West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 1

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REV. MR. COLLIxG preached his fareWell sermon here on Sunday evening last to a well filled church. Mr. Colling is a man of good sterling qualities, the same first last and al- ways. He has no oratoricai gush about him, but gives his audience some good sound sense. Everybody regards him as a. good true devoted christian, who goes where he is sent and never manners at the Station assigned to him. He has been many years in the ministry, has held smue very good positions, in towns and cities. and has been instrumental in the building of a number of good churches. Since hisordination he has been at Dundas, Oakville, Cote St. Paul, St. Catharines, St. Thom-ts, London, Beamsville. Welland, Sincoe, ' Hattsville, St. G rge, Ifaisley, Wiar- ton, Niagara F Durham. He IS the Lacrosse Game at Hanover on Friday last the Hanover team de- feated ours by‘a score of S to at. This with their former defeat at (fihesley makes things look rather dull for Dur- ham’s chance of adistrict champion- ship. The only game they have won so far is the game they didn’t play with Hanover. Chesley comes over here to play on Friday. and it’s up to the home team to redeem themselves on their own grounds. \VHEX you buy a. buggy, ”buy the the best, "The McLaughl'rn,’ at; Mm- dock’s. Sold 3 car load, and another shipment will arrive in a few days. THE members of the infant class of the Methodist Sunday Schmul gathered at the Parsonage on Tuesday after- noon and presented Mrs. Colling. their departing teacher, with a choice his- cuit jar. Mrs. Calling feelingly spoke of her appreciation of the gift and also of the interest and love which she would always have for the members of the class. GIANT Triplets “Currency" “Bobs” and “Stag” Chewing Tobaccos, in big plugs. Quality always the same. AT the Muse of the Sunday nmz'uing servicein the Methodist Church the members of the choir presented Miss. Viola. (.‘olliug with a beautiful pearl cresccuc brooch as a. token of their ap- preciation of her sci-viges and good fellowship among them. THOSE who never saw Niagara Falls should strain a point to getfihere once. The excursion Friday July5th costs only $2.40 for the round trip. Tickets from Durhmn, Varney and Holstein are good up to Monday, and from all other points they are valid to return on Saturday. Train leaves here at 6.4.") a.m. THE annual Presbyterian Garden Party will he held under the auspices of the Young People's Society “n Thursday evening. July 11th. The Band will he. in attendance and a good program is in preparation. Ice cream, strawberries and nther refresinnents will be served. Admissinn 10 cents. Everybody welcome. THE Orangemen intend celebrating at Arthur this year. . 'NIAéARifalls Excursiga to-morrow, July 5. rain‘leaves at 6.45 a. m. Fare $2.40. Children’ $1.20. LOST on Show Grounds -a. pair of gold rimmed spectacles with curved holders. Finder wili-oblige by leaving at )Iacfzu-lane’s store or this office. BE 11‘ \VILLIS was around bright, and early on the morning of Dominion Day. It takes something to get; Bert: out before the usual time, but, on the advent of :1, new baby to the]. home a. fellow has to get; a hustie on. MURDOCK is the only organized Sing- er Sewing Machine Agent Collector, in Durham. ‘ THE Young People’s Presbyterial of the Saugeen Presbytery had a meeting \Vedm-sday in Mt. Forest. and a large luad attended from the Guild here. The Prvsbytery met the same day. AX aw ful death IS 16pm ted fmm To- Iontu \\ hexe \Irs. “'eir, of Seafox th, a lady of sixty y ears of age. was run over by :1 street; car and instantly kill- ed. TI Peane VOL. 40â€"â€"N0. 2103. TLXP (far ad to he jzu'ked up to .‘e t w angled reumins. NEWS AROU N D TOWN To=morr0w, Friday July 5th, has been proclaimed DurhamCivic Holiday REV. AND DEAR Simâ€"The members of S. G. Temperance Association desire in view of your early removal to another sphere of labor to express to you our regret at losing you influence and counsel in the good work in which the Association is engaged. Your in- terest and faithfulness have been stim- ulating to us all and we feel sure that your sympathies will be with us while your activities will benefit another community. Wishing you and your family many years of happy usefull- ness..iu the Master’s work. ‘ We remain yours, etc. C. L. GRANT. ‘ W. GLASS. A. D. BROWNING. H. M. SMITH. A. C. WOLFE. STAPLEs-â€"-â€"-TANNHAUSERâ€"â€"At Fort Steele. British Columbia, in Christ’s Church on Wednesday, June 19th, by Rev. E. Flewelling, George Arthur Staples, son of James Staples, Edge- _ hill, to Miss Francés Amalia Tann- To REV. MR. COLLING. COMPLAINT was made by the Board of \Vorks against Mr. Geo. Spar-ling who had a number of poles on the side of Saddler Street. near the station. He pleaded guilty to the charge and Magistrate Telford imposed a fine for the obstruction. i'l‘his will be a warn- ing to the rest of us to keep our wood piles in the back yards and not run any chances of being brought before the beak, as the Board has expressed a determination to haVe. everything in the shape of an obstruetion removed from the public higl’iways in town. \Ve have no hard feeling against Mr. Sparling. but feel that the. imposition of the line in his case will have a better effect than it would if the Board had made their first attack on some. of us “small fry.” It is probable too that Mr. qparling will assist the Board in polishing up all the streets. and in time. (but we’ll not guess how long) we’ll have a town that Will shine as well as the" best of them. There are a lot of things that could be done to im- proved the appearance of the town, and if we had the burdocks cut from our back yard we would be in a good position to institute a crusade against the pestiferous weed crops. We are not ready yet to make the attack, but we may be in the course of a year or LWO. FOR quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “ Bobs” “ Stag ” and “ Currency ” Chewing To- baccos. MR. GEO. A. STAPLES, of Cmnbrouk, B. C.,.is spending a. few Weeks with his parent“, Mr. :md Mrs. Jmnes Staples and nt.1)errc‘n.tive.~z and friends in the town and vicinity. It; will be interesting to many to learn that. Mr. Staples was married on the 19th of June and is nmvnn his hnneymonn “’0 wish him all thuenjoyments of a long and happy mzu'ried life. and trust. he may continue a trusted member of the Canadian Pacific Railway 00., in whnae services he has been a. valued employee for a number of- years. “"8 were pleased to have a. brief call fmm him an Tuvsday last. OUR U()UNTRY.-â€"A patriotic address will he delivered in the Methodist Church next; Monday evening by In- Spectm' Campbell who has kindly con- sented to address at union meeting of Senior and J umor Epworth Leagues. Admission, nothing. HOUSEHOLD Furniture including a. new parlor suite, a dining room suite, new parlor rocker and kitchen range for wood or coal. These articles are as good as new and must be sold as the proprietor is leaving town. Apply to H. Johns. MR. .1on G. VOLLETT, has not been well for some time, and his condition at time of going to press is very criti- cal and his recovery is not, expected. He is a son of Thomas V ollett, Whose burial was reported in last, week’s issue. REV. NEWTON, of the Baptist church, and Rev. Colling, of the Methodist church. traded jobs on Sunday morn- ing last and each preached from the other’s pulpit. ADDRESS T0 REV. COLLING -â€"-:H ... H _ 5‘...” Mr. Oliver Wiggins is at present, un- der the weather with a. sore foot hav- ing to help himself along with a. stick. Hope to hear of his. speedy improve- ment. Miss Florence Andrews, who has been visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Russell. leavesfor Owen Sound Thursday morning where she will take the C. P. R. boat for her] home in Port Arthur. . - . Miss lVlav McClocklin, of Markdale, 13 spendmg the school holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mc- Clocklin. .131" Hal"? Harding, 0f Hillsburgh. v1s1ted hlS brother William here and sang an excellent solo Sunday night in the Baptist Church. Mrs. B. Dean. Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. John Wright. over the holiday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Matthews, and Miss Edna, of Markdale, spent Sunday in town. Edna remains for a. couple of weeks. Messrs. George Duncan and Allan Robcrnsou of Hamilton, were in Down for Doulluiuu Day, Mr. and Mrs. E. Langdon left; Tues- day for Muskuxn where they intend spending a Week up so. Mr. U. A. Bean, of Toronto, visited his brother \V. H. Bean over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs.. David Leith spent a well-deserved holiday visiting his brother near Owen Sound. Miss Eleanor Kresa returned from W’iarton where she visited fora, month With friends. Miss Clara Siegner, of Toronto, was at the parental home here over the holidays. Miss Annie Straith has resigned her position in Mr. Dunn’s office and re- turned to her home in Mt. Forest. Mr. W. S. Davidson, barrister, of Peterborough, was in town Dominion Day. Mr. Thomas Brown and his daughter, Mrs. Pen 1e of Holstein, spent; Domin- ion Day with Mr. James Brown here. Mrs. J. M. Hunter went to Brussels Tuesday morning to Visit: friends there. Mr. Stmson and young son. of Alma, visited his son George on Sunday and Monday. Mr. Grem ge \V1 iO'ht of '1‘01 onto, spent a couple of days at the parental home hele Misses Edith and Margmet Grant, teachers near Mooxefield, are spending theix holidays at; home here. \Varden Pedwell and Barrister D yre, of Thornbury. were in town for a day or two last week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip McKechnie and family left Tuesday morning for sz son City. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Turnbull, of Huntsville, were in (own over Domin- ion Day. Miss S. McUlocklin, teacher. of T0- ruuLu, is home for me holidays. MrS. W. J. Irwin and child, of Ham- ilton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Shaw, over the lst. Mr. John McAL-tluu‘ and D. McMillan were judges of the dancing on Monday. Miss Margaret Hutton of Toronto, spent the holida-w with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and child are guests of Mrs. Graham’s mother, Mrs. McCrea-Lry. a My. Chas. Btu-c, of Elora, spent; Do- miniuu Udy with friends in town. tic. Vida? c". wxmaan. immeam m: 55.: HS. 3 an? 96: Mr. Noble Sharpe, Medical and Art: Student, of Toronto, was in town-this’ week. .1 Mr. Norman McIntosh spent; Domin- ion Day at; his ho’me at: North Bruce. Mr. Duncan McKenzie, of Toronto, came home Saturday night). Mr. \V. George \Vright, Toronto, came up to visit friends and parents for Dominion Day. Miss Llowyn Moran has accepted a position in Mr. Dunn’s office. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton, of Toronto, are visiting in town. Mlss Black, of Toronto, has been in town for the past; week. Mr. E. T. McUlocklin came home from Manitoulin on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Traynor, of Mu- lock, were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Hanover, vis- ited friends in town on the lst. Miss Rogers is in Toronto this week on business for Miss Dick. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1907‘ PERSONAL Two Mammoth Stones DURHAM“ AND WE] With the crowd to / the Store that gives you the Best Possifile Value for every dollar spent with us. R. B. Keeler Sons COME! COME ! COME ! COME ! } China. Tea Sets, and Dinner Sets. everything that is New in Toilet Sets, and the largest stock of odd pieces of china. in Durham. ! Mrs. J. E. Smith, of Brandon, re- turned home last Friday morning af- ter visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M. Hunter, for a cnuple of weeks. Mr. J. A. Black. of Cheslay, was in town Dominion Day and acted as an official on the grounds during the game. ___..â€"_ -- v We have just opened up a large Stock of The largest Stock of choice Silver- ware that we have ever shown, con- sisting of Silver Tea Sets. Berry Dishes, Butter Dishes, Pickle Castors’, Salad Bowls and Servers, Bake Dishes, Card Receivers, Bread Trays, Cake Baskets, Bon Bon Dishes, Napkin Rings, Car- ving Sets, Pie Sets, Meat Sets, Berry Spoons, Meat Forks, Pie Servers, Knives and Forks in Fancy Cases, Spoons, all sizes. We have every thing that is new in Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Pearl Brooches. Pear-I Pins, N ecklets, Lock- ets, Braclets, Gold W'atches Chains, for the June Bride. Miss Annie Anderson, of Crawford, and Miss Lila Cameron, of Southamp- ton, were for a short time last Friday the guest of the former’s aunt, Mrs. J as. McNally, of Lambton Street. Mrs. J mnes Barrett, of Bzigot. Mani- toba-1., is the guest of her uncle. J anies Burt. She goes to hIOHtl‘OEll to visit other relatives and friends before re- turningr \Vest. Dr. Petermn and Mr. Mc\Villia.ms, son of Dr. MuVVillimns. both of Dun- dztlk, cook in the Dominion Day sports The former is quite a sprinter :md car- ried off some of the pLizcs. Mr. \Vesley McNally, whose health for some time past has not been all that could be desired, left Tuesday morning for Calgary Where he will reside for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Miss Annie Graham, of Haunilttm, visited Mrs. (}z':Lh.--un's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald over Dominion Day. Rev. Mr. Jalnieson arrives here to- day from Chesley to enter his new field of labor as pastor of the Metho- dist Church here and at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. D. McOosker-y, of T0- ronto, visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. J :unes But-net from Saturday till Tues- day. Miss Flussie Thurston and Miss Dur- rgzmt, of Flesherton, gave us a call VVednesdz-Ly as they passed through on their way to Mitchell. \11. Robert Chatto, of London, visit- ed ovei the holiday with fiiends in town and vicinity. Miss Ella Hodge, of Fergus, visited over the holiday with her friend, Miss Nellie W’am Mr. J. Y. Vollett, of Heintzman Piano (30., Toronto, attended the fun- eral of his father here last week. Miss Rita Irwin leaves to-morrow for a. months holiday in Detroit. Miss Katie Clark is visiting friends at Townsend’s Lake. Mr. “'11). Brown, of Alpena, Michi- gan, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Brown. JULY WEDDINGS SOLID GOLD Jap China E3? Highest Price Paid for Produce Spring Laces . . . and Embroideries New Shipments of DRESS FABRIL‘S . We are showing all the Newest Styles in Men’s and Boy’s Straw and Linen Hats, at very Special Prices. \Ve have a very large stock of Hosieay including ladie's plain and fancy hose in Cashmere, Cotton, and Lisle Thread. Children‘s hose in all kinds and sizes. S. F. MORLOCK To clear the balanc of our stock of summer millinery. and do it quickly, we have reduced all our stylish trimmed and untrimmed millinery to half-price. Half =rice Progress Brand Clothing We are offering some remarkable values in Men’s and Boys’ Ready Made Suits in the latest styles. Men’s Straw Hats New Cream Gray, Cheviot, Panama. and Lusters in weights for Dress Suits. Summer Millinery MEN AND BOYS. THE BUB! STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. CASH AND ONE PRICE. Hosiery FOR At 1}),- P" 1 ”REAL. $1.00 PER YEAR

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