ILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and sinmng- swam DURHAM, - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsenalr, Sheepskins ï¬nd Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. ' A. G. MACKAY. K. C. Voige culture and singing, â€" ‘Sbua-ic‘) at Mr. Latuner’s Uppertown. Feb tf. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofï¬ce. er, Conveyanoer ' c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi- ness transacted. ' we your stuff till I call, or give me 8 notice when you have a. quantity U veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Oï¬cemâ€"ln the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. U Uflice over'Gordon’s new Store, Lower Town, Durham. A Jewellery ny amount Nov. 9. ’03. ON OR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Oflice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofï¬ce ogN CLARK: LICENSED AUC- L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, N w York 4.1m Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at. Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"â€" 1â€"6 pan. l9.- EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Midiaugh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from llto 4 p. m. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmlc Hos. £112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and N039 Hos. MacKay Dunn. :ARRISTERSLSOLI_C_ITORS, CON- A. H. Jackson. , OTAIEY PUBLIC, COMMIsé‘ION- __ _ ~v--vuv¢.‘, v-L‘ - .1 ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. Oflice nours, 8 to '1_0 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. :ABEISTEL, - SOLICITOR. ETC. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce in the New â€unfor p'nn’r Am“- J F. GRANT, I). D. S.. L. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin, While-for the third consecu his one best bet at any track ed in a common cancer to calling attention to the ful feats of Mr. Collyer in h ping and naming rlrm msw TYPE: thus aï¬oraiï¬i Department imiia for turning out First~ wor . Ali __ aflwLErrEiâ€"sé'fxié'xxis. to ensni'e insertion in current week. ghould be brought in not later than TUESDAY mormng- . . is com Ietgly gtockegl with \Yn‘nr w“ king For transient advertisements 8 Advert cents per line for the ï¬rst inser- Ratu - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards. not exceedingb one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements wit out speciï¬c directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€""Lost. †‘ =Found. †“For Sale, " etc,â€"30 cents for ï¬rst insertion, % cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered I) stran i be Daid for in advance. y gers gm“ 1' Contract rates for year] advertisement - nished on application to theyoflice. 8 fur J. 6. Huttork M. Geo. H. K. Midford' FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at t of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. 111.. 2-4 n., 7-9 0. m. Telephone No.10. . -’ Tux Canomcw will be sent to Snbacnptmn any address. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 OOper year, payable inadvanoe â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no paid. The date to which every subscription is pald is denoted by the number on the address label. So paper dis. continued to all arrears are paid, except’at the option of the proprietor. M. Glaser ‘IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY )IORNIXG / At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street, I THE DURHAM EHHflNlCLE Miscellaneous. Dental Dz'reclorv. Legal ‘Dz'recz‘orv EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. DURHAM. ONT., DR. BROWN \ M. GLASER' l. P‘ Telford. Medical Directorv. June DR. BURT. IRWIN 1907 '. F. DUNN. good-will, and aï¬ection of all who ' and many a tear will fall fto the memory of “ Ned" Hopkins. “He and his good wife who SDYViVGS him, were very hospitable and theft; uue oxcme grand old men of the Township of 'Benciuck has goneogo his long home in the person of Edward Hopkins, Who passed away on Tues' day of this week at: the age of 73 years, 2 months and 29 days. A gen- iajl, ‘lqvable, ol handicapper Easc or West could lav claim. 1d Paar PERFORMANCE CHART MASTER- n. _ PIECE The past performance chart of what the horses have done in previous : starts, as compiled by Mr. Collyar for the American and which appears in all the earlier editions of this paper is the mom pretentious and at the same time accurate ever attempted on this or any orher continent; in fact, it is a masterpiece and Speaks more eloquently than words can de scribe as to the competency of its author. In this chart the last two performances of what a horse has done is given, the rider who has had the leg up, the wei'. ht the horse car- ried, the condition of the track, the distance of the race. who it beat, and who it was beaten by. the time of the » race and the odds laid against the , horse in the betting market; also ex- ‘ pert comment. This is the boiled 3 down into a practical form. so that ‘ l its valueis readily apparent to the ;, uninitiated as well as the regular. Anns ADDITIONAL FEATURES J From time to time Mr Collyer has inaugurated new features. The lat- est andahighly popular one is his ~“Horses Worth \Vatching.†This column which appears twice a week under this caption, has proven to be 'worth its weight in aadium, inas-l 3much as its success has been. most 11 lphenomenal. In this column horses ‘ b Jare given which to the expert have or} £1 nos been backed by the “correct†b t l E I i As an example of the value of this J ea column to those who wager on thelal races. it might be said that horses named in this column have made good at prices ranging from ‘25 to 1 (Ben Ban) down to two.year-olds and green jumpers and of which the pub- 110 have no knowledge. . From time to time Mr. Collyer will ail Inaugurate other features to his de- 1“ partment, and in the interim the one (3‘ best bet ishwatch Collyer’s tiPSF‘ so Chicago Evening American. W in One ofCthe DEATH OF EDWARD HOPKINS 5 ln calling attention to the wonder i; ful feats of Mr. Collyer in handicap- ping and naming the winners _ 3 throughout the country and the re- markable consistency which marks his work, it is not the intention of the American to gloat over its rivals E whose eXperts pale into the inï¬nites~ l imal when compared with the Ameri- can’s expert, but merely to keep be fore the vaSt army of American read- ers the fact that in this department as well as in all others the vast ’superiority to all others of the Chi Icago American. COLLYER PEER or HANDICAPPERS Mr. Collyer himself requires no emoluments for his work, because he has long been recognized as the lead-I er in his profession and the peer of Jail handicappers and the most thor- oughly competent allround critic on “the sport of kings†now before the (4 American public His recent achieve- , ment, that of winning the gentle-'1 man’s Cup lace at Churchill down. !( Louisville, after one of the mOStI gruelling and material stretch drives ever seen at that course, de- monstrated beyond the least shadow l l "_, â€"â€"v. VHU Uuu ' sistency - with which he has named gthe winners of several events at all ‘ tracks, under any and all conditions, as well as picking the winner' of al- most every classic from the the win- ner of the great Brooklyn Handicap. in which he named Superman as the {one best bet of the day, down to the winner of Greater New York Steeple- . chase and Broadway Stakes run Sat- ‘ nrday. CALLED BROADWAY ONE Two THREE In the Broadway Stakes Collyer inamed Montgomery to win the event â€"he even went further, he selected the spanking son of Pessara as the one best bet of the day. and called the race one twothree, a feat that sat the racing enthusiasts of the city agog. At Montreal Collyer named three winners also, while the one best bet at each track scored in the 5 usual mannerâ€"four out of ï¬ve. f While-for the third consecutive dav ll fa] form displayed by Mr. Collyer since coming to Chicago, and the con and generous aims, he and received the esteem, ‘ and aflection of all who . and many a. tear will fall 7- “w“ __ â€"_ "-â€" . 01d gentleman, a man 0f Bert E. Coilyer, the Winners at the Hamilton AMERICAN '8 HANDICAPPER. American curf ive day deliver ‘â€"â€"â€" â€"vâ€"vvâ€" WWUHJQ at Parker’ 3 Drug Store. Pains in the stomach. colic diarrhoea are quicklyrrelieved by use of Chamberlain’s DhoJic. Cho and Iliarrhoea.__ Remedy. _ Far ' uanaaals to have aforce of food iinspectors to pmtect the people againSL the dangers of canned foods unï¬t for use This precautionary tion is a great convenience and bene- ï¬t to the consumer. Improperly pre- served canned food may be a grave danger. Nonlong ago sufï¬cient can- canned food there is the better for the consumer. The more public con- ï¬dence there IS in canned food the better for- the cannonâ€"Woodstock Sentinel-Review. Ac this season of the year the ï¬rsu unnatural looseness of a child’s bowels should have immediate at cemion. The‘best thing that, can be given is Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fol lowed by Castor oil as directed with each bottle of the remedy. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. who listened with attention and at the clo e of the address plied the speaker with questions. showing that they took an intelligent interest in the subject discussed. 5! Regular meetings next winter ro l be held at Elmwood, Ayton HelStein, ' Dromore and perhaps Neuswadt. P ,l The business ended W. P. Gamble, ,[B S A Guelph. addressed the meeting on " The Comparative Value of Feed- ing Stuï¬s,†showing the composition and value of the diflerent grains in feeding for growth, flesh, {at or milk, comparing them with mill feeds on the market. He said mill feeds were largely adulterated Much that was sold for bran and middlings _,was mixed with 0133!: hulls or something of that nature of little value. For some time an agitation has been go- ing on anongst feeders asking the Legislature to pass an Acn deï¬ning bran to be bran of wheat and nothing else and making anyone puttingin lanything else liable to a penalty. He then swoke of stock feeds, saying that as feeds they were of no great ‘ value. but might sometimes be used 3 with proï¬t as a tonic But the price ] was much beyond their real value 5 Anyone could buy the material at a 1 drug store. and mix them as well as l the manufac urer and very much cheaper By'far the best Special food, especially for milk is wheat ( bran. a E‘éï¬'ï¬â€˜" Canada is to have a. force The annual meeting of the South Grey Farmers’ Institute was held in the Town Hall. here; on Wednesday afternoon. June 12th. After the us- ual routine business was transacmd the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year: President. Robe. Morice; Vice President. Dan Edge; rSec’y Treas., George Binnie; Direc4 tors, Sam Putherbough. Dan McDoug- a“, H, H. Miller M P.. Val. Kirch- ner. Wm. Grant. David Leith. H. J. ‘ Snell. W. J. Adams, L'hos. McFadden. Wm Ritchie, Geo ‘Lothiau, Jasw McIlvride, Chas Heise; Auditors} Chas Ramage, Arch. Davidson. ! FARMERS’ INSTITUTE MEETING I can certify Ferrozone made an ex- cellent cure, and to-dav my daugh- ter’s health is the best †500._ per box at all dealers. Do Not Neglect the Children 1 Don’t be debarred from strength and Spirit. don’t‘ give in to illness and despair. Ferrozone supplies tone and vigor through which all functions of womanly life are main- tained and fortiï¬ed. From . New IRichmond, Que . comes the following scacemem. from Mrs. Isidore Bosson eault: ‘ I take deep pleasure in tee: ‘ ify'ing to the, powerful influence of Ferrozone. For years my daughter has been pale and sickly~showed signs of advanced anaemia; Her lips 20: so white and her cheeks so de Void of color I feared consumption ,i .. .. ROSY CHEEKS FOR PALE GIRLS ‘7‘ "v-.- â€" -â€" ~ 5 viz.:â€"Martha(Mrs. Bar‘tmao) of Tob ermory. Annie (Mrs. Dockstadter) of Vancouver. Richard, Benjamin. Her- bert and Josiah, Manitoulin Island : . John. James and Richard Tobermory; Geo. S. in Bentinck. and Edward T. ‘ on the homestead. The funeral willl leave his late residence in Bentinck on Friday, June 14th. Service will be held at the house at one o’clock. after which the funeral will proceed to the Hutton Hill Cemetery for in~ terment.â€"Post Colic and Diarrhoea, They settled at Hutton’s Hill. Fifty three' years ago he married Miss Mary Cuff, of John Ouï¬ I also a native of Dublin. They settled Bentinck. which has been the home. .scead ever since. Death occurred here after ï¬ve weeks’ illness of bron. chitis and diarrhoea ' Mr. Edward T Hopkins.\wiph whom he resided; 'has looked dfter the reclining years of his parents with singal kindno-ss Besides the widow nine sons and two daughters are left. to mourn his going 1â€â€ - ‘.“‘ FOOD INSPECTORS THE DURHAM UIIRUN ICLE All. druggiSts should be able tosup. ply Y?“ with Hy-o-mei or we will send-m byvmail on receipt of price, $1.00. and every package is sold‘with We do not want anyone’s moneyg unless Hy-o-mei gives relief and cure and we absolutely agree that: money. will be refunded .unless the remedy gives satisfaccid . ‘ The complete Hy-o-mei outï¬t con- signs of the â€Little Pocket Physician†and a bottle of fly 0 mei and costs only $1 00. making it; the most eco- nomical as weil as the only guaran teed treatment» for the cure of ca- tarrh. Remember- that HY-O'mei cures catarrh Without stomac’h dos ing. applying the medication and healing where the disease germs arel present. I Do not delay any longer the use of Hy 0 mei if you suffer with catarrh. This is a purely local disease, and Hy-o-mei goes right to the 8903 where the catarrh germs are present, dBSCPOFa them. soothes and heals all inflammation and makes apermanenbl cure Thousands who have been cured by HV 0 mei call the inhaler that comes 'With every outï¬t the “Little Pocket Physician',†as it is so small that it, can easily be carried in the pocket or purse I-Iyomei is Guaranteed To tarrh. i The Amusement Committee of Ben I Nevis Camp have pleasure. in announ- cing that they have secured the re,- nowned 48th Highlanders Band, of Toronto, for their Fourth Ann'ual Do- minion Day Demonstration, as one of the chief features of the day and even- ing. Numbering about twenty-five they are much more than a band, for the aggregation includes vocalists, daneez s, fantasias, and humorous se- lections as well. All loyal citizens will enjoy for instance one of the afternoon items, a Grand Patriotic Fantasia, entitled “The Death of Nel- son,†while the humorous piece "The Alabama Ministrels,†with vocal, tam- bourine, bones, dancing and chorus effects will gratify the ligher vein. Other features will be arranged for and of course the usual athletic sports. ‘ Watch for further announcements and plan to spend the Big Day in ‘ Durham. Long. Live Canada.â€"-By order, The Committee. LITTLE POCKET PHY= . SICIAN. 5 FIRST OF J ULY DEMONSTRATION f _â€"_‘_ v v\lvu IUVVâ€" Flea by the. zecent terrible distress in China wlll be glad to learn that the Chlna Famine Fund moniee mined by the ’ Montreal Wanness’ .umounted In all to 3510.000. moat of which was Cabled during the last tWo weeks of the fund. These gifts Were received from all OVer the Dominion, and a good many more “Witnese’ readers were preparing to remit when they learned that the fund was closed. I The ‘Witnees’ has always rent it-‘, self to this work of receiving and‘ (forwarding altbscriptions [or worthy OdUScS, and vast sums have been col- lected by 1t fur such purgeses, one lfUUd, the Almenlull Rellef Fund, alone emanating to cum $15,000 The amount of Work and expense in- volved in. receiving, acknowledging and forwarding theee large sums of money is very much greater than the general public can at Allol'eailze, but ungrudgizmly, making no charge wrmtever fox- seerCes or for news- paperspace used. Thu reaming were brought to Hal Btrop’s undertaking parlors yester- day afternoon. Every efl‘ort is bring Thu man aner {1:115 regained «ciousuess. but mc-nrioued tho- Graurxaud iatiluntvd that. ha from New Yark This is all at krmwu of hi< name or the pin ressdmwc of his relatives. as h no papers nhuur. him that would to bimidmmï¬cation. _ â€"- ou‘.\-‘ fell, striking the unfortuuave man Ou the. head. He was at once carried to the house and medicnl aid sent for Everything possible was done so have the man’v‘life but me gradunliy ï¬re-w weaker until yeswrday running. when life toark issdeparture from the bodv. ‘AH avoideut (canned at the farm of Mr. Jamne Emnry. 7th line ui St. Vincent on Tuesday afternoon. by [which an unknown man less hi< M'e.‘ 1 While a large numovr of men n eve} engagvd in raking the {rams work of; a mun on Mr. Emary’qfarm on Tum (185.31 sanmgnr on his way H) the}: Sound Stopped Hr- said he Was go 1 ing to that. town in an endeavor to ' secure employment. Ooeof the men prevent ~n1ggn~tvd that. he anom'dl S'uv at chn raising. as probably some] of the farmers p 93‘"!!! might give him work. He did SO and wmle Watching the mvn at work a rafter fell. SCH-.5“)! thn llnfnrrnn...n .muh - ’Phose Sad Accident Happens at the Farm of Mr. J as Emary on Tuesday. UNKNOWN MAN MEETS DEATH unless it whuse hearts have been (nov- mentioned the- name: nm or the place of; relatives as he had “'7, -‘I This is all that. is that would lead vthat 'v n-†It W Its -.____ Ladies’ whité lawn underskirts 75¢. each 3:“:â€" ave A‘ BELL ;See our ladies’ fancy collars at 250 -,.“v . eachâ€"Bargains. The New Harness Shop is bright and see how Jack can suit. you. ; Songs, 1 3 . Fur Stomach troubles. bilimnsxmss and constipation try Chambarlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures have been vï¬umed by them Price. -5 cents. Samples free. For sale at. Parker’s Drug Store. LIFE !! Picture Framing on 5120/16.?! Pu m P S ,_, notice. *. . - . , BEG LEAVE 'ro INFORM m cm. hm)“- Rmms-â€"1\cxb to bwallowb- I mamas and the public in canon] um: Barber Shop. nm prepared to furnish .‘_.- ~~_____ M... New Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL Dmumye, Rn-Cunnmo AND Pxnsacunnmo Fur Stomach troubles. bilinus‘nnecl d°â€Â° “nth C°m°nt°°n°mw Full line of Caitlmlic Rnbes, and Na and white Caps for aged penplc. Percy G. H. webstcr music received each week SULD AT HALF PRICE. 25 gems Pér (low .. I have p‘aced in line of late THE POPULAR CASH STORE \Vhips and Sweat Pads. troubles. bilimxsxmss r~‘0ck a ï¬ne ;, are not forgotten. [3' ALL ORDERS taken a the old stand near McGowan'a Mill will be promptly 3! band“! to. ALL Woax GUARMTEED at. HLive and 2m live" PRICES l 2 yds. wide,25c'. E‘s-qllltrgwy:’z.rf '1“. {SMYRNA RUGSâ€"30x60 inches $33.00 each. TEAâ€"galada Ceylon Tea. black and mixed at 25c“ 300.. and 40c. a H) Pure Canadian Honey in 25c. FLOOR OI LCLOTHâ€"l yd., ‘) .043" --:J ‘ 8" LACE CURTAIN 8. 2‘Yards long, 26 inches wide, 25c. He Sells Cheap O" GEORGE WHITMORE 0‘ ‘0 ‘6 CALDER BLOCK tony. Call and 0" 6‘ ‘6 6‘ ‘6 ‘6 6‘ ‘6