WE ARE NOW READY to do business with you, we trust to oxir mutual advan 'tage. Our stock is new and attractive and our prices are low. Come and judge for your- self. We are always pleased to show goods, whether you buy or not. If you-do not buy now you will again. Look out :flflhflkflhfléflhflhflkflflhflkfl for our locals. ’fl$ WWWWWW’IW 7/; ?‘ T 1115 Means You 3 80 Come Along «v 372* w 4W '4» Implement Agent and Auctioneer. Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BI}. JERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS \VAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES n'aced Ditï¬cultiaes:vm'xged. C P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everythmg private. To cinnge his advertisements but now offers some VEW BARGAI \‘b‘ . 250 ACRE' near Durham :1 good farm splendidlv improved. was asking: $7 500 “ill mm T ake â€rear, deal less 100 ACl {E5 in Gleuelg. near ernam, a line “ell improved nu m will sell very cheap or 11' ade. ACRE 1.0'1: near Durham Furniture Factory. lel 58!] cheap or trade. A PRO'T'I‘ABLE lrllncksmith shop stand, well located. : n\L.,stn1()' mom v in on 3.. mas, Al'mxt e. ld‘lxet Implements H. H. Miller THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER 100ACRESBentinckmear Gran ford, 01‘1le veneered dwelling verv large barn trame stables and pig suibles good soil good orchard. good pbush. Price should be 3-{000 but 11 111 sell tor less ti1a11$3000 1T ~:old at once Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Ixmflmnents Machinery. F. E. SIEGNER Always Promptâ€"Nbver Negligent. Try our Ramsay Paints and V armshes of all kinds. A Large Supply of TIN- ‘VARE alwavs on hand, or made to order on shortest notice. ALSO A COMPLETE LSTOCK OI“ Perhaps you want a. Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. We have the kinds that work easy and last a long time. The price is right to. COME SEE. See. our GASOLINE STO- VE, the cheapest. and best on the market. are just the thing for w arm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. The hot weathel is now here and you should have the comfort aï¬'ox ded by our SCREEN DOORS AND ‘VINDO‘VS Hardware and Tinware John Clark July 25, 1907, Our CHARCOAL IRONS A FULL LINE OF THE Get ready for : HAS BEEN : 2 BUSY DURHAM. H. H. MHLLER Berlin Piancs All druzgists should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei or we will send it. by mail on receipt of price, $1.09. and every package is sold with the dietincc understanding that it costs you nothing unless it cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company, Bnï¬alo. We do not: want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and We absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. The only scientiï¬c and natural treatment {or this disease is Her-o- mei; which is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, so that its heal- ing medicated air reaches the most remote air-cells, kills all catarrh germs, and restores the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs toahealthy condition. ' Their failure to get. relief is due to the fact that they have not. used the right remedy. Cacarrh is an aï¬eco tion at the head, throat and 'lungs, and cannOt be cured by stomach dos- ing. Kill the Germs by Breathing Hy-o mei. Gives Quick Relief. Many peOpie who have suflered with catarrh for years naturally feel that the disease cannot be cured. and become discouraged. Mr. Roy Pollock feels glad that his purse, which was found by Mr. Tuck 61' after the garden party, got inzo honest hands. CATARRH CAN BE CUR= ED. Miss Azice Lawrence came home from Toronto a week ago to Spend a shorr, holiday. Her appearance would indicate that Toronto is a heal- thy place. Friday night was an ideal one for a garden party. warm with no dew falling. (:Oilsé-‘qu-‘utl‘f the one held in Mr. James Tucker’s orc Hth was all the success that. could be desired The crowd Was large, the program good. theice cream, lemonade, cakes. oranges. bananas and candies were all disposed of, and then people ï¬n- ished up with a chew of gum The base bail game between the Varney team and the one of our own line re- sulted in a sweeping victory for the latter, although the Varney bunch understool the game well and have taken a great deal of practice in run- ning. catching and batting. but our team seem to have much more natur- al ability along those lines The Rev. Bice umpired the game to the satisfaccion of all and he also acted as chairman for the program, which was a good one Mr. G. Midford fur ther established himself in the onin. ion of the audience as a professional in vocal music and had to respond to encores Mr. John Disell. an old favorite in this part as an elocution- ist, pleased the people as of yore. and after every number had to respond to an encore Mim‘ Aggie Sirrs and Miss Slabs-l Mead sang sweetly and Rev. liege-s talked shortly. Mr \Vlll SlV‘Z‘S cl'zairmrm of the commit~ Ere. moved >1. VON-3 of thanks to every person who helped in any way to make the affair a success. The gate receipts were $16 70, and when all is totalled up pronably more than $30 will be added to the organ fund. The laying of the corner stone of the new church will likely take place on the 9th of August and will 86 an interesï¬ng vent as it is to be done by the Masonic Brethern, and their service for such an occasion. we are told, is a very beautiful one. and the matter of preparing excellent pae'itne for the afternoon that will be enjoy- able and instructive is receiving the careful consideruthni of the (flzurch workers. The neighborhoo i, as is its custom, will use every hospitality to iuakerhiUgsgfle4>aut ï¬n'ullstfaflg‘ era {torn a di~‘nn8v, untixVe certainly expect 'hHm to t; :lit'f from far and near'wiHQiso :nhuh “ï¬ll bellone ;o LnakeiT%15HCCe~~lnug to b1 remnan- bered. Mr. Jim Johnston returned home on Thursday from Dauphin, Man , owing to his brother’s illness. He spent a few weeks in Pennsylvania the beginning of his trip. but speaks xnue highly of Dauphin where ï¬ne prospects of a good crop exisn by good soil and frequent warm showers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman, of Mt. Forest. visited their parents, the Sirrs and Chapman families, the be- ginning of the week. Miss Mary J Mathews. of your town, visited her old neighbors out here last week. She is always a wel- come visitor, as she was a citizen of Sterling worth before going to town. Miss Sarah Dennett returned from Toronto on Pride}. just in time for the garden party, and will spend a short time with friends and relatives. She had been in Dakota prior to the sad death of her mether Miss Fee, of Normanby, spent last week visiting the Eden family and other friends on the line. Rev. Mr. Rogers. of Varney, made his ï¬rsc bow to the peOple of this part on Friday night. He played his part iv. the base ball game like a pro- fessional and took his share of defeat like a. man, and his speech on the platform didn’t weary any one and what he said left very little mom for criticism. People are busy at present taking! Ascertain its cause and the cure OE their hay crop. and ï¬nd it very fisn’t hard to ï¬nd. ' Look to the stom- good on low lying land but on hilly ach and bowels. Are’nt you consu- land it is light. Oats are not so Dated. iS’nt your liver sluggish. iS’nt promising as when we last wrote,fthe stomach failing in its mission? some sort of blight having effected; What you need is the cleansing tonic their growth some. but {9,11 wheat,jinfluence of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. barley and peas are all right i Their eflect is lasting because they Rev, Mr. Rogers. of Varney made ! aid all the ailing organs,-flush out all his ï¬rsc bow to the peOple of thisiunhealthy matter, and tone up the part on Friday night. He played his 5 stomach. With Dr. Hamilton’s part in. the base ball game like a pro- ' Pills your stomach gets,a chance to fessional and took his share of defeat recuperate. and does 9° QUiCle- like a man, and his speech on thelFor real buoyant health use Dr. platform didn’c weary any one and Hamilton’s Pills regularly, 250 per what In: no“? lnfr nun-t7 lit-tin Inuï¬m ‘nh. box at all dealers V Corner Concerns. R.__.I. {Jammy M. 01 _ MAOGREGOB Full information given on applica- tion to the undersigned. Candidates prepared for all grades of teacher’s cegtlï¬cates and for pass and honor mat! lculation. G. A. Clark, lst Prof., History. Ge- ography, Selence and Commercial. With a. full staff as follows J. H. Brethouy. B.A., Specialist in Classics, .SubJeCtS.â€"La,tin, French, and Engllsh. T. E. Speirs, B. A? Specialist in Ma- thematics. Subjects,-â€"Mathematics and drawing. Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1907 Free, for Catarrh just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow white. creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucalv iptus, 'I'hymol. Menthol, etc., it gives instant and laSting relief to Catarrh of the. nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can‘ and will ac- complish. Address Dr. Shoop. Ra- cine. Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by MacFarlane Co. Mr. Matthews will regret. to learn that Mr Mockler and Mr. Neil Mc- Kechnie died some time ago. I would like to Step in and shake hands With Torn Harris. Herbert Mocklet. Charlie Grant and Neil, Gil- bert and John McKechnie, and have a good old-fashioned visit, if only to congratulate them on their success in life, which has been largely due to close application to their studies as boys and the noble advice of the grand old school maSters to Whom. we are all so much indebted. Mt. Forest High School It is upwards of 30 years since I visited Durham and 40 odd years since Isaw \V. G. Jackson until I met him a year ago. He is practical- ly the same old â€Willie George†that we knew in the old times, even to going out and playing a game of cricket with the boys, and carrying his bat with the same precision as of old, causing the young blood of to- day to “sit up and take notice†and pronounce it wonderful. I see by the Chronicle only a few of my old schoolmates are on deck now. How Peter Watson Paterson, Luke, Mo Nab. Moyr, gwinb nne. Hastie. Pre- vosr, andrmrmy others. Andalthough in later years some of them may have given way to human weaknesses, we only remembered them as the sturdy pioneers, the men who had the will to master and the power to endure all the hardships of pioneer life. These. and their kind, were the fel- lows that paved the way for the con- ditions that made your community prosperous. “‘Well Gabe, you had better quit work now and go cutting wood. †How I used to swipe a string of com- ‘position from an old roller and feed “it to Wylie’s cow next door, and through a high board fence watch Mrs. Wylie cbhase that cow around the yard and call for Wylie to come out and see What the and 000 had in her mouthâ€"that she could not swal- low or spit out. No wonder the re- production of the old news made Rob Cochrane reminiscent, or that “Willie George†Jackson and myself, on reading the same, got comparing notes «(as we whiled away a leisure hour at the popular Pharmacy of your old townsman. John L. McKen- zie, now one of our most successful business men.) about the oldest in- habitants. Oar recollection was that Jamieson came to Durham a year or more before “Sandy "’ or “Baldy†Hunter put in an appearance. We talked of John Moodie and his â€mums†and the little old frame school house on the hill, next door to my old home _ ‘ formed a plan to run Mr. Mullen out‘ of the sohocl. How bol'lly we march- ed up to the school with big Dick HOpkins and Tom McGirr in the lead to clean out the master with thei still neck, and how we all ran like! “white heads" when he came out to meet us. Yes, we talked of the old teachers, Moodie, Connors, Mullen,' Plunkett and Collins. and of the old timers. Jamieson, Scmt, Stewart. DEAR SIR.â€"I have taken great in- terest in articles reproduced from The Durham Standard. It makes me hark back to my boyhood days when I played the “Devil†with the Stand- ard. How well I remember. in 1859, standing up to the case all day long, and how at E p. :11. each day Mr. Luke would come around and say,â€" Tacoma, “73811., July 11, 1907. EDITOR CHRONICLE. “SKIDOO†FOR YOUR HEADACHE. FROM AN OLD DURHAMITE. Will Reâ€"open on ‘ Yours truly. G. F. MATTHEWS. THE DURHAM‘ CHRONICLE In connection with this question of schools in the Provinces, Dr. Sproule said: â€"“You ask what had the Church of Rome to do with it? The Church of Rome had this much to do: When these bills were pre. sented. who were consulted? Not Parlirment. not the Government of the day, not the ratepayers of the country who elected them, but Shar- retti, who is in that castle up the Rideau Canal the representative of his Holiness of Rome. one who had no right to vote in our country. who is practically not a citizen of our country, but he was consulted about what the people of Alberta and Saskatchewan should have and what they. should not have. When that bill was presented to Parliament they forced it through. whether itl mat ’with our approval or disappro. v .’ “We sometimes have one and sometimes another. but one we can count on always, and that is the Church of Rome. I don’t want any,- one to misunderstandâ€"to think that I am unfriendly to the Church of Rome or any Roman Catholic. So long as the Church of Rome teaches her religion I have no quarrel ’with Rome, but it is because the Church of Rome does not always do this that we ï¬nd it necessary to be active al- ways and to prevent inroads being made on our sacred rights,†Dr. Sproule went over the same ground as he has done in his addres- ses delivered at Winnipeg and Port- age la r‘rairie. In proceeding, the doctor Said “Who are the warring element that is ever seeking to inter- fere with the constitution and the safeguards that we enjoy to-dayâ€" who is that power? T. S. Sproule. M. P., Most; Worship- ful Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Association of North America. Brandon,. Man. July 13,â€"A meet- ing was held here in the interest; of t_he_0rar?geOrder,_addresse-i by Dr. DR. SPROULE m BRANDON ON 12TH. Orange Grand Master Speaks of Rome as a Political Factor in Canada. Doctors and patients alike speak of the merit of Ferrozone; is is different from other remedies, diï¬erent be- cause it cures so you stay cured. Try it; sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. my feet again. In braced me up, re- newed my digestion and made me a well man.†~ If you want proof, read the exper- ience of Mr. E. P. Davidson, a well known resident of Portland, who writes: “Ferrozone is beyond doubt a mosn wonderful cure for indigestion and Weak stomach. Food so badly disagreed with me that I was almost afraid to eat. Pasty and starchy foods fermented, caused sour risings and gave me headaches,'brown taste oï¬ensive breath. I grew weak, my weight ran down ï¬fteen pounds and Very shortly you’ll have. rank breath, and sleepless nights. What you need is Ferrozone. 1t regulates the gastric juices, puts new life into the Stomach, braces digestive powers, gives the aid that’s so badly required. Ferrozone is the bass treatment. because it; goes to the root of the trouble, remedies the condition than causeâ€".5 dyspepsia and thereby cures permanently. my looks fully indicatéd allâ€" that was wrong. Fefrozone put: me on Your vision is crossed with specks than float before the ayes. The Gastric Juices Are Not Domg Their Duty and You’re 1n the Grip of Nervous Dyspepsia. Write the Secretary, Western Fair Ofï¬ce. London. for all particulars as to space, prize lists, programmes, etc., and make your entries early. 'A number of improvements have been made in the grounds and build.- ings this year for the comfort ano convenience of exhibitors and visi- tors. The Prize List has been care- fully revised and added to. Knabenc shue’s Airship will make ascensions daily. The Dankmar Schiller troupe and the Ernesto Sisters will thrill those who see them with their daring acts. White LeMart and the Les Aribos will inscruct and amuse, and with music by the’best available bands and the grand display of Fire- works each evening followed by that magniï¬cent Pyrotechnical diSplay “The Siege of Gilbralter,†will make one of the best programmes ever pre- sented to the public at any previous Western Fair. Remember the dates, Sept. 6th to 14th. Reduced rates on all railroads. A hot bitter fluid, and sour undi- gested food rise in your mouth. Dark Brown Taste The Western Fair. London. Ont.,§ promises this year to eclipse all pre-i vious records. As this is the 40th} Exhibition without a break the man-f agement are anxious that it should{ be a great success. Entries are al- ' ready coming in quite fast and con ;’ siderable Space has been allotted in} the diï¬erent buildings. 1 WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. Your Head Aches Tongue is Coated Mouth Tastes Bad Stomach is Sick. anumm'w as; “wrrnut: M â€I M ‘: i ‘ 4~ "‘ â€MM ' "W‘ '3 1 \ ‘ 72?"; . * W ' 2;. ‘.¢>v.. *K‘VM“ :- '36....» ‘6' ‘ “J L'.‘ 1“ ( that the partnership heretofore sub- sisting between us. the undersigned. as bakers and confectioners in the town of Durham. in the county of Grey. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to E. A. Rowe. of Durham. afore- said. and all claims against the said part- nership are to be presented to the said E. A. Rowe. by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham 3rd day of June, 1907 Witness. Signed. A. H. Jackson Ernest A. Rowe Henry Butler Hughes EBAY and EVENING classes. and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. râ€"-" OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore ,sub- BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING A Souvenir Range is built to draw well on any chimney. will ï¬t any chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. Every Souvenir is alï¬solutely guaranteed by the makeâ€"rs. Business College Somebody to carry away the balance of our \Vhite Can vas Oxfords \V'e haven limited number in Ladies’ sizes, 2.}, to 5.1, Our $1.59 line, white hevl at $1.29 Our 1. 4-0 line lcatl'ler lwol :11 1.19 Om- 1.2.') lino, .. ,. .. 98 )liisscs’ and Children’s .111) also rvdm-vd in pl'icv. Bv \Visv and gel .‘1. pair While your size is in stka. d. S. McILRAITH Hamilton, Winnipeg, Montreal and Vancouver KATE cocHRA‘NE, Agent; DURHAM, ONT. 1.â€"-Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries Will suit; you. 3.â€"â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Why not have :1100k 11 01‘11 11 indon LoolginO‘ is flee at all times. But you will w ant m01e than 11 leek when once tasted. Ou1 b1ead and past1y cannot be excelled. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Geo. H. Stinson MATTH EWS Grocerles MATTHE 1:303! WS 6’ LATIMER When Gomg Up Street: W. T. CLANCY, Prin. LEADS IN way; if not, it will not draw at all, or very imperfectly chimney must ï¬t the range. A 1 Mount Forest Oglivie’s Flour Al§vays in Stock FOUR REASONS 'V‘.‘ U {R CO Li‘Jitho why you should buy your The down Store. All material such as timber. buck. stone. etc., in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also offered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to J. P. TELFORD, Durham. These béxiOIdings must be removed at an early dat . m order to clear the line of right of WW- THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale a number of houses and nut- __ _ â€"-“V 1.. for sale a number of houses and out. buxldmgs along the line of right. of wav of the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway†in the town of Durham. ’ ' 4.â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satlsfaction. TRY US. Properties’ for Sale