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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Aug 1907, p. 2

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if? ,4 V “5‘15! V‘Ol u - - 3311.. Map of the; lééfility on application to J. P. Tel Vendor. Jan. 30 1%}.‘tf HE 2ND A} Lot No. _l_. 1 Vlvnn zn 1) any ULvu .. - _.- Lot No. l. E. G. R.. in the Township of Glenelg. 100 acres known as the “McKmo noa .Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- medxate possescion given. For particulars apply to J. P. Telfor . 3 11-07â€"tf __________________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I" nable farms in 3 Lew Liskeard fnrfial‘i' 3313.4 \JJ. Lu“ -,__ , U the Towwhip of Bentinck. 208 acres, new brick house. two large bank barns. land first class, all cleared except 20 acres. Snap t0 Quick purchaser. $15!!) down. bal- ance at 4.1; per cent. Apply to MacKay 3:: Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors. 26.07â€"tf of it Convenient to Church and school. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to J. G. Orchard 4:”)1'ork St., London. N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possessxon at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. Feb '2:an 1905 â€"â€"tf. Feh’y 19â€"6m. Dd OT 21-â€"-IN THE SECOND CON- cession West of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Kormanby, in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. Barnster. Durham. Lot '37, concession 13. Township of Norxranby- This is a. highly improved farm in gocd lo; 'niity. Anyone wishing to buy a tirstaclass farm on easy terms of pay- ment should communicate at once with MacKay Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitors June ‘25, 190'.â€"tf. HE LXEGE IMPLEMENT WARE- house and residence" adjgining, com- Ifl‘. â€"v Varney. Good rough cast building. Good stabling, shed and other conveniences. About three quarters of an aere of ground. The owner is anxious to sell and a quick purchaser will get abargain. Mrs. Wm. Crawford, Varney Ont. March 26â€"tf. _â€"-.._â€"â€" PARK LbT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- or. Durham WV va'“ V. .7 ‘4'- “UVâ€"- These buildings must be remoyed at. an early date. in order to clear the hue of rxgbt 01’ WW- . s 1 .0 1 1.,_,-L _L_‘_‘ All material such as timber. buck, stone; etc., in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also offered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to J. P. TELFORD, Durham. A NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON Queen .and Countess Streetsâ€"good location prices reasonable. Apply to T1105. Smith or at the Post Ofice. Max ’0-â€" tf. streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars ap 1y to John W. McKechnie, Owner, Rocky augeen P. 0. Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. 1 for sale a number of houses and out- buildings along the line of right of way of the Walkertou and Lucknow Railway, in the town of Durham. - ‘ Goon SOLID BRICK TWO _ storey dwelling. alpngsjde Presby- tenan Manse property m Dpper Town, Durham. Corner of Durham‘and Elgin -‘4__L~. 1 house and residence adjoining, com- prising 65ft. frontage on Garafraxa Stxeet. one of the best business stands in town. alsoa lot 50ft. frontage, a short distance south of the rink. Will sell on reasonable termsâ€"Apply to Chas. McKinnons 00D HEAVY SEVEN YEAR OLD Horse. Will sell cheap to quick buy- er.-James Atkinson. May 23rd.-â€"tf. D for registration. Color. dark roan. Age one year. Will sell right. Wm. Leggette, Rocky Sangeen. March 23â€"tf. WO BROUD SOWS YORKSHIRE 7, tofarrow August lst. Also an import- .1 to faryow August Ist. Also an import- ed Berkshxre Boar with pedigree.â€"-Apply to C. W. Lang, Durham. 5320796 pdl U teen mopths old. . Color red. Eligible for registratxon. Pnce right. Apply to Wm.fiSn;ith_. Sn, 1% miles east of Durham. l. “bâ€"ést riceg. Consult me when buying Geo. H. . deford. Studio Mr. J. Lati‘ net’s, Upper Town, Durham. May 2ndâ€"tf. July 23â€"tf Rev. J‘onsthen O’Neill has re. signed his charge a minister oi the mptiet church n: Pmley. We understand the: on two or three m he has (:00an 3h pulpit Wm first Baptist church a m k. «(I Whtpl in “W M 5-... ‘- »_,:J GOOD fiaxvme PONY, BUGGY Cutter, Harness etc., either 80 ether. Apply to Mrs. race St., Durham. rate- . Mc- NE HUNDRED ACRES BEING Lot ‘37. concession 13. Township of Property for Sale. HORTHORN BULL. ELIGIBLE ,NE SHORTHORN BULL FOUR- HANDLE THE BEST PIANOS AT Tovi: FOR SALE, W_00D_cc_>o§ IN E60: Eogaition.â€"A'pply to J. A. Sirrs, ham. July l5th-tf. BESIGNED HIS CHARGE. Stock for Sale. N WANTED. APPLY THE Davis Packing 00., Ltd.. Hangman; Miscellaneous. HOTEL PROPERTY__ _AT UNDERSIGNED OFFERS Help Wanted. ”U. ”wt-«Irv vâ€"wâ€" vâ€" â€"â€" - _â€"-,'â€"-~â€" - Id wimp: In M iii 'to-mp into 3mm _‘ ND 3RD DIV1530N 9F For Sale. in New Ongario. near saleâ€"large dxscount for ocality and terms given P. Teltord, Sglicitor for 418106-111 July ll-tf. Mr. O. Asselstine, M.A,, of Wilton? Ont . a graduate of Queen’s Univer- sity, Kingston, will be the addition-j a1 teacher on the Collegiate stafi. He has notified secretary Rutherford of the acceptance of the position, The salary is $900 and Mr. Asselstine will have classes in the junior math- ematics and science department. Wednesday, chairman J. C. Hay. re- ceived the resignation of Mr. Jen- nings. English specialist of the Col- egiate staff. he having accepted a similar position on the stafi of the St. Thomas Collegiate. Principal Mu‘rray. who is at Hensall, was no- tified and he is making an efiort to get Mr. Jennings to remain on the Owen Sound Collegiate stafi. Failing to get Mr. Jennings to reconsider his action. a new man will have to be secured. The many changes incident to the appointments to the new model school staffs is making it more difficult to secure specialists for the Collegiate staffs of the Province where vacancies have occured.â€"O S. Times. ANOTHER GREAT DISCOVERY. A well known gentleman in Black Bay, Ont., Mr. John Cowan. has dis- covered an absolute Specific for Rheu- matism, and writes: “I was affected with Sciatica and chronic Rheuma- tism which I contracted years ago. The disease had a great hold in my blood, and it was hard to make any impression on it. Reading of Ferro- zone I was convinced of its merit and its certainly the best I have ever tried. Why it Just drove away the rheumatism. Even stiffened old sni- ferers will experience q’nick results )The reason is that Ferrozone acts ‘through the blood and thereby de- Stroys the cause of the disease. Price 50c per box at all dealers. The Mitchell Advocate has this to say about “Cards of Thanks” : “The day is not far distant when “cards of thanks" will be things of the past. When death enters a home neighbors never fail to do all in their power to place a silver lining back of the dark cloud, and they do not expect or de- sire any thanks through the, public press. One subscriber. hovvever, not to be outdone, sent in the following : ‘ Mr. Editor,â€"I desire to thank the friends and neighbors most heartily in this manner for their cooperation during the illness and death of my late husband, who escaped from me by the hand of death on last Friday. To my friends and all who contribut- ed so willingly toward making the last moments and the funeral a suc« was, I desire to remember moat kind- 1y, hoping these lines will find them enjoying the same blessing. I have also a good milch cow and a man gelding, eight years old, which I will sell cheap. ‘God moves in a myster- ious way, His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps on the sea and rides upon the storm.’ Also a black and white shoat very cheap.” The Canadian National Exhibition will this year be extra strong in the matter of musxc. Besides one of the finest of the British Military Bands. a large number of musical organiza- tions belonging to Canada have been engaged. a number of which will play in al‘attoo following the spectacle every night in front of the Grand Stand. Among the Bands favored with an engagement outside those of Toronto are: The 27th Battalion Band, Peterboro; the 9lst and 13th Bands of Hamilton; the 19th of St. Catharines; Preston Silver Band and the Band of the Waterloo Musical Society. Mt. Forest High School Will Re-open on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1907 With a full staff as follows J. H. Brethour, B. A., Specialist in Classics, .Subjectspâ€"Latin, French, and English. TE. Speixs, BLA‘... Specialist} in Ma.- themhtics. Slibject§,â€"Mathematics and drawing. G. A. Clark, lst Prof., History. Ge- ography, Smence and Commercial. Candidates prepared for all grades of teacher’s certificates and for pass and honor matriculation. Full information given on applica- tion to the undersigned. R. J. CORBETT, M. O. MACGREGOR Chairman. Secretary. Music At Toronto Exhibition. The Standard Bank pay: interest ' four times a year on all Savings . Bank deposits. THE STANDARD BM Collegiate Stafi‘ Changes. DURHAM BRANCH MM M Wan-"Wm IflABU3HID 1873 OF CANADA Why Insurance Companies Discrimin‘ ate Agamst the Gentle Sex. Medical examiners of insurance an pays more for the privilege of in. surancs than a. man, is from the fact that, women more readily £911 victims to indigesâ€"tion and stouiach troubles and the fatal ailments that spring from these causes. All persons, they say. who have a weakened digestive system and suf- fer from sick headache, dizzy spells, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, nervousness,sleep lessness. and the many other symp- toms of indigestion, soon lower the tone of the whole system and are most susceptible to a fatal illness. For curative power in all stomach troubles, nathing else is as safe yet efiective, nothing else can be thor- oughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-na. It is unlike any remedy heretofore known and it is really one of the val- uable discoveries in modern medical science. It is not the acute attacks that in- fluence the insurance examiners alone, but the constant feelings of weakness, headaches, indigestion and stomach troublesâ€"these things, phy- sicians say, kill more people than many more serious diseases. We absolutely agree that. your money will be refunded should you buy a 500 box of Mic-n3. stomach tab- lets and nor, be satisfied with the re« sults. Mi-o-na is sold by druggists everywhere. or will be sent; by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents. Boonh’s Miona Company. Buffalo. N. Y. SARNIA, Aug. 1.â€"â€"(Special.) A man in a dying condition was found this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the wharf adjoining the Grand Trunk elevator. At; Dr. Logie’s office, under exam- ination, he appeared to be physmally sound, but suffering from great ex- haustion, and was so weak he could only answer a few questions. He said he was a sailor, aged 35, and gave his name as Joseph Smith. of Flasherton, Ont. He had come up a few days before from Detroit: to Port: Huron. He did not seem intoxicated, and could not explain his condition. He was taken to the Sarnia General Hos- pital, and died an hour later. Kathryn Flynn gives these rules for the business girl in Worker’s Magazine : ReSpect your superiors. The man Who has advanced to the position of manager wants his authority recog- nized, and a man who cannot; com- mand this reSpecc is not fitted to be a superior. You .oannot. advance yourself by assuming an indifierent attitude toward him, because by do- ing 80 you reflect on his position and ability. Dress like a. business woman. sty- lishly, but at the same time econom- ically. The girl who puts everything she earns on her back seldom is given credit for having anything in her head. Don’t be too sure of yoursell. Self-confidence and conceit are difier- eat, but it is easy to drift from con- fidence in one’s ability to over-estim- ation of it. No matter how valuable your services are, the firm always can get along without you. Don’t try to lead a strenuous bus- iness and social life at the same time. The girl who must Spend her days in an office cannot aflord to spend her nights at parties. Lack of rest is bound to reflect in your work and may result in the loss of your pose ition. WOMEN PAY MORE. Last of all, work ! That is what you were hired for, and that is what you are expected to do. A business man cannot use all ad- vertising mediums and schemes. When he tries it, he is in the position of the tippler, who tried to consume the entire visible supply of liquor in the interests of temperance. If a marksman tries to use a dozen guns at once, he .will stand less chance of reaching the target than if he used but one, and aimed it care- fully. There is a wide difference between spending an advertising appropria- t'o_n‘ and finvesting one. The wise adveYniser concentrates his campaign on the one best medium in his field. He uses other mediums on occasionâ€"but he uses them as supplementary ones. Say 3 Flasherton is his Home. Rules for Business Girls THE DURHAM CHRONICLE But Chamberlain: Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It is withpleaaure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year aao when I had a severe case ; of measles I got caught out in a hard raih and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it. not been for the use of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer. but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word for this remedyâ€"SAM. E. GWIN, Concord, Ga. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. . 1n Kincardine one day last week, an automobile frightened a horse, the horse ran _away. the driver was thrown out of the rig and had his leg broken. It is becoming very appar- ent, from incidents like this that something will have to be done about these automobiles. For several years past the farmers in the immediate vi- cinity of Toronto have been agitating, for a law to restrain autcmo biles from I using the public highways, but sol far have not been able to accomplish anything. But gradually the nuis- ance is becoming more general. Nearly every town in the province has its automobile now and some of them more than one. These machines go scouting through the country in all directions. and no road is sacred jto them. Horses that are easily ' enough controlled in the presence of a railway train, will go crazy at the sight of an automobile, and accidents such as the above are happening ail over the country. It will not be long before the automobile will drive farmers off the public highway alto- gether, unless something is done to restrain them. The farmers built these highways in the first place, and are taxing themselves every year to keep them in repair, and it must be more than a little annoying to them to be thus dispossessed by this new machine. What they ought to do is to pledge every candidate for Parlia- ment to use his vote and influence in favor of a law prohibiting automo- biles from using the public highways altogether, or at least under condi- tions that will not {interfere with traffic.â€"Walkerton Telescope. Breathe Hyomei’s Healing Air and all Irritation Will be Quickly Cured. The most irritating and annoying form of cough is that termed bron- chial. PeOple subject to bronchial troubles whenever there is a change in the weather or they are exposed to a draft will “catch” a bronchial cough. which is very disagreeable, irritating and annoying. Bronchial troubles cannot be cured by stomach dosing. The medicated air of 'Hyoo-mei is the only treatment that reaches the afiected parts and gives relief and care. It destroys all the disease germs that are present in the nose, throat and lungs. soothes and relieves the irritated mucous membrane in all parts of the bron- chial tubes and quickly overcomes the irritation. Bronchitis is really an inflamma- tion of the mucous membrane lining the air passages and is purely a local disease, so that it: needs a local treat- ment like that. afiorded by Hy-o-mei. We dd; not want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it; by mail on receipt of price, $1.00. and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that. in costs nothing unless it. cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company, Bufialo. The conductor was inclined to seek for sympathy. "Do you see that woman on the left hand side of the car. up near the front ?" he asked the thin man on the back platform. “Yea. I see her.” “The on_e_ with the dizzy hat ?" “Yes.” “Well, I think she’s tryin’ to beat me out. of a fare. When I went in to collect she never looked around. an’ I ain’t quite sure that she didn’t pay me beforeâ€" alshough I’m almost positive about BRONCHIAL COUGHS. it. She looks to me like a woman who’d be glad to stir up afuss. I can pick ’em out as far as I can see ’em. You never spot a woman with a face like that who isn’t ready to blufi her way anywhere. I wish to thunder I knew whether she had paid her fare or not.” I wouldn’t worry about it any more,” said the thin man. “I paid the lady’s fare sometime ago-she’s my wife.” Look out for.wesknees or disease. See if there is not a sideoche, heed- oche. restlessness end the “blues.” These symptoms indicate that you need the gentle assistonoe of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They are women’s greeteet relief. prevent functional derangements. renew the life of the blood. purify 1nd stun the system throughout; Now go potent. no mmmugnovnm 2.." HAD AN AWFUL 2mm. WHEN WOMEN SUFFER- HARD 0N AUTOS. ...... GET THE BEST 2380 Quarto Pages New Phtes. 6000 Illustrations. Rich Bindings. Needed in EveryHomg Editedby W. '1‘. HARRIS Ph. D. LL. D. United States Commissioner of Education. 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles. based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of 0v er 10 000 noted persons. date of birth death, etc. flu-3E, “DictionE-ivvrinuew 111mm punphlets. ‘3 G. a c. MERRIAM co., Publishers. Spflngfleld. Mass. By wearing our Summer Dress Goods. Muslims. 10c yard Ginghams, 10, 12 and 150 per yd All-over Lace, 50c per yd. Embroidery for Underwaists, 250 per yd. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . . . MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. .0. SMITH .5: SONS Keep Cool QURHAM FOUNDRY Plow Boots from $1.25 to $2 per pr. Hervpstet s, protection from web Western Fair! and storm Babies’ Soft Soles, The Exhibition the People all Fresh Groceries always on hand--Try Our English Break- fast Bacon, AND PURE LARD 1116 Pages. 1100 Mutations. Reguiar Edition 7:10:2-5-5 inches. 8 binding: De Luxc Edition 6154:8%x1%in. Printed from same plates. on bible paper. 2 beautiful bindings. KNABENSHUE’S AIRSHIP, daily, and a mu' list of Attractions, with plentx of Music. Fire“ orks after program each evening ,concluding with that grand display, ‘THE SIEGE 0F GIBRALTER” Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs and all i ‘V. J, REID, President A. M. HI‘N’] Also Webster's TConegiate Dictionary LONDON, Sept. 6 to 1 4 Men’s Summer Underwear Ballbriggans. $1 per Suit; Merino Undersuits. $1 per suit Summer Drawers, 250 per pr. Cottbn Hose, 10, 15, and 25c pr. Sash 8’ Doors Recently Enlarged WITH . McArthur Boots and Shoes Reduced Rates on all Railroads EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO Store Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Cho , Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed our. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and All up-toodate flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba Wheat cannot be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Is made from .selected winter wheat and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in Chopping Done Every Day A"blend of 1; Manitoba. and § Ontario wheat and is a strictly first; class family flour. All kinds of any bought n rum Vestsâ€"Wv have some niCe pattelns in L ancv V't’\TS at ~" .2 .25. Shirtsâ€"Special lot of the seasons Best Styles in White neat stripes and figures, some with at- tached cuffs, and some with separate cuffs. Prices 7330 to $1.50. People’s Mills Footwearâ€"Men‘s Black Patent. Leather and Calf Boots made on Stylish Good Fitting lagts’ Bluchel Laced Shapes, all prices. HARRY BURNETT Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths’ Furnisher Ou1 Hat~< me speciallv suitable 1’01 spIing \\ ear They are the \EW delicate shades of fan 11 and Bem'er. “The Wilton Label" is a. guarantee of satisfac- tionâ€"Prices from $1.00 0 $3.00. John. McGown. TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. PASTRY FLOUR August 8, 1907 Like to Attend IS and all information A. M. HI‘NT. Secretary SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP THE

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