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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Aug 1907, p. 2

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imam mu HE LARGE IMPLEMENT WARE. hrmse and residence adioining- mm- Rpsentment seems to have beenogh- au as by nature for defense and; for defense only. It is thg Meguard of, fifty? afldjpe seem at innocenm Banker is one of the best Stock Horses in the County of Grey. For the Season of 1907, GEORGE MIGHTON has full charge of the above named Registered Stallion, andpersons wishing to use the said Stallion, may consult with him, and make arrange- ments at Lots 61 62, Con. 3, N. D. R. Cracken. B'ruce St. Udrfiaui. July '23â€"tf .1 best riceag. Consult me when buyihgg Geo.H. . deford. Studio Mr. J. Lati- mer’s, Upper Town, Durham. May 2ndâ€"tf. Registered alvdesdale Stallion Il. Cutter. Harness etc., either separate- Ly or‘all tggethexjx.‘ apply to Mrs. J . Mc- D good condition .â€".pp1y to J. A. Sirrs, Durham. July 15th-tf. Rock; .l. to farrow August lst. Also an import; ed Berkshire Boar with pedigree.â€"-Apply to C. W. Lang, Durham. U Horse. \Vill sell cheap to quâ€"igk 1);}:- er.-â€"James Atkinson. May 23rd.--tf. Two BROUD sows YORKSHIRE t0 farrow August In. Also an imnnrf- U teqn mopths old. Color red. Eligible for regmpatxpn. Prige right. Apply to Wm. hullth‘, Sn, 1.1J mlles east of Durham. ’nh- Aug. lat. 1906â€"6. .1 house and residence adjOiDiUg. com- prising (35ft. fmnmge on Garat’raxa Sta eat, one of the best business stands in town. alsoa lot 50kt. frontage, a short distance south ofthe rink. \\ ill sell on reasonable terms.-â€"Apply to Chas. McKinnon. [1 storey dwelling. alongside Presby- terian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham, (3:;u'ner of Durham and Elgiu streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, ceu-ent floored cellar, etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft. water. one acre 0t land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars apply to John W. McKeChnie, Owner, Rockv Saugeeu P. O. fl Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good location. prices reasonable. Apply to T1105. Smith or at the Post Office. May 20â€"â€"tf. ]. of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv tn J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- or. Durham- ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- Dec. 2.~â€"â€"tf. .l Varney. Good rough cast building. Good stabling, shed and other conveniences. About three quarters of an aere of ground. The owner is anxiom to sell and a. quick purchaser will get a bargain. Mrs. Wm. Crawford. Varney Ont. March :Zc'iâ€"tf. June :35, 1907.-â€"-tf. U Lot :37, concession 13. Township of lVorrranby- '1‘}st is a highly improved farm in you! 10 rality. Anyone wishing to buy a first-class farm on easy terms of pay- ment rhould communicate at once with Mac-Kay Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitors N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about six miles from Durham. Good title. Pussessionat once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. TOVE FOR SALE, WOOD COOK IN Feb J. P. Telford qunstex Durham Jan. 5. momâ€"ff Feh’y 19â€"6m. pd lUU Egremont, nearh- allvleared and in gcod state of cultivation. ‘ Good frame house. c:.-n.f<3rh:b!e barn and stables. well watered. spring: creek running through part of it Convenient to Church and school. “1115811011 easy terms. Apply to J. G. Orchard :13 Yul‘k St. London. HANDLE THE BEST PIANOS AT 100 HQRTHORN BULL. ELIGIBLE JJ cessinn Weft of thq Garafraxa Road. in the Tuwnshxp of Borrpanby, in the County of (h‘ev. Fur paltxcplars apply to NB OF THE BEST FARMS IN the Tow. ship of Bentinck. '208 acres, new brick house. two large bank barns. land first class, all cleared except :20 acres. Snap to quick purchaser. $1500 down, bal- ance at 41, per cent. Apply to MacKay ct Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitors. '2 6 OTâ€"tf NE SHORTBORN BULL FOUR- .1 Lot No. X. E G R.. in the Township of Glenelg, 100 acres known as the “McKino noa Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate Possesdon given. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. 3 11»07-tf ,ogu HEAVY SEVEN YEAR 6315 HE 2ND AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No. X. E G R.. in the Township fl nable farms in New Ontario. near New Liakeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the lccality and terms given on application to J P Teltord. Solicitor for Vendor. 7-18 06 -â€"t1 Look over this column every week to find something that may interest you. GOOD DRIVING PONY, BUGG Classified Advenisements Property for Sale. IBE HOTEL PROPERTY AT NE BUNDRED ACRES BEING 3U MBER OF TO WN LOTS ON OT 21â€"1}; THE SECOND CON- GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO Miscellaneous. Stock for Sale. NUM BER OF IMPROVED VAL- “BANKER” Farms for Sale. ACRES LOP ‘24, CON For Sale. E. W. LIMIN. July 11- tf. Free, for Catarrh just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow White. creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as 011 Eucal- iptus, 'I'hymol, Menthol, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will ac- complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Ra- cine. Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by MacFarlane Co. Tuesday, Sept. 3rd \Vith a full stalf as follows J. H. Brethour, B.A., Specialist in Classics, Subjects,â€"-Latin, French, and English. T. E. Speirs, B. A. thematics. Sub and drawing. G. A. Clark, lst Prof., History. Ge- ography, Selence and Commercial. Candidates prepared for of teacher’s certificates an and honor matriculation. , Specialist in Ma- jects,~â€"Mathematics all grades (1 for pass Full information given tion to the undersigned. R. J. CORBETT, M. 0. Chairman. S : ; The Provincial Government proposes to establish in every County aTeazh- ers’ Institute, which will meet for a few days in September of each Year. ’All teachers will be asked to attend I these institutes, which will be con- . I ducted on professional lines by pro- fessional men from the stafis of the new Normal Schools. Third~class .r teachers’ certificates are to be aband- f oned and teachers holding these 1 qualifications are to be given oppor- ) tunity to secure advanced certificates ' by an examination divided into four annual parts. Such was the pro- nouncment of Dr. John Seath. Speak ing officially on behalf of the Minister of Education, to the gathering of; York county teachers in the Normal School Auditorium. “The aim of ' the department is to increase the salary and improve the condition of the teacher, particularly the Public School teacher,” said Dr. Seath. "It is felt that for the past ten or fifteen years this subject has not had suffi- cient attention. ~We desire to im- prove the qualil'ication and the salary. The compulsory feature of the min- imum salary has been abandoned for inducement, and I may tell you that the Minister has further in contem- plation Special recognition to schools who are paying their teachers well. Summer schools are to be held from time to time,” continued the super. intendent, "and following the es- tablishment of the new Normal Schools. it is prOposed to establish l'l‘eachers’ Institutes in every county lin which professional work will be 'conducted by men of experience. . Provision will be made for the teach- ' ers to attend these Institutes for some days in September.” Inter- viewed by the News concerning the announcement, both Hon. Dr. Pyne and Dr. Seath said nothing further Could be stated at the present time. The plans are now having govern- ment consideration.â€"â€"Toronto News. l l I I. Hutâ€"“fl L1_u-;4- “For several years” writes Mr. Olive, “I have had kidney trouble and until quite recently I sufiered torture. A few months ago my con- dition assumed a very serio form. I consulted several city doct rs, used different pills but Without the slight- est benefit. 1 suflered from an in- tense pain in the groin, and the in- creasing seriousness of my trouble prompted me to try Ferrozone. It gave me relief and a half-a-dozen boxes cured. Fen-ozone I can recom- ngend as a Specific for disordered kid- neysfl’ Won’t you try Ferrozone too. 500. per box at all dealers in medicine. No remedy has such a record for reszoring sufierers from acute stom- ach and kldney trouble; it invariably does cure. The case of Mr. Chas. F. Olive, for years foreman in the “Gazette” of St. John, N. B.. is a. Striking evidence, of the power of Ferrozone. Trying Experience of 9. Well Known Citizen in St. John. N. B. DURHAM BRANCH John R0113.Mwer nmms M at mm m woman: SEVERE PAINS ABOUT OUR SCHOOLS Win Re-Open on M".O».â€"Q-r OF CANADA Head Office I ‘ I u . IN THE BROIN. on applica- 9 [907 :snausnzo 1073 Second Class, duties to commence August 19. Applications to be made to the undersigned up to August 5th. J. Heughan, Secretary, S. S. No. 2, B. G. Rocky Saugeen Though often they fail to give even temporary relief. Mr. W. Seymour of Huntsville. Ont., cured himself with Ferrozone. HMy trouble” he says was chronic catarrh of the stom- ach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth. 1 was costive and usually nauseated before and after meals, I also had a gnawing sensa- tion in the stomach. Ferrozone gave me great relief. and I also used Ca tarrhozone which is good for catarrh. Although it took a number of boxes of Ferrozone, I got back my health and today am quite Well.” For stomach catarrh indigestion and kindred disorders nothing excels Ferrozone. In athousands cases it has proved a wonderful success. Try it yourself, 50 per box at all dealers. Great Specialists in Stomach Catarrh. Herman Buehlow and his chum, Keppler while working at the brew- ery on Friday, gotinto an altercation about semething or other, and before they knew it they were scrapping to beat {our of a kind. Mike Guinane seeing the fracas, went over to sep- arate them. By this time Keppler ’had been put out of business, and as ‘Buehlow’s blood was up, he savagely tackled the peacemaker. Guinane‘ however, is Irish. and an Irishman1 is always more of a success in hold- ing up his end of a scrap, than in making peace. It was not long be- fore Guinane was Striking out like a Brusso. Then Buehlow quit and the thing was over. Mr. McNamara set tied the thing on Monday by fining Buehlow $1 and costs and making an order that Buehlow would have to get Keppler a new suit of cloths-â€" Telescope. All druggists should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price, $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs you nothing unless it; cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company, Buffalo, ‘7 vv We do not. want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and We absolutely agree that money Will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. The only scientific and natural treatment for this disease is Hv- -o mei, which is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, so that its heal- ing medicated air reaches the most remote aincells, kills all catarrh germs, and restores the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs to a healthy condition. Their failure to get. relief is due to the fact that; they have not; used the right remedy. Catarrh is an afl'ec~ tion at the head, throat and lungs, and cannot be cured by stomach dos- ing. Many people who have suffered With catarrh for years naturally feel that the disease cannot be cured. and become discouraged. Kill the Germs by Breathing Hy-o mei- Gives Quick Relief. CATARRH l(ELAN BE CUR= D. We deeply regret to learn of the death of Mrs. John Wilson, and ex- tend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones in this their hour of sorrow. Mr. M. J. Staples. accompanied by a. fan one of the opposite sex, spent. the Glorious 12th in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs Alex. Firth visited at the farmer’s parental home week be~ fore lass. Miss Maggie McFadden visxted her brother Moore at Pickering week be fore last. (Received too late for last week.) The S. .S. picnic held in McGirr’s b‘ush some time ago was a huge SUC- cess The day was fine and an kinds 0‘ games went to make the time en- joyable. baseball, races. football and then all kinds of refreshments. It very near finished up with a prize fight, but everybody had agood time. A SCRAP AT A BREWERY TEACHER WANTED Darkies’ Corners. 'oronto THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3-pd. a Doctor,” for instance, advocates prevention instead of cure of physical ailments; “Transplanting a City’s Poor,” tells of the Salvation Army’s emigration, work in London, and “Poverty Boon to Boys” claims ma- terial advantages for the poor boy in life’s struggle. “The Forester and . His Work” describes the development of a new profession and an unusual article, “The real Cattle Boat,” clears away’ some fictitious ideas in regard to this side of marine life. Two arti- cles particularly interesting to Cana- dians are “Quebec. 8 Land Without Trusts,” and "Canada’s Excuse for Existence.” Thia. with numerous short stories by some of the most noted EngliSh and American writers, and other miscellaneous matter, make hp at number! which should attract general interest. , In the march of Canadian civiliza. tion and pOpulation northward, a movement which is now assuming mighty proportions. the railroads are a most important factor. Some in- teresting incidents in connection with the railroad fight for supremacy in this movement are told in “The Rail- roads’ Race to the north,” by Aubrey Fullerton. a clever young Toronto- nian. in the August number of The Busy Man’s Magazine. The real life- story of the upward climb of an American millionaire who has recent- ly been before the public eye is given in “The Other Mr. Perkins,” in the same issue. Other articles on sub- jects not generally dealt with will be of particular interest. “How to use It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case of measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer. but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always Speak a good word‘ for this remedy.-â€"-â€"SAM. H. GWIN, Concord, Ga. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. But Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. The uncertainty of life was again manifested in the passing of Wm. C. l Bailey, of Lamlash. shortly before , six o’clock on Wednesday morning L of this week. He was 52 years, 5 - momhs and 27 days old. Quite a strong and healthy man always, be was in his wonted good health the afternoon before when he visited Hanover. On returning home he began working at a lien c00p near the house. Just at dusk a feeling of dizziness crept over him and he walked to the house Where he sat down on the door-step and asked his wife for a drink of water. He could not explain exactly what was the matter with him, but he said that he a thought he had been poisoned in some manner. A couple of neighbors came in and helped him to bed, and he never spoke again. Aphysican who was called in pronounced his ailment paralysis. A brother died from a similar stroke some years previous. The late Mr. Bailey was a warm and loyal soul, and had many friends who will sincerly mourn his sudden death. Born at Cambellsville near Milton. he came up to these parts over 51 years ago. so that he can be classed with the early settlers. IHe was quiet and retiring and did ‘not serve in a public capacity with ' the exception of acting as school ‘ trustee at Lamlash for a number of ' years He was a Methodist in religion and a Conservative in politics He leaves a widow and six children viz,- Fanny, (Mrs Redford) of Lamlash,, Maggie, at the 800, Mary, Charlotte, John and Sadie at home. The fun- eral will take place to-morrow after~ noon to the Hanover cemetery.â€"-] Hanover Post. ‘ THE BUSY MAN’S MAGAZINE. Think What it means to have the system cleansed and purified by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills! A true laxative, a perfect: tonic, harmless and whollv vegetable in composition. they will do you good. To feel and look your best use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25c at any dealers. - None are so healthy, so buoyant and null of life as those Who regulate with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills.‘ Even in one night they work wonders. Fur and coating they take from the tongue, headaches they relegate to the past. biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and absolute- ly cure. The Executive of the Canadian Na“. tional Exhibition, Toronto, in issuing six tickets for $1.00, providing they are bought before August 24th, is doing something that no other ex- ibition is known to do. These tick. ets admit both to the grounds and to the Grand Stand, afternoon and evening of the first week, or to the grounds at any time, and to the Grandstand in the afternoon only of the second week. Thus for 3:20 it is possible at Toronto to enjoy an ex- hibition andaperformance such as no other city or country on the face of the earth provides for twice as much money. SUDDEN DEATH AT LAMLASH. HAD AN AWFUL TIME They Give Wonderful Health ALL FOR 32 CENTS "'â€"*°-â€"O-¢ O o-o--..__.__. G."‘SMITH 8: SONS Special attention to Gaso. line Engine repairs. {N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly: executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers,? Wind Stackers, ,7. Stock raisels’ Feed BOilers C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... QURHM F OUNDRY and storm Babies’ Soft Sales, 25, ~10, 50, and 75(;' each. Plow Boots from $1.25 to $2 per pr. Hcrvcstm s, protection from wet Fresh Groceries always on hand==Try Our English Break= fast Bacon, AND PURE LARD By wearing our Summer Dress Goods. Muslims. 10c mud GriD"‘han)8 10,12am115cpel yd All- -()\'@1‘ Lzu 0, 50¢ per ml. Embroidery for Under waists, 250 per VII F REE ~â€"“A Test in Pronunciation,” in- structive :md cxnicz‘tuining fur the whole family. Also 69 illustrated pamphlet. “Nun,“ merits. The International SDictionary has won a u greater distinction upon fits merits and IS in morei general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. . I gmust Win upon their G. C. MERRIAM 00., (the highest award) was gix‘pn In the In- ternational at the World‘s 1’ air, 51. Louis. n. H. Sayco. LL.D., D.D., of Oxford i‘uiversity, England, has recently said ('1‘ i1 : it is indeed a iiiurvelmis work; it, is idiliicult m (mu-cive of :1 diet ioxmry more sexhuustive and «animate. Everything is iiii iiiâ€"not only What we might expect, In find in such :L work. but; 21150 what few of us would evei‘huve t hnught of hmkingfm‘. A supplement to the new edition has ln'nught it, fully up to date. I have been lmiking through the latter with a feeling: m'asmnishment at its cmmiieteness. and the amount 0f labor that has been put, into it. ‘ I v I l Sash 8’ Doors Men’s Summer Underwear u PUBLISHERS. QPRINGFIELD, MASS. C. McArthur THE GRAND PRIZE “All GOOD THINGS ’ MANUFACTURERS OF Ballbriggnns. $1 per Suit, Merino Undersuits. $1 per suit. Sunnner Drawers, 2.50 pvr pr. Cotton Hose, 10, 15, and Léc pr The Exhibition the People all KN ABEN SHUE Attractions, wi ’s AIRSHIP, daily, and a full list of th plenty of Music.’ Fireworks after program each evenino' ' ' c, concludlng mth that grand ' SIEGE OF GIBRALTER” Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists W. J _. REID, President Boots and Shoes EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO V WEBSTER‘S INTERNATIONAL oscnoxm / TRY OUR NEW' CHOPPER. ;A11 up-to-date flour and feed and Igrocers keep our flour for sale. If a your grocer dues not keep it come to ‘the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8 All kinds of Grain. bought at Market Chopping Done Every Day Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop, Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in. 5 and 10 Bag Lots. ‘â€" - â€" Is made from selected winter wheat and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Our pure Manitoba flour, made. from No. 1 Manitoba, Wheat; cannot be beat for either bakers or domestic use. A" blend of .1; Manitoba and :1. Ontario- wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. People’s Mills Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths’ Furnisher HARRY BURNETT Shirtsâ€"Spec i111 lot of the. wamns I’est Sales in White neat stl 1119s and Footwearâ€"Men's Black Patent Leather and Vestsâ€"We Imus some nice pattgms in I ancv ‘USTS at ‘52. 25. ;, Programs and “‘0 AI. PASTRY FLOUR Calf Boots made on Stvlish Good Fittin0 lasts Bluohei g\ Laced Shapes, all 1mices. figures, some with at- tached cuffs, and same with separate cuffs. Prices 75c to $1.50. Our Hats me 5]“ cialh suitable for spling \\ ear Thev me the \EW (jlelicia'tv shades of fan n and Beaver. “The Wilton szlbel"~ is a guarantee of satisfac- tionâ€"Prices from $1.00 to $3.00. SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP August 1,, 1907 Like to Attend THE :1 all information . HUNT, Secretary .yQ I. ,- 9.. in town.

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