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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 7

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WILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and singmg, Studio at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown Feb tf. M. Glaser DURHAM, . - ONTARIO ' Dealer in Metal, Bags, Rubber, Copper; Brass, Homenaar, 'Shcegskins and Junk of 2.511 kilvlégâ€" for which best prices Will be paid. vâ€"â€"- Q] tionee} for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. mâ€"â€"â€"â€".â€" 'v_'â€"“ 1‘ er, Conveyancei,l Szc. Insurance Agent. “ Money to Loan. Issuer .of Mar- riageLlcenses. A general finaucxal busi. ness transacted. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. oro'pertv. \ Dr ve3'ancei's. Etc, Money to. Loan Oficeszâ€"In the McIntyre Block, ovexz Standard Bank. D ()flice over/Gordon’s new Jewellery Store,- Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm JOHN CLARK,” Llcnggnn App. J F. GRANT, D. D. S..L.D s. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty 0f . Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. .Ofice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Office Dr. W. 6. Pickering I Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s U York and Chicago. Dames of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satnxdav in each month. Hoursâ€"1+6 p.m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose I. fice in the New Hunter Block. '0 ~yours, 8nto 1.0_a.“m.,__to 4p. m. an_d_ 7 Late Auiatant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. 8113.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. ~uvw9, U I.“ 1V 5.0 “lo, DU '2 P. Ill. auu I (:03 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. ' pxcncsxvnu Will be at the Midiaugh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from llto 4 p. m. NOV. 9! ,03‘ FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foo: offllfill. Ofli'gefio‘ursâ€"gll _§..m.. 2-4 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A Lam short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, 1) ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Ofice hours-from 12 to 2,0’elock - Arthur Gun, M’. D HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fic_e m the New Hunter Block. Oflice _â€"vwvâ€"vâ€" vv ‘uv VWVL. All 7 adi'err'tieemente, to ensure insertion in current week. should be brought in not later than TUESDAY morning- Advertising For transient advertisements 8 cents per line for the first inser. "Rates - tion; 8 cents per line each subse- quent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€""Lost.” ‘=Found.” “For Sale," etc,-30 cents for first insertion, :5 cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangprs must be naid for in advance. Contract rates for yearly advertisements fur- nished on application to the office. A“ ‘ Department The 10b . is completely stocked with all Denartmnn 1‘ NEW TYPE thus afiggding fac- . “: ‘: A- ‘-..A___:g - -â€" wâ€"V wu‘OKVOO JGUCL. .‘U paper (‘18‘ option of the’ proprietor. '9" vv put 3 can , ya.) “”16 In 30"31108 ~Sl.50 may be charged if not so paid. ‘Um date to which every subscription is pan! is denoted by the number on the address label: _ .\_'0 paper dis- finnfinnnfl *1; I.“ nâ€"_.._._ A Subscription Tm; 'Cnaoxxcu: will be sent to Rates 3'11)“ address. free of pqstage, for ' ° ‘ ”9119538333 payable 1n advance -â€"Q1 "0 ”A" 1.A A‘--__ IS PUBLISHED , EVERY THURSDAY MORNING It the Chronicle Prinflng House, Garafraxa ' Street, ‘ THE DURHAM EHHUNIELE MaCKay 8:. Dunn. IARRISTERSLSOLI‘QI'PORS, CON- Drs. lamieson flaclaurin. ARRISTEL, ‘ SQLICITOR, ETC. A. H. Jackson. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- l. 6. Hutton, DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG.. BADULATE of London, N w DURHAM,ONT Beo.~~H. K. Midfmd EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. '-9 p. m. Tele‘ohdne N5: 16; Medical Directorv . Dental Dz’rectorv. Miscellqneous. Legal. ’Dimforv DR. BROWN 1. PA Telforfl. M. GLASER W. IRWIN _ __ - _. -â€"â€"~ "nut“.ua Luv‘ ilities for turning out First-class work. DR. BURT. “C F. DUNN. Impossible to.cure oatarrh 1n the nose by dosing the Stomach. Send the healing vapor of Caterrhozone after the germs and you at once 30- complish good. Any.cese of catarrh curable,â€"â€"all that’s necessary is to inhale Catarrhozoneâ€"You stop hawk inghnoetrils are cleared. throat i8 healed and treed- ot phlegm; every ventige of the trouble is forever driven from the system, -â€"If you throat trouble or bronchitis, Cetnrrn. ozone is e. stand-by.a Two eizee, 25c nnd 31.0011: all deniere. S‘TOMACH MACHINE Is USELESS. James Cuiliton. the deceased. “W53 a well-know n and highly eateemed resident. of the New Survey.- and be- ing unmarried. lived with his, orOther and two sisters. He was 47 years of age. After his death Dr.' Samuel Moore. coroner. of Horning’s Mills was sent for. but on hearmg how the accident occurred did not‘consider an iDQueSt necessary. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from his late residence to the R C. ceme- tery at Melancchon. The Sympa‘hy of the community is extended to the bereaved friends. P. J “(30111: was in «went at the 12115- ing and he could find no >i«_:ns of any severeiujur3.\1r McCuuley hitch 1'! up his: team at, once and irovL- the injured man to his home. He SM: up in che democuu an 1111' did not appear to be sufferm 2.133 sauna pain but it wasnociced that: his VaiCP. was ge - ting hoarser. On reaching in: humor, 10177, 0011 4, N .E \lela11c:hou,be was ab'» to am out rof the «vagron :and into the house withour assistance. AS soon as he entered the house he sat down and asked for adrink of water After swallowing ébOUt a. spoonful he. turned deathly pale and jumped to his feet and fell dead in- stanth (Shelhurne Free Press) Afatai accident. occurred on Mon day' evening at a. barn raising on the farm of Geo \IcCauley. wear. ha.‘.f of lot 16. con, 4. 0. S , MeianCCiIOU. A number of men were engaged in rais ing a frame barn when a girt fell striking James Culliton a glancing blow on the right, mde of 'iw hvad. knocking him down. The timber then fell across his chem hm he did nos receive the {m1 {UYGH of the 'im- bet as the weight Was: partialiv kr'p OE him by anonher stick of timber The falling timber rebounded and fell o'nhis neck He was immediu'ei~ liberated and as-isred to his few and walked aWuy {1‘0me r‘niih‘img Dr. James Culliton, of Melancthon. Died From Injuries Received at 9. Barn Raising. A FATAL ACCIDENT A Great Opportunity Edward Kress, Durham .’.; a 4 ‘or anyone in need of Furniture of tne Very Best Class. SEE FURTHER PARTICULARS IN NEXT ISSUE. For the next A run aWay freighacar and a south bound freight train in charge of Con- ductor Flemming collided at Carl sruhe last Saturday afternoon, re- sulting in a badly damaged engine and car. Luckily no one was injured. A north bound freight in shunting into the siding at Ayton struck a car on‘the siding With some force and as there was no coupling attachment started it down the trac": It seems almost unbelievable, but the car ran a dietauce of some six miles gathering momentum as it Went. owing to the grade. A hrakeman stayed .pluckily with the car, but as the brake was missing he Was unable to stop it. It is said that the cat; travelled the six miles in. 10 minutes. After the mis- hap occurred it was too late to Stop Flemming’s freight, which had left Hanover. The engine driver on the freight sighted it in time to check the, speed of his train and both he and the fireman jumped. The brake- man. who was on top of the car when he saw the train approaching, climbed down behind and dropped, ,03. In spite of the terrific collision. both the car and the engine held to the rails although they were badly demolished, The up‘ passenger train' was ideleye‘d some three hours as a result afithel “twang-Hanover Post; ‘ >l Lupossible to escape being cured if you apply Putnam’s Corn Extractor to we wont corn on record. Pain- less, safe and 003:3 only a quarter “in any drug store. ' a '2 Sunday’ 3 heavy rain storm. which appearsm have been more violent :thwugboun the country south of the ftuwu. was (warty the came of a fa. ham,» '2‘“ the home of John Allan, _iu=.her’8 farm. and during the storm Much cum» on towards evening, a Number of the family were eitting in the kitchen watching the heavy ”Hinder clouds, when Suddenly the lightning Struck the chimney. follow- ing the Movepipe into the room The dog. which was lying under the stove at me time of the crash. was the only vmmu to the Stroke of electricity, a':h(‘:ugh the severni occupants of the room received sexmieshocks The poor unimar. whose hair was entirely b'uned off its breast died in afew minutes after being: struék. Consid- eranie damage was done to the exter- ini' of the house, but fortunately aud‘ almo.~t miracuiously no loss of human life’was suEered. â€"â€"-;\'It. Forest Rep. OLD OFFENDER CAUGHT A NARROW ESCAPE FROM IIGHTNING. Collision at Carlsruhe ON Furniture in order to reduce our stock to make room for a large consignment now on the way. THE DURHAM (lell{(.);\l()LE A young man married a wife who helped him stock his farm to‘ a very considerable excent. 000 dEY. When he was speaking of “his farm”. ”his team”, “his cattle”. she felts. little hurt and said:-â€"“William.,I think it would so‘und better to say “our farm”, “our cattle”. etc. Three days later they were-dressing to go to a friend’s house for the evening and she got ready first, and after wais- ing a. little while, called upsmirs. “What’s delaying you William?” “My dear” lie ‘ replied. in a distressed yoioe. ”I’m looking for our trousers.” Toronto. June 22 â€"(Special)â€"-C. P. K. freight No 121, While going down grade was run into by a second freight. at Christal, near Milton, and derailed 12 cars, killing eleven head of cattle. and destroyir'ige sleeper that was being deadiheaded to Tor. onto. Superintendent Oborne states that the accidenu was due to the en- gineer of the second train losing con- trol of .the train for want of air. The wires were down and traflic was delayed for hours. Perhaps it is in the neck or Shonilders First thiug is a. good rub With Nerviline No more Speedy remedy can be adowed. When ap- plied no the muscles Nerviline gives chino flexibiiity and vigor; inflamma tion, soreness and s iii'ucss disaapper “Whether in the chem. or throat noxhing can surprh~ Nerviline” writes O. B._ Denton Lumber Mer chant at Oak Bay, N. B. "Rubbed on at night. trouble is gone by morn- ing' I have proved Nerviline a great medicine.” Everyone says the same, and Nerviline alweys makes good. 25c bottles sold every where. ARE YOU SUBJECT TO STIFF- HESS? ' A desparch from North Battlefoxd, Sask.. says: With his wife watching Ihim throngh tne window, Francois ‘Grosjean, rancher iiving thirty miles northwest of here. was instantly kill- ed by a belt of lightning on Sunday afternoon He was brought here for burial. Grosjean was leading‘a horse when the accident occurred. The horse was knocked down, but re-‘ covered. The bolt literally tore the clothing from Grosjean’s body. The dead man was 55 years old, married, and had five sons. Bolt Tears Clothing 011' Man’s Body; N ear North Battleford. WHAT'S YOURS IS M1N E. A FREIuH'f' DERAILED. per cent KILLED BY LIGHTNING. W . ‘1 The New HarneSs Shop is bright and tony. Call and see how Jack can suit you. ’ Axle Grease; Buggy Top Dressing Gall Cure dlfi'erent kinds, Harness Oil, Polish, and Metal Polish. \V E Wicker}, a young man. was drowm-d by jumping from n ym'ht in the hay at Toronto. Ho: thought the, weather Prixnmaa was about w run the yacht down Picture Fiamuw on 5110115! 12091522. LIFE 1! and Funeral Director A.BELLI UN DE RTAKER New music received each week Songs, waltzcs . P. Kinnee Snow ROOMS-~NOXL to Swallows’ Barber Shop. Full line nf Catholic. Robes, and bleurk and White Caps for aged people. Black de black dressing for your harness Percy 6. H. webster Embalming a Specialty I have placed in rock a fine -line of late SOLD AT HALF PRICE 25 (aims Per (My LWflW-fltWrrmw'wm‘ M V , and €wo=Steps \Vhips and Sweat; Pads. are nut forgotten {Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 35¢. a yard. Ladles’ black sateen underskirts $1.00 each. 1Ladies’ white lawn underskirts I 75c. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at Sic | eachâ€"Bargains. {See our new Prints and Dress , Ginghams. -4 I BEG LEAVE 1‘0 INFORM MY CUS- ‘ POM ERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish New Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL Dmuxxo. Rchumxe AND anssccnanm done with Cement arucrete. [3" ALL ORDERS taken at the old «(and near McGowan‘a Mi” will ha. promptly at tended to. ALL WORK GUARAIV'rwwh at "vae and ion live” Pawns SMYRNA RUGSâ€"3Ux60 inches $3.00 TEAâ€"â€"Salada Ceylon Tea. black and Pure Canadian Honey in, 2.50. Pumps. 2 Yards long, 26 inches wide." ....3c. pair 33% O. ‘6 :3!) at O. 05‘)C. 66 :).-[' .6 o. :{) o. to 700. 6'6 O: 13'" W. H. BEAN Table Linen .14 inches widmt... )ca yard FLANNELET'I E BLANKETSâ€"Larae 11-4 size in white and gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd.. 1:1. yds. 2 yds. wide, 250. a square yard. He Sells Cheap mixed at; 250., 3Uc..'and 40c. a It. LACE CURTAINS. GEORGE WHITMORE CALDER BLOCK Proprietor 6‘

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