THE DURHAM CHBUNIELE IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORVIXG At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street, ' ’ Tan Cnaoxxcu: will be sent to sumptlon any address. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 UOper year, payable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no paid. lbo- dam to which every subscription is paid is denoted by the number «n the address label. X0 paper die- continued to all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. Advertising For transient advertigements 8 Ba cents per line for the first inser- t“ tion; 3 cents per line each subseo qnent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards. not exceedin one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements wit out speciï¬c directions will be published till forbid and chai ged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€""Lost.†‘=Found.†“For Sale," etc,-30 cents for ï¬rst insertion, 26 cents for each snbeeqnent insertion. ‘ ‘ ‘ _-'___.-_ Contract rates 40:- yearly advertisements fur- nished oq apphcation to the oflice. ‘ â€"A_llv gdrerï¬eements ordered by strangers must bepaid for in ad vapce. mXIiâ€" iaaxi'vér'tisémenta. to? ensure insertion in c_nrrent week. qbuuld be brought in not later than TUESDAY morning- Th ' . . is completely stocked with all D 6 Jab- _1\'.E_W TYPE. thus aï¬ording fac- apartment xlm‘es for turning out First-class FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east'of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durham Oï¬ce hours from 12 to 2 o’clock U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oï¬ice hoursâ€"941 a. 111.. 2-4 p. m., 7-9 p. m. Telephone No. 10. HYSICIAN AN I) SURGEON , OF- ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 109 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. G Late Ass' tam. Roy. London Ophthamec Hoe. Eng" and oGoiclen Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. Will be at the Midlaugh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from llto 4 p. m. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. RADULATE of London, N w York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satu:dav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.111. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Oflice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofï¬ce D 05108 over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm pronertv. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- _ veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. 0ï¬1ces:â€"-In the McIntyre Block,- over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. Drs. Jamieson .‘Maclaurin. .L‘ er. Conveyam-er,’ 82c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Max:- nage Lxcenses. A general huancml bus:- ness tramacted. I. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. \fFICE AN 0 RESIDENCEâ€"COR. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- .L er. Conveyanver, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- d - tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales A. promptly attended to. Orders may be lefti at his Implement Warerooms, MpKinnon’M old stand. or at the Chronicle Oï¬nce. ‘ VVILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice qutqge and singulg,‘ Studio V" â€" Voice culture and singmsz, Studio at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertoun Feb tf. DURH 7-1 M, ONT., M. Glaser DURHAM, , - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Bags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsenair, Sheepskins and Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. Save your stuff till I call, or give me we notice when you have a. quantity Mar. 19.. J F. GRANT, D. D. Nov. 9, ’ 3. l. P Telford. ARRISTE1., SOLICL'F()R_. E_'_l‘0. June 13‘ 1907 OBN CLARK. LICENSED Apo- EDITOR AxD PROPRIETOR, DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) Dr. w. 0. Pickering I Dentist. Medical ' Directorv. Arthur Gun. M. D. Dental Dz’rectorv. MacKay Dunn. DR. BROWN Ben. H. K. Midfnrd Legal ‘Dz’rectorv W. IRWIN Miscellaneous. work DH. BURT. EXCLUSIVELY Ear, Throat and Nose M. GLASER Winter Leaves Us Miserable, Ailing, Weak REGAIN NOW THE STRENGTH YOU LACK! During the winter the svstem gets sluggish. The blood. polluted with imp rities deadens the nervous sys- tem and dulls the action of both liver and kidneys; the foulness of the MS- tem increases and when spring comes we are limp and useless Spring “systom Meaning†is a duty; the body sawers must; be flush ed out and wasm matter removedâ€" otherwise weakness will surely fol- low. Begin by enriching tho: blood. Makn it pure and nutriï¬mm by blood former known to medical sciencp. Ferrozone makes the liver fairlv Sim: with new life. makps tho. k313- neys dance with ranewed vitalitv. and thus the Winter’s accumularion of pollution iq expelled. Of course dieestion must be im ! proved. and probably the stomach will require aid as well. errrozone serves the purpose admirably. Thane? who use it, enjoy appetite and (ii ‘ gesture powers far beyond the orfli ' nary i That tired feeling is replaoeq hv the baoyunt joyous sensation of health and vigor. Day' by day as your strength increases. ynu fee! new energy surging through your veins. and know that a tonic of great. merit is at work. No remedy more nouriahing or up lifting. no treatment so sure to bring lasting health, good Spirits and con- tentment. Ferrozone contain-é. just what run-down folks need; it cures because it supplies more nutrimenr than you can get In any other way. Free from alcohol and prepared onlv in chocolate-coated tablets. 50c. per box or six for $2.50 at all dealers Be sure you try HFen-ozone †! If neglected it will weaken the ithroat and ï¬nally reach the lungs :Nothing simpler than inhaling the ihealing vapor of Catarrhozone. Its .action is like magic. so helpful. so iso easily apply. Be done with Bron- chial trouble for all time! Catawb- ‘ ozone does core the worst cases will {cure vo'iz too. Sold everywhere 25c and $1 00 under absolute guarantee of satisfaction. ~ THAT DRY COUGH IS BRONCHIT- [gnemlmma mwgegfl Eï¬gï¬Ã© 3J3 . fl saw???“ -.!' .. Is famous WhereVer music is cultiv. with their 1121111133 the 11011 r1111] m“ ' Bros. Piano. Patti, Kellng Camp» whose autograph letters (119. 3.21.011: For over 40 years the Nnrdhwinm- flu , --. Lately, however, the customs duty in» hwn ‘ To meet, this condition the Hninu-z Bms. ( e... Pianos are made from original Si‘iliwï¬, pnticl‘ The Haihes Bros. Pianos :n'v now fur sale by are the very ï¬nest instruments. an the (hmmlim Sme R()().\Isâ€"â€"1\111rdock s \iidat :mgh Hum-u Expert Tuning promptly attended tn. Terms are made to suit purchaser. Used Pianos :Lmi (hut-WW" BUILD UP NOW. STYLE LOUIS XIII GEO. H. K. MEDFORD, The Haines Bros., Piano Queer Chinese Belief. It is a common belief among China- men that if one commits any crime against certain animalsâ€"cats. for ex- ampleâ€"the soul of that animal will take possession of the wrongdoer until the oï¬ense has been purged. A serv- ant girl, according to the oriental tam. mindful of tradition, put to death a cat and its three kittens. She was. taken violently ill. Her mistress. sus- pecting the cause from the fact that the maid was scratching and mewing. apostrophized the body of the (lead cat, demanding to know why it thus tormented the girl. The spirit of the cat, speaking by way of the girl’s mouth, denounced the quadruple mur- der. The whole story was told by the girl in the character of the cat. Then she expired in violent convulsions. Elephants Can Carry a Grudge. AHindoo mahout was employed with {working elephant in Bangkok, Siam, and frequently used a steel goad in de- ï¬ance~of all warnings. The result was that his elephant made frequent at- tempts to kill him, and ï¬nally the man was discharged. Nearly four years afterward, by a most remarkable coin- cidence, both elephant and mahout met again In Maulmain, Burma, and no sooner was the big tnsker out of sight of the sawmill and well into the forest than he curled his trunk up backward, seized his old persecutor by the neck, hurled him to the ground, and in an instant a mighty forefoot had crushed out his life. BeWitChed. ‘L" .U-mC‘ la DU flux» uuuuuuuuu J v ____ y Morrison, an English traveler of the able. seventeenth century, while at Dantzic, ‘ Do not delay any longer the use of Prussia, says he “saw a mill which, ‘ Hy o mc-i if you suï¬er with catarrh. without the help of human hands, dide'l‘his is a purely local disease, and saw boards. It had a great-nonwheel, iHy-o-mei goes right to the spot whichdid not only drive the saw, but I where the catarrh germs are present, which did also book in and turn the idwstroys them. soothes and heals all 1038 on to the saw.†Dr. John Dee linflammation and makes apermanent must have seen a similar mill at inure Phague. Of it he says, “I saw me- a g The complete Hy..o.mei outï¬t; con- mm at Prague of which I verily be- of the "Little Pocket Physiqian†lleve the devil himself was master.†land a bottle of By 0 mei and COStS The Result. 1. Magistrateâ€"What! Do you mean 9 say Your husband struck you'and he that physical wreck? Mrs. Malone?“ Yes. ~:Vï¬â€˜l‘ honor, but he’s only been a physical wreck since he struck me. Specimens. Mrs. Neweddaâ€"Certainly, you may take some of those biscuits to your friend. IS be hungry too? Weary.â€" )(c. mum; he’s a geologist! Mathematics. Motherâ€"Jean give half of your apple w your little sister. Remember that a pleasure shared is doubled. Jeanâ€"Yes, mother but an apple shared is halved. â€"N‘os Dom. 119:! as .-u art; -r.hc must Calvin-aw 1 artists of modern times admn huse whn hnxe \Vl'iu‘fen hf and spnken nf the beauty of the Haines :uiui. \‘ 1- l-k‘.)SCh, Ahhotr, :énlnssi, l'il'igmfliâ€"al'e :L fewmlly of those ma vh. v‘islwd posseswim» nf U. 9 present, “nines Bros. fzunily. «‘1‘ W" , “"0. H1" Hwinns 1-3 ' w. Pimme tn the! hestclientelluin (“u-madn. hm mm» M) high zh' m rumlvr Ihvn- impm‘mthm uhnost prnl‘lihitive. {11’s. (‘ev,, hilk't‘ I)()\\' :1. ï¬llilnl‘y 11f I’M-i." (“VII in Canada Where the -.~‘. an†(“mm 0116... um! ni't’wch in Penhic :lL strictly New Ym'k ln-ices. w fur sale by I..E)Hlug»101illg dealers tin-nughnut the Dominion, and Hm (humulizm markvt. at..3...4!((‘«.: H‘PTIIchl-nl! .7! Irod.‘ .IIIIMH ( .v .erl... Pf ’f’rwhrfnlrr, #I OI THE DI'RHAM UllmmlCLE (>0FrHPHhHï¬trurtrLruWNHL JNUVHM! “(Prim 4.... i .. 'l‘im infest Pnpnhr' Music at; Pom! Representative 'szmu in Hx'arhang‘c at. £1. fair valuation vk, nr at Studio, Upper Town , A horse died in Kansas a few days Iith and a, paper there explains that L I he animal was so poor that its ribs Erubbad mgether and the friction caused the bay to ignite, suï¬ocating ga‘ne untortunate beast.â€"Aspermonc «Tex ) Star. There is really no excuse whatever -‘or anyone having catarrh now that Hy- --o mei is so successfully obtain- able. 3 l If he oï¬ers something “heme?†«hnn Putnam’s Corn Extractor. it’s the additional proï¬t or inferior goods that. tennis him. Putnam’s is the m e, sune xud gaiuless (‘ure USH no U h‘rl‘. The Star states the case exactly as «t, happened except that it was excel- qm- instead of hey. The horse broke inw a mattress factory and â€licked .he st-uï¬m †out of it..â€"Dallas News. Hvomel 1s Guaranteed To Cure Ca tarrh LITTL" POCKET PHY= SICIAN. Thousands who have been cured by H o mei call the inhaler that comes with every outï¬t the "Little Pocket. Physician,†as it is S) email that in (Bad easily be carried in the pocket or The complete Hy-o-mei outï¬t con- ~i3ts of the "Little Pocket Physician†and a. bottle of By 0 mei and c03ts Univ 31 00. making it the most eco- nomical as well as the only guaran 'eed treatment for the cure of ca- rnrrh. Remember that Hy-o-mei Cures catarrh without stomach dos ing. applying the medication and healing where the disease germs are present. We do not want anyone’s money unless Hy o-mei gives rehef sud cure and we absolutely agree that money “in be retunded .unless the remedy Hives satisfaction. All druggiscs should be able to sup- ply you with Hy-o-mei Or we will send it by‘mnil on receipt of price, $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it. costs ’nothing unless it cures. Eooth’aï¬yomei Company Buï¬alo, N. IFS‘P LOOK OUT FOR THIS MAN. A DEAD HORSE. :11‘ l'ru'rs. .0, I'll! ll-.. -4 ‘L-4 4 4 4 .1 .Ffvfbervr I flu I. - . .FW . Songs, wanna; mm. Funeral Director‘s Nu“ nullSK‘ rt, (3") Pd Pnch WPPL‘. A. gELL UN DE RTAKER Picture Framing 011‘ Silo/fast IIOflL‘c’. Fhr s'wmach troubled. hilauuumaw and m‘olzmipx'inn try Chmnb-arMm’s' Smm'ch and Lina:- Tnhltâ€"h. Mam“ :emmknble cures have been ofl'ecwd by thmn Pricp ‘35 cums S mph-m free 1 or sale at Parker’s Drug Stone The New Harness Shop is bright and tony. Call and see huw Jack can suit you, Axle Grease, Buggy Top Dressing Gall Cure different kinds, Harness Oil, Polish, and Metal Polish. Black de black dressing for your harness LIFE 3! PM! (Hi. webstcr Full line of Catholic Rnlws. :11ch Mark and white Caps for :xgcd pcnplv. $2.3. :3.5_m.,.1»/4¢x~ T. m2:::5i. @563. $53... . P. Kinnee 5".)le A'l‘ H ALF PRICE . w ~‘ 5 \‘n \ .pa ' 'F O‘HQ' . ' "u M \ It ; U, ‘ 23 l J: A 5 Q,‘ . ‘m' ' thfl:a‘ Embalming a Specialty l have phaced in. week a ï¬ne line of late 25 gems Per flow and iwo=$teps and \\'hips and Sweat, Pads. are not, forgutto L W 3g .. “ so " -- (w. “J u u 36 66 u â€C. u ‘31, .s c. 50 n u $1.“) ‘6 ‘3)f 06 Loc 54 5‘ 66 $1.40 66 (fable Linen 54 inches wide, 25¢ a yard 60 so 68 H 66 500 66 : Bleached Table Linen 54 inches Wide 3 35¢. a yard. iLadies’ black sateen underskirts at ! $1.0‘Jeach. fLadies’ white lawn under-skirts 3 75¢. each ' ,See our ladies’ fancy collars at 250 machâ€"Bargains. :Sce our new Prints and Dress ‘ Ginghams. ! FLANNELET'lE BLANKETsâ€"Lanze 11-4 size in white and gray, $1.20 pr. iI-‘LOOR OlLCLOTHâ€"l yd.. 132 yds. 2 yds. wide. 25¢. a square y:..rd. SMYRNA BUGSâ€"30x60 inches $3.00 ouch. 'l‘EA-â€"Salztda Ceylon Tgayn Mac}: and Pure Canadian Honey in BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- I‘UMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish N. mv PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELI DRILLING, RE-CURBING um Pnnsacvnnnta «1mm with Cement. concrete. Pu m ps. - ALL ORDERS taken at the old stud mar Victiowsura Mill will be prompt.“ at tended to. x a“. Want: GUARANTEED at “Live and ‘w 15w" PRICES GEORGE WHITMORE. IJ-L IIvuI vu-v mixed at†)c., 306.. and 400. a H) 'ards long, 26 inches Wide, on 60 . H. BEAN LACE CURTAINS. Proprietor ‘6 ‘6