undersig nod, 2 yearlings, 1 steer red and white. and 1 heifer blue and white. Information will be thankfully receivedâ€" John Ewen, Rocky Sangeen. ROM THE PREMISES OF THE un_dersigned,2vearlings,1 steer red ‘NANTED TWO EXPERIENCED Servant girls. ADDIV at once at Dr- June 13â€"]. V TILL HAVE m3 Quantity of slabs. mixed wood. at . Servant girls. Applv at once at Dr. Jamxeson’s. . She-91w. one. two. and three years old. Apply tu l‘hos. Scarf Sons. Rocky Sau- geen. April llâ€"tf. D forxegistration. Color darkroan. Age one3ear. \Xillsellright. Wm. Le ,9:ette, Rocky Sangeen. March '33â€"-tf. .1 best prices. Consï¬Iâ€"t ge:\:il;£ buying Geo. Huh. Mldford. Studio Mr. J. Lat:- mer’s, L. pper Town, Durham. May 2ndâ€"tf. .I.) Gendron, good as ne“. Call on James Glass, manaoex at. F larity s. 00D HEAVY SEVEN YEAR OLD Home. Will sell cheap to quick buy- or -â€"James Atkinson. Max 22 F.1d “If. U teennmmhs old Color red. Eligible for registraticm. Price right. Apply to Wm. Emith. 512. 1.‘_. miles east uf Durham. 5 201-45 Dd. Quantity of slabs, mixed wood. at $3.50 per large double load dehvered. Or- ders may be left at the Chronicle Oï¬ice. The Durham Furniture Co. wlFurtber arrangments made at time of sae fl lixeneeks old. App 1V to John Cuï¬, Lot 48‘ Con; ’\. D. R. Hutton Hill. - -.1pd .1. Monday. Juno-41. at 7 o‘clock p.m., by the trustrees of Maplewood Uemetry, the old Log School House and Woodshed at Barbers’ Corner. Normandy. A storey dwelling. alongside Presby teriau Name property in Upper Town, Durham. Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms, pantry, closets, can em. floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame stable. hard and soft water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars apply to John W. .‘oIcKeclmie. Owner, Rockv Saugeen P. 0. Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. 0 THE HIGHEST BIDDER. ON Monday. June 24th. a_t T o‘plock p.m., A (“1981! 311d (/C'llllteh‘s Streetsâ€"crawl location p: ices reasonable \pplv to Thus \fmith or at the Post Uï¬ice. May L’Owtf. ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH hf Saddler street in the Town of Dur ham in the «(.nmtx m Grey, containingé acres more or 185*. For terms and particn lars armlv tn J P. Telt‘ord, V’sendor Solici- 02' Durham Dec. 20-.th Cra{\;f'«',rrd, Varuey ()nt. Man-h mutt .l Vamey. (Soul rough cast building. Good stabling, shed and other com‘eniencus. About three quarters of an nere of ground. The uwner is anxious to sell and a. quick purchaser \yill get. abargaiu Mrs. Wm. June 1-0 w pd. . tiun, 20ml brick Hotel,’ 200d stable and livery barn For mll partlculars apply to Joseph Cairns. Ceylon 1’ U, Ont. VHE 50 ACRES BEING PART OF Lot Number 6'3. in the lst Concession north of the Du ham Road. in thesTownship of Bentinck. belonging to the Wilson Bruno and leasul to Mr. Arthur Hunt. must'be sold to close the Estate. Possession lst April. 1908. For further particulars and terms apply to Charles H. Gill, Agent. Dixie. County of Peel. Ontario. May 16thâ€"tf. about six miles from Durham. Good title. Pnss'essmnat once. Guodland. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. 'I'elford, Durham. V Feb 221M] 1905 â€"â€"tf 100 ACRES LOI‘ ‘24, CON ‘21, Ezremont. nearlv all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Good frame house. coqurtable barn and stables. well Will sell on easy terms. Apply to J. G; Orchard 45 York St, London. Feh’y lQâ€"Bm. pd . HORTHORN BULL. ELIGIBLE 3331);}: THEM VJ. â€"- _ cession West of the Garafraxa Road, in tha Township of Normanby, in the County of Grev. For particulars apply to J. P. 'I‘elford, Barrister. Durham. HOMOHLM. mow mwbm QdeHZm NE SHOBTHURN BULL FOUR- U the Tow: ship of Bentinck. 208 acres, new brick house. two large bank barns. land ï¬rst class, all cleared except 20 acres. Snap to (mick purchaser. 31500 down. bal- ance at 4i. per cent. Apply to MacKay Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors. 2-6 07-â€"-tf {p51 y m 21. PL Telfo'r'd. E G ISTERED SHROPSHIRE 1. Lot No. 1. E. G R.. in the Township of Glenelg. 100 acres known as the “McKin- noa Farm†at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate gosgesiiqq g_iven. For particular: nannï¬ A HE 2N 0 AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No. I. E G R.. in thg Tpï¬ngjgip Vend'o'r. Look ova:- tbis comma every week to ï¬nd something that may interest you. A uable farms in New Ontario. near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount. for cash. Map of the locality and terms gwen 2n application to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for vacant. ‘1 Lost or Strayed. my“: HOTEL PROPERTY“ ‘A'I‘ Classified Advenisements STEMâ€"BER OF TOWN LOTS ON NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS, o'rm. AT FLESHERTON_ STA- Property for Sale. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO Stock Wanted Miscellaneous. Stock for Sale. NUM BER OF IMPROVED VAL ‘1‘m‘; GARAFRAXA ROAPâ€" Farms for Sale. 21-1}: THEâ€"SECOND 901v; up THE BEST FARMS IN .‘W'. 718% -â€"tt '37'1‘1167â€" tf "â€"‘J - Mr. Alex. Webster, of Vancouver, 8. 0., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Rob- ertson, and also various school-mates and associates in this vicinity. Mrs Webster is visiting relatives in Shel- burne. It is 1‘} years since Alex. came east before and he then took his bride back with him. Mr. Walter Nichol, who has spent the past year in EurOpe, principally Germany, returned a sherrtime ago to his home here. He preached morning and evening last Sunday to The following from a recent issue of the Christian Guardian: " The May Quarterly Board of Priceville circuit Was held in Priceville church on Sat- urday, May 4th. Finances in both circuit ccnnexional funds were satis- factory. During the past year the envelope system has been introduced, some of the peeple were at ï¬rst ad- verse to this idea, but at the end of the year were pleased. Our minister Rev. W. F. Roach closes this year with us as a pastorate of four years, and in every sense it has been a suc cessful one. Zealous in the Master’s work our minister has been untiring in eï¬'orts to win for God those amongst whom he went. Acceptable as a preacher and ever evincing an interest in the welfare of his peoplel in charge. it has been indeed four years of harmony on this circuit. Neither shall we forget his arduous labors in the campaign for local 0p tion in this township which wasl crowned with success. At the Quar-l terly Board the members expressed: their appreciation of Mr. Roach’s ser-? vices and their earnest wishes for his: future success and the welfare of‘ himself, Mrs. Roach and family. I '7' Ex County Councillor McLean and Mr. E. Crozier. of Bentinck, were callers at the home to day (Tuesday). Mrs. Robinson, of Noccawasaga, and Miss Ruby Stone. of Artemesia, attended our divine .service on Sun- day. They are respectively aunt and sister of Miss Robinson. of the stafl'. Depasits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a. household. This form of account isspecially suitable for those living m the country, as eithermember can attend to the banking when m town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or all for further particulars. .4 ‘ - rm “nuâ€"CU. Interest added four timmï¬ 3â€" year .. Sailings Bank Department in Comection with all, Branches. Mr. and Mrs. R. Frost and Mrs. Smith, of Brooke, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harness one night last. week. A few days ago a member of the Staff had a bilious attack which con- ï¬ned her to bed one day. Next day she was at her duties as usual. but a report was in circulation that it was a case of smallpox. It is strange enough how false reports generate, yet it is stranger still how rapidly they travel and so readily believed, gaining the more credence the farther they travel. v I (By an Inmate.) ‘ 1 J ames Carleton. aged 85 yeirs pass- ‘k I ed over to the silent majority about It midnight on Saturd 4! last. The de- ceased Was admitted to the Home in October. 1904. and always had been 'an exemplary inmate, aloud. oï¬en- ‘sive or profane worn Was never heard :0 pass his lips, neither did he med- r die with anyone. He was a native ;,. of the county Tyrone, Ireland, a con- n sistent English Church man, a 1' staunch Orangeman and a bachelor. f For many years he was an intimate a friend and neighbor of the Manager! 5 and Matron, Mr. and Mrs. Harness.1 ’- from whom he received many kind ; attentions in his bachelor home. We [3 understand that he had comparatively 1 Wealthy relatives in the Northwest, but the prevailing idea seems to be. . that when a person by misfortune of any kind once becomes an inmate of a House of Refuge he is no more _ worthy of the notice of his more for- tunate relatives west or east. and perhaps to-day poor old Jimmy is more wealthy than they. for from what we have seen and heard of him he has led an upright and inofl’ensive and christian life. While here he enjoyed to a fair degree good health, nut having been conï¬ned to his bed a single day through sickness until the lasr eight or ten days of his life. Paralysis was the undoubted cause of his death; the deathlike stillnes of his entire right side, the constant twitchings of his left and the coma- tose condition of his last four days be- ing palpable symptoms. On Thurs- ‘ day morning your cor. was in atten~ ' dance at his bedside. he opened his eyes. grasped my hand, and gazing into my face. said. “ God bless you, I am glad to see you well.†These were his hat words on earth. At l Rev. Mr. Robinson read the English Church burial service over the re- mains in the service room in the presence of the assembled inmates. after which undertaker Chapman transferred them to the Markdale cemetery for interment. May he rest in peace. John Kelly. Manage-râ€"- . BRANCHES ALSO AT HARRISTON AND PRICEVl-LLE‘. House of Refuge Notes. Priceville HeaJOfficea - - . JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS â€933A?! BRANCH tsnausaan 1.73 OF CANADA On Sunday morning Dr. Easton was summoned to attend a patient at the north end of the village, and up- on examination found him to be suf- fering from a mild attack of small- pox. The Dr. took prompt measures to place the house under quarantine and have it guarded. The patient is Mr. Charles Dietrich. one of our co'n Stables. He has been ill for some time, but not serious enough to have a physician called. He was well isolated. however, having no children going to school and living alone with his wife. his family being grown up and doing for themselves. It is; hoped, therefore. that the disease has‘ been arrested before it spread tol other parts of the Village, for though i it is pronounced to le one. of the is a loathsome disease which human- ity abhorS, and which the health authorities should spare no pains in trying to keep under control. Dr.l Easron called a meeting of the Board‘ of Health on Monday forenoon and‘ this vigilance \is being exercised.l The location, too is very favorable»! being away from any uf the businessl places, and almost on the outskirts of the village.â€"Ayton Advance. Awfully diStressing is asrhma. But worse if possible when combined with Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by Catarrhozone than anything else â€"cured so thoroughly by “Catarrho- zone†that it doesn’t return. Ca- tarrhozone’s healing vapor is breath- ed right into the lungs, destroying the cause of Asthma and succeeds in the mom chronic cases. Try it. Two sizes, 250. and $1.00 at all deal- ers. ' ' SHAKE HANDS WITH ASTHMA a member ior a nu .:ber of years. and in the community in which he lived so long. Peace to his memory, and our sympathy to his family and friends in their bereavement and sorrow. i In 1882 he came to the west and settled near Summerberry. where he resided until his death. He was therefore one of the old timers a pioneer when this country was in- deed the great lone laï¬d. He was an ardent member of the Orange Order and an active devoted member of the Baptist church. For; a long time he was superintendent of the Union Sunday School at Summerberry. He took a keen and intelligent interest in public affairs ; and strong and in- dependent view on public questions. He was a good man, a good citizen. and will be greatly missed in the Lodge, in the Church. in the Agric- ulturalSociety. of which he had been Mr. Aldred was born in Elgin. County of Grey, Ont. .. in the year 1954 Once more we are called upon to record the departure of another re- }spected citizen and old pioneer of this western countryâ€"Mr. W. J. Aldred. of Summerberry. Mr. Aldred had been ailing for several months, and on the lst of May the call which none whatever their rank or station. or wealth or power. can disobey, came and he too passed to join the choir invisible garnered into the inï¬nite azure of the past. One more grave ha‘s been made in the little cemetery. and there, life’s ï¬tful fever over, an- other form has been laid to rest in the house appointed for all. Why not cleanse and purify the whole system why not strengthen the stomach. enrich the blood snows- .sist your overtaxed digestive organs? ,Easily done «with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; their action is most gratifying. In every case they give the exact assistance the ailing organs require. You’ll feel ï¬t and ï¬ne, eat with a. relish. sleep like a top, have a clear color. and restful sleep if vou regu- late your system with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. you have indigestion. per haps cramps, or in any case the system is over- loaded with matter ‘that should be eliminated, Breath gets bad. eyes look dull, headaches are frequent. We understand that Mr. Hdgh Wattere has sold the farm he lives on to Mr. Whyte. who owns adjoin- ink Pronerty. Hugh has bought, the old homestead back from his brother. Richard Watters.-â€"Markdale Stand- §Dpreciative congregations in the Presbyterian church, SMALLPOX AT AYTON . WHEN YOU EAT T00 V‘FAST. 'oronto MR. ALDRED. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE west: and where he He was timers a We absolutely agree that your moneywill be refunded should you buy a 50 cent box of Mi-o-nastomach tablets and not be satisï¬ed with the results.‘ Mi-o na is sold by druggists everywhere. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents. Booth’s Miona Company, 'Buï¬'alo, N. Y. Simply take a Mi-o na stomach tablet before each meal and on retir- ing. and it will so strengthen the stomach that you can enjoy a hearty meal without the least suï¬ering. The success of physicians every- where with the prescription that is now embodied in Miâ€"o na stomach tablets has made this remedy in the laSt few years the acknowledged Speciï¬c for the treatment of Stomach diseases. The secret of this success lies in the {act that Mi-o‘na is prepar- ed expressly to strengthen the diges- tive organs and its use for a few days puts the whole system in such shape that it can care for all of the food that is eaten Without pain or distress. Few People Are Really as Well as They Look. Cause and Remedy. Many pe0ple in Durham both men and women, who believe. themselves to be in perfect health, are often in the greatest. danger. Indigescion. which is so common a trouble is the principal cause of the greater share of the general poor health. It has misleading: symptoms that seem to have no reference to the stomach such as headache, sleepless ness, Specks before the eyes. pains in the hack and side. etc. THE MASK OF HEALTH. â€The average flirt; is like the average bootâ€"poor sole. plenty of tongue, elegant appearance, but weak in the uppers.†never conclusive "A queer ï¬sh, having the voracitv of a. shark, arms of an octopus and backbone of a devil-ï¬sh.†“ A. maiden effusive, attractive, elusive, of high hopes conducive, yet “A flirt is the wasp of society. rifling all the flowers of friendship but producing no honey.†Other noteworthy answers were: " A flirt is the destroyer of yourh~ ful belief in the goodness of human nature.†Consolation prizes were received for the following deï¬nitions, the ï¬rst written by a woman: †One who, possessing charm. uses it; discovers power, abuses it ; set curing love, refuses 1c; plu¢s fair- esn fruit, and bruises its†The man who received the third prize answered in this Wise: “ A sampler of Cupid’s wares who can’t make up her mind, and through her indecision is oftenleit behind †Secondâ€"One who leads you to Iove’s paradise and then rudely slams the gates in your face. Firstâ€"“ A â€misguided individual who wants all love’s roses without any thorns, and usually ends with nothing to show but scratches.†Among the thousands of answers received by a. London newspaper in answer to the question: “ What is aflirt ?†the following. written by men, have won prizes in the order given : A friend and comforter, an unceas- ing aid in ever'y house for the hun- dred and one ailments that do turn up. Nerviline is too valuable to be without. ' If some thing eaten causes trouble, if it’s cramps. indigestion or headache. Nerviline cures. For cold on the chest, aching limbs or lame back rub on Nerviline and get ease at once. As a family safeguard noth- ing is known to excel Polson’s Ner- viline. Get the large 25c. bottle from your dealer. On Monday morning last while Mrs. Chas. Watson and her daughter Mrs. Thos. Tucker were proceeding to town, while going down a hill near the town line, the britchen of the harness gave way frightening the horse who started to run and kick like mad. Mrs. Tucker who was do- ing the driving hung to the reins with pluck seldom possessed by wo- man until assending another hill where the horses speed Was checked and brought to a standStill. No further harm was done beyond the women receiving a bad scare which they will not likely forget for a day or two. Mr. David McKelvie raised his mammOth frame barn on Saturday and Monday last. It was raised. by the rope method which we think is hardly up to the old scheme of all get in a line and lifg until you see stars, then lift again harder than ever. Messrs Matt Hooper and Robt. Matthews are the framers. Mr. Thos. Moore, of Bobtown, vig‘. ited in the neighborhood on Sunday last. I ' ' Mr. Roy Taft. of Hanover. visited the Eckhardt family on Sunday last. He had the sad misfortune to lose his horse while here. Miss Maggie Eckhardt is a: pres. ent visiting her sister at Hanover. Mr. John Whitmore is building a. atone basement under his barn. Mr, Benton of town has the contract. A. G. Watson and his sister Edith visited at Mr. Wm. Brown’s, of Dro. more on Friday night last. MOTHERS, HERE IT IS! ALL ABOUT A FLIRT. Spring Bank. ’7 C. SMITH 6: SONS .N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Bngine repairs. Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Smokers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETO RS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... “"9 again remind mn- customers to ln-mg us then- \Vool this season. BOOTS 6: SHOES Hf? Special value at interestmg pnces. If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to-night. They produce an agreeable laxative effect. clear the aead and cleanse the Stomacn. hample free at Parker’s Drug Store. Lawn at 1:21.30 and 1530, 3rd Lawn Aprons '20 2 H3 «351. White Waists $1 1% $1.25 Cashmere Hose 25(31191' pr. Mill Ends Table Linen For50c less than (302312 of the material. For the Season uf ISM'E', GEORGE MIGHTUN has full charge of the above named Registered 8 Call inn. and pcrscms wishing to use the said Stallion. may consult with him, and make arrange- ments at Lots 61 k (52, Con. 3, N. I). ‘R. E. “7. L1 MIN. Banker is one of the bust Stock Horses in the County of Hwy. Do not spend time and energy in sew- m‘g, when you can buy excellent Xre two artivles of Special Excel- lence which we sell. Registered CIV‘RSMIQ Stallion s s B AN K E R 9 a CHOICE m Breakfast Bacon .36" Dated the Fifth Day of J une. A. D. 1907 JAMES HOPKINS. Durham P. 0. Out. WM. McFADDEN, Durham P. 0. Out. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Lawrence the Elder, deceased. vâ€" â€"â€"J . “VI“ bllvul . , _ -_-... v.7 And further take notice. that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the shall then have notice, and that the sai Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or Bersons of whose claims notice shall not ave beenoreceived by them at the time of such distribution. . VJ . .I. an IUUI umacu- Noticedâ€"{hereby given pursuant to “The Revxsed Statutes of Ontario†1897 Chapter 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Samuel Lawrence the Elder, who died on or about the 10th day of March. A. D. 1907. are re- quired. on or before the 6th‘nf July. A. D. 1907. to send, by post, prepaid. or deliver to the Executors of the last will and testament of the said disceased, their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the securities. it any. held by them. A “J 1'._..Al - 7 In the matter of the Estate of Donald Camtgbell, lute of the Town of Durham . in e County of Grey, Implement Agent. (licensed. TEE UN DERSIGNED WILL ' RE. ceiire Tendei's for the smack! assets of .l. cei‘ve 'l‘en'derg for ghe .unsold assets of the above estate. mcludmg the prorissory notes-and books accounts. up to the 14th day of .Jupe. A. p. .190}. at 3 q’clock RM, Dated 25th May A. D. 1907 late of the Township of Glenelg. in the County of grey, Faqmer deceased. \T-L2-_ ~ ‘ Sash 8’ Doors Paiticulair's of Wife}; at; $31323 R‘ihe Oflice of Arthur H. Jackson. Durham, Ont- No Tender necessarily accepted. ANNIE saw; CAMPBELL Ad ministratrix’s ’ Notice N‘mE‘ MATTER OF THE ES- MANUFACTURERS OF Flannellette Shirts And Pure Lard .A McArthur Notice to Creditors To-night. Admimstratrix Specialty All kinds of Grain_ bought at Market TRY OUR .\'E\\' CHOPPER. All up-to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Chopping Done Every Day Goods delivered anywhere in town Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our nmkc of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed'Chop. Pea. Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. A - 13 made from selected winter wheat and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot; be beat. for either bakers," or domestic use. A blend of 1 Manitoba and! Ontruio Wheat and is a strictly ï¬rst (lass famiiy ï¬mu. People’s Mills Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths’ Furnisher HARRY BURNETT Footwearâ€"Men's Black Patent Leather and Calf Boots made. 011 Stvlish Good Fittinn‘ Iixt~ Bhu heI Lzued Sh ipes all prices. Shirtsâ€"Spa i111 Iornf the «3880115 Best S1 _\ 105' in White neat sh 11mm and VBStS-â€"-\\'<+ 12m (;‘ H mm nicv I“ Ittoms in ’«zmn \“‘T\ (1+ \ ).:â€"):-. are a 1 Smart and SCYIISh. and what 1s most important, absolutely cor- rect; ins: country ' call and insp above dates. Durham Mid=Summer Millinery . Opening . . PASTRY FLOUR flouregs‘. some \\ i111 21r- tached 13 Mix. and some u ith separate cuffs. Om" Hats are snide-1115’ suital Me for s] wing wear They are the NEW ('lelic-atv shades of fawn and an'vr. “The \Vichm Label" is :1 ml :1 m 11m . of sex tisfac- flanâ€"Prices from $1.00 ‘m 33.00. vices 750 to $1.50. SOVEREIGN . ECLIPSE WE KEEP TH 15 June 20, 190-7 Ontario