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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1907, p. 8

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* The Outing Suits that * Men want fl \.‘.\!H/l{o MN“ «E "('0 Patent, Kid, Dongola, and the Blucher Style Tobe better than others for different: reasons. Fit and Comfort, Style and Wear in 3;. MI, 3394 , \w, \w, 't‘o-o.‘ ’m‘ 72.5 ’1.$7/$ “a? ’m‘ %%%%%%%fififififi%*%$%£%%%%%%%Â¥%%%Â¥%fi%%%Â¥% Get 111 Line and “em the Best Clothing. ' W ould you like to \\ eal them. " Help is 11 heIe they are kept. Thev are the best in Quality, The Best in Stvle, Best 1* itting Best- T111101 ed and FiniShed. (The Regent and Picadilly Brand. ) ‘ ~. Ready=to Wear Suits 0 keep the feet. coal try :1 pair of these. There’s more comfort; 1n them than you could imagxne and they are dressy shapes. \Ve have them in Ladie’s Men’s and Chil- drens $17.93. 1 TE have thv Hen-test nmkvs of \Vhitowvnr which is so ‘ ' eagerly pivkvd up. Dress Fabrics being of a, Sheer nature requires dainty lawn trimnwd underwear. Under- skirts and (Yul-set; Covers of the. latest lacey trimmings, at. reammable priros and plenty to choose from. V ‘H {3-4 is the kind of \mxther that our Kevp (’001 Fabrics aw in the g1'<_-:1tvst demand. ()m' range of Muslims, I’vz‘shxn LuinvS, Maury DUI: lint HOS, Vt‘ ‘StmgS (iiwrhnmS, and Silk "issmw w;. s umm lw-ttv ”1 emsmtvd. Th keep in lmu'h VS 2}; the- \anthe: )011 will :14 ‘ (I snnw 0ft}wScf:.°ll)1i('S Mukv it} u. 3). mt tn hmk at mu- assortment, Cheviots’ Lusters’ and Delaines’ White Underwear Shirts, Ties, and Underwear ROBERT BURNETT White Shoes “Imperial Footwear” Musiins in New Designs, Dot and Fancy Stripe Q: .. 23.2.355 3. 96mm wizfim 7.. :32 3: 93:” FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND The People’s Store V e (11“ :1th e on hand a 1‘ 1111 Line of am! pm _\ thing), in the \Ien’s Line. The average Person knows In :11] Styles and Strhws, Jr. III to St. IIIâ€"~Myrtle Caldwell, Bertie Morice, Thos. Wallace, Jae. Marshall, Dinah Thompson, Arthur iMorice. - Sr. 11 to In. IIIâ€"Grace Mountain. John Kerr, Neils Marshall Henrietta] Keller. Waterxcauistor, Mary Mc- Aliater, Elmer- Fee, George Webbor, Annie Dem. - ' Jr. I to Sr. Iâ€"SCerIing Lamb. Adrian Noble, Bella McQuarrie, Jean McArnlmr. Average attendance 29, M. MORTON. Teacher. 8. S. No. l, NORMAN“. Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Wilhe- Wallace, Arthiar Gadd, Sr 111 to Jr. IV-TMary Backus, Minnie Keller, Lizzie Burns. Srl‘II to Jr. IIIâ€"Clara Honess. Edwin Lunney, Gladys McDonald. Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"John Grierson, Bertha Honess, Cora. Iaunney, Jessie Clark, Wesley Caswell. “ 1 to Pt. II-â€"â€"Celxa Honess, Carrie Grierson. Carlyle McDonald, Willie McDonald. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Howard Mc Dougall. John Clark, Roy Lamb, Donald McArthur. John Smith. Jr. III to St. IIIâ€"Mabel Smith Robb. Putherbourgh, May Grierson Marjorie Clark. Jr. I (a) to Jr. I (b(â€"A. Boy, A. Pet'cigrew. R Clark, G. Petty. ANNIE C. MACKENZIE. Teacher. S. S. No, 10, Bmu'rmcx. Sr. III to IVâ€"‘Ibos. Johnston. Pearl Wilson, Ross. McDonald. J r. *I (b) to Sr. 1â€"]. Leéson, E. Mc- Ilvride Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"E. Morrison. W. Eden, L. Pettigrew. A. Lauder, M. Leeson. Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. IIâ€"G. Grant. St. I to Jr. Pt. IIâ€"P. Barber, 0 Peptigqu, J.Kerr. C. Blyth. RITA L. MCCOMB Teacher. 8 S.N0. 1, N. AND E, M arks required. 950. Sr III to Jr IVâ€"-.\1.Hoy 391 M Kerr 382, E. Barber 379, A Pettl grew 365 B Barber 351. W Blyth 342. E. Morrison 322, H. Barber, 250. Marks required 225. Sr 11 toJr. IIIâ€"F. Kerr, 354. A. Pettigrew 325, S. Gram 317 M. Lee son 286. U S S No ‘2. BENTINCK AND GLEN- ELG Jr. 1V to Sr. IVâ€"Gert-ie Morton Jr 111 to Sr Illâ€"Harold McKech- nie. Willie Edge. Annie Ewen. Pt II to Jr. IIâ€"Earl Vessie, Thos. Grasby. P:. I to PC. IIâ€"Armetta McKech nie. . Jr II no Sr IIâ€"Stewarc McArthur. Mae .‘r'cchhnie. Lewis Newell. $253 PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. . THE DURHAM I IN Jr. (b)-â€"Willie Vaughan. Martin Qoflipld, Willie Mountain, John Loc- St. I to Jr. Po. IIâ€"Donald Smith, Nollie Smith, Mary McClement, Robbie Max-clay, Mary Coflield, Wil: trod Black. Jr. 11 to Sr. IIâ€"Carrie Mortley, Cecil Twamloy, Willie Smith, Stew- art MacGillivray. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"John Ledingham, Addie Twamley, Donald Ray. Mamie Mortley, Annie Stewart. Lizzie Smith, Isabel Turnbull Ivy Dargevel, Geo Ledingham. N orme Black, Arthur Simpson, Bernard Cofield John Smith. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Lavina. Mortiey. Peter Mountain, Katie Smith. Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Harold Leding- ham, Katie Stewart. Jr. I--Mary Turnbull, Gorman Johnston Bella Griereon, Mary Bailey, Velvie Reay, Vera Reay. Average attendance 45. G. MCLEOD. Teacher. U. S. S. No.3, B. G Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Bea Simpson, Morrison Smith, Maggie Morcley. Alex Turnbull, Bella Ray. I (b)-â€" Robbie Migbton. Freddie Reay. George H. Torry, Susie Adlam. Elsie McLean. Pt. IIâ€"-Marietta Park, Maggie Hepkins. Annie Reay. Bella Park. George Turnbull, Maggie McRonald, Rex Lawrence, Annie Turnbull, Jean Miller. Ruth Miller. Si‘. I-â€"Willie Mather, Edna. Reay. I (c)â€"Eflie Milligan, John Hop- kins. Neloie Murdick, Millie Adlam, Margaret J. Adlam. Sr. IIIâ€"Eva Ritchie Willie Falk inzham. Clarence Staples, Arthur Edge, Kate Ritchie Agnes Edwards Victm Williams Silas Edwards. Jr. lII-Maggie Ector, Alix Edge. Sr. IIâ€"â€"Eliza Williams Jr. IIâ€"Myrtle Ector, Nona Wil liams. Vincent Payer. Cassie Ritchie, Maggie McK’enzie. Maggie Ritchie Joe Kenny. Bertha Falkiugham. Jaw Vaughan, Carrie \lcNallv, Bt‘ll‘d MC- Cormidk. Edith Edge. ;Harry Caldwell Melville Monce ;_Leslie Morice. Llllian McCrie. Jr. I (a)â€"Bm-tha Ecnor. George Williams, Nellie Echenzie John Ritchie, Luther, FalkHIghum. U80“ Paylur. Average attendance 37! Pmmowmx EXAMINATIONS. Names arranged in urder of merit. Jr IIâ€"Ella Park, Freddy Corbett Brigham Livingston, Mary Mather James Miller, Cecil Reay. Jr. I (b)â€" Myrtle Falkingbam. Kama MCNHH)‘, ReutenPnylor. Nellie Buigel‘. Sr. III to IVâ€" Willie Falkingham, Silas Edwards. Eva RHChie. Ctarence Staples. Arthur Edge (tecum mended.) Jr. I(b)-â€"Teresa Finnigan, Elsie McLaughlm, Lawrence Chapman. CLARA ALJOE, Teacher, S. S. No 3, GLENELG. 'IVâ€"Fanny Ector, May Spittell. John Greenwood. Emma Ritchie. Clara Greenwood, Herb Edge. S. S, No. 2, EGBEMONT. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Earl Mead. Sara Allan. Myrple Allan, Margaret Woods, Agnes Allan, Andrew Gray. Gertrude Pollock. Sr Iâ€"Alex Vaughan, Pear} Falk- ingham. Mary Paylror. Wilde Ritchie. Sr. IIâ€"Joy Hapklns 37:2, Etheli Derby 299, Norman McRonald 292.? John Derby 286. Lily Torry 25:3,: Evelyn McLean. Amberziuu Bailey,i Marv Adlam. Harry Falktughum J Sr. Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"Alice Gray Willie Finnigan. Pu. IIâ€"James Finnigan. . Sr. Iâ€"Eva McMeeken. Howard Mead, Maggie Mead, Wesley Pollock. Jr. I (a)â€"Robbie Marshall, Elmer McMeeken, Ben Woods. S. S. No 3, BENTINCK. IVâ€"Nathan Grierson Wilford Livingsmu. Stanley Livingston. 4215. Park, James Counts Sr. IIIâ€"Douglas Donnelley 345. Blanche Wise 294. Ruby Alexander 5287, Allan VViee 263 - Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Eccor' (honors), Alix Edge. Jr. lIIâ€"-Llnu Torry .295. Geovge Reay ‘292. Eve-.1} n Coutta 9.86. Agnes McLean, Aullie'LANl'anu. Regularity “of attendance, Camp- bell Clark. Best. in spelling, Diau'ha Redford. Sr II to Jr IIIâ€"Wilfred Barbour, Willie Gray, Bridget Woods. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"7Willie Woods, Mary Ker. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Diantha Redford Hughie Hendry, Maggie Clark Maggie Lunney, Willie Britten Christianiu Porter. ' Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"Harry Cox, Nina Noble. Willie Hopkins. Pt. I to Pt. IIâ€"Jennie Britten. Ngjlie McDougall. S. 8 No.6 Bzx'mxcx Jr. III to Sr. 111â€" Frankie Twam. ley 334 James Brown 322. Arthur Lunney 279. Campbell Clark 245 Recommended, Archie McDougall. Sr. II to Jr 365. (honors). Irene Britten Freddie Torry. Pa. 1 to P6. IIâ€"John Baer, Arthur Mountain. G. A, \VEIR. Teacher. A. HAR‘ROW, Teachcr . M. ADAIR,‘ Teacher IIIâ€"Katie Phillips, Pearl Hopkins 301,’ 288, Recommended Strathroy R1 ’iéyJCII Rogkton. . . . Rocklyn. . . §helburne.. Hoyt grip Enema! 9. . Barrie ...... Beaten ...... 1 Cookstown. . . . . Calling wood” Clarksburg” Desboro ...... Durham ...... Dundalk. . . Feversham Fleshertou. . . Grand Valley ..... Guelph....n.. Hanover” Harrsiton ...... Hoistein ...... { Listowel ...... Markdale ...... Meafo'd . . . . M11 x erton ..... Mildmay ...... Mt. Forest ........ Oran geville ...... Owen“6 Sound ...... Palmerston ...... Petei'boro ...... Petrolea ..... Port Elfin ...... Port Hope ..... Allistou .. . Arthur ..... Atwood .......... A Partial List of Fairs Annouced For The Fall of 1907. C2. 8:. C. MERREAM 00.. (1 he highest award) was given to the Interna~ (.onal at the World’s Fair. St. Louis. -I.V‘-- It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our judicial work as of the highest authority in accuracy of defini- tion: and that in the future as inthe past it will be the Source of constant reference. We are of the opinion that this allegation most elearlfi and accurately describes the work that as been accomplished and the result that has been reached. The Diet ionary, as it. now stands, has been thoroughly re- edited in every detail. has been corrected in everv part. and is admirably adapted to meet. the larger and severer requirements of a generation which demands more of popular philolngricul knowledge than any generation thjit _thc world has ever contained. The above refers to WEBSTER’S . INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Tom will be interested in our specimen pages, sent free. The Pumishers of Webster‘s International Dictionary allege-that it, “ is, in {new he popu- lar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every detail. and vastlyenriched in every part. with the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger ltlpd severer requirements of another genera- mn.‘ EET THE LATEST AND BEST UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS The Publisher’s claims Sustained ‘Ve have :1. wmd assnrfnwnt 0f Taeeds and Snitings. which wv would like vnu to $09. Call and get one of nm' $1. ’30 \\ hire Bod Spleads fur $100 while they ‘ Our New Spring Stock of Groceries and Crock- ery Wave is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. last. The highest price will be paid in Cash or Trade. Custom Coi‘ding and Spinning will be attended to as usual. DURHAM. 1 00.000 Pounds That’s too bad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to spark of it. By the way, Ayer’s flair-Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- feet hair tonic. Ti .3, hair stops coming out, groves faster, keeps soft and smc..:th. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes’it strong a::J healthy. PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Is Your Hair Sick? THE GRAND PRIZE 801.1 for Weiâ€"vi;- S. SCOTT V‘..__ W and b m. . .A .0 herco.bo::n,m FALL FAIRS. CHARLES C. NOTT, Chief Justice. v'-' â€"â€"'v‘ so masonic” of JOHN DAVIS. STANTON J. PEBBLE. CHARLES B. HOWRY, LAXVREXCE “'ELDON, JOHN _'_DA\ IS_ Oct 3 4 Sept ‘24 25 “Sept 16 17 18 0) ~ 2" o) PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. . 1 .Sept 19 20 .Sept 26 ”7 ONTARIO .. . .Ucfl J . Sum '26 ”UN. '5 16 19 At our store, our customers are our friends, and we are always glad to meet them whether they are buying goods or not. “78 are the people you want to see. We have mowers from $3 Also Hedge Trimmers. Sheep Shears and Garden Tuuls, Rub- ber Hose, Nozzles, Rakes, in fact everythin§ [Remaining to the garden or awn. At prices that will astonish you. That everybody is talking about we can tell you them’c nothing in it but the purest of linseed 011 lead, zinc and coloring nutter. Its no secret how its made, and (lont forget that its 1003/0 pure. Darling's Make yourself at home Uneeda Screen Door or some window Screens . We bane dnzons uf Llwm, plain fancy, and all sizes and In ices. \\-'hy the business of A. S. Hum bar is increasing so rapidly. in fact: there are many reamns. hm among them stands out pmm- iently the fact that we can gin- }‘nu hardwm-o at. renun-kuhly low prices that may mum] like an old phrase hut iis a true (me. \\'e are giving our vustmners the benefit of nm' fm'osight, buy- ing before thv big :ulvanvc. and now We can retail many linvs lvss than they mu lw hnughl at wholes-Mo price. Selling right. can only follow buying: right. Lawn Mower Doors from $1.00 up Complete Windows. 20c to 50c MARTIN-SENOUR Paint I he People’s Druggists If you ask us about I F U NEEDA July4 i‘ m?

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