West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jun 1907, p. 3

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To change his advertisements but now offers some NEW BARGAINS : 100 AC RES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling, very large barn. frame stables and pig stables. good soil. good orchard. good bush. Price should be $4000 but will sell tor less than 8300) it sold at once. 250 ACRES near Durham. a good farm, splendidly improved. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal less. 1(1) ACRE§ in Glenelg. near Durham, a fine well improved farm. will sell very cheap or trade. ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of monev to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANQES placed. Difiiculties arranged. .0 fit‘fiféx:dwfiaeanâ€" ‘8}:ééaéinib- Tick'ets for sale. Everything pnvate. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO WERS RAKES _ SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Implements ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OI" Democrats and Buggies gages. -sv -§k$!2$1’4$’2§% SQ$Y4$Â¥2§3234 % 2This Means Y0u2 $3280 Come Alongg Implement Agent and Auctioneer. 3 c. L._‘_G_RANT§ F. E. SIEGNER Monuments and Tombstones ()‘VEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements Machinery. The hot weather will soon be here and you should have the comfort afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. We have the kinds that work easy and lastalong time. The rice is right to. COME ‘EE. See our GASOLINE STO- VE, the cheapest and best on the market. no trouble. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, ' ' to do business with you, we trust to our mutual advan tage. 1 Our stock is new and attractive and our prices are low} Come andjudge for your- self. We are always pleased to show goods, whether you buy or not. If you do no: buy now you will again. Look out for our locals. 'WW’INWW?§WW§ A Large Supply of TIN- VVARE always on hand, or made to order on shortest notice. Try our Ramsay Paints and Varnishes of all kinds. June 6, 1907. Hardware and Tinware HANOVER CONVEYANCER H. H. Miller (Rubber and Steel Tim-s.) John Clark Get ready for : HAS BEEN : : E ARE NOW READY 2 BUSY DURHAM. DURHAM. H. H. MILLER Berlin Pianos $l Hy o mei really gives you a health- gig ivmg climate in your own home, so W that when you breathe its medicated r: !a i,r 3 our nose, throat and lungs will l$tb e fi led with air like that on the § mountains, high above the sea level, lb [m where grow balsamic trees and ‘5 pwlants, which purify the air with $1) their volatile antiseptic fragrance so is healing to the respiratory organs. We do 1101 want anyone’s money g’unless Hy-o- me1 gives relief and (film cure, and we absolutely agree that '. ‘ 9v . money will be refunded unless the lremedy gives satisfaction. South Grey and East Wellington The Excursion will start by Special Trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. Trains will run accord- ing to the following Time Table: Leave Adults Child’n Durham 7 10 a.m. $1.15 $0.60 Varney 7.15 " 1 1:3 60 Holstein 7. ‘29 “ 1.15 60 Mt. Forest 7. 45 “ 1.05 55 Palmerston 8 05 “ Elmwood 7 10 “ 1 20 60 Hanover 7.9.7 “ 1 15 0‘0 NeuStadt 7. 32 “ 1.15 60 Ayton 7.10 ” 1 10 55 Alsfeldt 7 55 h 1 10 5:3 PalmerSton 8.20 “ Durham Varney Holstein Mt. Foresc Palmerston Elmwood Hanover NeuStadt Ayton Alsfeldt PalmerSton SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 70? PEI Gland hunk Railway T0 GUELPH Arrive at Guelph 935 a. m. Re- turning. leave Guelph 5.30 p. m Tickets good to return on any train on the 10th All are invited, and all should take‘ this opportunity of visiting the farm. Which in all its diflerent departments is ‘worthy of inspection.â€"-The eXperi-l mental plots of all varieties of grains, j grasses, roots. and forage cr0ps; the difierent breeds of Live Stock; the Farm Dairy, the Creamery, the Cheese Factory, the Museum and Flower Department; the Rural Con- solidated School Buildings, where the children from five School Sections are taught in a good graded school, and the McDonald Institute, a school for farmers’ daughters. These immense buildings have been erected by Sir William McDonald, of Montreal. Ample train accommodation will be provided, and everything will be comfortable. Make your arrange- ments early and take in this Excur- siou. Lunch Provided .on Farm Will be held under the snapices of the South Grey and East Wel- ‘lington Farmers’ Institutes on ROBT. MORICE, Pres. S. Grey, Durham P. O. C. NICHOLSON, Sec. E. \Vellingtcn, MK. h‘o'rest P. O. To Prove That I-Iyomei Will Cure Ca- tarrh, Every Reader of the Chron- icle Can Have Special Guaran- tee. A.HUTCHISON. Pres. E.Wellington, Mi. Forest P. O. If there is any doubt in your mind as to the pOWer of Hy-o-mei, the medicated air treatme t, to cure all catarrhal troubles. t is remarkable oEer should expel that doubt. \Ve give our personal guarantee with every dollar outfits of Hyomei sold. to refund the money unless it gives satisfaction. We take all the risk of cure, and no reader of the Chronicle can afford to suffer longer with cacarrh when an ofier like this is made. With every Hy-o-mei outfit is a neat pocket: inhaler, and Hy-o-mei breached through this inhaler. reaches the moat remote air-cells of the nose. throat and lungs, destroy. ing all catarrhal germs, and soothing and healing the irritated mucous membrane. TAHMTHS’ INSTITUTES All druggists should be able to supply you with Hy-oâ€"mei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price, $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company. Bnfialo, Experimental Farm AND Ontario Agr’l College FOR OUR READERS. GEO. BINNIE. Sec. S. Grey. GRAND Bunessan P. O. HHHH OOU'O' 60 60 55 'â€" DD To THE: EDITOR DURHAM CHRONICLE: Some time ago the head of the Government at Ottawa gave vent to the opinion that Canada should emu- late the United- States in its indus- trial progressiveness and business methods. Next thing we hear from the same source is that we are going to have in Canada a northern Pitts- burgh that would rival if not exceed its southern neighbor. No sooner said than done the company was formed, the concern built and estab- lished on the shore of the great Atlantic at a place called Sydney, and concurrent with all this come the funds to subsioize the undertak- ing. Bonus upon bonus is set apart for it and patient toiler from Halifax to Vancouven as a revenue taxpayer has to contribute to the building up of this great northern Pittsburgh so unlike in its inception to its great southern neighbor. And then as a business concern why should the revenue tax-payer of Canada be call- ed on to support it at all placed as it is on the very verge of Canadian in« dustrial limit. How unjust it is that we revenue tax-payers should have to pay to an establishment that is no earthly use to us and yet millions upon millions of the peeple’s money have gone to its share. And just as the time draws nigh to be rid of all these iron bounties the great Finance Minister steps on the scene to say that the bounties are not to come to an end but are to be continued and largely increased. What a bold audacious manâ€"was it not enought to say and that in the face of public opinion that retiring Ministers must have a pension but now he comes on with characteristic boldness and in the face of a law that would end the matter he prOposes not only to continue but to increase the iron bounties that he may still gorge that pet nestling of his on the shores of the Bay of Fundy and which he has been feeding for some time back with golden pelletsâ€"mil- lions upon millions at the public ex- pense. Down with Mr Fielding thei great Finance Miniscer, down with him in earnest or any orher man that thinks he can ride over the people in such fashion We have heard of some lazy (allows that go around sponging living on their friends. but these men in authority seem to like Sponging on the taxpayer and feeding their friends on the fat of the land. riding about in their chariots of gold or regaling themselves in their beau. tiiul yachts on the waters of the great Bay ; and now he wants to give l 15 millions more to these friends of! his of the iron smelting craft Which? is 15 dollars a year on each and every family or group of six over the whole Dominion Minister Fielding must think we are a lot of (Ools to submit to such presumptuous eXtravagance. No wonder we are forced to cry out lDown with Mr. Fielding! There was a people under a religious frenzy who cried out and threw dust in the air and said away with such a fellow from the earth he is not fit to live. Now certainly Mr. Fielding is not fit to live any longer as Minister of Finance. He is like the Kite that was mounted to a Wondrous height and got giddy with its elevation. He is losing his balance. Mr. Tarte had to go and the Ross Government had to go and if Mr. Fielding does not go or have to go we will have a revolu- tion or a landslide more remarkable than the other. Not long ago Mr. I Fielding was unseated on account of bribery. but was re-elected because his opponent Spoiled himself by us- ing words that were ofiensive to both‘ parties, and in Bruce a Government 1 candidate was elected with ease ow- ing to the unwillingness or unfitness of the opposition candidate or through some unaccountable mismanagement on the opposition side ; and again in South Grey the same inscrutable and unaccountable over again. This thing of proposing opposition candid- ates who are sure not to be elected is very suSpicious looking on both sides. Bribery seems to be the handmaid of partyism and she wees the sinners with her golden locks. Our politi- cians tell us of an abounding revenue let them answer the question where does it come from ? They also tell us that increased expenditure is not extravagance. What about Mr. Fielding’s prOposal to give fifteen millions more money to the smelting houses is not that extravagance with a vengeance? What have the peo- ple around Toronto. South Grey. Winnipeg or Vancouver to say to this thing of paying a revenue tax to enricn a few men down in Nova Scotia. Awake. farmers, aWake, and all revenue taxpayers awake ! Sure- ly it is high time to wake up and get our eyes Open and see that as long 33 3 we send party men to parliament we ' will have partyism. bribery and cor- ruption for these terms are almost synonymous. Do not send apathy man to parliament on no account for if you do you are guilty of perputa- ting a system of bribery and corrup- tion which is a disgrace to our count try. Be independent and help save the country from such a state of morbid political immorality and de- baeement ; yes. let us be independent and send independent men to parlia- ment. The independent electors must Put their hands to the plow or “111188 Will go from bad to worse. T0 the indePendent electors I would say‘ let this thing of partyism be eliminated from amongst us and in plainer language let it be wiped out, and you are the man to wipe it out; and if you wish to be more emphatic let it be stamped out, and you are the man to stamp it out. Away with partyism, away with tarifi protection, iron bonntios. rail- way subsidies and a host of others. Millions upon millions of our hard THE BONUS CURSE. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE fit“?! earned money given" away-to make rich men richer. Yes. to make mi}- liouairee. No objection to million- airesif they make their money by their own tact and good.honest man- '“VI’. â€" - agement. but to thifik of the govern- ment collecting money OR the hard working man and than giving it away "VI “in“ â€"â€"â€" .__, in fistfulls to make millionaires of their many friends who come with such sly and cunning importunity to get their share of the prog. Away with such! Some people call it rob bery and if robbery is a misnomer then what will we call it? Away with Fielding the great Finance Min- ister or any other man that will be guilty of such unnecessary and un- precedented extravagance. Where is the independence of South Grey, where those electors who so submis- sively still continue to pay to this abounding revenue? Do they know how much each one is paying or are they so blind with the influence of partyism that they will not see- that each and every farmer on the average is paying 60 dollars a year into the Dominion Treasury and if Mr. Fielding succeeds in giving away 15 million dollars more to the iron smelters then he will have to pay 75 instead of 60. The proof of this is taken from the Weekly Sun of some months back where it says that the revenue collected by the Dominion Government 05 Ontirio is three times the amount collected by ordin- ary tax collector of municipal rates in said province of Ontario. Then we must say if an average farmer pays $9.0 a year of tax to the town- ship collector he must pay 60 to the government revenue. 0 ‘l', v v-uâ€"câ€"v There 18 still another proof. Mr. Editor but as my scribble is even now too long. I beg to remain, Yours respectfully, ROBERT LEGATE. Shades of Greenside, April ~ The average man cannot afiord to employ a physician {or every slight ailment or injury that; may occur in his family, nor can be afiord to neg- lect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has. been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence UV kusvw vâ€"v vâ€"‘vv every man must from necessity be his own doctor for this class of ail- ments. Success often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Chamberlain’s Rome dies have been in the market for many years and enjoy a good repute tion. Cnamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv for bowel com- plaints. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm (an anti- septic liniment) for cute, bruises. burns. sprains swellings. lame back and rheumatic, pains. Chamberlaia's Stomach and Lwer Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain’s Salve for diseases of the skin. One bottle of each five preparations cosss but. $1. 25. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Constable Hodgins of Bervie drove into town last Thursday in charge of a prisoner named William Edwin Switzer, who had been remanded to jail by Magistrate Barker of Kincar- dine. The charge against Switzer is that of Bigamy. In other words it is alleged that he has more wives than the law allows. The records Show that in 1894 Switzer was mar- ried to Miss Ida Jane Baldrow at Strathclair. Manitoba. Miss Baldrow was an Ashfield girl, and Went'np to Manitoba by arrangement to marry Switzer. She proved to be a frugal. hard-working woman and they made money fast. But it tranSpired that the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Switzer was nOta very happy one. Switzer told his wife frequently that Vuv- 'vâ€"w he had married- the wrong girl and finally. picked up and left her. He came to Holyrood, bringing his three children with him. and in January last, married a Ripley girl. This last marriage was performed in Pem- bina in North Dakota. The second wife knew Switzer from the time he was a boy, in fact they went to the same school, so that when she .mar- ried him she knew all about his first marriage. The first wife is at pres- ent in Kincardine, and both wives have been subpoeaned to give evi. denoe against him. The first wife has also started a suit against him for alimony. After lying in jail from Thursday till Monday. he managed to get bail, and was liberated. His preliminary trial will take place be- fore Magistrate Barker on Friday of this week.â€"-Telescope. Rosy glow in the face Sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the outcome of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enrich- ing the blood than to ues Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills. By-their gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and liver system, leavmg i able to do the work necessary for the maintenahoe of health.‘ 7I‘o Be well, look well. and feel always at .your best, use Dr. Hamil- ton’e Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut, a. truly wonderful medicine for young and old. Price 250 et all dealers. Every Man His Own Doctor. CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. BLOOD, PURE. RICH. ’07. You will consult your own interests as well as ours if you will call and examine our goods and prices before buying your nuxt pair of BOOIS, SDOQS, . When Going Up Street: Call and ask to see anything you want in footwear. If our goods and prices dont suit your taste and purse, we will not urge you to buy What you dont want. Our aim is to keep goods that sell with- out; urging the buyer. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes, Suit Cases in Stock. Some lines of Hosiery at interesting prices. Custom work and repairing as quickly as possible. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLYMTTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson Limited HAMILTON. WINNIPEG. MONTREAL. VARCOUVER 403 comes out of the oven in exactly the same condition as it broiled. The Souvenir s'Aerated Oven causes meat therein to be con- stantly surrounded by m“... freshy oxygen, and rea ly roasts it. Most ovens mg only bake meat. '7‘ ‘ Egg}; , The GURNEY-TILDEN CO. I ROW Groceries MATTHEWS a? LATIMER 1.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"-Groceries will suit you. 3,â€"Promptness of delivery wnll surprise you. MATTH EWS LATI M ER KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the make“. The doctor orders meat broiled for his a patientsâ€"he wants it hygienically cooked in pure oxygen, with all the nourishing juices and the sweet tasty flavor retained. Meat {roasted in a or Slippers d. S. McILRAITH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS ' n tWW . W WNW W mama) WW WW Hygienically Cooked ‘35:;L251lfim Meats Add in M} } :21 'Ho H.‘ [H .‘i‘e g“ '1? Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY The down Store. why you should buy your For plumbing basement closets, etc.. for Durham Public School. Tenders willbe received up to 14th June A. D. 1907. Plans and specifications may be seen at. J. P. Telford's Office, Dur Chairman Durham Public School Rd Dated Maw 2181:. 1907. LO‘l‘S. i ACRE EACH. ON COL- LEGE Street. covered by good bearing Orchgrd. Excellent bullding site. Will sell cheap. Edward Kress, May 21â€"4. 4.â€"-â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and entire satisfaction. TR Y US. Tenders Wanted, Lots For Sale. WILLIAM J Ohxs'rox,

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