the children from five SchoolSections are taught in a good graded school. and the \chonald Institute. a school for farmers’ dangbters. These immense buildings have been erected by Sir “ illiam McUon dd. of Montreal Ample train accommodation will be provided, and everything will be comfortable. Make your arrange- ments early and take in this Excur- sion. ROBT. MORICE, Pres. S. Grey, Durham P. O. GEO. BINNIE. Sec. 8. Grey. Bunessan P. O. Lunch Provided on Farm A. HUTCHISON. Pres. E. “Wellington, ML. FurPSt P. O. C. NICHOLSON, Soc. B. Wellington, Mt. Forest. P. 0. Get Rid of That Indigestion at Once by Using Mi o-na. DUN’f PUT IT UFF UMBER. Either through slaoknese or care- lessness hundreds of people slowly poison themselves by chronic indi- gestion. By neglecting to cure at once any sluggi huess of the import- ant organs of digestion the system is fiblb‘d with termenting and decaying {nod that rvsulzs in sick headaches, hvartburn, bad taste in thfi mouth. coated ton gue, specks before the eyes. sleeplessrmss. nervous troubles and the many other svmptoms that are the direct result of indigestion. The want of a perfectly safe yet ef feccive cure for iudxgesuon and atom- ach trou mes m their many forms was fen. up to me time of the euvcessful wvgsdgations that resulted in the production of Mi 0 na stomach tab- lets. The; quickly cure the worsc cusps of indigestion, and the pain and diatom which are often felt after menu's disappear in a verv few days-â€" such is the wonderful curative power of Mi 0 na. fAHMEHS’ |NSTITUIES Th0 old fashioned medicines for stomach rrouhleq merely digest. the fond, while Mi-o-na Strengthens the digestive organs so ‘hat they soon bec -me able to care (or the load that is eaten. We absolutely agree that your moucy will bo refunded should you buy a 50 Cent box of Mi-o-nu Stomach tablets and not be Sa'istied with the resuhs. Mi o-na is sold by druggists every share, or will be sent by mail on ‘ecemn of price 50 cents. Bootb'a Miona Campany, Buffalo. N. Y. Any mother who has had experi ence will this distrecsing ailment will b» p‘essed to know that. a cure may be aficcced by applying Chum berlsin’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing Wipe it 08 with a soft cloth before snowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this 351 we with best results; For ode at Parker’s Drug Store. Will be held under the auspices of the South Grey and East Wel- lington Farmer-9’ Institutes on Experimental Farm AND Ontario Agr’l College fl SORE NIPPLES. GRAND Canadians should know more of Canada. Far too few have anything like an adequate conception of what Canada is and the ignorance of Can- adian subjects regarding Canada’s greatness is astroog factor in retard- in: Canadian loyalty. If we as Can- adians could only be brought to feel that Canada has a very important position among the nations of the world and that we are rapidly devel- oping in commercial and intellecual prosperity we might be a more con' tented people. As it is we regard others as our superiors and too often decry our own greatness. A little book entitled “ 5.000 Facts About Canada has just been issued by Frank Yeigh 667 Spadina avenue. Toronto, (price 25c.) The book lays no claim to any literary merit. but its sixty pages are full of facts that all Can- adians should have access to. To give an idea of what it is like we give what the booklet says of BIG THINGS IN CANADA. Canada has the Ingest consecutive who“: field in the world. 900 by 300 miles. Canada has the most prolific and extensive fisheries in the world. as well as some of the greeteet salmon rivers. The largest. grain mill in the Brit.- ish Empire is in Montreal-4:119 Ogil- vie Flour Mill having a capacity of 4.400 barrels of flour in 24 hours. Canada has the largest elevator in the world at Port Arthurâ€"capacity seven million bushels. The G. T. P. will build a. 12 million bushel elevator at Fort. William. Canada has the largest lift lock in the worldâ€"at Peterboro. Canada will have the longest bridge span in the world at Quebec. Canada has one of the largest sin- gle canal locks in the world. as Sault Ste. Marie. Canada. has. in the Yukon. one of the richest gold fields in the world. Canada has the largest single nickle producing mine in the Creigh- ton. Canada has the richest silver-nickel cobalt deposits in the world at Cobalt. Canada has the largest zinc smel- ter in the world, at Frank, Alberta. Canada’s largest freight. vessel, The Midland Prince. is 486 feet long. The thickest known coal seam in the worldâ€"47 feetâ€"has been found at Scellarton. Nova. Scotia One of Canada’s largest industrial establishments is the Massey-Harris Works. with over 3,000 n on. Canada. has one of the largest de- partmental stores in the Empire. The '1‘. Eaton Co . of Toronto and Win- nipeg. empiowing 9.000 Canada has one of the largest firms of cattle exporters in the world in Winnipeg. shipping. 1906. 73.500 can- tle; 41,000 sheep. Canada. has one of the highest, tides in the worldâ€"501} feet in Noel Bay. Minus Basin, Bay of Fundy Canada’s large-33: capper mine is the Granby in southern B C. J at; Return Verdict Exonerating Anyone From Blame. One of the largest, collieries in the world is at Glaca Bay. N. S. The C. P. R 120 mile yard in Win nipeg is the largest in the Empire. Canada. has more than ouehalf of the fresh water arm: of the globe. The inquest in connection with the explmirm at the Conn mill was re- sumed in that village on Tuesday of last. week. Mr. A. G. Bishop, miller. who was badly injured. had recovered sufficientl) to attend and give his evidence. which. however. contained very few additional facts in connec- tion with the unfortunate afiair be- yond what is- already known, with one exception f which was that Nor- man Gilstorf had beckoned to him and he was following him into the boiler house when the explosion occurred The jury then brought in a verdict to the effect that the death of P. J'. Cannon and Norman Gilstorf was caused by the bunting of the boiler in the mill on Saturday, April 20th, but that the cause of the eXplo-iion is unknown to the jury; the jury at- taching no blame to anyone for the eXplosion. Son 'of Solomon Ludwig. Eleven Years of Age. Run Oxer by Land Roller. On Wednesday morning of this week a young son of Solomon Lud Wig. 2nd concession of Wallace, was crushed to death by a land roller. The lad who was eleven years of age. was driving a team to a land roller on his father’s farm. The team 80“ beyond his control and ran away, and the boy was jolted ed the seat, when the roller struck a rail in gains through azap- He fell in front 9 head. His father. who was working in the next field, and who had been watching the boy, rushed at once to his son’s assistance, but could not reach the place in time. He picked the boy 11p and carried him home. but he died just after he got to the house A doctor was at once eum' moned. but of course could do noth- ng. The boy wee the eldest child in the family. The team were a span of colts. two and four years old. The boy had been drivin them a good deal this spring an seemed quite able to manage them. Mr. and Mrsâ€" Ludwig naturally feel very keenly the loss of ‘ their sowâ€"Lie- towel Standard. CONN IN QUEST CON CLUDED BOY KILLED IN WALLACE. FACTS ABOUT CANADA. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE mm» The greatest impostor since Cag- liostro is dead There is often a tragic fittnsss in the death of men of outstanding character, good or bad. and so it was in the case of John Alexander Dowie. The man who had held despotic sWay over the minds of thousands. who had boasted that he would never die, who had preached a new religion and used it grossly for moneymaking ends. diéd insane, unvisited by his own family. and deserted by the mass of his dupes. Dowie was the perfect type of the false prophet. He never ut- tereda phrase worth remembering. There was nothing original in his re. ligion which was good. and nothing copied in it which was not debased. Yet he was able to to impose himself and his teachings on some fifty thou- sand peOpls. Grown men and women obeyed him like children. and con verts not only forsook friends and nationality to follow him, but sank their savings at his bidding in the lots of Zion City. The Lonion Express has this to say of the late faker Dowie:â€" Word has been received in Win- nipeg from Estevan of the arrest of Bob Cook, an outlaw from Dufierin County, Ontario, who is wanted in the East for breaking jail at Grand; Valley. and for threatening to shoot High Constable Marshall of Orange ville last March A reward of a hundred dollars was oflered for him, dead or alive, and when he settled on a farm out west the mounted police promplty took a hand in the 'game. Sergeant Lett rounded him up and arrested him single-handed, although Cook is credited with having beaten three constables in a fight on the Streets of Orangeville when they ac tempted to lock him up. He had a brace of revolvers, a rifle, and a shot- gun, all loaded. in his possession when Sergeant Lett called. Cook is nowin jail in Regina. and will be sent east.â€"[It wouldn’t be much of a trick to surround three Orangeville Constables.â€"Ed ] Education Departments’ Announce- ment Regarding the Increased Allowance The Education Department author- ized the issue to inspectors and rural school bOards . of an announcement providing for the distribution of the increased grants passed at the last legislative session The Public and Separate Schools will this year secure in organized counties a total of $380- 000. an increase of 3200.000 over last year. while the discrict grants will be 885.000, or double the amount previously provided. The Department has decided that the division of these increased grants will be based upon the salaries paid to teacher». the value of school equip ment. the character of accommoda- tiou and the grade of teachers secur- ea In the organized counties $20 extra will be paid in each case where a first or second-class certificate teacher is engaged. and in the unorganized dis tricts $20 for each teacher having a professional district certificate, $25 for each third-class certificate. $30 for each second-class certificate and $35 for each first-class certificate. What are You Doing to Overcome It? Special extra provisions for pay- ments when good salaries are paid to teachers will be provided. and epecial grants to poor schools and grants {Or the building of schools in new dis- tricts where settlement is new. Five thousand dollars is also provided for rural school libraries, all ‘0 share alike in the distribution. Tiredness Comes in the Spring ’1 he cold Winter exhausts vitality and BXposes everyone to disease. Spring is sure to bring tiredness and languor that will not go. Spring sickness doesn’t cure itself â€"the cause is in the blood. and that cause must be remedied. It is easily done with Ferrozone, a marvelous remedy that purifies the blood and expels those humors and poisons that depress and weaken. Just think of itâ€"Ferrozone uplifts the entlre nervous system, renews the blood, makes it rich and redâ€"â€" gives the sort of aid that’s needed in throwing ofi weakness and langour. Tens of thousands enjoy the advan- tages of renewed health through Fer- nozone;â€"â€"if you’ll only use it, you’ll surely grow strong too; it’s beneficial action is noticed even in a week,â€" you see it goes right to work, re- moves the causes of the trouble and then quickly makes a cure. For those who sleep.poor1y and have nervous apprfahensmns, Ferro- zone isaboon; it 18 a Specialist in such cases. In tiredness. nerve exhaustion, epring fever and debility the power of Ferrozone is known from coast to coast and universally need with grand results. - Let Ferrozono build you up. let it win you btck m healthâ€"it will do so quickly if you give it the chance. Sold by all dealers. 500. per box or six boxes for 82.50. 'Remember the nuns Fen-ozone. Where there is palenees. poor ap petite and langour, Ferrozone makes the patient feel like new in a. few days. Orangovillo Terror Arrested. BAKER DOWIE. SCHOOL GRANTS. ménzxe aim)" IENCE [351‘ Ready for Spring We invite you to call and inspect our goods as we feel sure we can interest. you either in quanthy. quality.or prlce. Call and see the goods whether you purchase or not. in stock at moderate prices. CUSTOM work and REPAIRIN G as usual at TOWN -DOWN Shoe Store of the Souvenir completely - ‘ changes the air therein every ‘ \ f . . h - - ‘ ew minutes wnt out lessen " ing the heat one iota. .- m ‘ ' Pure, cold air is drawn An Aerated Oven into the aerated Hue and heated to the exact temperature of the oven before it enters it. This Aerated Oven can only he had on the I‘erms. Cash. Eggs same as Cash. When Going Up Street: ALL ORDERS PROMPTLYIATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson SOLD IN DURHAM BY THE‘FARMERS’ MFG. SUPPLY CU. , The ventilating principle of other ranges simply draws in cold air direct to the oven, heats it and allows it to escape. Suppose you have a pan of biscuits or a sponge cake in the oven, and a gust 015 mlgalilifi strikes themâ€"(i .4 t ey at at once an if"??? . f the whole baking is spoiled. é\' g _ ' II V - EMU M Groceries MATTHEWS a: LATIMER 1.-â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. The GURNEY-TILDEN 90.. MATTHEWS LATI M ER KATE COCHRANE. Agent, DURHAM, ONT. BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, etc. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags and Telescopes Every Souvenir is abnlutely numbed by the makers. J. S. McILRAITH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted» -;Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY BMW. 3 mm Steal Land llollor Suitable for all classes. With a large stock of why you should buy your WE ARE NQ‘V The Aerated Oven ‘" A‘finfilaiéd Oven‘igfl They stand up against, hard workandloh of it. Truss rods 51.1ch the Ira-o. Heavy steel plan to all the drum: Closely Rivetrd Thmuflwut and V stron . Sold byfigcnts. Have a 100k aamp 3 roller. kono genuine withouttho name “BISSELL” Manumctnrod by T. E. BISSELL. ELO‘R‘. ONT. Write for booklet " E.” 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. FROM

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