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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 2

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I of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham, in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu lars applv to J. P. Telt‘ord, Vendor’s Solici- or. Durham Dec. 2.â€"tt. April ll-tf. J. Varney. Good rough cast building. Good stabling, shed and other conveniences. About three quarters of an aere of ground. The owner is anxious to sell and a. quick purchaser will get abargain. Mrs. Wm. Crawford. Varney Ont. March 26â€"“: ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- A .Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good locatlou, prices reasonable Apply to Thos. Smith or at the Post Office. May 2.0â€"tf. June 7,â€"6 w pd. 11 tion, 200d brick Hotel. éood' stable and livery barn For full particulars apply to Joseph Cairns. Ceylon P O. Ont. :1 storey dwelling. alongside Presby terian Manse property in Upper ToWn, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms, pantry, closets, ceu. em. floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame srable. hard and soft, water. one acre at land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars apply to John W. )chechnie. Owner, Rockv Saugeeu l". U HE HOTEL PROPERTY AT Varney. Good rpugh cast building. Aug. lst. D for registration. Color, dark roan. Age one year. Will sell right. Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen. March ‘23â€"tf. ANTED TWO EXPERIENCED Servant girls. Applv at once at Dr. K Quantity of slabs, mixgd wood, at $.50 not large double load dehyered. Or- iers may be left {It the Chromcle Ofice. fie Durham Furniture Co. A 001) HEAVY SEVEN YEAR OLD Home. Will sell cheap to quick buy- ersâ€"James Atkinson. May 23rd.-â€"tf. 1 best piices. Consult me when buying Geo. B. K. Midford. Studio Mr. J. Lati- mer’,s Upper Town Durham. May 2ndâ€"tf. Information will be thankfully receivedâ€" John Ewen, Rocky Saugeen. WO BROUD SOWS YORKSHIRE to farrow August lst. Also an immort- .l. to farg'ow August Ist. Also an import- ed Berkshxre Boar with pedigree.--Apply to C. W'. Lang, Durham. _ June"a -7, 1907. â€"tf. f angler-signed; 2 yearlings, ) stqer red and whlte, and 1__}_1§ifel_' blne‘ a_x_1d wblte. 1U” Ezremont. nearlv all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Good frame house, comfortable barn and stables. well watered. spring creek runnmg through part of it Convenient to Church and school. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to J. G. Orchard, 4?) York Stu, London. U Lot :27, concession 13. Township of Nornranby- This is a highly improved farm in good locality. Anyone wishing to buy a first-class farm on easy terms of pay- ment should communicate at once with MacKay S: Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors U gen months old, Color red. Eligible for r gistration. Price right. Apply to Wu}; Smith, St. 13‘: miles east of Durham. NE UP THE BEST FARMS IN the Tom-ship of Bentinck. 208 acres, new brick house. two large bank barns. land first class. all cleared except ‘20 acres. Snap to auick purchaser. $151!) down, bal- ance at 4% per cent. Apply to MacKay Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitors. '2 6 07â€"tf OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- cession West of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Norrpanby, in the County of Grey. For partxculars apply to J. P. Telford, Barrister. Durham. Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf . Servant girls. Applv at once at Dr. Jamzeson’s. HE 2ND AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No. l. E. G. R.. in the Township of. Glenelg. 100 acres known as the “McKin- noa. Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate possession given. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. 3 11-07-tf 100 May 16thâ€"tf. Sheer‘x oneutwo! and three years old. Apply to 11105. Mart Sons. Rocky Sau- N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possesswnat once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. Feb 23nd 1905 -â€"-tf lHE 50 ACRES BEING PART OF Lot Number 6‘3, in the lat Concession north of the Du ham Road, in the Township of Bentinck, belonging to the Wilson E +tate and leased to Mr. Arthur Hunt, must be sold to close the Estate. Possession lst April. 1908. For further particulars and terms apply to Charles H Gill, Agent, Dixie. County of Peel. Ontario. Feh’y 19â€"6m. you. ‘I V .v. uu-v v _ A, nable farms in New Ontario. near new Liskeard fur saleâ€"large dxscount for cash. Map of the locality and terms. given on application to J P. Teltord, Solxcuor for 7 18-06.â€"tt Vendor. Look over this column‘every week to find some-'hing that may interest Classifieh‘ HORTHORN BULL. ELIGIBLE HANDLE THE BEST PIANOS AT 'ROM THE PREMISES OF THE ,NE SHORTHORN BULL FOUR- ,NB HUNDRED ACRES BEING OTEL A'l‘ FLESHERTON STA- Property for Sale. NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON B G ISTERED SHROPSHIRE NUMBER OF 1339}pr VAL- _A-_ Lost. or Strayed. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO Stock for Sale. Farms for Sale. Stock W anted Miscellaneous. Help Wanted. ACRES LOP! 94:. (JUN... 21: 1E)06â€"~t.f. HAVE FOR SALE A For Sale. - Many a women, although plain of face, commands admiration on ac count of her graceful carriage and well poised figure. But Women are so apt to neglect this fact that they pass over the importance of bodily poise 1n cultivating their facial beauty. Eight of ten women have a disjointed way of walking. The hips are allowed to sag. making the abdo- men prominent. The sholders droop. and the head is poked forward instead of being held erect. Many women have a habit of coming down heavily on the heels. jarring the whole body and making the hips and shoulders move in on ungainly way. 'says an exchange. Another bad habit is that of turning one foot in and somet'mes borh feet. giving the body a cra like motion that is anything but graceful. It is a mistaken idea that one’s walk is like one’s features unchangeable. On the contrary, any woman can have an erect, Well poised, graceful figure if she is willing to take the time and trouble to correct bad habits. ~ People are often very much disa- ppointed to find that their family physician'is away from home when tney most need his services. Dis- eases like cramp colic and cholera morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many instances proven fatal before medicine could be pro cured or a physician summond. The right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No physician can prescribe a better medicine for these diseases. By having it in the house you escape much pain and’suf- fering and all risk. Buy it now; it may save life. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. I Paris June 13.'â€"The banns were ’ published a month ago at the church of Malherbe in the Pure, and the wedding was to have come ofi forth- with. Cousins came from the coun- try mum to stop at the house of the bride’s father on the eve of the mar riage. But at 11 o’clock at night an unhidden guest knocked at the door. It “as the schoolmaster, breathless. who was also clerk of the registl'Y- He was agitated and seemed to have run some distance. “I forbid the banns.” he gasped, “or rather, I don’t do that. because it is too late. But whatever I do, I shan’t marry the couple tomorrow. They can’t marry; they are both boys.” The future bride was angry; the future bridegroom was ahgrier still. “Can- not you see that Iam agitl?" she asked, and he echoed: “cannot any fool see that she is not a man ?” The schoolmaster was too polite to contradict a lady flat. If she thought she wasa lady, let her continue to think so. For his part, he could but continue to abide by the law. The registrar of births said she was a boy and a boy,she remained administra- tively. In fact. she would be called up for military service this year. The young couple. their parents and their cousins thought the joke had lasted long enough, but it Was no joke. and it is not yet over. Two days have been Spent in fruitless ef- forts to get round the registry clerk. The sworn evidence of the father and the mother are of no avail. The girl is a boy in the books. and cannot be married to a party of the same legal sex as herself. The mayor acknow- ledges that on the face of it a mistake seems to have been made when her or his birth was registered. But it is exceedingly difiicult to correct an oficial error. Until that is done. there can be no wedding. at least ad- ministratively of the lady and the The Doctor Away from Home when Most Needed. man. It follows that she could leg- ally be married to another lady with- out any possible objection from the registry clerk. Another feature is that if she does not soon disentangle herself from the muddle she will soon be captured by the conscription. “I am so delighted with what Chamberlain’s Salve has done for me thatlfeel bound to write and tell you so,” says Mrs. Robert Mytton, 457' John St.. Hamilton, Ontario. “My little daughter had a bad burn on her knee. I applied Chamber- lain’s Salve and it healed beauti- fully.” This salve allays the pain of aburn almost instantly. It is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. No Delays Ill making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year savings Bank Department L‘! Connection with all M THE S'UXNDARD BANK DURHAM BRANCH John 3.91137. Manager nmcgms mo 41‘ Mutant AND nucnvxLLE ERROR STOPS MARRIAGE. Bad Burn Quickly Healed. UNGRATEFUL HABITS. Savings Department. Deposits 0f$1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. , OF CANADA ~ Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT ESTABLISHED 1.73 Hy-o-mei is made from nature’s soothing oils and balsams and con tains the germ-killing properties of the pine woods. Its medication is taken with the air you breathe. so that it reaches the most remote part of the reSpiratory organs; killing all catarrhal germs and soothing any ir- ritation there may be in the mucous membrane. If you have catarrh with ofiensive breath, burning pain in the throat, dificulty in breathing, raising of mucous, discharge from the nose. tickling or drapping from the back of the throw, coughing spasms. etc.. begin the use of 357-0 mei at once. Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure Will be Guaranteed. The time has come when I must. ask you a question, the contemplation of which has caused many sleepless nights, bitter weeks of anguish and corresponding days of anxiety. This is a subject of which I hesitate to speak to anyone, as Iknow the whole community is upset at the present time by the same queStion which agi tates me. Many a happy home has been broken up by the same cause. and I dare not even communicate my state of mind to my folks. as they are so old-fashioned about such mat- ters. In my distress 1 must humbly turn to you for sympathy. It may surprise you to know thatI would consult you on such an important subject, which only my heart should know, but, like morning dawn, the whole afiair must come to light. and the public muSt know sooner or later. so I ask your friendly advice. as I know you will understand the matter better than I can eXplaiu. I am ask- ing a great favor of. you, and, While you are considering this, ‘1 wish you would set aside all cares. all social joys: and properly consider the ques- tion. I hate to ask you. but must come to the point. Do you think it time to taee off my winter under- wear? After considering the matter closely let me hear from you at your earliest convenience. We do not want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that: money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satrsfaccion. All druggiSts should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it, by mail on receipt: of price, $1.00, and every package is sold'with the distinct undersmnding that it c08ts nothing unless it cures. Booth’e Hyomei Company. Bufialo. \ London, June.‘22.~ (Special)â€"Rich- ard Gould, yatd foreman on the G. T. R... was instantly killed while working with a yard engine. He fell between the cars and was cut in two. Best Medicine in the World for Colic and Diarrhoea. At the home of the 'bride, _, Mrs. Harrell. their daughter Mariah (Mrs. Hazlett) was united in marriage to one of Bantinck’s well-known young men. John Milligan. The happy event. took place Tuesday afternoon in the presence of about twenty guests The bride was attended by Miss Teua Milligan. of Hamilton. sis- ter of the ‘groom. and W. Woods, of Stratford. cousin of the bride, aeted for the “other party. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Austin L. Budge. M. A, and after asumptuous wedding dinner the guests dispersed wishing the bride and groom every happiness. The presents were very beautiful and teStified to the popu- larity of the bride.--Hanover Post. “I find Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy in the world,” says Mr. C. L. Carter of Skirum, Ala. “I am subject to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed as though I would die, and I think I would if I hadn’t taken Chamberlain’s Colic. Cnolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven’t been troubled with it since until this week. when I had a very severe at~ tack and took half a bottle of the twenty five cent size Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. and this morningI feel like a new man. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Following in one of the questions hurled at ye editor during the past week :â€" Have You Catarrh ? The All-Important Question. MILLIGANâ€"T Messrs. Fred White and John Klippert, two fishermen, employed in the vicinity of the Bastards. came across the body of a. man on the shore of one of the islands a. few days ago in such a bed state 03 decomposi- tion as to rend‘ér identification al- most impossible. It is supposéd th“ the remains are those of one of the victims of the ill-fated J caesiâ€"O. S. Times. Yesterday’s Toronto Globe tells of a strange case as follows :â€"The strange case of Mrs. M. Nicholls, who was detained successively at No 1 Police Station. the Bellamy Home and the House of Providence, on ac- count of her being unable to give an inteliigent account of herself her journeyings and her destination, has been cleared up, and the old lady has gone to owen Sound. where she claims to have a relative, a Miss Wil- cox. for whom she inquired continu- ally during her lapse of memory. They found Mrs. Nicholls at the union depot early Sunday morning. and subsequently sent her to the Bellamy House. where she expressed a pref- erence for the care of the Sisters at the House of Providence.’ At that institution she came to realization of her strange predicament, and asked that she be allowed to proceed to Owen Sound. The-sisters did not think that she was capable of taking care of herself. and endeavored to prevail upon her to remain. Some of her personal efiects were put in hiding, and she threatened to go away without them, and was once brought back from the south gate of the institution when she attempted to get away. As it became apparent that she was able to proceed on her journey she was allowed to go. She claims to have alighted from a train here while under the impression that she had reached ’her destination. Mrs. Nicholls had considerable mon- ey in her possession. and so anxious was she to get. to Owen Sound that she offered some money to one of the Sisters at the House of Pro- vidence to be allowed to leave that institution. mum 'm Swing, creak, swing, crpak. ~ Thus the hammock is wont to spegk. All of the day it is made to rock, All of the night, until twelve o’clock. Mother an’ sister, an’ Daddy an’ me Like that hammock exceedinglee. Ivy hides it from public gaze, Nobody knows of our idle ways. Swing. creak, swing. creak, Sis has a dood who is mild an’ meek. Wears a harp as his necktie pin, Likes to play on the violin ; Sings a little bit on the side, Always is feat-fully dignified. Works in a Bank just across the This Lady Leaves Her Train at T0- ronto Under the Impression She Had Reached Owen Sound. HEALTH RUN -DOWN WOMEN. From the eXperience of Mrs. Jno. Panke. Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone. "At times 1 was confined to my bed and couldn’t do any work. I was run down in flesh, lost strength." my appetite failed. my color.‘ was pallid. Weary and castdown, it seemed I couldn’t catch up. Ferrozone started a new kind of life in my blood, built me up. vital- ized and strengthened my nerves, and finally cured my heart and stom- ach pains.” Ferrozone is a rebuilder that has special virtue in female ailments. told everywhere in 50c boxes; try Ferrozone. THOUGHT SHE WAS IN OWEN SOUND. « Get busy! Boy, it’s such a little span From the far rear to the van. 0 Dash ahead and win the stake; You can do it. Make the break. Rest and holiday are where Work is done. Strike out for there. Get busy! Get busy ! Boy, be at; your toil today. All tomorrow you may play. You’ll enjoy the recess mor’é’ If your work you do before. Only one Way to get; through; Keep hard at it. till you do. street. ‘ Hully gee, but his clothes is sweet ! Swing, creak, swing. creak, Hid by the ivy to take a peek. Sis an’ the Dood was sittin’ there, He was strokin’ her golden hair. Swingin’ earnestly to an’ fro. Talkin’ to Sister soft and low. Sayin’. "My darling, may I hope ?” Then, by jingo, I out the rope. No swing, no creak. Sister emitted a fearful shriek. An’ the Dood, I distinctly heard Swear a little. He ~aid, “My word!” Sister seen me, I don’t know how. Hully gee. what a awful row! Dad an’ me to the woodshed flew. No. ’Tain’t Dad who is black an’ blue. If you have a task. my son, Pitch right in and get it done. “Well hegun’s half done." you know. Says the maxim, and it’ s so Jump into your work with zest; When you’ ve_ finished stop and restâ€" ANOTHER BODY FOUND. (O. S. Sun. GET BUSY. â€"Indianapolis News. Special attention to Gaso. ‘line Engine repairs. ‘N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs " promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND, GOOD WORK. ,_ __ _-'-‘- vllvulo And further take notice. that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, ,having regard only to the claims of which 1 the shall then have notice, and that the ‘ sai Executors will not be liable for the said ‘ assets or any part thereof to any x era-on or Bel-sons of whose claims not-me shall not ave been received by them at the time ot such distribution. N THE MATTER or was 33.] tate of Samuel Lawrence the Elder,‘ late of the. Township of Glenelg. in the County of Grey. Farmer deceased 0 Notice is hereby given Qursuant to “The vised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 Chapter 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Samuel Lawrence the Elder. who died on or about the 10th day of March. A. D. 1907. are re- quired. on or before the 6th (1fo uly. A. D. 1907. to send by post. prepaid, or deliver to the Executors of the last will and testament ot the Said disceased. their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, the state- mentof their accounts and the nature of the securities. it _any. held by them. For the Season of 1907, GEORGE MIGHTON has full charge of the above named Registered Stallion, and persons Wishing to use the said Stallion. may consult with him, and make arrange- ments at Lots 61 62, 0011. 3, N. D. R. Banker is one of the best, Stock Horses 1n the County of Grey. Registered ¢Ivdesdale Stallion Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Dated J age 6th 1907. Dated the Fifth Day of J une. A. D. 1907 JAMES HOPKINS. Durham P. O. Ont. WM. McFADDEN, Durham P. 0. Out. The farm must be sold to close up the said William Lonney estate. Terms 10 per coat on day of sale, and balance at :10 days with- out int rest. For further particulars apply to if)" figfiggfifii} Administrators ' _C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... Executors of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Lawrence the Elder, deceased. N THE TOWNSHIP OF BEN- tinck. in the Count of Grey, being composed of the west haf of Lot number twenty eight, in the fifth concession of t e said township of Bentinck. The estate of William Lonney. deceased, will be offered for sale on the 13th of J uly. A. D. 1907. at Hahn‘s Hotel. Durham. at th_e__hour of 2 pm. _ _ There is a'goed bank barn and need hguse. on the said premises also well water- 8 O QURHAM FOUNDRY Are two articles of Special Excel- lence which we sell. “70 again remind our customers to bring us their “"001 thus season. Lawn at 123/“ and 1 )C \'l‘(l Lawn Aprons :20 U 2 3( ea. White Waists’ $1 \" $1. :5 Cashmere Hose :3. w 1301' 131*. Mill Ends Table Linen Special value at interesting pxicvs. . Do not spend time 9.118 energy in sew- mg, when you can buy excellent. \ For50c less than cost of the material. BOOTS G: SHOES 5,,93 ». SMITH 8: SONS 0f Valuable Township Property Administrators’ Sale Notice to C1 C. McArthur Flannellette Shirts MANUFACTURERS 0F CHOICE Breakfast Bacon And Pure Lard “BANKER” E. W. LI MIN. or 10 J. P. Telford. Admmistrators’ Solicitor John Clam. Auctioneer Specialty krfl'fi’fi‘fi’fi“ :aeéé All up-to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and We will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop, Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal. the best on the. market. 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All kinds of Grgn bought at Harket Is made from selected Winter wheat; and is a superxo‘ article for making pastry, etc. whe. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Mamboba wheat cannot be beat- for elther hakers’ or domestic use. People’s Mills Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths’ Furnisher HARRY BURNETT Mid=Summer Millinery . Opening , Next Tuesday and \Vednesday, we are having our mid-summer millinery opening, when we will show some stunning effects in large Trimmed Sailor and Lingerie Hats. we got our information direct, from New York regarding Hm 1., m” n... --v- \ausku llvu‘ New York regarding the latest sty- les. As a matter of fact our bats are all Smart and Stylish. and what is most important, absolutely cor- Shirtsâ€"Special lot of the seasons Best. Stoxles in White neat st11pe< and figures, some \\ ith at- tached cuffs. and some with semrate cuffs. Prices 750 to $1.530. VGStSâ€"\V4_* 112 Al VP $01110 11108 pattel HS 111 1‘ illlC‘)’ ‘ (351-8 at \2.25. Footwearâ€"Men‘s Black Patent Leather and Calf Boots, mad“ on Shlisll Gum] Fitting: ldh't\ 811“ 1191 k\ 14(1M Shnpes,:111 1n ices Durham John McGown. TRY OUR 833V CHOPPER. 0111' Hats auc SPGCiaHV su1ta1)letm spring \\ car They are the .\EW delicatc shades of fawn and Beaver. “The Wilton Label" is a guarantee of satisfac- tionâ€"Prices from $1 .00 to $3.00. PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN MISS DICK ECLIPSE WE KEEP July 4, 1907 TH E Ontario

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