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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Aug 1907, p. 5

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WATCHMAKEQ JEWELLER This store is noted for its high-class display of Wedding Presentsâ€"everything up to date. W. BLACK Bug Killer And Paris Green Inspect our Fly Nets, Nearly every kind manufactured to pivk frmn. \Ve still have in stock some- Scythes, Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Pullies, Rope, Harvest; Hits, XVhet Stones, Fork Handles, Sections, Section Grinders, Grinding Stones, and machine Oil as thick as your arm. and other cheap grades. One. good reliable Normandy farmer told us last Week that the twine he is now using, and procured at our place of business, is the best twine he ever used Do nnt’foz'get; that we sell the best Grain Cradles Customers say it is a pleasure to deal in a store where you can get everything, from a needle to an anchor, from a toothpick to a load of hay, from a sack of charcoal to a sawlog, from a sack of the best anthracite coal to a carload. Binder Twine HARDWARE in existance, also Cradle 1* ingers Washing Machines The Sovereign Bank of Canada Have you seen our army of Is Very easily solved by coming into VVebstcr’s, While in town. EVERYTHING CON FI DEN TTAL. August 15, 1907 \Ve sell the Plymouth Remy G. A. Webster: in abundance. Wedding Presents Exams JARVIS - - - new: a Esq., First Vice-President - - Second Vice-Hagan! HON. PETER MCLAREN, W. K. MCNAUGHT, Esq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., KC. HEAD OFFICEzâ€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: a . $5.01 The “Wedding Ring” Question GeneraLManager. Buggy Dusters, and Lap Rugs Remember our Silverware is made by the “Standard Silver company,” of Toronto, and we are authorized to replace Free of Charge any piece that leaves this store that is not satisfactory. For the Bride or Bridesmaid the following would make very suitable presents: Solid 14kt Cresent’s, Solid Gold Locket's Necklet’s, also some very handsome Braclets. Of course it is simply impossible for us to attempt to give a full accmm t, of our large display, the only way to satisfy yourself is to give us a call. For the Groomsnmn Solid 14kt Pearl Stick Pin or Cuff Links in plush or lent-her cases. at best :5”; Mia! 15 “ DIAMOND HALL. : bat current ratw paid quarterly BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Pz'cz‘zu'e Framing on shortest notice. Funeral Director [Fall Wheat ......... iSpring \Vheat ...... . Oats ............... Eggs ................ Pocatoes per bag. .. .. Flour per cwt ...... . Oatmeal per sack. . . . Chop per cwn ....... Live HOgS .......... Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per 1b ...... . Sheepskins .......... Wool ............... Tallow ............ . Lard . A. BELL UN DERTAKER SHOW‘ R00M8~Next to Swallows’ Barber Shop. F 1111 lino. of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. A 55!. General-Manager. Embalming a Specialty DURHAM. August $3,000,000. Market Report. on... 00.... 00 per bag. rcwt... ..... 2 per sack ..... 2 )7 and cwt. OPTICIAN 90 to 45 to 73 to . :35 to .14 00 to 18 to 15 to . 85 to . 2 20 to 15. 1907 90 to 23 to :3 to 12 to GO to 90 to 90 to 45 to 73 to to to to to to to 665 13 00 King. His war} is to take out from the Gentiles e peeple for his name. (Act. 15: 14). He is gethering the We greatly enjoyed the piece written on Gambling by Rev. Far- quharson, and think if there were lmore people of his belief our town and country would have a higher standard, and there Would not be any card parties given by peOple who profess to be followers of our Saviour. [often wonder what people can do with the 17th verse 5 chapter of Ga- latione, when they say card parties and similar amusements are net harmful. Can we engage in such things and be prepared for the “second coming of Christ?” “This same Jesus. which is taken from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven.”â€"-â€"Acts l: 11. No man. however knows "the day nor the hour” when Christ will come. The angels of Heaven are ignorant of it. The humanity of Christ will n0t know it. To set the day, the year, the century or the millennium is to be wise beyond what is written. We are simply to 'watch for His coming at any time and be ready. In the two hundred and sixty chapters of the New Testament there are about three hundred references to the second coming of our Lord. Surely it is important. The Son of Man came the first time to seek and to save the lost. He died on Calvary, the just for the unjust, and on the third day He rose again. From the top of Olivet He ascended into Heaven. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon the church. and this is the dispensatibn of'the Spirit. Today He holds the scepter, wears the crown and sits up-_ on the throne of power on earth. He is the vice-gerent of the absent Ithink I’d better postpone about the cmp and roots until the next issue On the 22nd July Mrs. Chas. Law- rence had a quilting bee about thirty- five being present. Mrs. Geo. Hap kins, Mrs. Wm. Sharp, Mrs. James Lawrence, Glenelg. and Mrs. Wm. Noble, furnished the music for the rest of the ladies. Mrs. Wm Noble. is an excellent musician, being the forganist in the Methodist church in ‘her former home with her parents. before she was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Noble. Mrs. Lawrence had a gorgeous meal prepared and it was greatly enjoyed by the assembly, after the sumptuous repast there was a while longer spent in sociable conversation and music and after which young and old retired to their ‘ respective homes. Mrs. Thomas Lawrence and son Chas., teacher. bonh of Vickers. Spent Sunady, Aug. 4th with Mrs. Jno. Lawrence. Mr. Chas. attended the Methodisr church, town accompanied by Miss Mr. \Vm. Lawrence Jr. Glenelg Spent an evening with Messrs Campbell and Thus. Milligau lately Miss B Moore, Wilson. N. Y., is visiting with Masses B. Petty and E Petty. Misses L. Hopkins and A. Donnelly Spent the 18c insa. with farmer’s 813-- car Mrs. Chas. Mighton, Vickers. Mr. Thos. Reid, Durham spent part. of a. day with friends here recently. Miss C. H. Hutton entertained Miss F. McCormick, Rochescer N. Y. the 3rd inst. Miss E. Laura Hutton has purchas- ed a. 3-150 piano from Mr. Geo. H. K. Midford, town. We were much pleased to have Miss A. Lawrence, return from Arthur afteramonbh’s absence vis- iting her aunt, uncle and other friends. You were greatly missed in Sunday School work, Alice. We are sorry to chronicle that Mrs Alex Alexander has been very ill ; hope to soon see her able to be atound again Our Burg will be minus cf one clever and intelligent young gentle- man in the person of Mr. Cameron MacKenzie who left. the let insr. for Edmomon; Alberta, N. \V. Sorry that Mr. Wm. Petty had one or two cattle killed and one or two injured on the G. T R. near the slaughter-house, town. Miss A. Lawrence, our former teacher, visited friends around here recently. She will always be a elcome visitor. as she was highly honored by all the neighbors. Mr. Lunney is spending part: of his vacation with his brother Mr Robs. J. Stimson. Mr. N. Dunemoor was the guest of Mr. Wm. Reid on a. Sunday not long ago. We were surprised to see a gentle- man the 4th inst driving by with a span of be. ponies and a. rubber tired baggy, but were informed it was Mr. Robt. G. Hopkins and his black eyed lady driving to Proton to visit friends in that vicinity. Strange that the Roberts in our neighborhood love black eyes. We congratulate Miss Florence Mountain and Master Charles Law- rence, on their success in their High School studies. The Episcopal church garden party was well patronized by our Burg, twenty-eight peeple from here being present. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Mighton, Vickers, Spent. Sunday 2181; July with the latter’s brother Mr. Alex Hap- kins. Dr. David Williams. Winnipeg, spent a day with his aunt Mrs. Thos. Edge Hutton Dr. Thos. J. Hutton, (a son of the lady mentioned) intends vieitingthese parts in a week or so. Hutton Hill. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Rob. Hastie had his barn erected on Thursday and Friday 1882. by the “gin-pole and tackle,” machine operated by Mr. Kavanah of Dun- dalka husrler to work and 8 man who understands the business. The barn is a large one 48x60ft. on 24ft. posts and the frame. Specially heavy. Councillor Black ,was repeatedly complimented on the neatness of the framework. It was considered by all to be one of the best in the vicin. ity. Messrs. Priel. Moran. Ellison and C. McArthur made an excellent job of the stonework. We believe most of the boys would rather raise the old fashioned way and so far as danger is concerned the new method is no improvement on the old. Mrs. Hastie had a bright group of girls to help her, also her sister, Mrs. John Allan of Egremont. Mr Allan was also present. There 18 one good fea- ture about this way of putting up barns, the boys are sure of four or five extra good meals and Mrs. Hastie and Miss Mary, certainly ex- called' 1n the cookery line. 4| Mrs J. J. Peart had a bright look- ing young couple from near Hanover visit: her the first: of the week. \Ve didn’t. learn their names. Jim Hastie has been hustling of late. He has put a new roof on his cosy home and did likewise with the stables. Miss L. Soon: was the guest. of Miss Emma Edwards three days of last week. Mr. Taylor Hall and his bride Spent the first of the week with Misses Florence and Myrtle Hunt Mrs. Geo. Young with daughter, Gladys, is visiting her brother’s home, Councillor Hunt’s this week. Mrs. Ross of Hamilton. who is spending a couple of months in the neighborhood, was the guest of Mrs. W. J. Greenwood the past week. Though up in the seventies she is as smart as many a woman of fifty. Mas. Walter Kinsman and her three children of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Greenwood, at present. Mr. Geo. Blair had fourteen loads of fall wheat. on less than five acres of ground A few years ago the same patch just yielded three loads. lbrioe and making her ready for the coming of the bridegroom. The Greek word translated “church” means “called out.” The members 'of the church are therefore the “called out” ones. It is clear as a sunbeam that the mission of the Holy Spirit is not to convert the world before Christ shall return If such is His mission, it is a stupendous failure. but we believe that the Holy Spirit is not failing any more than Christ failed in His mission upon the earth, The Spirit is doing just the work for which He came. “This gosrielof the kingdom” says Jesus shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then, shall the end come. (Matt. 24: 14.). He does n0t say that the world shall be converted to Christ. and then; shall the end come. The gospel is, to be preached for a witness. It is not surface work. Then shall the consummation come. not when the world is converted, but when the gospel shall have been preached in, the whole world for a witness. We, are often asked. “Is the world grow» ing better or worse?” Our answer is. “yes and no.” The good is growing better and the bad is growing worse, ‘ The real church of Christ was never better than it is to-day, and the world that rejects Jesus was never worse. There is more light now than ever before, and those who re- ject the light are hardened by the process. Light “a savor of life unto life,” or of death unto death. The bad in the world that spurns the light will wax worse and worse, while the good that receives the light will grow better and better. In 1 These. 4: 16-17, we read: “The Lord himself shall descend from' Heaven with a shout, with the voice, of the archangel and with the trump? not God. and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive: and remain shall be caught up to gether with them in the clouds. to meet the Lord in the air.” From! {the Scripture it seems that when Christ shall come for His people heI 'will not touch the earth. Like a great magnet He will draw those; who love Him up to Himself while those who do not love Him will re main upon the earth. The dead in Christ shall rise and shall be the firSt to meet Him in the air. This seems to be the first resurrection. “The rest of the dead”, we are told in Rev. 10: 5 "live not again until the thou- sand years are finished.” “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection ” Evidently Paul had in mind this resurrection when he said, "1 count all things but 1088,” etc., "it by any means I may attain unto the resurrection of the dead ” An original translation would be, “Unto the out-resurrection from among the dead,” There is not at this time to be a resurrection of the dead. but of the righteous 3from among the dead ” In Luke ‘20; 5-36. we have the clear declaration Let us remember that our salvation does not depend upon what we think about the second coming of our Lord The lirst coming is the test. Are we willing to obey and do we believe in the Lamb of God the Saviour who died and rose again that we may be saved from sin and live in righteous- ness? Nevertheless the blessed hope that Christmay come at any time, ought to have a good effect upon our lives. ”Everyone that hath this harm in him purifieth himself even as he is pure.” Barley harvest is on this week. ”l raverston. Our Furniture Sale is still on, and we are offering bargains such as were unknown in Durham up to the present time. We carry a full of goods, and all marked in Plain Figures. Lenahan 6: McIntosh IF you are interested in any of the following lines, give us a call. Screen Doors, \Vindow Screens, \Vire Netting. Fence \Vire, Ruh- ber Hose, Pipe Fittings etc. Also :1; quantity of lin. Black Piping. which is a bargain in itself. Is another of our leaders, it burns either wood or coal, and is made sizes to suit the smallest. house or largest. building. Call and get, p ticulars of this wonderful furnace. m it 1’- Is ackmnvlodged byusers to be the bust cooking range on the 111arket, and by the. gem-1211 public to be the most extenswely known range) in Canada. The New Hardware and Furniture Store Come and examine our twine, and we can. assure you you will be satisfied. We are agents for the Canadian Cordage 00., and also the Mc- Cormick Harvester. u a Binder Twine A few doors south of the Middaugh House. W 2923' 11232.71 *x‘fl 'L'Z‘L' {1‘23} 211‘ t'. W The “Pandora” Range FURNITURE SALE If you are interested in this labor -sa\ in}; fuel- -sav- ing 1none\'-saving range call and examine it for )ourself. In appearance as well as in usefullness it is unsurpassed. Its nick- le trimmings and its bold massive carvings . cast- ings Q'ixe it an elegant appearance.

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