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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1907, p. 5

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Toronto, 30th March, 1907. Gene J. C. TELFORD, DURHAM vwr-vvvâ€" 7-â€" same Wiil be payable at the Head Office and at the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the lst to the 15th May, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, Notice is hereby given that a. dividend of one and one half per cent. (11/2 per cent.) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six per cent. (6 per cent.) per annum on the capital stock of this bank, has been declared, and that the 'l'T--.J Am-.- _ WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Such as a. 17 Jewel Elgin Nickle movement complete in case for $12, and in the best 25 year filled case with same movement for $16. The above prices are something very seldom heard of in this country, and while they last, we will sell at the price mentioned above. Every watch carries a SPECIAL GUARANTEE Watches! ! ! Watches ! ! ! We are going to offer to the public A SNAP '“ Amerian Watches W. BLACK Bring in your eggs, and we will give you the highest price going. when we think we will be able to satisfy your desire. is the best nmnufactured for all urposes. \Ve also sell Canada. aint 00., and Ramsay’s Ready mixed Paints. We can supply you with any kind 1 f a. BRUSH you desire. on the market. and have an assortment of Wavy. Twisted, Barbed Black Oiled “119. Do not forget that 11119. Sherwin- “’illiams PAINT and can supplx You with almost anv kind manufac- tured: also Grass Catchers Bid0 9 SheaIs Grass Shem 3 Rubber Hose and Garden Tron 818. MOWER; wire “fence We have in stock a variety of LAWN .9 Now is the time to get your lawn in Good Shape for the coming: season. ioo¢oooo¢oo¢ooo¢oo¢o¢¢¢éw HARDWARE You are invited to inspect: our The Sovereign Bank of Canada May 23, 1907 We sell the strongest: Percy G. A. Webster SEEDS And you will have to hurry up if you want one “’ DIAMOND HALL.” And Notice is hereby further given that business meeting of the Council will be held at the same place at 1:30 o’clock in the aftsrnoon of the same 4 day- Saturday, the 25th Day of May, 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore- noon. Dated May 10th, 1907. NOTICE is hereby giwn that. the first. sitting of the Court. of Ravision for the Town-whip of Glmwlg. for the year 1907. will be held at, the Town- ship Hail. on hereby give notice that we will not be responsible for the payment of a note of $30 (I) made by us about three weeks ago in favor of‘I‘homas Wilson. of Durham. and payable in Julv next. as we have returned the property for which the said note was given. DONALD MCARTHUR. ARAHIE MCARTHU-R. Court of Revision Bunesmn. Mav 8th. 1907â€"1 DURHAM. We have a good assortment of Tweeds and Suitings, which we would like you to see. Call and get one of our $1.50 \Vhite ‘Betl Spreads for $1.00 while they last. Our New Spring Stock of Groceries and Crock- ery Ware is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. Spinning will be attezded to as usual. The highest price will be paid in Cash or Trade. §u_sto_m Gording and 1 00.000 Pounds' D. M. STEWART, General Manager. WOOL WANTED I ! TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG, 1907. S. SCOTT THE UN DERSIGNED, Warning. J. S. BLACK. OPTICIAN Township Clerk. ONTARIO. Jr. Iâ€"Susie Adlam, Mary Turnbul], Elsie McLean, Gorman Johnston, Mary Bailey. J amee Milligan. Average attendance 49.‘ . . G. MOLEOD, Teacher. I (0) â€"George Torry, Freddy Reay, Robbie Mighton. John Barran. Jr II-â€"Echel Derby", Ella Park, Freddy Corbect Brigham Livingston, Mary Mather George Adlam, James Miller Cecil Reay Pt. Il-â€"-Marietta Park, Bella Park, Annie R683. Maggie Ho pkine, Eddie Lindsay, Jean Miller, Rex Lawrence: Ruth Miller. Maggie McRonald. Geo. Turnbull, Annie Turnbull. Sr Iâ€"Willie Mather, Edna Reay, John Hopkins. , I (b)-Marzaret Liniisay, Millie Adlam, Eflie ‘Milli gun. Nellie Mur- dick, Margaret Adlam. Sr. IIâ€"Lily Torry, John Derby, Amberzine Bailey. Mary Adlam. JOY Hopkins, Norman McRonald, Evelyn McLean. Harry Falkingham. ‘ IVâ€"Wilford Livingston, Nathan Grierson, Edward Barran. Stanley Livxngston, James Park. James Coutts. Sr. IIIâ€"Douglass Donnelley. Allan Wise, Blanch Wise. Ruby Alexander. Jr. IIIâ€"George Reay, Lina Torry, Evelyn Coutts, Agnes McLean, Annie Lawrence. Mrs. Hickling, Mrs. Trimble and Mrs. T. W. Wilson took in the ex- cursion and visited friends in the city over Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Harry Quigg was at Shelburne last week visiting an aunt and uncle both very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDusen and Miss McConnell, of Dundalk, Spent Sunday at Mr. A. S. VanDusen’s. Mrs. (On) Sproule, of Markdale, was in town on Saturday calling on old friends. Dr. Ottewell was in Toronto last week and was accompanied home by his little nieces, Minerva and Valeria Stanrd, of Montreal. who will holi day for the summer with their auntie here. a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley, who live near Alliston, visited over Saturday and Sunday with the latter’e brother, Mr. John Hales, here, and brother. inolaw, Mr. W. J. Caswell, Toronto line. Mrs. Bulmer is improving her resi- dence by adding a new kitchen at the rear. Mr. and Mrs. Ronstadler were at Linwood last Saturday week attend- ing the funeral of the farmer's father who died at the age of 76 years. Mr. W. Trimble purchased a valu- able roadster last week. We under. stand he bought the animal in Mono. was Spent. Rev. Crawford Tate, whom we in timated last week would have been acceptable as pastor in the Presbvter ian church here. is not available, having accepted a call to Delhi where he preached a Sabbath before coming here. Mr. \V. H. Smith, B. A., a graduate this year of Knox College, preached on Sunday last and delight- ed the congregation with his pleasing delivery and very able sermon. Mr. .Smith is a clever student and his ex- ceptional gifts as a preacher make him much sought after, several calls from good charges having been ofier- ed to him. Mr. L. H. Wilkes. student McMas~ ter University, arrived last week to assist Rev. L. F. Kipp in his work for the summer. Mr. Wilkes will dev0te most of his time at the preaching stations at Ceylon and Kimberley. Dr. Murray and his associates have their handsome gasoline boat readv for the water, and her launching at Wilcoks’ lake on Friday next. the 24th, will be an event of interest. Many have inspected the boat during its communion, and the general ver- dict is that it is a beauty. Dr Mur- ray’s skill in boat building is equal to his dexterous manipulation of the forcips. The boat is to be christened "Shirley M.” after Dr. Murray’s lit- tle daughter. The little craft will be decorated with a neat flag present ed by Editor Thurston. ' Mrs. Bulmer has sold her photo- graph outfit and leased the gallery to Mr. \V, E. Hawkin, of Markdale. This is an old established business and will doubtless continue to prOSper with Mr. Hawkins, who is an enter- prising young man with artistic taste and ability. Mr. David McMullen has, through the agency of R. J. Sproule, sold his brick residence in the village to Mr. Albert Stewart, who intends giving up farming. Mr. MoMullen p‘urposes making his home with one of his sons. ......... , “-u- .. u... nun-nu, NIB. W; H. Bun: and Mrs. W. J. Boyd. The Sacretary reported a large in- crease in membership during the year and the treasurer’s report showed the receipts to have been $104.20 and expenditure $37.84. The annual business meeting of the Methodist.- Lndies’ Aid Society Was held at the parsonage on Wednesday evening of last week when the fol. lowing oficers wem eleoced: Presi. dent, Hrs. (Dr.) Caldwell; lst Vice President, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell;' 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Joseph Clinton ; Seo., Mrs. Fred Hickling; Treas., Mrs. W. A. Armstrong; Parsonage Committee, Mrs Wm. Moore, Mrs. S. S. No. 3. BENTINCK HONOR ROLL. Flesherton / THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ":1 . ‘ ‘ 9p.“ ' ‘1.“ 81“; x ‘1‘}; 'M fish 3, “I I r A law that authorizes the sale of food authorizes the sale of everything but clothing newspapers and station? ery. A restaurant license is all that is needed to qualify a store for the sale of almost everything but dry goods and boots and shoes on Sunday. According to the terms of the Moro son decision the Lord’s Day Aft is a means of increasing and multlplying the Sunday trading it was meant to abolish. J. \V. Blyth attended the District meeting held in Mt Forest on VVed- neaday as lay delegate for the Varney circuit Those same two boys were visiting in Egremont on Sunday again. We will have to reprimand them. R. Pettigrew had the misfortune to lose a fine five-yeanold horse by lockjaw, which is no small less. Mrs. Borne. of Grand Valley. was vis ting at. her bronher in-law’s, Geo. M. Lesson, a. few days lately. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabs. of Holstein, visited with his brother Alf. on Sunday last. Herbie Gizle has engaged as an ap- prentice with our village blacksmith. Ethel Pctcigrew visited at home again last Sunday. The Epworth League social held on Friday night was a grand success. A good prOgram consisting of read- ings, recitations. solos, duetts, in- strumentals. etc. An interesting feature was a contest of making out words. Each one had the name of a flower. place or person with. the let- ters all mixed up. Wilbert Blyth was the successful one. winning the prizeâ€"a Methodist Hymn Bookâ€"by making out 24 names Miss Stewart, of Durham was a close 2nd. having 17, and Miss Watt 16, anda great many others of a less number. The collection amounted to $4. Miss Flossie Dickson. of Orchard. visited at McCabe’s over Sunday. Mr. McCabe bought a mare and colt from R. Pettigrew. Two days after he hitched her up with Wm. Long’s horse, and she beinga very excitable creature kicked and cut up so that in a few minutes they took the harness 0E her when she fell down, and before the Vet., Dr. Wolfe, could be got she died. It is supposed that the excitement was too much for her and that she bursta blood vessel. Alf. is raising the colt by hand which, if he can do, will lessen the loss considerable. Master Joe Staples, we are pleased to learn, is again able to be up and around although not very Strong yet. Mr. M. J. Staples, accompanied by his lady friend, spent a week ago Sunday visiting friends on the south line. The motor cycle, more commonly called by peOple who when driving on the public highway happen to meet it the go devil, passed through this burg Sunday at a high speed. Mr. Wm. Jacques. accompanied by his sister, Miss Josephine, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Staples 9. week ago Sunday. Sabbath School Opened a week ago last’Sunday for the summer with an excellent; day and a large attendance. your town, spent a week ago Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt. The Lindsay boys, of Bentinck - are 1 busy seeding on their uncle’s farm here. Mrs. Thos. Meenagh. who has been seriously ill during the past couple of weeks, we are glad to say is re- covering rapidly. Mr. James Allen visited the Meen- agh family one Sunday recently. . Mr. Thos. Meenagh left for Dauph- in a couple of weeks ago, Where he will remain for the summer. Messrs. Alex. Livingston and R. G. Hewitt, of Priceville. visited the home of the latter’s parents two weeks ago Sunday. The railroad automobile is again going its rounds, which makes things lively, especially horses. All the farmers in this vicinity are. well on with the process of seeding. Same are already done. 7‘ wâ€"â€"'. ,“I "" along silence. which we hope you will pardon. owing to the fact that at this season of the year we are so busy. ‘ Miss Bella McGirr, who has been very ill of late. we are pleased to learn is again on the mend. Mr. Alex. Aljoe has started to Work . the railroad near Spring Bank. flare W9 are Maid Mr Dan‘kies’ Corners. A GOLD BRICK. Varney. - Editor after See our assortment of PicturcfS, and our. StOCK 0f Mouldings. “78 can guarantee satisfaction in Pncture Frammg. Remember We have a full line of the very latest; styles of Go-Carts and Carriages, and we sell them, but at the RIGHT PRICES. Our furniture stock is new and up-Lo-date. and we invite you to call and examine our goods and prices whether you Wish to purchase or not. We always have a. full line of Stoves. Ranges, Tinware, Graniteware Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Glass etc. If you require oils of any kind try us fut' such as 0031 Oil. (both American and Canadian) Linseed Oil, (raw and oiled) Machine Oil. Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Carriage Oil, Axle and Cup Greases, Turpentine, Benzinv. Gasoline etc. Lenahan 6: McIntosh BaSketS, HOOkS’ In these also we have a mil supply and we able Casts, Leaders etc. 3% “PW the want 0f mxmfimmmmfi 33’??un o-Qafaaaawg ,, a: As the fishing season is now on the question all asking ourselves is? Do I need any fishing and Where am I going to get it. Reels and Lines A few doors south of the Middaurrh House. ;hing Poles We carry a “I“ assortment including; the Common Bam- boo, Jointed Bamboo, Split Bamboo, Greenheart, and the very best British Steel Rods. vvvvvvvvv LLJ- tUVVLU, ”Uh“ Brass and Nickel Plated. In lines we have any- thing required, ranging from the Twisted and Braided Lines, to the very best Silk Ones. fCARTS AND BABY CA RRIA GES Eggs taken in exchange for any Goods. Highest Prices Paid. eFURNITURE HARDWARE MURESCO â€"-OIL.Sâ€"â€" We have the very best seleetion in Reels, both cum we are tackle

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