West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Aug 1907, p. 8

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’ '?‘12~~-11nperi:11” shoe is the kind that combines 112w. (‘mnfnrt Style and Durability. We have also :2 3:11:31“ zlssnrtlmmt of Patent-s, Kids, Dongolas and t‘zmx'zls Shnes. \W haw IL rirh and mm zixss<')1'hnen‘r. of white and colored Muslims, as well as a, mu six-wk :>‘1' Lawns and Linens. Fresh Groceries always on hand. T he preserving season is now in and it would be well to get our prices for sugar. WM (111111 11 full line of evérything a man wears. and this 11111111'1111911’0 of our Store is 11111'111s 11 busy 1113(1). Here the “01111110 man can be furnished 11 ith 011111113. S1110(..k.:, Working Shirts, Pants, and the 1111 1st satisfnctnnv Shoes 11. working: 1111111 (1111 119111: ,,-...-___._ . --., THE BIG STORE ! Binder Twine, Machine Oil and Harvest Tools are the articles most required at the present time. Our stock is complete and reliable. If you have a desire to save money on clothing now is your chance. Our {all clothing will be on hand shortly and we need the room and the money invested in the present stock so its to your advantage to buy now. Already the new fall styles of materials are in stuck, and filmy are so reasonable in price, so exquisitv in pattern. and SO rich in appearance. Plain Sat-in Cloths, Venetians, Broadclobhs, Tartans. Plillllh‘, Taffetta (,Tlotlls and Khantanas aw tlw new Moths for fall. If \ on are 0111\ sliohtlv concerned about vour fall dress come in and see our selection. We deh0 ht in shmxino them. W e would like you to come in and look at them whether you bu) or not. Wigs 1".‘011111' (.1111 dressmaker is holidafing this 1111111111 1111t 11i11 be r adv for business the 111st 11eek in Septembei and anyone securing the 931111113 11e1e (1211111111111; arrangements with us‘ to 1111 111 first chance 11111111 the dressmaking staff arrives. Never such Suit Values for Men and Boys Alex. " Russell 9 New Fall DressiGoods We want your butter and eggs Men’s Furnishings , Shoes for Everybody R0 ERT BU RN E Dvessmaking HARDWARE The People’s Store For the Ladies’ H10/1c xi 731m \‘ f0; Buffy} a 261 bags. Many are wearing our ready-made-suits which can- not be distinguished from tailor made in many cases. The Material is just as good the Styles are perfect. The only difference is in the cost which ranges from five to ten or fifteen dollars less than made-to-order suits of the same kind of material. “A pennysaved is a penny earned” and you can always save money by wearing our high-class, perfect fitting Ready-mades. HIGH-cuss ‘ . PERFECT FITTING " 'READY MADE 1 Miss Annie Walker. of Detroit, vis- ited her brother. Mr. John Walker, last week and his sister Mrs. Hewett end daughter Veleets. of Music, vis- ited over Sundny. Miss Ethel Trimble has returned from 3 month’s visit with relatives Mr. 3nd Mrs. Goo. Persons of Buf- falo, were visitors at Mr. Herb Mrs. Samuel Wilson and two chil- pron, of Norway, are visiting at Mr. Andrew Wilson’ a. Rev. F. B yen. of Dnndelk. com menced fortnightly Engliéh Church services in the town hall on Sunday afternoon lest. Mrs. W. G. Orr visited her son near Waldemar last week. Good progress is now being made on re-building the Flasher mill dam. Mr. John N uhn hos charge ohhe job. Mrs. (Rem) Thom. of Waldemar. spent Saturday and Monday here on business. On Sunday Mrs. Thom sang in the Presbyterian and Metho- dist churches and the congregations were again pleased to hear her famil iar voice with its old time sweetness. Norris Bros. have added aband- some delivery Waggon ‘to their road outfit. Mr. W. Proctor. of Ypsilanti, Mich paid his cousin, Mrs Geo. Mitchell a. visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. J 08. Clinton attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Kalle at Markdale on Monday. Our Citizens Band rendered a spec- ially good programme at their open air concert: on Friday evening less. The Band is making excellent pregress under Mr. Tucker. The Flesherton and Feversham baseball teams played two good matches last week, the first on Mon- day an Feversham where Flasherton wanâ€"score 1 to 0; the secbnd was played here on Saturday evening when neither team made a. score. [‘he annual re-union of Mr. and Mrs Alex. Stewart’s family was hvld on Thursday last by way of a picnic at the old homeStead occupied by their son John. Over lorty of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart's sons and dough. ters with their families were present and also a number of old neighbors all of whom had a very enjoyable af- ternoon tOgether. The company was photographed by Mr Hawkin, photo artist here. Mrs Jackson, who was many years a widow and made her home with her sister. Mrs. Wm. Cameron, b‘th con. Artemesia. passed away on Wednes- day of last; week after a long and painful illness borne With Christian resignation. The funeral took place on Friday to Salem cemetery. Rev. GAO. Little, of this place, conducting the burial service. The deceased was fifty seven years of age. M Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE F He married. in 1851, Miss Harriet Tounsley, daughteroi an early ““10! of Toronto, who is still living with a. family of eight children. They 81'0 Mrs. Rogers, now in the North-West, Mrs. Bundolf, of California; Mrs. Walter Scott, Kew Beach; Mrs. B. Richards. of Hamilton; Mrs. R; L. Baker, of Toronto. end Messrs. J smes A., W. 31., and Charles K. McLellon, all living in Toronto. - : He was elected a director of the Dominion Educational Association in 1895, and was President of the On- tario Educational Association. He also produced text-books on mathe- matical subjects. "In religion he was a Methodist and in politics a Liberal. having Opposed the late John Craw- ford in West Toronto in the general election of 1872. 1 Dr. McLellan was born in Shuban aCadie, N. S. ., in 183 2 of mixed British descent, his ancestors being United Empire Loyalists. He taught school when 15 years of age, and came to Toronto in 1857, attending the Nor- mal School and later the university. |He graduated B. A. and medalist in 1 mathematics and metaphysics in 1862 got his degree of M. A. in 1863 ; L. L. B. ., in 1872, and LL. D. in 1873. He taught in the St. Mary’s Gram- mar School 1n 1860, and became head of Yarmonth Sem1nary 1n its opening in 1864. While there he took an ac. l tive part in furthering Confederation. for. which he received the thanks of Sir John A. Macdonald. In 1869 he was appointed mathematical master in Upper Canada 00110 ge. and 1n 1871 High School Inspectorg in Ontario. In 1875 he was made director of Normal Schools, and ten years later, director of Teachers’ Institutes. Twenty years ago Dr. McLellan took a very prominent part in educa- tional matters. and was then Known as the leading authority on mathe- matics in Ontario. and was one of the foremOSt and most vigorous educa- tioniSts of the Dominion. In the de. velupment of Ontario' 8 school system he stood next to Dr. Ryerson. but devoted his special attention to High Schools He brought the teaching of 1 mathematics to a very high standard “and then turned his attention to lit erature, becoming Widely known as a powerful lecturer. A NOTABLE CAREER. 011 the establishment of the School of PedagOgy in Toronto in 1890. Dr. McLellan was appointed principal of the institution and moved to Hamil ton with it in 1896, when it was re- named the Ontario Normal College He resigned in 1906 on account of ill health. but remained in Hamilton until June last when he returned to' . Toronto. I Editor- Irwin of Durham. gave us a pleasant call on Friday. Mr. Irwin was accompanied here by Mr. C. Porter of Bufialo who paid his old friend Editor Thurston a visit. Mr. M. K. Richardson returned last week from a month’s trip through Muekoka, on Children’s Aid work. Mrs. Corbett of Windsor, is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. W. L. Wright. Mrs. Schofi and daughter Miss Vera, of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Trimble at the Park House. Mi‘as Lou Nicholson of Toronto, is :olidaying with her father and sisters ere. Mr. Chas. Stewart of Fort William and his sisser Mrs. Nixon and bus- band of Mono. visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart last. week. Mr. Geo. Richardson is home Toronto fora. week or two of days. Mr. D, McTavish spent. a couple of days in :he city last week. Mr. Edward R‘htledge and children of Montclair, N. J. are visiting Mrs, Geo. Rutledge, here. (The Mail and Empire.) Dr. James A. McLellan the yeceran educatiouisc of Ontario, died at his residence, 83 Manherson Avenue. at 10:301ast night. His death will be a subject of regret. to thousands of High School graduates by whom he was known, as Well as his many in- timate friends in the province. Dr. McLelian has been seriously ill for many weeks, due to a general break. down of the system. and for some tile hope of his recovery had been practically abandoned. He was 75 years of age. Mrs. W. J. Motheaon of Havelock ‘and Mrs. H. Davidson of Toronto. who have been visiting the farmer’s sister Mrs. W. A. Armstrong leave this week for Port Dover, home. Don’t seek other climes at “Hay Fever Season” don’t destroy your stomach and nerves by drugsâ€"pre- vent the disease. Hay Fever is caused by germs that float about in the air and finally find lodgement in your throat and lungs. Medicine won’t reach them there but Catarrh- ozone will. Catarrhozone is sure death to germs. Start now to use Catarrhozone. Inhale it into the throat, lungs. nasal passages and bronchial tubes; it goes wherever the air you breathe goes, and it will pre- vent and cure Hay Fever. Endorsed by not less than one thousand doctors in Canada and U. 8 Sent to any ad- dress for $1.00 forwarded to Poison 00., Hartford, Conn, U. S or Kingstoyi, Ont. Misses May and Beatrice Hales visited their aunt at Alliston last. week. Smith’s last week. . M. Egan of Hamilpon. visited hisMeEBcer Mrs. :Iohn Runstadler, last weed. THE LATE DR McLELLAN Hay Fever Can Be Prevented. :' . y “1'3“!“ 35mm» from holi vv v Arthur ....... ....Sep.t.‘1§ Atwopd ............... ....Oct. 1. 2 Barrie ............ ....Sept 23. 24. 25 Beeton ............ . . . . Sept. 26. 27 Cookstown. .......... ....Uct. 1. 2 Collingwood.... ..Sept. 24. 25. 26 27 Clarksburg.... ...... ....Oct. 1. 2 Desboro ........... ....Sept. 20. 27 Durham .......... '..Sept. 24. 25 Dundalk.... ....Oct. 3. 4 Feversham .. ....()ct. 3. 4 Flesherton. . .. .. .. Sept. 26' 27 Grand Valley ............ ....0ct. 15. 16 Guelph...... ...... Sept. 17. 18. 19 Hanover.. .. ....sept. 26. 27 I Harrsiton...... ....Sept. 26. 27 ‘ Holstein ...... ....()ct. 1 Listowel ............ Sept. 24. 25‘ 'Markdale ...... .. ....Oct. 1. 2 Meaford.... ...... Sept. ’5. 27 Milverton ..... ....Sept. 26. 27 Mildmay ...... ....Sept, 2:. 24 Mt. Forest .............. Sept. 17. 125‘ Orangeville ............ ....Sept. 26. 27 Owen Sound ...... . ...Sept. 13. 14 Palmerston ............ ....Sept 19. 20 Peterboro ...... ..Sept. 26. 27- 28 Petrolea ..... . .Sept. 19 20 21 Port Elgin ............ Sept 26 27 Port Hope ..... ....Oct 1 2 Priceville ............ Oct 3 4 Ripley ...... . ...Sept 24 25 Rockton.... ..Oct :5 9 Rocklyn.... ..... Oct 3 :1 Shelburne.. .. .Sept 24 2o Strathroy.... bept 16 17 18 Tara.... .. Oct 1 2 Teeswater.. .. pct 3 f Thedfdrd. . . . Thamesville . . . . Thorold. . . . Tiyerton'. . .. Durham All accounts must be paid by the 15th of August. MISS DICK Alliston A Partial List of Fairs Annouced For The Fall of 1907. Mr. Dan McCormick leaves Tues- day morning of this week for Stettler Alberta where he expects to remain for two months. Miss Kate McKinnon of Mulock. spent. a few days last, week with her cousin \hss Eliza McCormickzpf this place. Mr. Archie MqInnes of Michigan, is spending his vacation at: his uncle’s Mr. Dan McInnes’ of this burg. Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto and her sister Mrs. Turner, of Detroit are at present visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs C Firth of “Lake Cottage,” Miss Margaret; McArthur of Ceylon. visited at: Mr. C. Kennedy’s the week before lass. i Mrs. Albert. Leslie and son Roy, of Mn. Forest are at present. visiting at. old Bunesean. Mrs. Franks who has been ViSiting her daughter Mrs. A B. MoArthur for the past: month returned to her home an Inglewood last: week. Mrs. Dan Muir of Ceylon visited one Sunday recently at, Mr. Chas. Kennedy’ a. Mrs Greer and son Geo. of Dun- dalk visited at the farmer’s brother, Mr. Dave Brown over Sunday. MMI. Dave McCormick and sister Miss Eliza attended the funeral of theiruncie Mr. Alex McCormick of Bentinck on Saturday last. Mr. Will Todd of Rochester. N Y. is at: present; at; his grandfatherfis Mr. Chas. Kennedy’e He returns on Friday of this week. Keep the bowels regular wlth Ayor's Pills and thus hasten rocovory. Mrs. Houghtbv of London is at present visiting her member and brothers of the Glen. These Hats are Bargains, as they are all made from the best material. We are confident we are giving Bargains by the number of sales made. We want to sell every Hat in the store by the 15th of August, and offer them at a. remarkable low price. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will any so. For Lung Troubles The but kind of : tantalum- “ Sold to: our Dizzy 10m." Aug. 1 5th We Inn no W! W. gamut {to (grann- 01.11 on:- mm... yerfs 35’s? SALE .0 COO. .0691 ‘60. z 4'. 20 “Sept. 26. 27 “Oct 1. ..Sept. 24. 2:3. 26 "7 ...... ...... .Oct. 1., ”Sept. 20. 27 . . . . Sept. 24 25 ”Oct. 3. 4 ..()ct 3. 4 .Sept. 26' 27 Oct. 1:3. 16 ...... Sept. 17.18. 19 O. .sept. 26. 27 m.:...Sept _ 27 “Oct. 1 "'.'...sé;3t. 24. 25 ..Oct. 1 2 "....'Sept. 26. '27 ..Sept 26.27 Sept‘ 24 I...S‘ept. 17. 1:5 .S‘ep t. 26. 271 .Sept13.14‘ Sept 19. 20 ”Sept. 26. 27 28 t19 20 21 - b(it-D ..... Sept 7.‘ 27 ..Oct 1 2 FALL FAIRS. id-summer illinery . B unessan. . r. .. W WW" fime-m’ “23““ ......... Oct. 3. 4 Ontario Sept Oil, Turpentine, White Lead, Putty and Glass,- Martin-Senour Paints. tings, Bolts, Builders Tools, Trace Chains, Ice Cream Freezers, Stoves and Furnaces Cistern Pumps, Lawn Mowers, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Sperm Oil, Pulp Oil, Raw and Boiled Linseed We pay highest prices for Eggs and Gram ' flarling’s DRUG STORE Preserving Season Pitch F 01 ks. Bindinn Glows Hm Rakes. Hax -F01k Rope? Trip Rope, Belt- Laces, Garden Hose and Fit-- Darling's ~'OU will always find our stock complete and up-to-dntv in l‘ B have made great reduc- tions in our binder twine prices to clear thv renminder of our stock. A Great Saving In Binder I he People’s Druggists teed PURE and at the sametime the price no high= er s;han others twine

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