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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jul 1907, p. 8

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mmnmm Get in Line and wear the Best Cloth/mg. Would you like to wear them ‘3 Here is Where they are kept. The? are the best in Qtiality, The Best in Style, Best. Fitting, Best Tailored and Finished. (The Regent and Picadilly Bfand.) To be better than others for W Altai???" mtg: Patent, Kid, Dongola, and the Blucher Style Cheviots’ Lusters’ and Delaines’ Ready to Wear Suits Shirts, Ties, and Underwear ‘ ,1 The People’s Store 4m- fut/5".“ Our :ismrt‘nnm‘r n‘f .1)1'(In<s Fabrics is mm' on Display FRESH GROCERIES A!..WAYS ON HAND We zil.1\\'il._\’8 have on hand :1 .1311}? Lino of zmtl (‘VPI’j'flliNQ‘ in the Men’s Lino. The average Person knows km: J“ ~' mm'fl U {W'J «‘lifi'erent- reasons. Fit and Comfort, Style and Wear in In an Stylvs :md Stripvs. 011014 more we try to 110111119. 11 {1111' Of ’ilw h11p13011'uzgfi n1(3Ul1d thH (701' (“Hr ‘11 [p1 1h» Hiiidai (1 Scri’w know 11'01‘111-1111'11’0 111.1 and that 11:611er 110E[ '50 s rnlu {MNH as they ihOH ”1T1ve[ iwew If 1111-1 I111d 1181311 11 (1 11'1111111 .‘11111'9 wind the presm'imiou we Wnrei imiviwd 1111 1:111:11 some. time- 1130, but.[ 1515 our hinwi was good and clean 11'1": idid 1:01 think we. were in 1mm] of a tonic. We would advise thar. p00? i1reature to takea a little of that, blood gpurifier and it mw iii-1;) his b11111; t) £11 a“ :1 {1111 111 1110por1imn :11 hi. [h ad 111111 save him the troub'o 0! [» unding in be from of a mirror 10 [much and wondering: if " thow1 1111' b01111. will (11191 live again.‘ ' A little learning is a. dangerltm 1hing Drink deco or touch not. the purify- ingspring; [A 'ittle dorh only intoxicfie the i i 1 I 1 brain. But drinking deeper sobers us again. 3 V6 are sorr1 to repoxt than Mr. “Robert Henry 1811] poor 116111111 at. [time of writing but hope soon to see 1:11im around again. Mr. and Mrs. James M,"A11an visit. ed the latter’s siscar. Mrs. Ragen at; Caledon East. on the first Messrs. Mat Hooper. R. J. Matth- ews, A. Henry and E. Matthews took in the excursion td the Falls and en. joyed a very good time. Mr. Samuel Patterson accompanied by his sister Bell. visited their aunt. Mrs. Hastie, of Traverston, a week ago Mr. Doward Henry, of Toronto. came up to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry on the lsr. and show- ed the spect..tors on Dominion Day how to start and finish a four mile race. Success, Doward. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Daily while driving to Dromore last week were passing some tile on the side of the road which the horses took fright at and started to run away throwing Mrs. Daily-to the ground while Mr'.‘ Daily was thrown onto the tongue. but he managed to hold on to the lines and get them under control be- fore any damage was done except a severe shaking up. and called on friends in Proton also. Our teacher. Miss Irwin. is spend- ing her holidays at her home in P938161 She has been engaged for another year at a. salary of $500. Piles get: quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's . Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching. painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its 086- Large nickel-capped 81888 181'8 50 cents, Sold by MacFarlane Co. Henr3s 8Corners. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE lkhy whom it. will be transmitted to Chetham Presbytery for Mr. Little’s acceptance. The stipend oEered is .3800 with free manee and four weeks ghohdaye. At a joint meeting of the Fiesher. 1 ton, Edgenie and Proton Station: Presbyteriancongregations held here on Wednesday of last week, the interim Moderator, Rev. J. A. M81118- aon, of Priceville, presiding. an un. animone call was modernted in favor of Rev. G. C. Little. B, A. , of Both. well. The call will be presented to Orangeville Pre.s.by_tery this Tuesday ' We were in error last week stat- ing that. English church services would be commenced here on Sabbafh last Uur informant so understood is. A fortnightly service is bei.g agitated. but the matter is 3‘6» unde- cided. Rev. Mr. McLean. of Tara preach ed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday and Rev. E. F. Thomas, of Toronto. is expected to supply the pulpit the next two Sabbaths. Rev. Dr. Caldwell preached the nu- nual sermon to the Orangemen at Ceylon on Sunday afternoon and in the evening his sermon here was Specially to young men based on Ps. 119: 9. Rev. L. F. Kipp’s theme in the BaptiSt church was ”The Ruin of a Splendid Man.” Bornâ€"On June 29th to Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Field of this place. a daughter; On July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Lyons, con. 3, S. D. R., Arnemesia, a daughter. Mr. Austin Shakleford, of this place. has had the exterior woodwork on his brick residence neatly repaint- ed. Mr. A. S VanDusen and Mr. W. L Wright have had their properties 1mproveo with new cement floors and steps beneath their verandabs. The latter has also had a cement platform at the front of his store. The Presbyterian congregation are having a bee this week reshinghng the munse and the Board has decided to improve the church sheds by mew ing them to face each ether and then roo.’ so as to have a large enclosed shed. The trustees of the Methoais: church have decided to put in a new furnace in the church, repair the ex terior of the south we}! of the church and reshiugle the south side of the shed. I" Hm Truswea uf S S. No 3 east of the VIM-age um run/1m; tint: cvmeut \Va‘L-k-ai'ald m the entrance to lileil' -:p:cm11d Aww when]. l‘he Mssws Fulton u! \Vm-dsmck. an: w:.:nu.; H.~u aunt airs Carter. Mr J Duniupbf \"..o:'i:§:ock. visited oxex‘ Sum“) nxsd Mr Watson. of TOIOHYO. is .hc gmufi of Dr. and 1115. an: Vtzillng, Hn-H' aunt “ )1? J .UUHIUp (:f lf~40d§3 ouzr Sunda} and Mr 'l‘monto‘, 1:5 .he gumt of i CthHX' \ir. and Mrs, Gl‘ui'wf Tozuntu, tun nudity; ( parents Wm: M Hm \ l'jn CC The Preslwterian and Baptist Sun- day scam in hold their anuval picnics t0¢iu) (lezesday) the former on we Agzizuztuxai wounds here and :hz: latter in air. Aim” .4 bush 3} miles Ga“ 131 Mm Viiiat'e, A1110“; tnosu «in; book in the ex- CUISIUU to Niagara. 0M if‘t'iddy 18.50 were Mr. and Airs. Herb Smith and Ammu; tnose Win) nook in The ex- CUI'MUH t0 Niagara. On Friday 1215c wen.- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smut: and Mrs W. E. White. tilt-5 LWO iaLwr visiting friends at, V'fiuffalo over San- day; Mr Dick and Miss AHics Wilcox also visited friends at Buffalo. Misq May Huies and Miss Jennie \Vilsou visiaed over Sunday with friends at. Throat-2:. 31". Geo. Mitchell also Spent; a couple of dms iu the City. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bentham have been spending a few: days in 'L‘orouto visiting [ha former’s soother who is rec-wearing from her operation. Mr. Reg. Ward paid a. short visit here last, ,week on his homeward journey to British Columbia. Misses Lillian and Laura Arm- strong left on Friday to visit friends at Porn Dover. Mrs. Armstrong ac companied her daughters to Owen Sound. Mrs.E VanZant who visited the past two weeks with her’sister in Osprey spent Sunday with her brother Dr. J. P. Ottewell. on her return home to Toronto Mrs N. Dunsmore and children of Owen Sound are visiting the former’ 8 parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bellamy Master Kendall and ick Luca~. of Markdale holidayed In t week with their grandparents here. Dick eur- prised his parents by his arrival home on Sundayv walking from Flasher-ton without apprieing anyone of his intended tramp. The six mile walk didn’t fiz on young Dick who may yet be heard from in some Mar. athon contest, Take the Postmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton. postmaster at Cherryvale, Ind., keeps - also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines Hesays, “Cham- berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard here in its line. It never fails to give satisfaction and we could hardly afiord to be without it.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Planet-ton \\:c.l;~x35, of he farmer’s Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- one with a bottle of Ayer’ 3 Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because i’Ayer 5 Hair Vigor 2s a regular hairmedicine. Fa.‘ in: hairis caused by a germ, and this medicine completc‘y destroys these germs. Then :he healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. ghe buttindoiste:.dmonm- Sold. for over tinny yang.” WOOL WANTED ! I 1 00.000 Pounds The highest price will be paid in Cash or Trade. Custom Car: ing and Spinning will be attended to as usual. gz’éfifi @‘wfifi 4‘ 15.1.13 , i"??? Our New Sprung Stock of Groceries and Crock- ery Wave is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. \Ve have a. good assortment of Twoods' :md Suitings. wluch we would film you to see. ,1sz and get (me of 0m $1. .M \\ hitc Bod Spreads for $1. ()1) \xhih- rhov l C 1st. DURHAM. M if: i} A Partial List of Fairs Annouced For The Fall of 1907. Beeton ...... Cookstown . . . . . Coliingwood . . . . Clarksburg. . .. Desboro ...... Durham ...... Dundalk . . . Feversham ...... CCCCC 000000 Fleshertou . . ' .. . .. ... Grand Valley ........... Guelph. . . . . . Hanover. . .. Harrsiton . . . . Hoistein ...... Listowel ...... Markdale ...... Meafo‘rd . . . . Milverton . . . Mildma y ..... Mt. Forest ........ . I H ‘ Orangeville ............ Owen Sound ...... . . . Palmerston ............ Peterboro. . . . Petrolea, ..... Port Elgin ...... Port HoFe ..... e..... . : Pricevil Ripley. . .. . . t Rockton. . . . Rocklyn. . . . Shelburne . . . . §ttathroy. . . . a: ksugn’ , {nought it ‘3l":ll..I-F :.'..- .. {NH HHHHNHEIH‘ Mlhc amount, ‘ 51in 01. Téesygatgr . . . Tfiédford . . . . Thamesville . Thorold. . . . Tiverton. . . . 51d: L O mus» V311“. merits. The i Diction 17; upon ‘1" .L E"; Lama ~10; 1‘9 uh w ' (1 .J + \VOI’I - 4â€" , I 1.- . greater iszxzeuon 0330.“: q 1ts men s and i: in ”2101p .‘ ,. Xx (the highest award) was: ,. > Iernatumul at me \Ym'i‘l's i «\i “Nb.“ THE GRAND P ("5"7" :93le -I”'l;lt(..(l ‘- ':?':}’i ('3. “~an-j _ TLC. MERRlAM 00., INTERNATIC; PUB..ISHERS. manor c» PRINGFIELD, MASS. V HM. . SCOTT o... 0‘ t......l. le...... ,nd...... “A Test 1.: 1 ”renuncia‘ and 1' 1 mini :1 11111.“x:11":}). \.1 FALL FAIRS. V0.0... O 0.00.0 000.... a... 00.0 .00 not... a o 0.00 .00 .c 00-. oo- .00 .0... .. ... 117.85% 24 25 ..Sept 16 1? If? ONTAR1O h ...... act 1 ....Sept1920 ....Sept2627 ...Sept ..Oct 1 24 2. iTERNATlCHAl 3; DIC'nOMRV / '- iiioct. 1 ’m flarling’s DRUG STORE JUST . ARRIVED Mangel Turnip Sugar Beet and Half-Sugar Mangel SEED$ At prices that will astonish you. There’s eason W \V among them 5 ivntly thv fart 1 ynu hurdwm‘v 10w priws that an old pin-use 1. “E 211-0 givin; the hmwiir m" u in;.r lwfm-c 1hr! HHW Wu (2‘!!! 1' (RU) (H1 \x u 11:11'0 dozens nf them. [1121111, 111111 Y. and all sizzvs and 111 ices. Uneeda Screen Boer or some window Screens \x" duh That ever} vbndv is talking about “9 can tell vm1 them 1* nothing in it. but: the p111e~t of linseed 01] lead, zinc and coloring 11111.net. Its no secret how its 111ade, and (10111; fur-get that its 100‘}:> pure. Also Hedge Trimmers. Sheep Shears and Garden 10018, Rub- berHose, Nozzles Rakes in fact everything pcztaining to the garden or lawn. “’6 are the fieople you want, to see. W'e have mowers from $3 At our store, our customers are our friends, and we are always glad to meet them whether they are buying goods or not. A Full Line of A. S. Hunter DURHAM f P ' he .eopie s Bragg Doors from $1.00 up Compiete Windows 20c to 50c Lawn Mower Make yourself at home MARTIN=SENOUR Paint 113' 1h July .11 1907 III If you ask us about k 1C 1‘? thev (:In iw imW'iH :11 . pm: e Selling ri'rht follow buying light. h it 11 IF UNEEDA (H) -l)i H ‘58 l' ’I n at. (7) SH] \V (Iva) ”I”! was. 0.. TU . S. linn» midly. m mark nv one. s1 « m net's :h t, buy- 1’11 :tli(1 lines "i\°( but h] v

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