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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jun 1907, p. 8

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WOOL !WOOL ! WOOL ! .fl /\4"\/‘-/"/ ft "To be betterthan others for different reasons. Fit- and Comfort, Style and Wear in - Patent, Kid, Dongola, and %**%__M***WW*W “Mâ€" -â€"â€"-.â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ Get- in Line Here is whel Best Fittincr, \ , . Chevnot’s Luster’s and Delame’s' in Line and wear the Best Clothing. Would you like to wear them :3 is where they are kept. They are the best in Quality, The Best in Style "itting'. Best Tailored and Finished. (The Regent and Picadilly Brand.) ’ Ready=t0 Wear Suits Shirts, Ties, and Underwear - “Imperial Footwear” ROBERT BURNETT Muslims in New Designs, Dot and Fancy Stripe The People’s Store ()m' :‘lssnrtment of Dress Fabrics is mm on Display FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND We always have on hand a Full Linv of and The average Person knows i 71 % Y o A 9% V n ‘V’ 7435 ’4‘ v 3 A \ 9: "fiefiéfiW o I \I \ $592 I l \‘b x‘ ’h I Sin“ 0 I s '2 (" V! *I'\' In all Styles and Stl‘ipt-‘S. thing in The Men’s Lima .»_,,. f . J.“ " .“' g. ‘ ' ‘ i. V) ‘. 1:1“ the Blucher Style Even worse is the agony of coma. Why snfierâ€"cnre is waiting in every drug store in the form of Putnam’s Corn Extrsctor which relieves at once, cures-thorOnghly and without pain. For good results use ' only "Pntnsm’s." '. E )nstmn Carding and Spinning E promptly attended to. x K ‘1 JACOB MESSINGEH. l i‘ that the opartnership heretutore snh- sisting between, us, the undersigned, as bakers and cnnféctioners in the town uf Durham. in the county of Grey. has this day been (liss >lved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are tn be paid to E. A Rowe. of Durham. ai‘um said. and all claims 321.111th the said part.- nerehip are to be presented to the said E. A Rowe. by whom the same will be szttled. Dated at Durham 3rd day of June. 1907 Witness. Signed. A. H. Jackson Ernest A. Rowe l'lenry Butler Hughes IN THE TO\VNSHIP OF BEN- . tinck. iu the County of Grey, being composed of the west half of Lot numbei twenty eig «,ht in the fifth concession of L :6 said township of Bentinck. iTOTICE IS HEREBY GI\' 135i L “1:.“ the. partnership heretntme sub The estate of William Lonney. deceased, wxll be offered for sale on the 13th of July. A. D. 1907. at Hahn‘s Hotel. Durham. at the hour of 2 pm. - There is a good bank barn and good 113086. on the said premises also well water- 8 o O] At. thv Hanover \Vonllon Mills. for which tlw right, price will he. paid in Push 01' trade. Notice of Eissolution of Partnership. " Of Valuable Township Property. WANTED Administrators’ Sale THORNS IN THE FLESH. 1 00.000 lbs or to J. P. Telford. Agpinigfirators’ Solicitor v--v-'V â€" John Clark Auctioneer THE DU RHAM CHRONICLE Manngmx Entertainment on Monday evening, Sthnly, when several. noted spank- Jubilee will be held in the Presby- terian church in Priceville commenc- ing next Sunday. the 23rd inst. Rev. Buchanan, of Dnndalk. will preach, and on July 7th Be‘v. Alex. McGilli- vray. .of Toronto. will preach both morning end evening. . A few from here took in the excur- saon to Guelph on the 8th and report. a. pleasant trip. Mrs. McDermid took a trip down to Hamilton lately to see Mr. McDermid, and she is pleased to State that his condition is improving and that prob- ably he will be able to get home be- fore long. S Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lennox on Thursday morning without. warn. ing, twin girls, their first, Joe was so much taken by surprise by the presentation that. it was some mo. ments before he could make the short. reply, twins. All are doing well Congratulations. The three who recently went to Regina found work rather scarce and times dull. Sam Chapman travelled on to see more 01' the country and find‘more paying employment. Jim Eden is laid up we are sorry to hour, with a. sore leg caused by a bite from a dog the day before he left here. Inspector Campbell visited our school here last week and found good order and school pregressing. We didn’c get his report, yet. but we ex pect it to be a oood one. The teach- er Miss MECosh. Spares no time in endeavoring to advance the pupils in the (“Barents branches tang t in our schooL Arch McCuaig is fixing around his fine dwelling, making in more con- vcuient to come in from the road. Miss Minnie McIntyre, of Toronto, is spending a. while at her home here at her mother’s, Mrs. Molntyre’s at; present. A Mifs Dora McIntyre is under the Weutne!‘ at present. but; we hope to hear of her getcmg better in the near future. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per was dispensed in the Presbyter- ian church at Priceville lass Sunday When a very large crowd of .peOple assembled for the occasion. 1230 par- took of Communion. being the most for anumber of years. Presbyter- ianism has a'strong hold in Priceville. Our picnic is to be held on Tuesday the 25th instead of the 28th as fires; annouwnced Knox Church has theirs set for that day and as a. neighborly feeling exists between the two sec tions 9. change was made so that there would be no conflictions. Ours is to be held in the old place, Leunox’s grove Mr. Wm. Allan returned home 5n Friday night. from Montreal. We haven’t interviewed him yet but im- mune he will he as staunch a. Presby- terian as ever You will please excuse a very short budget this week, sne fact is we are very much engaged at present. The Hutton Hill correspondent said last week that she would appreciate our puiuciug out all me miscakes she makes 80 that. she might; improve on those points. We find it e. lively job that. keeps us very busy. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Tucker drove over to Belgrave on Saturday to see a sister-in Law whose life: IsdeSpaired Uf. Every farmer senm~ to have luck wnh tlmu‘ spring; colts and there are a great. numom' on this line. Mr. McLean with two or three men still stays on the mill property trying to keep the fire from spread ing so as in damage other property, The fire which darted in the reqi deuce was seen by the neighbors al- inust as seen as it had ignited and willing hands were there before it had reached the sawmill. Barrels of water were on the roof of the mill as well as plenty in the under part. hm with the terrific wind blowing in lhat direcuon it wwimposmnle to save it. The stable and implemeur shed were eaved There was $1650 insurance on what Was burned. the small in surantze was due to the high rate for min prOpertv so far from fire fighting appliances. The $1000 policy spoken of last “crk as having recently ex pired. Was on the stock consequentlv CrOps are backward for the 17th of June We often saw them as far on in the» middle of May. L-ts of fields have just, a greenish a;:;1,)earauce and that’s all. Hay. or where hay should be, is hare enough in most. of piacps for pasture yea. Some are putting in a large quantity of turnips and 8011;? “one. as there was but little stock left it was dropped and the loss of stock will be but light. The mill was one of the beer. in the country The symo pathy of the neighbors are for Mr. McLean in his 1033 also for Mr. and Mrs Henry who were living in the house while a part of their goods were saved there was nvera $100 worth descroyed. Now that so much destruction is doueic would be as well if neighbors and all concerned would consent to burn all the bush 03 the place lees: lire. Start in in again in a worse time. Some way or another we did not get. sending anything to the Chroni cle for the last few weeks. but will try and do better 111 future. The watcher is getting fine and warm now A shower of rain would be in good order if it came, as rhe ground i< thi!!;.: very dry. mm. Comer Concerns. Top Cliff We exmoc Ya I‘ldi‘un' m 5.x: 3 1i?- tld p580?! abouc (ha. 'Ml‘n :‘niaing’ \Ve’re s.) hanged Mu’V WH ha‘.¢e:..t time to him; of «inf-z 3,10in on m the neigh b)rho d Mrs, H. Nubia with 3w." 1: r1»; bah; \Iargaret, and her tug-mar, Mr‘a. -Jc. Millan, 11H L‘f \1u/‘1kdav.are «ups? of MY'L Jam S R?» '/ AC HIP 1.1:" Miss Laura. Reed. of Mazmiala Miss Pricchax'd, of Vund-‘laur. we u guests of Mim‘ Myrzle Hunt uX‘rl' Sunday. . 2'8, H. 3051:? “‘in 3‘1“.” 12‘?!” bah: Mrs. John Warnoc}: (nee 'n'oe \‘x hiL- \ taker) of Unlellon. is madman; -ra: 1.21.; .‘ Edwards ; DURHAM. June 20. 1907 Fall Wheat .......... 8 90 Spring Wheat . .. . .. . . 90 Oats ................ 45 Peas 73 Barley .............. . 55 Hay ................. 14 OO Butter. .............. 18 Eggs ................. 16 Pouatoes per bag ...... 8:3 Flour per cw:...... :2 '20 Oatmeal per sack ..... 2 5L) Chop per cwu ........ 1 130 Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ 9 Sheepskins ........... 90 Wool ............... '23 Tallow .............. 5 Lard 12 tc tc tc tc CC tc t( u t( t( tc tc cc m u t( tc LC [C Mr. Hanuum. of Swiutou Park. I: a good and fair'ifui church member of the R. C at Putnam-4.313 he goes pa»! our residence every Sunday l'hw occasion brings him b~fure we: haw breakfast. 1: Won «1 be w.“ it" 41: were as faithful as Mr. Hnurmm in going to ULBII‘ (LIL-rent pinCua ui worship. We haven’t much news around TOp Clifi this time. but. Will send some as soon as DOSSlble. We euj )3’ reading old time news. We ~aw m:- eJitor of ye olden; times not loxng nun en's, will he preseot‘, besides a. first class choir and other things. By-law prohibiting all animals run ning at; large in Priceyiile was put in force at noon on Tuesday. the 12th inst. The Police Trustees are bound to abide by the authority encrusted '0 them by keeping good order and clean streets. \Ve hear a number of teams have to quit railroading on account of sore shoulders and sore necks. This ~um- luer has been very favorab'e for wow. so far. A number of young men from this line are working on the railroad an Priceville and west on Glenelg side Mr. Ferguson, of Swiuton Park, preached in the Methodist chuxch. Priceville. last Sunday. There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer’s Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow: Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer‘ 3 Hair Vigor nukes the scalp healthy, and ‘ eeps it so. It isa «regular hai: food; this is the real secret . l its won- derful success. The Song pfthe ‘Hair A. S. HUNTER; Durham Qxfand Hm; MP Furnaces Vheat .......... 8 9O VVheat . 90 ............... 45 . 73 .............. 55 14 00 ..... ......... 18 ................ 16 es per bag ..... . 85 per cwt...... .. :2 :20 3.1 per sack ..... 2 5L) oer cwc ........ 1 «so to 8 90 to 90 to 45 to. 73 to 55 to 16 00 to 18 to 16 to S5 to 2 7:3 to 2 50 to 1 (50 co 6 6:3 Market Report. Call and let us furnish you with more information. H eating Estimates furnished on request. _aafl..f~u:~wufl!dh.l .Lfir‘.“ .{S m... ”HF. Ml... . '1 raverston. Powerfui an d Economicle t0 t0 130 £0 £0 16 1 (50 6 65 '10 50 00 13 J UST ARRIVED At prices that will astonish you. Arv made by The (iunwy Funn- dry,(,‘0.. ()f Toronto. whn have had (30 ymtrs (’X})Pl'imwv in Hulk- il'lgr Hot Air, ”at \var and Steam Boilers and Radiatm's, for heating all kiglds (If buildings. "Ustou will notice by the ill- ustration their hot air furnace is built to he a powerful hmt pro- ducer. as we” as :1. Humble Fur- nace. You wiil 3.15!) not", that there are not baits, rivets, or rods in the construction of the Radiator to rust, and be eaten into the hot air chamber by the gases from the fire thus insuring a, never failing gas and dust-tight radiator. Darling's must Win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. 1!. Sayce. LLJ)., I).D., of Oxford University, England, has recently fiaid 01' ix : It is indeed :1nmru-EnusWurk: it is difficult. to wuu-cive 01' a dictionary mure exhaustive and complete. l'h'crylhingr is in it-â€"nnt only what we might. (-quct. to find in such a \w-rk. but, also what few of US}\'Oq1dq\'cx'1:u\'9Hugugm nflt'»:3k_i!l;!(4)l‘. FREE â€" “A Test in Pronunciation," in- st ”mum: and (-nu-rtuininu' .â€"\ fur the whole family. Aim (4°; illustrated pumphict. 'wmsmws A Stipplcnwnt; to the new editim) has hruught. it fully t1 ) to date. I haw been looking: through t )c latter with :1 fooling: nt'astnnishmcnt at. its (mnplctcnvss. :md (the highest awardb'us xiv}!!! In the In- ternational at the \\ orld's hm; St. Louis. G. C. MERRIAM 00., ‘1. “; I‘ 1m onluv- I ‘w-uu-v-vwv- - u‘I-‘- tae amount of luboi‘ that has been put into it. PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. THE GRAND PRIZE All. 8000 THINGS {he People's Druggists A Full Line of June 20.!9u7 DICTIONARY “TESTERS

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