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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Aug 1907, p. 3

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(Ruhber and Steel Tires.) McClar': Stoves and Baum-s. Raymond Sewing ‘Jachinus Bell Pianos and Organs- g o. L. GRANT DURHAM. 5'13"“me ”is A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADBRS HAY LOADERS BIZerJRS MOWERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. g‘SILAkSkzlhgk ‘IQMM :W:$!b$!b.$b" 6 § §This Means You; "' “: 3 80 Come Along: "’ 6:: E ARE NOW READY to do business with you, we trust to our mutual advan tage. . Our Stock is new and attractive and, our prices are low. Come andjudge for your- self. We aré always pleased to show goods. whether you buy or not. If you do non buy 250 ACRES near Durham :1 good farm, splendidlv improved was asking S7 500 will um. take great deal less 100 ACRES: in (ilenelg. near Durham, 3 line well improved term, will sell very cheap or trade. i ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PRO"I"1‘A BLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money 1.0 lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed. Difficulties arranged. U P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. a now you will again. Look out a for our locals. Democrats and Buggies Implenwnt Axum and Ann-zimwm To change his advertisements but now Qfi‘ers some NEW BARGAINS : THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER IOOACRES Bentinck near Crawford brick seneered dwelling, very large barn frame stables and pig stables, good soil good are hard. good bush. Price should be 84000 but will sell lor less than $3000 it sold at once Implements AGEKT for DOYLE UL} XIV Monuments and Tnmhsmnes F. E. SIEGNER Try our Ramsay Paints and V arnishes of all kinds. A Large Supply of TIN- VVARE always on hand, or made to order on shortest notice. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. We have the kinds that work easy and iastalong time. The rice is right to. COME EE. See our GASOLINE s'ro- VE, the cheapest and best on the market. The hot weather is now here and you should have the comfort afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 0F Hardware and Tinware August 15, 1907, H. H. Miller John Ciark ‘ Get ready for : : HAS BEEN : : (“YEN SOUND. 2 BUSY DURHAM. H. H. MILLER Soriin Paan. - '[o Ferrozone ginS sound sleepfiound digeStion, prom-mes perfect removal of all body wasres Any Weak, p.118 or sickly woman that Ferrozone won't. cureâ€"Why she must be hopeless. Wonderful power in Ferrozone. wouder’ul cures it makes. and ybis you can prOVe by trying it. Sold everywhere in 500. boqes. I have a little chum of mine, He’s summering on the farm; I let him go where‘er he will. He cannot come to harm. To day he went exploring, Returning proud and glad; His pocket, hat, and shirt were full, 'And this is what he had A tree toad and a dragon fly, :5. ruSty clevis pin, Half a dozen puffballs dry, A snake’s discarded skin, The tale of some poor little lamb (He losc in shearing time). A crawfish from the sawmill dam That crawfished all the time. A groundhog’s skeleton complete, A 0881;, a crippled crow, A worm with quite a thousand feet, A hundred bugs or so, A toad. whose epidermis tough Showed many a bulging wart, A pinchin’ beetle large enough To draw a little cart. And something elseâ€"’twas evidence He’d met in with a skunk. These treasures with a. fervor tense He’s packed into his trunk. For love in childhood’s happy days Much happiness “doth draw ‘ From little things; and now he says He’ll send them to his Maw! One woman in three is struggling againsc weakness. Are you 'one'of the weak ones? Not exactly sick. but oh, how mis- arable! Ferrozone cures weakness by sup. plying nutriment. and building ma- terial, by giving the body the con- scituems it reguires for resrorine tired organs. It gives vim, vigor and endurance. Ferrozone is a naaue builder. It adds force to all thâ€"a vital func- tionsâ€"the StOumch. liver. kidneys. Ferrozone nuke-1 the body glow with health. You discharge your daily duties. but who can measure the burden, the trial? Talk of bravery. where find a finer spirit than among half-sick women, fighting, Struggling to do their duty against terrible oddsâ€"and they never give up until they drOp. WEAK WOMEN READ BELOW. Ferrozone cures weakness by forti fying bath appetite and digescion and making plenty of blood. Mr Gale stands coo perspicucus in the article to leave any doubt of its author, and did we not consider him too insigijfimmtly small we might honor him With a castigation. If you could put. a. drop of blood under the microscope the cause would be revealed. You would find the blood thin and watery. red cells far too few the carrier oi life very greatly reduced in vitality and this means slow death. The last issue of the Owen Sound Times 'makes an efiort to confute a statement we made in a former issue relative to the County printing; thus for his beleborings have materially trengthened our assertions, by now acknowledging we give the lowest tender. Our friend very unjustly Iinsinuates that we cast aspersions on all the members of the printing com- mittee, which can be proven a false- hood by reference to the article al- luded to; but the object evidently is to lessen the guilt of Mr. Gale by afixing a share of the odium on the other members of the committee. or at least to show that the other mem- bers were participators in the trans-' action, which is not so. as will be shown at the proper time. We are too well aware of the moral integrity of Mr. Wvllie’s character, to harbor such an opinion much less express it ' and from our slight knowledge of Mr Deavitt, we hope better things; further, we are satisfied of his non- connexion with the transaCtion. To identify either Messrs. \Vyllie or Deavitt with that of Gale, in refer- ence to the shuffling, is extremely unjust to the character of the two former gentlemen, and serves a spec-3 imen of the shallow devices to Which1 the Times resorts in an etnergencyfl A Cardâ€"The subscriber returns hie sincere thanks to his friends for their timely aid and exertion on the 4th inst. iu'preventing the further spread of fire through his premisee.â€"-J. W. Scott. , A meeting of the members of the Volunteer Fire Company met on Wednesday evening. Several names were added to the list, making in all twenty-five. Mr. John Miller was chosen captain ; Messrs. '1‘. Gray and J. J ones. first and second lieutenants; W. Boyle, treasurer. and J. M. Suth- erland, secretary. The next meeting will take place at the schoolhouse on Saturday evening. the 12th inst., when the subject of the incorporation of the village will be introduced Durham Standard March 11, 1859. VACATION PLUNDER. DAYS OF LONG AGO. The Khun. Free, for Catarrh just to prove merit. a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow white. creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucal- iptus, 'I'hymol. Menthol, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat.. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will ac- complish. AddressDr. Shoo’p. Ra- cine. Wis. Large ‘jars 50 cents. Sold by MacFarlane Co. ' citement over an attempt at the revision of the voters’ liSt to add 249 names to the list. D, Hamilton, who has been pr0prietor of the hotel, pre- sented the names stating that the hotel had been sold to a stock com- pany of 249 persons residing in Win- nipeg, who, he claimed, had purchas- ed his hotel and block of land adjoining in shares of $100 each and were entitled to vote upon it. The names were entered. but the matter will he keenly contested before Judge Ryan on Monday. The temperance peOple claim that the names consist principally of hotelkeepers and bar- tenders of Winnipeg. Citizens claim that the temperance question is but a small matter in the issue, and that if these outsiders can vote they can rule the town from Winnipeg, defeat any byJaw, incur any expense, or elect any council or school board they desire. Laterâ€"The J ndge gave his decision in favor of the citizens. Hundreds tell the same storyâ€"- Weak and dispirited, everything go- ing wrong. unable to catch up. They took Fer-rezone and all was changed to health and serenity. Price 50c per box at all dealers. They were Thomas Edwards, a driver, and Loretta Grace. Jennie McDonald and Hannah Murphy. wait,- resses The Station platform was crowded With summer visitors. who witnessed the accident. As an ex- cursion train/drew out Edwards start- ed his borses and the carriage was direcnly on the rails when the flyer came rushing along. Horses. carriage and the occupants were ground to bits â€"â€"Toronto World. From Wilton P Q.. Que , comes the following from Mr. Nazaire Begin â€"“If anyone had told me any remedy could build up my nervous system so well. I would not have believed them. Before using Ferrozone I was run down in nerve and vital energy, and in very weak health I didn’t get enough sleep at night. felt poorly in the day time. Ferrozone has filled me with energy and vim, increased my Weight and made a new man of Allenhurst. N. J., Aug 7.â€"Four persons, employee of the Norwood House, were insuantly killed to-night when their carriage was run down bv a Pennsylvania passenger flyer. Crowd of Summer Visitors Witness Terrible Accident. Then probabiy you know the evils of dietention, fermentation and irrita- tion that accompany digestive trou- bles. Next important is to know how promptly Nerviline cures. Quick as wink it relieves bloating and feeling of foolness, puts the entire digestive apparatus in perfect order, makes you feel fit and fine all over. For inter- nal pain Polson’s Nerviline surpasses every known remedy. Keep it in the house always, it’s a source of comfort in the hour of emergency. Large bottles {or 25c. at all dealers. "Old Subscriberâ€"The finding of 9. Spider in your copy of the ‘Enter- prise’ was neither good or bad luck. The spider was merely looking over. our pages to find out what merchant was noc advertising in them. so that it could spin its web across his .door and lead a free and undisturbed exist- ence forever after.” ' IS YOUR TROUBLE INDIGESTION ? “When I was editing the “Virginia. City Enterprise,’ writing cepy one day and mining the next, I tried to drive this truth home in many ways. One day I received a. letter from a. subscriber, saying he had found a spider pressed between the pages’of his paper. He wanted to know whether this signified good or bad luck. I replied to him in our 'An~ swer to Correspondents’ columns as follows: In addressing a banquet given by advertising men, Mark Twain. using for his text, “It pays to advertise.’ ’ told the following story : Most important of all is preper at- tention to the bowels. Avoid consti- pation it’s the health-killer of to-dfiYo Hersh, griping medicine is ruinousâ€" beware of it. Best results follow a. truly vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which not only relieves costiveness in one night but cures the cause of the trouble and prevents its return. No distress or inconvenience attends the use of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which are world famous for their milduess and eficiency. Sold everywhere, 250 per box. Regained Nerve and Vital Energy. FOUR KILLED AT CROSSING. EASY TO RETAIN HEALTH. Mark Twain on Advertising. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Re-opening Tuesday, September 3rd, l907 The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will re- open for the Fall Term on 'lueeday. Sept. 3rd. at 9 a.m., when pupils will be enrolled and chew- illed. and classes organized for the General Course; the Commerousl Course; for all Men of Teachers’ Certificates; for Page and onor Matriculation. and for entrance into all the learned professions. flaunt! Training and Household Science- Rooms have been thoroughly equipped at u out of over $1200. and the students of tne lover forms receive inscructxou in these important departments. Commercial Courseâ€"To meet the demund. for a better commercial education, othe Board has thoroughly qqul 964 a Qommeroml Department and inatructzon a" fiver: .1“ the several subjects required fora g bounces educstiou. includ- mg pmtice mh shorthand and Typewriting. sun and Equipmentâ€"The :taff oonaista of twelve teachers. ALL spncuoua'rs a’nd men of the highest professional atandmg, lho equipmgnt is tngronghly modern and among the beat in Out: 0. _._--_-- __-___...__. --v- lugâ€"yous] Tie Student who successfully complete. "€33 course is grantOd a. diploma by the Cello ' to Institute Board. g“ For the past seven years Owen Sound 0011- egiate Institute has oregano more teachers than any other school in the mvmce. Termsâ€"The tees are: For gpils from the Counties of Grey. Bruce. We man. Morin and §imooe_._gen Dollars : from other oonntiee. The Times repudiates "the Yankee Pedlar style at pufiing,” but. we think he is guilty of a still smaller species of that deteStable practice than those itinereut gentlemen are wont toâ€" such as advertising for sale articles he has not got. One instance of this may sufficeâ€"The Reeve of Glenelg made application to Mr. Laurie at the January session of the County Council for seVeral capies of the Municipal Manual, which the latter said would be furnished in a few days; but after waiting a full month then gave nouce he could not furnish them at all: lhe Clerk of several municipalities made application for Assessment and Collectors’ Rolls, which were advertised for sale in the Times, as well as my private circular; these were delayed from three to four weeks, much to the detriment of the township oflicers who were prevented making their returns with- in the proper time. THE OWEN SOUND . COLLEGIATE INSTITUI’E Allentown, Pa", Aug. 8â€"While as work repairing the inside of a rock grinder as the plant of the Lehigh Portland Cement. Company last night, George Reed and a foreigner named Mike florluu were oaughn by nhe snartmg of one machinery and ground to deanâ€"Toronto News. Two Cement Company Employes Were Kllled at Allentown. Pa. An unusual number of specials are ofiered this year by various Specialty Clubs or Breed Clubs for the Cana- dian National Exhibition Dog Show, which will be held September ‘2 to 6. Some of these prizes are very valua- ble. among them might be mentioned the David Ward Challenge Cup, val~ ued at $250.00 [or the best kennel of four of any breed; the Disinfectol Sterling Silver Cup for the best Pointer or Setter; the Corby Chal- lenge Cup for the beet kennel of Sporting Spaniels; the Godney Farm Cup for the best kennel of four black Croker Spaniels3 and the George E. Gooderham Challenge Cup for the best Fox Terrier. The total value of these cups alone is $1,000. and there are ever ‘200 specials in all. The to- tal value of the prizes, including Challenge Cups, will be close upon $7,000. Fireman Suddeth, who escaped by jumping, said that the collision was caused by the failure of his train crew to read their ordere.-â€"Toronto Globe. Dalton, Ga., Aug, 8.-â€"Fonr train- men were killed and three seriously killed and three seriously injured in a head-on collision between freight trains on the Western Atlantic Railroad near here to day. A suspicions stranger was taken in charge by the police to-day owing to his endeavors to sell a good horse and carriage for $20. The man gave the name of Edward Honbush of Guelph, and upon promising to re- main at Power Glen Hatel while the police communicated with Guelph was released. At the hotel the man was joined by a woman, and, to- gather, they made a rapid flight.â€" Globe. was found unconscious in the mill race twelve feet below. In falllng Cleveland struck his head against a sunken pile and received an ugly bruise. The car crew took the in- jured man on board and hurried him to the city hospital. where he is now slowly recovering. St. Catharines. Aug. 8.-â€"At mid- night the main line trolley was run- ning over the long trestle when William Cleveland of Thorold was noticed by Motorman Purser to be standing against the pumping sta- tion. As the motorman quickly ap- plied the brakes Cleveland disappear- ed, and upon the car being stopped Willigm Cleveland’s Fall Ofl’ Treslo- Supposed Horse-thief. FOUR Tu AINMEN KILLE D. GROUND TO DEATH. Specials for Dogs. I and in placing all its graduates. 2 ’Each student is taught separately at' his own desk. Trial lessons for one’ week free. Visitors welcome. Corner Yonge and Alexander Street: The School that ranks first in thoroughness. popularity and genuine merit. Our atten- dance 18 greater, more students were placed m positions and at and at better salaries than in any previous year. Write today for handsome catalogue. ta'DAY and EVENING classes. BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMbgglnggzIAL CORRESPOND- PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING Business College HAMILTON. WINNING. l VANCOUVER comes ont of the oven in exactk' the same condition as it bronled. The Souvenir’s erated Oven causes meat therem to be con- ' stantly surrounded by w“ - . il fresh oxygen, and really .. ' a H o â€" I \t __ «I‘. _ only bake meat. ‘6 q‘\!1'@ a The Somebody to carry away the balance of our \‘Vhite Canvas Oxfords \Ve have :1. limited number in Ladies’ sizes, 21; to 51 Our $1.50 line, white heel at $1.29 Our 1.40 line. leather heel at. 1.19 Our 1.25 line, ,. ,. ., 98 Misscs’ and Children’s are also reduced in price. Bv \Visc and get, :1. pair While your size is in stock. J. S. McILRAITH 1.â€"â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit: you. 3.-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Grocer FROM “38 MATTHEWS a? LATIMER MATTH EWS LATI M ER ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDEDSTO. Geo. H. Stinson When Gomg Up Street:â€" KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, TORONTO. ONT. GURNEY-TILDEN CO. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Every Souvenir is absoluteiy guaranteed by the make“, LEADS ~ IN It pays to attend the and the s‘ flavor retained. « Meat [roasted in a Mdunt Forest TERM OPENS SEPT. 3 ELLIOTT '. J. Elliott PRINCIPAL. Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS Why not have a look at our Window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look When once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY why you should buy your The down Store. Hygienic-ally Cooked Meats Add For the Season of 1907, GEORGE MIGHTON has full charge of the above named Registered Stallion, and persons wishing to use the said Stallion, may consult with him, and make arran e- ments at Lots 61 62, Con. 3, N. D. . E. ‘V. LIMIN. Banker is one of the best Stock Horses in the County of Grey. Registered zlvaesdale Stallion 4.â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. The doctor orders meat broiled for his patients-41¢: wants it hygienically cooked in pure oxygen, with all “BANKER” 1111088

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