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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jul 1907, p. 7

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Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose EXCLU SIVELY FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2'o’clock HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. THE DURHAM EHHUNIBLE ' ' THE CHRONICLE will be sent to snbsmPtmn any address. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 OOper'year. payable 1n advance -$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription is pmd is denoted by the number on the address label. 30 paper dis- continued to an arrears are paid, except at the opnon of the proprietor. Advertising For transient advertisements 8 cents per line for the nrst inser- Bates - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertion-minion measure. Professional cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without specific directions will be published tin forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€"“Lost." ‘zFound.” “For Sale." etcâ€"30 cents for first insertion, 2;.) cents for each subseqnent insertion. ‘ 1‘ _,A_ mAâ€"IT infâ€"gr'ti’ée‘h‘xents. to, ensuye insertion in current week. should be brought m not later than TUESDAY morning- Late Assistant, Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. $112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and N030 Hos. IS f’UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street, All advertisements ordered by strangers must be Daid for in advance. U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. m.. '2 p.-m., 7~9 p. m. Telenhone No.10. Contract rates for yearly adxertisements fur- nis_h_ed on app}ication to the office. . . is completely stocked with all The .101) SE“? TYPE. thus aflording fac- Department iliti‘es for turning out First-class Will be at the Midiaugh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from 11:0 4 p. m. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham; the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"14 p.m. Dr. W. 8. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. J F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dehtistry in 511' its Branches. Ofiice.â€"â€"Calder Block, over Post Office oropertv. BARRISTEL, SOLICITOR, ETC. ,Uffice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm “-v â€"- â€"v-â€" vmancers Etc. Money to’ Loan. Oflices :â€"In the Helm} re Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. L‘ er. Coxweyancen' c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- riage Licenses. A general financxal bus:- A. H. Jackson. \TOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION- .L er Come) ancer, c. Insurance -t ‘1... ness transacted. d tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronic? Ofiice. A ml! ILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and sinmng,_ §tudio Voigze culture and sihgmz, Studio at Mr. Latxmer’s U ppertown‘ Feb tf. M. Glaser DURHAM, ‘ - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsenalr, Sheepskins and Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. Save your stuff till I call, or give me me notice when you have a quantity- Drs. lamieson 8:. Maclaurin. l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. \FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Nov. 9. ’03. DURHAM, ONT., OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, QON- DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) J ulyll- . 1907 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Medical Directorv . Arth'r Gun, M. D. Geo. H. K. Midford Dental Dz'rectorv. DR. BROWN Legal ‘Dz'recforv Miscellaneous. W. IRW‘I N J. P‘ Telford. work. DR. BURT. #3.: The people from a distance who visited with Mr. and Mrs Thos. Edgp Hutton since our last Writing: Misses Jessie and Lizzie Coutts. To ronto; Marion Contts. Vickers. and Nancv Boyd, Crawford; Mrs. Hugil Tyreman, Brussels; Messrs. Henry ‘Villiems. \Valkerton. James Hop- kins Rockland. John Lawrence. Egre mont. B. Courts. Vickers. J Stimson. Crawford, and Howard F. Tyreman. Toronto Medics.) College. Mr. Campbell Dunsmoor attends the Rocky Presbyterian Church in- stead of attending his home church in town. We hear there is afai-r lady living in that direcziou. Messrs. Jno. Lawrence, Alex. Hep- kins and Thos. Mighton were in ‘W alkerton on business lately. Mrs. David Donneliy Spent a day with her sister. Mrs Bell. Gleneig. Sorry to hear that; Mr Bell is on the sick list. Sorry to chronicle that Mrs. Wm. Langrill is ailing, hepe to hear of her speedy recovery. We hear that Messrs. Alf Mountain and Otto Bauer attended. the camp meetings in Neustadt. Miss E. Laura Hutton has resigned her school in Worthington. During the summer and fall months she in» tends to be instructed in vocal and inatrum-emal music. by the best. teachers in town. We were pleased to see Miss M. McRonald. of Vickers. It is seldom She visits our burg since she left, our neighborhood. She is a highly re. soected lady and we miss' her very much. Mr. and Mrs E. Armstrong were the guests of the latters sister, Miss rlarion Counts, Vickers, last Sunday. Mr. Alf. Vollett spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Petty recently, Lismn, boys, we will scan hear the sweet. chimes.“ wedding bells. One of the students of High School, Mr. John McGirr, of Glenelg. likes to climb the hill although it is so steep. \Ve congratulate him on the choice he has made. Miss Alice Lawrence. teacher. is holidaying in Arthur with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Miss Bradley. Miss Maggie Alekander. Mrs. Mathews and Mrs. Ragers. better known in this vicinity as Hannah and Belle Alexander, Toronto. are spending a. few Weeks with their A. .. mother, Mrs. Wm. AleXander. Sr. It does as good to see their familiar John Firth and pleasant faces again. Last week Mr. Geo. Cnfl entertain Wm. Weir ed his nephew, Mr .1. Hopkins. Allan 1:31L 0’ Odiscount b10110ht 118 11121111' 111112151111 custoumw since last issue but 119 are «1 0111<1 it one better, 211111 \\ ill 11()\\ <1'i\ (3 20° [0/ 1'01 81 Short time Hutton Hill. Edward Kress, Durham This is Vour“ Chance Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Firth and chi! dren, from near Toronto, are visxtxug at Mr. Rabat; E'lge’s Mr. Bo:gel‘ made a. business Hip t0 Guelph Tuesday Mr. and Mrs W. J. Ritchie are visiting: friends 111 Walkertou and Greenock this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Staples, of Cranbrook, B. (3.. are speneiug that honeymoon an che home of the form car’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Staples. J. W. Firth B. A., has accepted a position as Science Master in Se. Mary’s High School for the nexr. school year. Mr. Wm. Irwin, of [‘orouco, and his bride visited a. few day‘s with Mr. Irwin’s aunt. A113 Wm. Edge. Mr. W. Ritchie and his bride {rum Acton, vzaited at Mr. Tom Ritchie’s last. week. Edge Hill 3. S. held their picnic on Saturday last in Mr. Wm Edge’s bush‘ It Was a luveiy day for a pic me as the shower in the forenoou laid the dust and cooled the aIIDuS‘ phere sufficiently to make it pleasant. The afternoon was very pleasantsy seem in swinging, playing ball. pitcning horse shoes. etc. Tea was served about 4 30 when all did justice to the abundance of dainties supplied by the ladies. Messrs. Herb Green. wood und‘Jas Edge deserve credit for the excellent tea they made as We never tasted better at a picnic. At'. ter tea came the baseball match be tween the married and single men. This has been a feature of our picnic for several years and the single men have always been the winners. This Year it was agreed to play six in- mng but as the score was a. tie at end of sixth innings, another was .played, which resulted in the single men winning bytwo runs. Mr. Alex. Firthxacted as umpire and gave gen- eral satisfaction. Following are the two teams : MARRIED C. H. Mofiat John Mofiat Geo. Ritchie 'L‘om Ritchie W. J. Ritchie Wm. Ritchie 'il' â€"..-- - “m 13%. Edge . ' Centre Field /’ Edge Hill. Right Field Left Field Short. Step 9 nd Base 3rd Base Ist Base Catcher Pitcher THE DURHAM UHRUN ICLE Will Williams A. Greenwood Edgar Ritchie Herb Ritchie Arthur Weir Jack McGirr W. J. Firth SINGLE :37 One of the social events of the sea 4 son and peihaps the prettiest ever held in Fort Steele was the wedding of Miss Francis Amalia Tannhauser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tannhauser. to Mr. George Arthur Staples, which took place at Christ Church, Fort Steele. on Wednesday morning.June 19th, at 11 o’clock. The church was beautifully decor. ated with roses lilac and ferns. As Mrs. Miller, who presided at the 01-. gan, played Lohengrin’s wedding mar .-,h Rev. Flewelling took his place lat the altar, followed by the groom [and his beet man. Mr. J. J 31an- nell. of Cranbrook. Then entered the lovely. bride on the arm of her father. followed by her bridesmaid Miss Lillian Tannhauser.1‘he bride; was beautifully attired in an import- - e1” white lace robe. over white ducho ess satin. and chifion, and wore a filthy veil held __in place by lilies of AAAAAAAAAAA AAA‘AAA‘ A number from around here went on the excursion to Niagara. Among them we umiced the smiling counten- ance of Willie Vickers accpmpanied by one of our fnizest young ladies. Mrs. J. Smith, of Hanover, visited her mother, Mrs. T. Mighton. Mr. and Mrs. John Reay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCaslin, of Hutton Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reay visited the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, of Muloch. Mr. Myers, of PreSLon. iS visiting his Sister, Mrs. W. Derby. Mr. and Mrs D. Donnelly and two children spent: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Whittie, of Hanover. Miss Jessie Cousts has returned to Toronto far the summer. Mr. Moses Doxmelly is erecting a new house on his farm near Allan Park. \h- ‘I‘homas Mchland, of Port: Arthur. 5pm”, the pasn week with his sister. Miss Annie McFarland. Mrs. H W. Hum was the guest of Mrs J. Hopkins mm day lasc week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mills and fam- ily visited at H. W'. Hunt’s recently. Mrs A. \V. Hunt spent a few days with her parents in Glenelg whiie Art took in the excursion to Niagara. Mrs. R. Torry and son Luther, of Markdale, visited friends in this viA cinity. Miss Mary Vickers Spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. Hopkins. Mr. Ed. Hepkins was in Hamilton on business recenclf. . STAPLESTAN N HAUSER._ (Cranbroakherald, B.C.) Vickers. hrtdesm-Iia‘l 100le ct. gwim: in a gowu'of lilac marquis}! - over silk and white picmre hat md carried lilacs and mess The w ! ling was a quiet one, onlv ihe ro' Wes anda few intimate friends b Tu -: present.; Immediately alter the - ”emony the‘ wedding party repaired « the resi- dence of the bride’s p- - me. Where an elaborate wedding ' tch was ser red. The parlor and dining room were prettily decorated with roses. terns and pctted plants. The wed- ding gifts were numerous and costly. The happy couple left on the after- noon train for Montreal. New York and other eastern cities The bride is an exceptionally bright and accom~ plished young lady. and has held the position of official stenographer in the government offices for some time and by her charming personalitv has made herself a general favorite in social circles. The groom is an em- ploye of the C P. R . and by his ability and strict attention to bus iness has worked his Way up. until for the past three years, he has had complete'charge of the vast freight business in this Oily and his afiaole and courteous con'duct has won him a host of friends in South East Koot- enay. On their return to Cranbrook, they will reside in the Hoskins cot- tage on Baker Hill The Doctor Away from Home when Most Needed. PeOplv are. often very much disa mmintved to find Thur, their family ptusiu’an is away from home when tno-x most m-ed his service-m Dis-z eases like cramp uo‘ir: and clmiera morhUs‘ rpquire prompt. rrwvumnt, and hzwpiu manv insvances prowl" fatal hvfoi'e meiicine mud be pm cured or a physician smnnmml. The; right way i~: to kepp at hand a hum. of Chamberlain’s Cuiic. Cholera and )imrtnmu Remedv. NO plu'siciani c n prpscribe a better mpdicina for thaw. disea es. Bv having i' in the l'u‘mw veu escape much pain and ma! {eriug and all risk. Buv it hook; in may save life. for Sale at Park1or’s Drug Store. 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. will last a whole season. FLY PAD§ â€" SOLD BY â€" DRUGGISTS, GROOERS AND GENERAL STORES WILSON’S THE PflPUlAR CASli STORE One packet has actually killed a. bushel of flies. He Sells Cheap 2 Yards long, 26 inches wide. 2;, 66 6‘ z” 66 .0 3.1 1‘31) ' 16 I Ji 1K, 1 n 04 - i [I C hi. *3 \ V G q 2. )( Table Linen 54 inches wide... "5 a. yard t. “1 ()8 st 5. J’C Os Bleached Table Linen .34 inches wide 35c. 11. yard. Ladles’ black sateen underakirts $1.00 each. Ladies’ white lawn lludcl'bkil'lls 750. each See our ladies’ f 1116 callus at 2’: eaclnâ€"Bargains. See our new Prints and Dress. Ginghams. FLANNELET'L E BLANK HTS ~L:u~.:c FI;OOR OILCLOTHâ€"l v.,d 1._'~. vds. 2.de wide. 23c. a squauc x.- Md SBIX'RNA RfUG‘ -- "hi6” llldlvs 3.”) each. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylun Tea. black mm Pure Canadian Honey in 250. Jars. music. I BEG LEA VF: 1‘0 INFORM MY CUB- I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELI DRILLING, RECURBISG AND PREsscanmG done wi ch Cement. concrete. [3’ ALL ORDERS taken at. the old sand near McGowan’s Mil} will he promutlym tended to. am. WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and “=7 lim” PRICES W. H. BEAN New music received each week. Pumps. Songs, waltzes Percv G. H. Webster 11-4 size in White and gray. $1.20 pin mixed at; 350., 300., and 4m. 3.11. SOLD AT HALF PRICE.- 25 gents Per flow 1 have placed in Stock a fine line of late LACE CURTAINS; CALDER BLOCK GEORGE WHITMORE. 36 and Cwo=$tepsi $1.00 “ 1.40 ‘ ‘ mi 1'

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