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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jul 1907, p. 3

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THE HANOVER CON VEYANC ER A largessmx hf munm' 1n Imul at. Imxest rams. DEBTS COLL X )TE D. l.\'\UR- ANGER Warm! DimC‘ lltivs a”ra‘h'e«i. U P. R, and Ocean Steamship lickets for sale. van thing private. :3; AC RES. near Durham. :1 gum! farm, plmuiidlv improved “as Mining: 37 {0Q \\ 1H nun take "rear den} lew ECOACRES Buntinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling, very large barn. frame stdbles and pig stables, good soil. wiped uremmi. good bush. Price should be $40“) but wiil sell Xur less than $3000 it 801d at UHCB £00 A CRE\ in (119' el". near Ulrnam, a fine “ell implored farm. wxll sell very cheap or :raae. é 2\C:LAJ F'avtcu} 'l‘n changp his advertisements but. now .Jfiers some 3E \\ BARGAth : MANITRE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO W HRS RAAES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGS XS GASOLiXE ENGINES. McClary Stov‘es and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. Democrats and Bug-vies- (Rubher and SL139} Til-usJ V» .AV 2.5"»?! g five g 1;.ng 3" \f ‘0’ V \ \ [3 \n- IR"- 1] \‘ 0“: “I (“”41 \~ l6 Impiements “ .. W O l to she attract a C. W...“ e wm aameaxfizmmaqngymmaau¢fimmaqzqgmmxzaagm self. Im‘blement Agent and Auctioneer. :Auyesuflgwguugmxmgw ' ' to do business with you, we trusn to our mutual advan tage. Our stock is new and attraCtive and our pzices are low- Come and judge for your- (A (D F m We axe always pleased to Show goods. whether yea buy or not. If you do 110:. buy now} you will again. Look out foi' our locals. i} o. L. _§BANT§ AGEST for DOYLE JULIAN Mnnumems and Taznbsmnes Deering Harvester Co.’s 17.11111 Implmncnts Muchixlery. A Large Supply of TIN- \\'ARE alwavs on hand, or made t0 out-1° on shortest notice. Try our Runway Paints and Varnishcs of all kinds. Perhaps you want :1 Lawn Mower? if so. you should see ours before buying. “'8 have the kinds that work easyand last a long time. The price is right to. COME SEE. See our GASOLINE STO- VE. the ('heapest and best on the market. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. The hot weather is now and you should have the coufiurt afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND “'IXDOVVS Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. Hardware and Tinware ALSD A COMPLE'I‘E SNHJK 0F July 18, 1907, John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE E ARE NOW READY ”'1‘ near Dur'u-un Furniture \\ 111 sell cheap 01' trade. 2 BUSY “\VEN SOUND. DURHAM HAS BEEN DURHAM. 11. H. MILLER . Miller Black 3:11in shop stand, Seriin Piancs r' ' -‘ ~J- . .' u #1 a! 1 *1 MN The fine showers of Saturday morn- ing and previous night came as a forerunner to prepare the way for : those intending to attend the grand expected Jubilee to be held in the Presbyterian church on the following Sunday. As was anticipated the day proved to be one that will not soon be forgotten. The beautiful morn- ing with all its charms afforded Oppor- tunity to old, young and middle aged to be preasant on the occasion. con. sequently they gathered from the east. west, nor‘h and south till the large and commodious church was filled to its utmost capacity. The service was opened by the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Matheson with the singing; of the 100th Psalm and the organism; Miss Reilly, struck the key note to3 the old and familiar tune of old 100, while the choir with their sweet and molodious voices made the church ring'whiie singing the diHerent parts. After the singing was over the Rev. Mr. Berry, the new pastor of thel Methodist church, was called upon to lead in prayer. Although it was Mr. Berry’s first Sunday. he with broth- erly feeling dispensed with his own service for the morning and gave opportunity to all his congregation to assemble in the Presbyterian church j The Rev. Mr. McGillivray, of Toron-1 to, then preached from che last two verses of the 90th Psalm and made some very appropriate references to; the many changes that took place? during the lam fifty years. In look-‘ ing over the large audience p eseut not a single person was present. of those who were in the prime of life fifty years ago. All the dear old pee-Q ple who bore the burden and endured the hardships in the days of long ago have passed to their reward and} tho-e of us who probably attended church service fifty years ago when; small boys and girls wearing our, birthday shoes and home made straw! hats. are to-day fast going on the downgrade of life. No top buggies to be seen fifty years ago and those who could afield to have a team of horses and a big: lumber wagon to go to church with wm‘t- considered all ve common. The. old 1.»; chumlws that Served their 'ime 3.: :r:.--. days of will. an: DON :eplace'l ln' comforla'nle brick ones. The old fashioned way of lawful; tll're singing by at pl‘téCen'ur is a thing of the prrsl :tloll the orgm takes its plum: H.t7jt,)llliafililllfill by :U) n :tllll Parapllz'ases U"l'\_l by our furl:- elhcient choir The H Ull old P-:rlm~ is a :‘ning J the: past. and the orgvru takes its place “heurxxpuxziwl by my efliciexu choir. The g. ed old Psalms and Paraphrases {ht-3L1 byohr fure- father's centuries flgh are Substituted In; Ps'tlm Seicctimw and Books of Praise The uoml old Psalm Boos that, our dear fathers and umthurs Cdrried under their I'm ow-r fifty years age when walking Lu the place-4 ut worship, are nf no use new no :1. certain extent although in was dear Lo their hearts to hear the old famil- iar notes of the old tunes. Now they are generally replaced by Hymns, but we keep the old Psalms in use in the 01d Gaelic language and the old tunes sung; by our forefathers more then a century ago are used. \Ve must net take up too much time or space on this part of our Jubilee service and now we wiil turn our attention for a while in giving a synOpsis of the eu- tertuinmeut hold on Monday evening As on the previous occasion (Sun day) a thunder shower came early on Monday morning as ii: were to clear the atmosphere for the coming event of the evening The shower being over the wind toox anortheriy direc- tion. the cloiul~ began to disappear in the al‘texn-ion and the promise of a h autiful evening was certain All atztlciparinus being {ultitletl With re- ;aztl To, '1 l‘mztutiiul evening. the crime began t2) assemble from six to nine. As is usual the case in Price ville the ladies were on hand early in the afternoon and had the tabes groaning with all the good things imaginable for the purpose of appeas- ing the keenest appetite. This part being; fulfilled abundantly the crOWd began to ascend to the main part of the church till all seating capacity available was filled to the doors. After all got seated. the Pastor. Rev. Mr. Matheson, was 'called to occupy the chair. As we have now one of the best choirs north of Toronto. the Singing at intervals was excellent under the leadership of Mr, Wm. Ramage. Speeches were given by the following gentlemen: Rev. Fin dlay Matheson. of Chatsworth; Rev. D. A. McLeod. of Tara; Rev. Alex. McGillivray, of Toronau; Rev. \lr. Berry. the new Pastor of the Memo dist church, Price ville; Chas. Ram- age, Editor of the Review. and Neil McCannel, of Durham. This ended one of the finest gatherings ever held in Priceville. Proceeds of the evening $73 00 Sunday collections 30 00 Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannel. of Durham, attended the re-union in the Presbyterian Chuncb, Monday evening the 8th inst. Miss McLeod, daughter of the late John McLeod. of Scayner, is visiting her wut, Mrs. McCuaig. of Top Clifi, and uncie Willie McLeod. and Mrs. David Hincks, Ceylon. Mr and Mrs. Ramaze, of the Re- view extended the Jubilee on Sunday and the re-union on Monday night in :he Presbyterian church, Priceville. Mm. McKechnie, ot Glenroaden, was fhe guest of friends in Priceville for a few days lacs and this week. Railroaders are busy and work is progrvssing favorably. - Mias Annie Weir. of the Chronicle stafi, and Her mother attended the Jubilee in Priceville on Sunday. the 7th inst. Mr. Eastman, a. former teacher in (Received too late for last week.) ’ Priceville. $103 00 \Ve wish to extend our hearty con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis. who joined heart and hand on Wednesday, July 105h. The marri- age took place at the home of the bride’s parents in Egremont. We have no particulars, but may long life and happiness be theirs. Fipe growing weather. which is helpmg the spring craps to stretch out. Mr. Wesley McNally left for Cal- gary, N. W. T., acouple of weeks ago where he intends to remain for the summer. ' Haying is begun by several farmers in this burg and seems fairly good. Mr and Mrs. Hiram Dean spent Sunday last visiting friends on the 4th con. We are sorry to learn of the seri ous illness of Mrs Glover, who was stricken with paralysis a week ago Friday. Dr. Macleurin was in at- tendance. \Ve hope to hear of a speedy recovery. Quite a number from around here took in the Orangemen’s demonstra- tion in Arthur on Friday last, and were highly pleased with the trip. The day was all that could be desired and a monster cro Vd turned out to enjov in. Eight coaches were run in to Alt Forest by the C P. R to con- Vey the crowd to Arthur, but; it. would have required two more cars at least to seat them, as about one-third had to stand and glad to get. on at. all. About 2.30 p m. a grand precession mm; place. ”urchin; from the town to the bwauriful agricuicural grounds where the Speaking was going on. In rhis march abr)“-t thirty six lodges took. part. over thirty banners and flags bezug there. On the grounds a lass gamehl’ lacrosse was played be tween Elera and Wingham which finished with a tie \Ve would judge from the crowd that there were be tween four and tire tlmusand people there Mrs. Walker and some members of her family of Toronto. are visiting friends in Priceville at present. Mr. Leo Grier and Miss Nathalie Grier, of Dundaik. visited old friends at Priceville-and took in me Jubilee. John McArthur. Esq. Merchant, attended as delegate from S. O. S. Camp. Priceville, held at Niagara. week before last. Free, for Ca'nrrh just to prove merit. a Trial size Box of Dr. ShOOp’s Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow white. creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucal- iptus, Thymol. Menthol, etc., it gives instant and lasting: relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will ac- complish. Address Dr. Shoop. Ra- cine, Wis. Large jars :30 cents. Sold by MacFarlane Co. Detroit, July 11.â€"â€"The grand lodge of Micuigan, Ancient Order of United Workmen, have v0ted to surrender the charter. The death claims have accumulated faStel’ than the receipts. The grand lodge faces an indebted. ness of $100,000, to meet which there are only the June collections and a balance of about $50,000. In eight years the membership has drOpped from 93,000 to less than 3,000. It is thought; that; present members who can afford to meet the premiums will be provided a Way of keeping their insurance in force by dealing directly wizh the supreme lodge. A. 0. U. W. lees Up the Struggle in Michigan. Pdceville, visited some days in the village. Mr; Eastman attended col- lege since he left. Priceville three years ago and has pdSsed his examin- ations with honors. He is studying for the ministry. Right Breathing Cures Ca- .tarrh- Simple Way to Kill Catarrhal Germs in Nose. Throat and Lungs. The only natural and common sense method known for the cure of ca tarrhal troubles is Hy o mei. It is breathed through an ingenious pocket inhaler so that its medicated air reaches the most remote air-cells of the nose. throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs, soothing the irri- tated mucous membranes, and restor- 1119: a healthy condition. 'If you sufier from catarrnai troubles. such as ofiensive breath, riSiDg 0f mucous, frequent sneezing. hush? voice. discharge from the nose, dr°PPings in the throat. loss of destroy all disease germs in the nose. throat and lungs, and provide the blood With additional ozone. We do not want anyone’s money unless Hgomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction All druggists should be able to sup- Ply you with By o-mei or we W111 send it by mail on receipt of price, 31-00' and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company, Bnfielo, "" Darkies’ Corners. GIVES UP BUSINESS. ' «awn '< THE DURHAM CHRONICLE from catarrh_a1 Miss Ada. Maud Chapman, of Mt. Foresc. visited her grand-parents. the Sirrs family. last week. The Orangemen report having a very enjoyable time in Arthur on the twelfth. Only the brethren and ar- dent followers from this part went. The verv early morning start kept many at home who go merely for the sake of a day’s outing and to listen to the music. Great preparation is being made for the garden party on Friday? night; to make it a success. It is the first affair of the kind to be held on Mr. Tucker’s grounds. Mr. Wm. JohnSton took very sick on Friday night and the Dr. had to be sent for. The trouble is not. very clearly understood, but we from it may not prove serious. Mr. Wm. Lawrence has sold his farm to his son Will and intends: be- coming a resident of Durham... As he Mr. Dave Allen, of Hopeville. has the carpenter work of the church and has commenced by framing the roof. has always been a V9 ry public ‘spirit ed man be will make a valuabEG citi zen Deputy Reeve Ferguson Came up .i COMMERCIAL LAW 1 T - this way a week ago and adVisedECOMLII-EENIE‘SSEIAL CORRESPOBD some of the pathmasters to further; PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING the good work of gravelling the roads. i ORNAMENTAL WRITING Consequently there has been upwards: of 250 loads of the very best gravel and in placing all its graduates. P115 on inside of a two mile distance. ' Each student IS taught separately at I Ferguson has been expending moneyllfis own desk. Trial lessons for one In a sensible way lately and is fast;Week free. Visitors welcome. growing in popularity of the ratepay- ers. The roads are getting in amuch improved condition and many farms in a much improved state. Old board and picket fences are being replaced by the best design of wire that ‘can be procured, and the time is n0t far distant when our township will buy a stone crusher for use on the roads. which will not only supply the roads with the very best road making ma terial but will clear the road sides. which have become unsightly with loose stones. Durham and Hancvar Trinity church minigters traded pulpirs last Sundav Our congregation also en- juved the pleasure of hearixm the new man. Our school board met on Tuesday night to let the contract for a number of improvements to the grounds but no person wanted work. All are fully engaged for the harvest months. The Women’s lnstiture picnic in Holstein‘cn \Vednesd-y was well at- tended from this northern part of the district and was quite a success al- though Other parts were not quite so well represented. We hear the pro- gram was a very good one but prom- ises to be better next year as some of the speakers are newly married and said they hoped to know more about women and their ways by next year. The base-ball match between Durham and Holstein, although a little one sided, was interesting. The home team has some really good players, and with a little more practice might soomreverse the score. Dr. Brown was one of the very best players on the field and Kells, the school-master, is improving fast as pitcher. A couple of our ladies Spent from Saturday till Mondav a week ago at the Hanover Camp Meetings and helped in the work by taking: off all their jewelry and not wearing it again until they got home. and for which the}r received a special blessing even to the extent of Divine healing of a throat trouble in one case. This may seem like an exaggeration of facts but we are perfectly safe in saying it as the lady in question has heretofore been a newspaper correspondent and informs us that every vestigefof fight has been removed from her by her experiences at the meetings. LaSt Wednesday the home oiMr. Wm. McFadden was the scene of a very happy event, the marriage of his daughter Martha to Mr. Thomas Davis. Durham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bice in the presence of only relatives oi the con- tracting parties. As we have no de- tailed account of the afiair we are unable to report further than that the happy couple are highly esteemed by all who know them, and that they have the very best wishes of all for a happy and prosperous life. Mr. M. Stewart of Markdale. met with an accident near Williamsford yesterday afternoon from which he is sufiering much pain through an in- jured shoulder. He was driving a broncho and some part of the harness breaking. the animal became uncon- trollable and ran away throwing Mr. Stewart out on his shoulder and head. The accident. though painful. is not serious and Mr. Stewart will be all right in a few daysâ€"Adver- tiser. HORSES FELL IN THE RIVER. A team of horses belonging to the Da’vis Smith Malone Co. had an un- expected bath on Tuseday. and were the cause of quite a bit‘of excitment. It was while a scow-load of wood was being unloaded. The weight of the team wasjtoo much for the gang- plank, which broke letting them in- to the river. It was necessary to cut the harness to free the animals, which were finally towed ashore after being in the water for some time.â€"Owen Sound Sun. MET WITH AN ACCIDENT. Corner Concerns. EBAY and EVENING classes. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretotore sub- sisting between us. the undersigned. as bakers and confectioners in the town of Durham. in the county of Grey, has this day been diss )lved by mutualconsent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to E. A Rowe, of Durham. afore- said. and all claims against the said part- nership are to be presented to the said E. A. Rowe. by whom the same will be s~ttled. Dated at Durham 3rd day of June, 1907 Witness. Signed. A. H. Jackson Ernest A. Rowe llenry Butler Hughes BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING Business College Notice of ’issolution of Partnership. Its Aerated Oven, changing the air therein completely, I . o 0 without lessening the heat a degree, gives it an immense ad- vantage over 'all other ranges. Added to its compact- ness, is every advantage to be found in any You will consult your own interests as well as ours if you will call and examine mar goods and privcs hvl‘m-e lmying your nvxt pair of Boots, Shoes, . Its deep {ire-box holds the fire easily over nightâ€"no ashes can accumulate to choke the draft. Its 'grates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. Every desirable imp’rovement for effecting a saving in labor. time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. hill and ask to see anything you want in foor.\\'e.-u-. if our goods and prices donb suit; your taste :md purse. we will noL urge you to buy what; you dont; want. Ouraim is to keep goods that sell with- out. urging the, buyer. Trunks. Vaiises, (iluh Bugs. 'J‘eiescopes. Suit “.1898 in Stock. Some lines of Hosiery at interesting prices. (’ustmn work and repairing as quiekly as possible. When Gomg Up Street“ ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson l.â€"~â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. I’l’d )3] Groceries MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER MATTH EWS LATI M ER W. T. CLANCY, Prin. "wâ€"W' â€"' ' .â€" 7â€"â€" KATE CfiCHRâ€"ANE, “Agent, DURHAM, LEADS IN Mount Forest THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO., Limited or Slippers J. S. McIILRATH ayou. _ I TRY US. Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock 4.0! 0‘. gammaâ€".02. fiduzqmm. gUZflNn>nz <>unoc .\ t Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed. by the makers. FOUR REASONS Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY The down Store. why ynu should buy your .l. for sale a number of houses and out- buildings, along the line of right. of way of the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway, in the town of Durham. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale a number 9f bquses‘and out; T133§Jb1£1171iiigs [Eixst be remoyed at_ an early date. :11 order to clear the has of nght of yxjgy. I i I 4---- "Ailfuiaterial such as timber. brick. st'me, etc. in cases “ here the buildings cannot be moved ar 6 also ofiered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to 4.-â€"Y0u can always depend on gettmg full measure, correct weight and entire satlsfaction. Properties’ for Sale in stove building is con- centrated in the Souvenir Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern cooking stoves. J. P. TELFORD, Durham.

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