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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jun 1907, p. 3

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723 i‘ was mmwmafiwwafiwvfi am§ a“ 930.3" .. 3. M (Rubber and Steel Tiws. ) McClar-y Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS \msuoxs GASOLINE mamas. Implement Agent and Auctioneer MANURB SPREADERS HAY LOADBRS BIB JERS MO WERE RARES Democrats and Buggies '1'nchuug9 his :uhertisements' but now ofiers some NE W B \RLrAl\b: ICOiXCRES lieutiuck ne’C 2:mt1,m1 bxick Imneerwl d\\e!iing vm lame bat n. trame .~ {tides and pig: stables, good soil, gomlmciumi gnud pbush. Price should 1)» 3-1000 but will sell 101' less than $3000 it 501.1 at. MIC? rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. lX‘LTR- ANtJESI’xiuwd Diflicultiesafl'a‘nged. U 1’. R. am; Ocean Steamship Tickets for stile. EYNI'S'HHUJ private. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER ‘ : : HAS MEX : Implements Monuments and Tombstones (HVEX SOUND. A lax-4:9 sum nf mcmev tn lmsd a? Mwest AGENT {or DOYLE JULIAN WE ARE NOW READY to do business with yon, we truss to our mutual advan tage. Our 31200131 is new and attractive and our pxices are low. Come undjudge forycur- self. We are always pleaud to Show goods. whether 3'04 buy or not. If you do LOE buy now you will again. Look out for our locals. C. L. GRANT Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm lumlvnwnts «K' Machinery. LE.- SIEGNER A Large Supply of TIN- W’ARE alwavs on hand. or made to order on shortest notice. Try oxHumsay Paints and Vurnishes of all kinds. The hot Weather will soon be. here and you should ban the comfort afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND “'INDO\VS Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. “’9 have the kinds that work easy and last a. long time. The price is right to. COME SEE. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. See our GASOLINE STO- VE. the (-heapest and best on the market. Hardware and Tinware ALSO A COMPLETE STUCK ()I“ June :27, 1907, H. H. Miller John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE Get ready for DURHAM. 2 BUSY DURHAM. H. H. MILLER Berlin Pianos _ ’0‘ $4 ’I1.‘\. "a bui’der ever known is Fer Sold everywhere in 506 boxes. Ewr-«one who uses Ferrozone has «.50- d Color and great. vitality. Rea son for this is Ferrozone’s power to create nourishing: blood ”I was' broken down. had no Strength and? could'n“ eat." writes Mrs Chas. Ben-é “v. of Cloyne. Out. “My nervesi WPrPir”i’:1hie. {was thin-blooded and ' continualiv unhappz . [tried Ferro-i zane It gave me new energy. force, vim. It. brought, me strengthâ€"made me well.” Greatest tonic and re bui’eder ever known is Fen-ozone. - Mrs. McAuley, the oldest woman in \Valkertou. and one of the very oldest in the County of Bruce, died this (Wednesday) morning at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Nicliinnon at the age of100 years. Her husband. Norman McAuley, was one of the pioneer‘ of Greenock. and owned the Lazarus Parkinson farm He died about 20 years ago. and since that time Mrs. McAuleV has been liv ing in Walkerton. For several years she lived with her grand daughter. Mrs. Robert Smith. but. latterly with her son-in-law, Mr. McKinnon. She has neon anda daughter living in Michigan. The funeral will take plac to the Baptisz cemetery on Fri- day afternoon -- Wulkerton Telescope, From Willow Creek, Unt.. Miss E. Diegel writes: "A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lum- bago ; it was like a steel rod piercing my back I also had earache and was just Wild with pain. I applied bat- ting soaked with Nerviline to mv ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lum- bago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this.” It’s the penetrating power of Nerviline that makes it superior to all other lini ments. Nothing beats it, 25c at all dealers. l Lost boy slept on beat’s bosom ; Stranger Still. the bruin that shel- tered the child had two cubs. This is the characteristic introduc tion, in an American paper, to a re- markable story of the disappearance and recovery of a small boy in the wilds of Minnesota. The child, who was 1055 in the woods. slept all night on the bosom of an old she bear. and when found was none the worse for .‘his perilous adventure. The story is almOSt incredible. but it is told by so much circumstantial detail that it is probable that it has some founda- tion in fact. In Minnesota there lives a homesteader. named Hans Larsen. who has a family of seven children. Among the number is a three-year-old child known as "Little Gabe.” who happens to be the hero of the adventure with the bear. He suddenly left home one day, making for the woods. and his absence was not noted by his mother fcr three or four hours. It was then decided to make a systematic search, in which all the neighbors joined. A logging contractor was also notified and he. assembled his crew of fifty men.§ The remaining part of the story is] lbest told by the lumber'jBCky Who} ‘lound the boy the following day at; noon ;-â€""\'\'hen the old man sent thef hurry-up call for us to drop drivin’l and hike over to the Norsk’s who lost! his kid. we broke for the little farm j mightv quick We knew the woodsl were full of wolves, an’ if they didn’t; get the kid the night was due to be? colder’n and he’d freeze to death} before the frosr fell We just Swp-i ped long enough to till our lunch Sacks with grub an’ get plenty oil matches. and then we put. right into l the woods a Hyin’. We made IUI'Clhl es of birch bark. besides llm’lll’ all the lanterns there was on the drive,3 and the 01’ than spread the whole; fifty of us out, axul we line lUHCll [ combed that country all night BUB; we couldn’t. find hide nur hall‘ 0f Elm kid. and when mot'niu’ come 1 says to myself. 'Il’mt Kid’s a gumâ€"1'. SUl‘c,’ aml :ihouc Bt'et‘wlmdi' elm. Mistrial): \ 9 the Carrie wa. haunt the in man. nml lie never “(Milli div“ in if llb (hi-“l- Alzer “P. htitl umth .\+- Went “1 ll again Althilg about {10011 I {UUUdf the. kid sle pm; in hollow low? \Vrmltl not llthw ~m-n him if it ll'Hâ€"ll not been for his little (nip {1“, hillâ€"l fallen on the ground. He Was “I a bear den I took him 0' t. of thH 10%, and the first thing: he said was that he Was hungry. I gave him all the lunch i had left. and he devoured it- Ittied to get. the story of his exper- ience from him Afterl raised the loin: yell an’ was waitiu’ for the l)03’5l to come in, he did make Out. to Will me that he played about in the WOOdS until he got tired and then tried $0 20 home. but couldn’t get there~ Then it got dark; then he caught on to a big black ‘doggie and two little doggies’ laying down. and he layed down with them. and slept warm all night. and he was so tired when morning came that he couldn’t keep up with the the. ‘doggies ’ They ran. away and left him. Then he tried to get home, but. couldn’t make it. and found the hollow 109; and crawled in. crying for his mether. Jehosephat! if that kid didn’t sleep with that she hear and her cubs. and never g0t a Scratch! But how a she bear with cubs. the most dangerous creature Yhas walks. ever allowed him to do it 1 can’t get through my head. l _...__._ Astounding adventure of an American SHE WAS WILD WITH PAIN. Health Depends 0'3 Good Blood Death of a Centenanan. SLEPT WITH A BEAR We ab5ulutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50c. box of Mi-o-na Stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the resul's. Mi one is sold by druggists everywhere. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents. Bocth’s Miona Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Day after day. at work behind desks or in the factory with poor sunlight: and air, soon results in sluggishness of the entine physical and mental ap. paratus. The firs: slight symptoms of indigestion can be easily cured, but. when they are allowed to increase without any help then the stomach complaints become hard to shah e off. Strengthen the whole digestive system with Mi-o-na and ~vou will soon find that both stomach and bowels do their work as they should. But Mi-o na stomach tablets taken with regularity, in a very few days will drive away indigestion, dizzy Speils, disuess after eating, headache sleeplessness. and the many other symptoms of bad digestion and slug- gishness of the digestive organs that keep people from enjoying them- selves. ' Thousands of men and women are anxiously looking forward to the va cation days that come in June, July and Augustâ€"not so much for the pleasure or enjoyment as for the chance of gecung rid of their ill health. To thoroughly drive away troubles of the stomach most peOple think they have to make a business of it. with dieting, GXercise. and perhaps a vacation. A terrible experience had Edw. J. O’Connor, of Sault Ste Marie. “From boyhood,” he writes, "I have been a consrant sufferer from aschma and catarrh., My nose and throat were always stopped up and I had drop- pings in the throat When attacks came on I thought I could’nt live through the night. I would sit up gasp for breath and endure great dis- tress. Catarrhozone made me entire- ly well,” No Stronger proof is requir- ed. Asthma is curable, so is catarrh. Use “Catarrhozone” and your recov- ery is guaranteed. ’I‘wo sizes, 250 and $1.00 at all dealers. Take it Now that Vacation Days are Fast Approaching. Mr. Franks Was a capable engmeer and competent for the position, but was inclined to be reckless, and had often been cautiuued for the way he handle-d the machine. Only yester- day I'LLI‘Iliug Manager \Vood had warned tum L0 be more careful, An inqueat will be held this afternoon at :2 o’ctuck by Coroner Allan Cameron. Harvey Franks was the second son of Mr shunneuv Franks. 1.78 Poulett $3., h11d153-3 years of age. He was married 14 gears ago to Cassie .Beac- tic. daughter (3f Wm. Beatie, Dease 85., who is left to mourn his loss with four amall childrcu. Arthur, Harold, Blanche and a baby girl. The family reside on Stavely Sc” EuSt H111. Greenwich. Engu, June 11.â€"â€"Cbas. Dalton, an American writer, son of M. S. Dalton. of Indianapolis. at- tempted 50 cut his throat. here today with arazor owing to despondency due to financial troubles. He was taken to a. hospital and probably W.ll recover. Other men were working at the scene of the accident, but Franks was alone in the house and all Others escaped. The crane was badly Wrecked and in will be nearly a week befoze it will be repaired. The acci~ dent will handicap the company con- siderably as it was to be used in un- leading a cargo ol coal now at the company’s Wharf. Mr. Franks had charge of the loco~ motive crane for moving marl, coal, 'etc , at the cement works, and oper- ated it from a cab on the crane. Yesterday afternoon he was operat. ing the crane movingstock marl from the yard into the mill. About three o’clock he was loading and. it is said, used the boom at too long range and then swung the machine around in the opposite direction, giving it a three quarter instead of a quarter turn. In swinging the heavily laden boom the whole machine tipped over, and in doing so broke the steam con- nections between the boiler and en- gine in the little house. Franks was in a perilous position enclosed in the house and was terribly scalded by the escaping steam, and it was some little time before he could be removed. He was [rightfully injured, particu- larly about the more exposed portions of his body. Dr. Dow and others were quickly on the scene and Franks was removed to the General and Mar. ine Hospital. Hismouth was par- boiled with the steam and his breath- ing was so dificult that a silver tube was inserted in his throat. He suf- fered great pain, but gradually weak- ened and about six o’clock passed away. Mr. Harvey Franks, Stavely street East Hill. was terriblv scalded in an accident to the locomotive crane at the Imperial Cement. Works yester- day afternoon and aied three hours afterwards at the General Marine Hospital as a result of his injuries and after sufiering terrible agony. BARELY LIVED THROUGH IT. The New Remedy. A FATAL ACCIDENT Cut His Own Throat (O. S. Times. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The torturing aches of corns. Be Prepared,-â€"â€"nhe only painless cure is Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Fifty years in use and absolutely guaran- teed. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Byers, of Tor- onto are visiting friends _here at. present. Mr, Seiling is busily engaged drill- ing a well for Walter Geddee. James Kerr is giving his stable a general overhauling. Dear Editor,â€"â€"As 1 never see any news from our burg, I thought I would try and let you see we are alive. You know how you feel,-â€"blue, sickly and heavy. Each morning you waken in a dull “dopy” condition and wish it were night again. Your liver is wrong and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they do cure all liver ills. At once the system is relieved of poisons, blood is enriched and purified, appetite increases and digestion picks up. Health and vigor return because Dr. Hamilton’s Pills make the body proof against weak- ness and disease. For your liver, your kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feelings, try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25c per box at any dealers. He was presented to the King and Queen by Ambassador Reid. He spent a quarter of an hour with King Edward. and ofiered to buy ,Windsor Castle from the Queen. MET KING ()1“ SIAM. The King called on him to meet the other guests He introduced Twain to the King of Siam. the Duke of Uonnaught, Prince Arthur of Con- naught. and Others. Prince Arthur is to receive a degree at Oxtord at the same time as the American humorist, and he remarked that he would col- lapse if called upon for a speech. Thereupon Twain offered to under- take to speak for him. “ His Majesty was very corteous. In the course of the conversation I reminded him of an episode sixteen years ago, when I had the honor to walk with him when he was taking the waters at Homburg. I said I had often told about that episode, and that whenever I was the historian I made good history of it. and it was worth listening to, but that it had found its way into print.once or twice in unauthentic ways and had been [badly damaged there. I added that ii should like to go on repeating this history. but that I should be quite fair and reasonably honest, and while I should probably never tell the story twice in the same way. Ishould at leaSt never allow it to deteriorate at my hunds.” The Staff of Punch invited him to a dinner at the Savoy on July 9. but he intimated his preference to dine in the famous Punch room at, the Punch offices. and the dinner will be given there. The garden party given at Windsor to mark the close of the Ascot meet was the first. royal party since the late Queen Victoria’s in 1897. Speaking of his reception Mark Twain said:â€" Mark Twain Was piloted to the fes- tivity by John Henniker Heaton. who introduced him to Sir Henry Camp- bell-Bannerman, Fridtjo Nansen, Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, Ellen Terry and other notables. Mr. Clemens considers this one of the greatest houors uf his visit. “ All that report about my proposal to buy Windsor Castle and its grounds is a false rumorâ€"I started it my- self.” “ I have kept the remark unuttered and that has saved her Majesty the vexation of hearing it for the ten thousand and onth time. " That she still looks to me as young and beautiful as she looked thirty-five years ago is good evidence that 10,000 people already have no- ticed this and have mentioned it to her. I could have said it and Spoken the truth. but I have been too wise for that. “ I didn’t say that to her. because I learned long ago never to say any obvious thing, but to leave an obvi. one thing to common-place and inex- perienced peOple to say; ” I think it is no exaggeration to say that the Queen looks as young and beautiful as she did thirty-five years ago. when I saw her first. London. June 23.â€"â€"Garbed in the regulation eilk hat and frock coat. Mark Twain was the centre of at traction ataroyal garden party at Windsor yesterday. He alterwards said : Samuel Clemens Cracks a Joke in the Royal Presence. FITS YOUR CASE EXACTLY. MARK TWAIN AT WINDSOR. FEW WILL ESCAPE. HEATON AS GUIDE . Hampden. and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught; separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. EBAY and EVENING classes. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore sub- sisting between us, the undersigned. as bakers and confectioners in the town of Durham. in the county of Grey, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to E. A. Rowe, of Durham. aforeo said, and all claims azamst the said part- nership are to be presented to the said E. A. Rowe. by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham 3rd day of June. 1907 Witness. ‘ Signed. A. H. Jackson Ernest A. Rowe Henry Butler Hughes BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEW’RITING COMMERCIAL LAW’ COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS W'RITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING .. ‘0 ' ~ “ oi the Souvenir completely 1M “i" changes the air therein every . few minutes without lessen- ,Anmm , . . 'waf‘r - 3 mg the heat one iota. : arm” : . . ' ”.13.. ' i Pure, cold air 15 draxm i’An ° d ii 0 and ‘ Aerated Oven Into the aerate U f heated to the exact temperature of the oven be Ore it enters it. This Aerated Oven can only be had on the Business College Notice of )issolution of Partnership. ZEOM The The ventilating principle of other ranges simply draws in cold air ciirect to the oven, heats it and allows it to escape. Suppose you have a pan of biscuits or a Sponge cake in the oven, and a gust of cold air strikes themâ€"- ”2131...... they fall flat at once and ,- .. ms; the whole baking is spoiled. ' ‘ KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. When Going Up Street: l.-l’rices will please you. 2.~â€"Groceries Will suit you. 3.-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be exceUed. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson (Tall and ask to see. :Lnythmg you want in f«.mr\\'mn'. If our gnods and pricvs (10m; suit; your taste and purse. we will 1):): urge. you tn buy what. you dont; want. ()m'aim is to keep grands that sell with- out urging thv buyer. Trunks, Valises. (7111}; Hugs. '17clesc0pus. Suit (‘nses in Stuck. Snnw lines of Hosiery at intvwsting prices. (‘ustmn walk and rvpairing as quickly as possible. MATTHEWS LATI M ER Grocer 0 FROM leS MATTHEWS a? LATIMER You will consult, your own interests as well n ours if you will call and 9x:uninv our goods and privvs lwfnre buying ymzr m-xt [mix- of Boots, Shoes, . vv“. V" â€" Limited. Hamilton, \Vinnipeg. ,Montrca! and Vancouver. w. T. CLANCY, Prin. § “'Vh‘VT‘Vn Every Souvenir is guaranteed by th is W URimY-TILDEN co. LEADS IN Mount Forest or Slippers __â€"_._________â€"__â€". ____‘ d. S. McILRAITH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS is absolutely the makers. MODEL BAKERY '8 . fOl S , '1 0W1 d e 1 '1‘} why you should buy your The Aerated Oven All-haterial such as timlyer: buck, stone. etc., m cases where the buxldmgs cannot be moved. are also offered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Appiy to J. 1’. TELFORD, Durham. UV"” v- w ‘-. "wâ€" m'i‘hese buildings (nest be remqved at_ an early date. in order to clear the hue of nght of .“tay. - u I A. I ‘ ‘ AA___.. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale a number 9f .ho‘usesfiand out; .l. for sale a number of houses and out- buildings along the line of right of way of the Walkertou and Lucknow Railway, in the town of Durham. 4.â€"-â€"You can always depend on getting full measure. correct welght and entire satisfactlon. TRY 1’5. Properties’ for Sale

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