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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 5

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\ WATCHMAKEiz JEWELLER ‘lntereét paid 4 times a Current Accounts and Savings Deposits /" received at all Brancnes at best rates consistent with conservativ e banking. This store is noted for its high-class display of \ledingz; Presentsâ€"everythu1g up to date. 0. ALL DRUUUIDID: m 00¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ One Woman from Bentick told us last, week that she has been in the habit of using inferior ready-mixed- paiuts. but was (:nmpelled to huy The Sherwin-William’s after-seeing her ueighhm-s painting. \Ve re- ceive sim ilar cmnplimeuts every day Screen Doors and window Screens When thex can be secured at the ImsOImble p1 1099 “e 2119 selling them. Just opened out another assortment of OUR Ilalllllluvn\g And you will enjoy home comfort Or one 01113 a, 1'9“ PINE APPDE SNIPS. In store. Who \3 111 be the lucky purchasers” . There is one store in Dur- ham that sells qualitv and a1“ a} s has the V ariety to suit reasonable purchasers We 11 ant eve1 V strawberry 310“ 91 to kmm that we stock Strawberry Boxes. W. BLACK And can supply the wants of the greatest spurts. Fishing Tackle Who would be without J uly 4, 1907 Pot Sel'z11_)el's Wire Dish Cloths Coolie Cans Cremn Milk Cans in abundance. ls \ an ( usily th 0d In coming into“ tbStEI s, \\ hile in to“ n. EV ERYTHING C ON FIDE\TI \L. Buy one of our Wedding Presents The “Wedding Ring” Question J. CL TELFORD, DURHAM Remmubcr our Silvorwurv is made by tho "Standard Silver comp:my.".of Toronto. and we are :mtlunized to replace Free of Charge any piece that. 10:1 V95 this store that is not} sutislectm'y. For the Bride or Bridesmaid tlu‘ following would make very suitable presents: Solid l-lkt L‘x-osontl’s, 501“ Gold Locket/’5 «\t Necklet’s. alsn smne Very handsomv Braclets. Fur the Groomsmnn Snlid 14kt Pearl Stick Pin or Cuff Links in plush or leather cases. Of course it is simply impossible for us to attempt to give :L full account of our large display. the only way to satisfy yourself is to give us a call. “ DIAMOND HALL. Adewnrc'n from Niagara Falls oh Atonday gas-s tha' the solicitors for ‘Mrs. Matti? Parking, and the other partieg. who are suing a number of ;newspapers for hbel in connection ‘wich th» repent mm‘doar trial at Cay- }uga bav» refused to accapr, an apology [printed M The Dailv Record of that iCity. mu?- demand $750 cash in satie- lfaction of the c3aimsn -c DURHAM. June 27. 1907 Fall Wheat .......... 3 90 to 3 Spring “’hnat ........ 90 to Oats ................. 4:3 to Peas................. 73 w Barley.” ............. . 5.5 to Hay ................ 11 00 to l Butter. ..... . ........ 18 no Eggs. ................ 16 to Potatoes per bag ...... 85 no Flour per cwt ........ ‘2 ‘20 to Oatmeal per sack ..... ‘2 50 to Chop per cwt- ........ 1 HO to LiVe Hogs...... BO Dressed Hogs per cwt. to Hides per 1b ........ S) to Sheepskins ........... 90 to W001 ............... . 2.3 to Tallow .............. :3 to Lard,............... 1'2 DRUGGISTS, GROCERS All) GENERAL STORES 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. will last a. whole season. FLY PADS WILSON'S Market Report. â€" BOLD BY â€"- . . 14 er bag...... 3Wtoooooo°° 2 ’r sack ..... ‘2 3wt.... 1 on Savings Kill them all. No dead files lying about when used a. dlreetecl. OPTICIAN 16 00 13 The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Hanley, Con. 8, Artemesia...Was the SCch of a. pretty wedding on Wednesday evening of last week when their daughzer Jennie was jomediu marriage'to Mr. Ben \Vil- son of Toronto. eldesn son of the late T. W. Wilson of this place. About one hundred. guests witnessed the oeremony which was conducted by Rev. Dr” Caldwell of this place, the bridal party Standing beneath a prettily decorated each on the spac ions lawn. The bride looked pretty in her dainty wedding gown and was conducted to the altar by her father meanwhile the strains of the wedd- ing march lent impressions to the oc- casion. The groom’s sisner, Miss Annie Wilson, was bridesmaid and Mr. W. J. Elliott of Markdale. was best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was served and wedding mirth was con- tinued till after midnight The bride received a large number of beautiful Wedding presents. A quiet wedding was solemuized at the Methodist Parsonage here on Wednesday evening of last week when Rev. D Caldwelljoinedin wed- lock er. Oscar Phillips and Miss Mary Thompson daughter of the late Jane Thompson of this place. Mr and Mrs. Phillips are settled in their new home here and We join in the congratulations extended to them. At the residence of her son Wm. east of the village, there passed away on Sunday morning last an old and highly respected resident in the person of Jane Sharp. relict of the late Mr. John Sharp, who had reach- ed the ripe age of 86 years. The de- ceased was barn in the County of Fermauagh, Ireland, when over (55 years ago she was married to her late husband with whom in 1848, she (mine to Canada and settled at Bow- manville In 1860 they came to Art emesia and settled on the farm where she spent her last days in the affec- tionate care of her son and daughter- in-law. Three sons and five daugh- ters survive as followszâ€"John, at Sault Ste Marie, Andrew at Crystal City, Man, and William on the homescead; Mrs. Geo. Wilson Sing hampton, Mrs Andrew Rowe and Mrs. E Ellson near Crystal City, Man.; Mrs. Geo. Johnson and Mrs. Jos Blakely near this village. Mr, Gilchrist, of Ceylon and one siSter, Mrs. Weir, of Singhampton, also survive. The funeral took place to the Flesherton cemetery'on Tuesday the deceased’s pastor, Rev. Dr. Cald well conuucting the services. Mr. VVaikeI’s cement gang con- tinued work on the streets, but Otherwise Dominion Day was quiet here. The hand went to Orangeville and many of our citizens to outside points, Vandeleur getting a good share. We learn the unveiling of the school section monument and the sports provided proved interesting. There was a big crowd A team of horses belonging to Mr, J Boyce, of the west. back line, in- dulged in a runaway in the village one day last. week colliding with a telephone pole near I). McTevish’s shop where they were captured. Some damage was done to the demo- crat to which they were hitched. At the meeting of the I. O. F. court last week Dr. Murray and C W. Bellamy were elecced represents. tives to the High Court. which meets at Midland in August. Mr. and Mrs. Geo White are the happy parents of a, son born to them on [11622.0(1 ult The Farmers’ excursion to Guelph was well patronized here last; week, and the visit to the farm much en- joyed. Fiesherton and Priceville baseball teams played a match on the grounds of the latter on Fridav evening last resulting in a score of 2:3 to 5 in favor of Flesherton. Mr. Geo. Mitchell refereed the game. $5 00 and casts in all $125 05 for as Saulting Noah Pevenick of this place at Maxwell, 0:1 the 20th ult. Rev. Mr. Ryan of Dundalk. was in the. village last week making ar- rangemeuts for English church 881' View to be commenced in the town hall on Sunday afternoon nexn. Rev. Geo. Milne of Ballinafad, breached excellent sermons at the anniversary services in the Presby- terian church on Sunday. At the morning service little Miss Evelyn Hall of Toronto sang a solo very sweetly. In the evening the con- gregarion was large, service in the sister churches having been with. drawn. Rev. Dr. Caldwell took part in the service.‘ The contributions [or the day were nearly $50. Sandy de was before Magistrate VanDusen on Saturday last and fined Mr Alex Barron of Kansas. is vis- iting his brother- -in- -law Mr. Joseph Cornfield and other relatives in this vicinity. | Mrs. Mills. Who has been on an ex tended visit With her mother Mrs. Sullivan, left for her home at. Seattle Wash. on Monday. Miss Magee of Toronto. was the guest of Mrs. Joe. Cornfield last week. Miss Durrant, millinsr at. ‘F. G- Karstedt’s returned this w eek to her home an Mitchell for holidays. Miss Ettie Thompson and brother Walter are visiting relativegat Shel- burne. ’ The littlé Misses Evelyn and Al- meda Hall, Of Toron co. are visiting their aunt, Mrs Archie Boyd. Mr. John Richardson. of Owen Sound. is spending a week or‘ two with his uncles. M. K. and W. E Richardson. .Mrs, W. J. Douglas and childten, of Collingwood. are visiting the for- Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE me r’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. VanDu. sen. Mr. Douglas” was a. visitor over the holiday. ’ Mrs J. W. Henderscn. of Toronto, is on her usual summer 'visit with her brothers here. Miss Skelcon from Toronto, is Vis icing with her chum, Miss Gladys 'Dunn, at the p1esent time. Miss Carrie SultiVau. of is on a holiday visit at. here. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nicholson. of the 4gb line, are spending a contple of weeks with friends on the Manatou- lin Island. Miss Thirsk, of Mt. Albert, was the guest. of Mrs‘ A. Wilson. over the holidays. Miss Tattle, of Toronto. Mrs. Jos. Cornfield. Mr. W. McCormack and daughter Miss McCormack, of Manatoulin, are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy Mr. A. Munshaw leaves thxs week to Spend some time at Mt. Clemens, Mich., and enjoy the health 'giving baths there Mr. Andrew Boyd and bride. of Saskatoon, are spending a few days with the farmer’s brothers here. Mr. Edgar Bellamy. and Mr. Jefi- ery Thistlewaite. of Toronto, were holiday visitors at their homes here. Mr Harry Stewart. and father-in- law, Mr. George Wood, of St; Paula, visited the former’s relatives here, on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd, of Mt. Forest, visited their sons, John and William over Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mabel Boyd is at Owen Sound this week writing on her Matricula- tion examination. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crofton, of Ham- ilton, visited the latter’s brother, Mr. D. McTavish; over the holidays. Mr. Sam Osoorne, of Collingwood, visited his sister, Mrs. W. J. Bell- amy, over Sunday and Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Murray visited friends at. Rob Roy on Monday. \ir. and Mrs. l‘urnell, from Toron- to, are visiting an Mrs I‘urnell’s s'paz- eutal home. Mr. Walter Dunn’ s. Mrs. John Breen and daughter Mrs. H. Gaudin visited over the hol- idays with the farmer’s daughter at. Goldwater and Mrs. John Whitten visited her daughter in ToronLo. Mrs. W. Howes of Elora visited her sister Mrs. Howard over Monday. Mr. Geo. Mitchell and sons Kendall and Harold. holidayed at Alliston. Mrs. N. W. Campbell of Durham, was the guest. of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell on Monday. Mr. J. P. Buns visited over Do- minion Day with his brother W. H. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil- kinson on the 26th a. son. only 13.5 lbs. Miss Agnes Dunn is also home from the city for a visit. Mr. Trouer and his son Dawson and a chum of Dawson’ 3. aflMr Wil sou, all from Toronto, are avisiting at. Mr. Zenus Clark’ 8. Mr. Trotter is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Clark. Miss Edith Allan, teacher at Gow- anstown, came home, to spend the vacation around Varnéyx Her moth. er will be glad as she has been a good bit; alone lately. Mrs. E. W. White and niece Miss Muriel Mc’l‘avish visited over Do- minion Day with relatives at Sc. Pauls. The trustees of our school had a bee on the 29th and did a. lot of fixing up around the school but didn’t com plete the job so will have another on the 8th July. When the teacher re- turns after her vacation she will find things in a nifty shape. The Knox picnic was well patron- ized from around here, and we think that. all enjoyed the afternoon well. We did at least. Alf. McCabe is busy this week mov- ing his house that he bought from Geo. M. Leeeon down to Varney. A Mr. McCray is doing the engineering of the job. The Rev. Mr. Saunderson preached his {areWell sermon on Sunday iasn. and all being well the Rev. Mr. Rog- ers will preach his introductory Ser- mon. on Sunday next. The prospects for a. good haying and a bountiful harvest are good and the talk of a. famine is a thing of the past, and talk is now, how things are gl‘OWing. Don’t forget the picnic on the 9th of July under the auspices of the Varney S. S. \Vms Bryans has the stone work of his barn dompleted. No more thresh- ing out doors for Billy. There were a good many took in the big sports in Durham on the let, but as far as we can hear did non think them up to former years. James Petty while going home from Varney one day last week with the horse and buggy the horse started to kick by some means and landed its heels into the rig and hit Jim on the leg leaving quite a wound. The baggy suffered the waist, being smashed up pretty badly, but it was lucky that it was no worse. Olive McCaimon, the youngest daughter of Alex. McCalmon. is visit- ing with her aunt, Mrs. James Hay. Miss Maggie Aldred, who came last week from the West, is this week at Fergus h03pital undergoing an opera- tion for appendicitis, and at time of writing we have not heard the results but sincerely hope that it may prove successful and that she may soon be back in good health again. Henry Wilkinson Accompanied her down. Varney. is visiting Montreal, her home .‘Hfi coME and také advantage , of these Bar-gains. THE NEW HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE Fancy_ Pen-:«solsâ€"Some \Vhite, some Colored. all pretty prices $1.35 to 3.50 each. Stunning white net \\'aists’~â€"Silk slips, trimmed with satin babx ribbonâ€"$4." 1.) 9. L91). \Vhite Embroidered \Vaists. Fronts, Handsome Pa tit/81118.â€" $1.24) each. \Vaist Lengths, Embroidered enough goods for waist “2 2.25 2.50. Boys Wash Suits, Sailor and Buster Brown Styles nifty $1.25 1.35 and 1.95. MW A few doors south of the Middauo'h House. 6 Furniture Hardware and Furniture On all Lines of Furniture IO per cent ISCOU NT GREAT SLAUGHTER Sale Of

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