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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 3

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3 This Means You ; gSO Come Along’ Ms‘hfléflb MMSfi $192 Implement Agent and Auctioneer. Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. MANITRE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MOWE LS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HA RRO WS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. _____ van-IVI QIIIAl ‘ a' I'm IHT‘L. U P. R:- and" ”cam: Memnship rickets: for sale. Exerx flung: private. A PRUV'ITABLE Blacksmith shnp stand, we” insured. A largeezxm of money in land at luwest rates. DEBT-5 COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES Nngd Difficulties: argmged. VU Implements To change hi4 advertisements but. now offers some NEW BARGAINS : 100 ACRES Bentlnck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig: stables, good soil. good orchard. 200d bush. Price should be $4000 but will sell tor less than 33000 it sulcl at once, ‘50 ACRES near Durham. a good farm, splendully xmprnved, was askmg S7 LOO will nmv take great (183] less. 100 ACRES in Gleuelg. near Durham, a line well xmpmved farm. wxll sell very cheap or trade. ACRE lJYl: . near Durham Furniture Factnry. \Vlll sell cheap or trade. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER : HAS BEEN : AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones 0\VE.\' SOUND. Deering Harvester Co.'s Farm Implements Machinery. F. E. SIEGNER Always Promptâ€"Never Neglizcnt. ALSO A COMPLETE STUCK 0F Try 0111‘ Ramsay Paints and \ :u'nishvs of all kinds. A Large Supply of T IN- \\'ARE alw-vs on hand, 01' mude t0 Ou‘ml‘ on shortest notice. ()ur CHARCOAL IRONS :m- just the thing for warm weather. N0 heat, no dust, no trouble. Hardware and Tinware DURHAM. S(_ we HUI GASOLI\E STO- ‘1‘}.th (In apest and best on the market. Perhaps you want a Lawn )Imwr? if so. you should see :vm's before hllYiD". “'9 have the kinds that work ensyand 1:151: 21 long time. The price is right to. COMB SEE. The hot weather will soon h1- hm'e and ynu should have the cmufnrt afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND “'IXDO‘VS H. H. Miller A FULL LINE OF THE Juh' 4. 1907.. Get ready for 2 BUSY H. H. MILLER Barlin Pianos Recent rains are working wonders with the crops. The growth has been so rapid than some have been measur- ing Stalks each day and report the growth of an inch per day. ‘ ux- UVUU‘L “IO HUAIU‘GJU VVLUU LUIPluy ' ‘pe0ple although we are informed that, Charlottetown, P. E. 1'9 June 27-â€" 'he was well warned by a resident ofiggbfiord Arnold, 389d 49 years. 3 the place if he couldn’t Spoke thel erman,was drowned in the surf Gaelic, live on cod fish and drinklgigii‘; g°indg Out in a dory to meet whiskey he had better notcome. He; ‘ ”an “0th“ bOY~ went. ; Moose Jaw, Sask., June 27.â€"â€"Eva It seems to be human nature that I Hall, formerly 0f Portage la Prairie. . 1 With 8. ' * when a person gets a lot of praise for ; compamon named Evans, was am; good quality he is apt to go torswept over the C. P. R. dam in a - : boat an eXtremes on that pOlnt to get. more 2- d drowned, and thereby turn it into evil. The? RGStOD. Mam, June 27,â€"Walter huge puff that the Chronicle recently ! Hansel], 5 years old, was drowned in gave the Review for being a religious : an old well.â€"Advertiser, journal is causing it to go to great, 0 . g I * length along that line. Its 2931 m : . going uown to John Hunter’s board :Take the POStmaster’s Word for It- ing place on aSanday afternoon to; . 156.46“ him the Shorter Catechism may l Cause some evil minded person to; casr, veflmtions on his real piety bv'at Cherryvale, 1nd,, keeps. also a stock of general merchandlse and . o . I , o imagining it to be avoters list as the . . , . . . . atent dlcheS ‘ pupil seems so diligent in 1118 study. finhhgennm nhffsaysiim ‘Cham- \- Mr. F. M.‘~ Hamiltonfipostmastfl There was no service in the School on Sunday. The Rev. Bice is trying to Spend his holidays with Ripley peOple although we are informed that he was well warned by a resident of the place if he couldn’t spoke the Gaelic, live on cod fish and drink whiskey he had better not come. He went. Miss Maggie Aldred, who a week ago returned from Sask., was present, at our picnic and her many old friends were specially glad to see her and hear Such good reports of the prairie province. Mr. Ben Woods gave the young: people a good night’s enjoyment by way of a dancing party a week ago. There was excellent musicra good floor and the. utmost sociability. Messrs. Wm. Marshall and Rob: Mead are engaged making repairs to their buildings. the former enlarging his enabling and the latter reraofing his house. Messrs Jas. and Alex. Allan left on Friday for Sioux City Iowa, to join 'huir fel' mm workers A Baird and \\ [11 Pettigrew in selling stock «f 8100 per ah'cu‘e {or a manufacnuring concern las Ail-an and Pettigrew gt", Ting ,_HU p9! month and expenses wid aul MW other two fiftv dollars each let-S They have now got world wide fame as salesmen, they are non like some fellows who undertake an enterprize and go along in a listless way not knowing Where they are at or ever reaching success. Every en- terprize our lads have helped to pro- more they have had the satisfaction of seeing its finish. and we wish them every success in this new-venzure. No sooner was the Chron cle out with the glowing: article of how Mr. Back had cured Mr. Picken’s mare than one of our neighbor women de clared she had saved that mare’s life as often as he had by prescribing for her when Mr. Grasby owned her in this part, and she had not been re- warded for it by a lovely write up in the newspapers. It Was a complete oversight on our part. or rather we did not know anything of it. but it is not too late yet to extend such cour- tesy and allow her to share the honors with him of saving the prec- ious life of the beast so far. She is in the best of health now and will likely he kept so for some time as these two persons have seemingly gOt to know her trouble. Mrs. Karlie Baird i~' the 0106'". of our pioneer setmrs hteiiu; wet; UV??? the four wore mark. but she is will smart. and Walked to Durham on Mon day to meet the early train and help give a welcome to the Highlandmen. A number trom this township en- joyed the courtesies of Presidauc Mc- Williams of the Cement. Plant, last Tuesday. Those Who haul been thmugh the concern before Were pleased to we the improvements and great labor MLVHI; .ievu‘ms uf the present managemuu while. muse who were Imwr Through before we-m amazed with thn cunxweteness of the whole comeroru. The Women’s Inmitute picnic in the Holstein park on the 10th is goincr to be a big afi'airif all things are favorable Our picnic. we believe. was a great Success and all were glad that it was taken back to the old gruunds. As we were unable to be present we can- not give a detailed account of the programme but are safe in saving the school under the care of Miss Aljoe did nobly \Vm. Allan as chairman was all right and Revs. Bice and Kendall increased their DOpularxty. The eatables get their full share of attention. The road from Durham to Price- ville is like that from time into eter- nity in regard to the number of lost souls that travel it. If all the time bet in travelling from Lambton St. to this part and back Was put to good use it would build much of the new R. R. between the two places. How- ever, the happy young couple who Strayed down this way on Saturday we presume would sooner drive a few eXtra miles than build a railroad. Quite a number from this neighbor- hood attended the Knox Normanby picnic and was very much pleased with the day’s sport. We have. had a short interview with Win. Allan since his return from the Montreal Presbyterian con- vention. He reports having a good time hearing eminent speakers and seeing many wonders among which was a lawyer as delegate to the great Church Convention and a. very well behaved. decent looking chap too. Mr. Jae. Kerr’s famxry haVe (lad an attack of diphtheria, and we all sym. pathise with them in their trouble Few but the board of health can take much part in a case of this kind and fortunately it has been confined to one home and they are well on the way to recovery. Corner Conéems. at Cherryvale. Ind.. keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines Hesays, “Cham- berlain’s Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy is Standard here in its line. It never fails to give satisfaction and we could hardly afiord to be without it.” For ‘sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Pills, willie-b are the safest and bOSt for general family use. Inslst. on having only Dr. Hamilton’s Pllls of Mandrake and Butternut, 250 per box at all dealers. They are simply dried bile, made up of crystalline constituents of that fluid Very common is this disease among merchants clergymen. shop girls and those of sedentary habits Prevention consists in maintaining correcc action of the 'liver and bowels. Which is best accomplished by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. No person using this medicine need fear gall- stones, nor will they ever be bilious. Sound digeStion. good appetite. a clear color will evidence the health giving properties of Dr. Hamilton’s MANY DEATHS BY DROWNING. THE ORIGIN OF GALL STONES. No arrests have been made. and it is doubtful whether any will be, for the burglars were careful to take away nothing that could be identified and to leave as little trace as possible. The police have the matter in hand. It looks to us like a job for a detec- tive. The programme must have been carefully planned. for the uninvited guests. on leaving, carried with them a small table. which they used to help their entry by a Window into Mr. J. Pilcher’s house. The result of their labors here was practically nil. They also made an attempt on Mr. G. H. Armstrong’s residence, but got no further than the back kitchen, pro- bably frightened away by the dog. Mr Fred Richard’s residence was entered, also by way of the cellar, and overhauled. but n0t a great deal was taken, Here also money alone was touched. the marauders even Opening the children’s banks. from which they took the silver and left the ceppers. They also took time to raid the pantry, and made a comfort- able and substantial lunch. Four Baker Street residences were .entercdSaturday night bv burglars, who made a pretty rich haul. The thieves. as their traces show, were no green hands. but went about their work systematically. and took only money, leaving: everything: else un touched. .i'lr. Wm. Ewens’ house was entered through the cellar win- dow hy cutting: out the wire screen, after an attempt had been made on a kitchen window, from which the screen was removed. The whole low er part of the house was ransacked. every drawer rummaged, butnothing was taken. so in!" as is known. Mn, Ewens’ room was entered and his 1 cior hes in the pockets of which were ztilul t.) €200 00111 bills.besides cheques. when down stairs The bills were when and the cheques left; evidently money was what the thieves were after. as watches and jewelry were undisturbed. though lying in plain sight. The visitors made their exit through the luck door. Baker Street Remdences Entered and Ransackedâ€"Thieves Took Noth- ing but Moneyâ€"No Ama- teurs. These. NERVY BURGLARS MAKE RICH HAUL. Miss Annie LawreDCe who aforto night ago returned from Ottawa Nor- mal School and who was previous a very successful teacher in our acad~ emy. was present at our picnic to re- new old acquaintances. After spend- ing the holidays two years ago in a training scheol she is now a proficient teacher. Farmers certainl have to béar the great burden of trouble in this vale of tears. I Statute labor is about completed land some very good work dune too. It is surprising how much interest farmers take and how hard they work considering the fact that al- though they build and maintain the roads they are able to enjoy such a very limited use of them. ,. Automo- biles and steam bicycles have really got the right of way and the farmer who is on the road with a horse un- less it is deaf and tOtally blind with its scent none too keen. has got to keep both e- es Open for one ot these inanimate monsters and either get behind a clump of bushes or into a farm yard while the fellow with the machine has nothing to fear excepté that a cloud of dust or some other obstacle may prevent his being seen. (O. S Sun. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50c. box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi o-na is sold by druggists everywhere. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents. Booth’s Miona Company, Bufialo, N. Y. Strengthen the whole digestive system with Mi-o-na and you will soon find that both stomach and bowels do their work as they should. Day after day, at work behind desks or in the factory with poor sunlight and air, soon results in sluggishness of the entire physical and mental ap- paratus. The first slight symptoms of indigestion can be easily cured, but when they are allowed to increase without any help. then the stomach complaints become hard to shake ofi. But Mi-o-na stomach tablets taken with regularity, in a very fevy days will drive away indigestion. dizzy spells, distress after eating, headache sleepleesness. and the many other symptoms of bad digestion and slug- gishness of the digestive organs that keep peOple from enjoying them- selves. To thoroughly drive away troubles of the stomach most peeple think they have to make a business of it with dieting, exercise. and perhaps a. vacation. Thousands of men and women are anxiously looking forward to the va. cation days that come in June, July and Augustâ€"not so much for the pleasure or enjoyment as for the chance of getting rid of their ill health. Take it Now that Vacation Days Fast Approaching. \Vm. Cousins. David Disch, J. J. lGuwihatt and his son Joe launched a |boat on the tempestunus billows of ithe Black Horse Lake on Thursday § last. They were loadedâ€"with fishing tackleâ€"and each dropped a tempting bait to the numerous pike that are known to inhabit these waters. The fish were slow in biting and they all dropped into a sort of snooze. They were destined, however, to a most rude awakening, for a large pike at- tached itself to J. J. Goodhart’s line and in the excitement that prevailed he fell overboard. He left the boat in such an unceremonious manner as to almost compel the rest of the crew to keep him company in the water. After feeling around to make sure that they were still in the boat, they set out to look for Goodhart. Over on his father’s farm in the State of Massachussetts, Goodhart, when eight years old, had learned to swim, and on Thursday lastâ€"fifty years afterwardsâ€"he was sending bubbles to the top on Black Horse lake. Get- ting tangled in the oars and wound up with fish-cord the erst while swimmer was at the mercy of the waves. It to. k the crew in the boat1 all their time to rescue him from a watery grave. Once free from the hobbles. Goadhart gave an exhibition of fancy swimming that demonstrated beyond a doubt that he was an aqua- tic performer of no mean ability.â€" Bruce Times. Rev Gr. S. Cassmore left this week for his new charge in Guelph. \Ve wish him every success. Mrs. Wm. Orchard had a narrow escape on Thursday luSt through a runaway. bhe and her three-year- old daughter were in a buggy and the horse took fright at the north end of the town and started off at a {UX‘IOUS pace, but was fortunately brought to a unit by Mr. Wm. Scar- lett without accident. Miss Edna. Philp spent a holiday in 'Poronto. Miss Nellie Philip, book-keeper in J. H. Brown’s store, left Tuesday morning to visit friends in Sperling. Man. She eXpeccs to be absent a couple of montu Miss Alice Irvine arrived from the West, lasc week to keep house for her cousin. Mr. Richard Irvine, who re- cently lost, his wife. The Public School examination was held on Thursday of last week and followed by a picnic in the Park. Dominie Kells. who held the prin- cipalsnip of the sghool for the past two years, has tendered his resigna- tion and intends going Wesn. Rev. George A. King, lately ap- pointed to the Holsmin Circuit, ar- rived this week and will occupy the pulpits of the circuit on Sunday next. He makes a. very favorable first im- The Presbyterian church has un. dergone a complete renovation The inside has been repaired and decorated by Prof. Van DerFeen. of Toronto. The work is excellent and reflects much credit on the artiSt. He pre- viously ad the Methodist church, and the excellence of the work estab lished his reputation here The work is lncStly free-hand. A general picnic went to Pike Lake DUSIHCSS ‘ on Dominion Da} and report a xery pleasant day’s outing. g LEADS Our base ball team measured the’BOOK KEEPI\G Strength on the diamond here with SHORTHAND the Northern nine ofMt. ForeSt on- TYPE\VRITI\G Thursday last. and an the end of the 5 COMMERCIAL LA“, seventh innings the game closed With 3 (JOMl‘givléclfAL CORE 9. score of 17 to 11 in favor of visitingf PLAIN BUSIVESS \\ seam Everything passed off nicely. ; ORN AMENTAL WRI and Umpire Chapman gave excellent satisfao tion and in placing :113 The New Remedy. Fell Overboard Holstein. § COM MERCIAL CORRESPPND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORN AMENTAL\ \VRITING and in placing 0‘all its g1 aduates. ‘ Each“ student is taught sepaxately at lhis own desk. Tiial lessons fox one I week free. Visitors welcome. that the partnership heretotore sub- sisting between us, the undersigned. as bakers and confectioners in the town of Durham. in the county of Grey, has this nership are to be presented to the said E. A. Rowe. by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham 3rd day of J une, 1907 \Vitness. Signed. A. H. Jackson Ernest A. Rowe Henry Butler Hughes m‘DAY and EVENING cl. i OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnershin heretntnrn gnk. THE GURNEY-TILDEN 90.. WOW! Every Souvenir isflasoiutely ‘ Weed by the maker!- is so constructed that a flow of pure, heated oxygen passes through it continually when the Range is m ’operatxon. Meats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle as by the old-time spit without II I I i the ConStflnt Wfih‘lund' nut-l ‘ ' M KATE COCHRANE’, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. Hamilton. Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver. 4: This suppiy of oxygen is essential to give the cooked meat its natural, rich, jucy flavor. The oven Notice of Pissolution of Partnership. Business College LEADS IN l.â€"â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit; you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Groceries MATTHEWfSRmé’ ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. When Going Up Street Call and ask to see anything you want in footwo and prices (lonc suit. your taste and purse. we will not urge you to buy What you dont want. Ouraim is to keep goods that sell with- out urging the buyer. Trunks, Valises. (Jluh Bugs. Telescopes. Suit. (’stes in Stock. Some lines of Hosiery at interesting prices. (lustom work and repairing as quickly as possible. ar. If our goods You will consult; your own call and examine our goods pair of -nv. VI he old-time spit fiwithout constant watching and W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Mount Forest or Slippers Oglivie’s Flour Always in . S. McILRAITH FOUR REASONS why you should buy your The down Store. u- own interests as well as ours if you will goods and prices before buying your next mm secured its fame through being roasted on an old-fashioned spit before an open fireplace, the meat being constantfy sur- rounded by pure oxygen N while cooking. All material such as timber. brack. stene. etc.. in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also offered for sale. Dated J uue 4th 1907. Apply to J. P. TELFORD, Durham. These buildings must be remoyed at. an early date. in order to clear the hue of rnght of way. . .l. for sale a number of houses and out- buildings along thé line of right of way of the Walkertou and Lucknow Railway. in the town of Durham. HE UNDERSIGNEU OFFERS for sale a number of houses and out- 4. â€"-You can alwavs depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entiie satisfaction. TRY US. ways in Stock Properties’ for Sale LATIMER

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