West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Aug 1907, p. 1

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IT heats the mischief how reports get into circulation and how they grow when they once get going. Last week Arthur Smith the livery man and ”Scotty” Munro, :1 son of John A. Munro, ‘of this town. went out fishing to Bell’s Lake. so some of the stories stated. [n the evening a citiZen made a thoughtless remark that Art Smith was drowned and in a few minutes the yarn was all over the place. Some be- lieved it but others gave it very little. more thought than to make an enquiry | with the guess that they would turn I up all right in due time. Next morn- ing Mr. Smith was going about his business and the mourners ceased to go about the streets. Such sensation- al remarks. should not he indulged in as great injury might result froma thoughtless and foolish yarn. Next‘ day another report went the rounds that a sad accident had occurred at a barn raising near Flesherton. and that forty were killed by the falling ofa, bent. Next morning the number kill. ed wasreported at twenty with twenty or more seriously injured. There was I nothing to confirm either report, sol we telephoned to Flesherton for in-f formation and aszertained that noth-i ing was known there more than that; an accident had been reported somel time previously from the neighbor-l hood of Collingwood. We decided not ? to enquire of Collingwood for fear of being sent to Penetang or Peterhoro. - The liars are not all dead yet and the newspapers have nu monopoly of the ‘ art of lying. 1 \VE had a call Monday morning from a lady Whose husband paid his subscription for 1907 Without getting a receipt. The list had not been changed since and she thought We might have fmgotten it. but we hadn’t. She says people “are (thiQelin’ and chiselin’ so much these times that you got to watch everybody.” \V e gave the lady a receipt and she went happy with the thought of having us tied down so tight that we couldn‘t chisel her very well. She was quite right in looking after her business, and it didn’t annoy us in the least. THE Messrs. Smith. of C. Smith 8: Sons started threshing on Monday afternoon last their first work being at Mr. John. C. Dnnsnmre's. 'l‘heir outfit this year consists of a. brand new separator made by themselves and a. new twenty-horse power engine builtby ‘Xhite 8: Sons of London. The engine is the same style as the ill fated engine that fell through the Sangeen bridge some months ago and on which an arbitration is to be held this week between the owners and the township council Bentinck. THE Sciimi Board hav . accepted the ,x'esigimtiun of Miss M. S. Moliand and secured in 1191' place Miss Douztldu Mc- Ken-mrhmu B. A., nf Dutton, a sister of Miss McI‘Ierrac-her, who was for- merly 11mm. Miss McLeod's pIaCer is filled l‘) ' Miss Jessie Logan, D. A., of Ni: tgara 1 L115. The staff nowlongnged is the strongest the sclmol had from an edumtimml point of View and we may (-mifidectiy expect: good results from :mw on, even better than we have had in the past. PROPERTY for sale near Durham. Brick house and five acres of land. See ad. on page 2.â€"-J0hn W'ilson. THE rain on Friday last prevented the pupils of the Methodist Sunday School having the picnic the little folks were loooking anxiously forward to. ll: had to be postponed till Tues. afternoon last when a. very enjoyable afternoon was Spent at the Park. Mr. JOSEPH REID, son of \V. K. Reid was successful at the last Exami- nation in passing for part. of Ins third class tmchers’ certificate. Congratu- lutions. GIANT Triplets “Currency ” “Bobs” and “Stag” Chewing Tobaccos, in big plugs. Quality always the same. HOUSEHOLD gnuds for sale. See ad. on page 2. “Karmaâ€"A first. class tailoress at once at J. L. Flarity’s, Merchant Tailor. DURHAM Lacrosse Boys play the Elora. team toâ€"day, W’ednesday. in Fergus. FLOUR that’s still as good as ever-â€" Listowel Lionel.â€"Mrs. Beggs 8; Sons. VOL. N EWS AROU N D TOWN N0. 2110. For Paris Green MI. 1. Latimer, and Fanny C. Moran, iThis gives our school a very good i showing for the present year and we : must congratulate the candidates on Etheir success and ‘again congratulate =° the teachers on the accomplishment of their-"year’s work. In addition to this - there were twenty-two who passed the High School Examination, for the training of whom great credit is due to their teacher, Miss M. McKenzie. Lasc w’eek we gave the names of the five candidates who succeeded in the Junior Matriculation, as followszâ€"J. anie, Mary E. Edge. R. E.‘ Laidlaw, ‘I ‘- ‘- W. S. Farquharson (honors), S. P. Fletcher. Ethel Greenwood, M. E. Hal- penuv, R. E. Laidlaw. M. I. Latimer (honors), F. C. Moran, G. Petty. N. Vasey. The Junior Leaving results appeared in the Toronto papers last week, but too late for insertion 1n the columns of this paper. Of seventeen who passed the test examination these were thir- teen who succeeded in getting through the Departmental as followszâ€"L. M. Aldcorn, Thos. Allan (honors), 19. J. Binnie (honors), M. E. Edge (honors), \VE congratulate Miss Julia Weir, of Alliston, who recently wrote on one part of the examination for a first class certificate and succeeding in get- ting through all right. When it is known that Miss \Veir did not decide on writing until last Easter she must tend to her school duties at the same time. Moreover, her work is with high school entrance candidates, and as her whole class of twenty-two pass- ed the recent examination twelve tak- ing honors, she certainly did not neglect her duties in the school. Now that she has started and met with such success she is sure to go on to the . completion of the work fora first class teachers’ certificate, and perhaps later for a university degree. Miss Weir must he a plodder and the ability to do good honest plodding together with the happy faculty cf getting on the outside of books is a characteristic by which she will some day make her mark in the world. Mr. \V. EVERITT, engingeer on the Way freight, had a. severe attack of :lppendictis, on Monday last, but was able to he removed to his home in Palmerston on the following dew. On his way'from Mrs, Bentons to the station, Monday morning, he was ta- ken very suddenly with violent pains and fell prostrate on the pavement where he lay for some time till Mr. Walpole got a conveyance ready and took him back to the house where be secured medical assistance and had the trouble checked. handier now as he tolls ‘us a new post Office culled “Aldred” has lately been opened in his home. MR. J 0113' ALDHED who left, here a year or so ago is nmking 2L name for himself in the Wistsâ€"a. name which is likely to continue long after he is dead and gone. His post: Office was “Yellow Grass," and was situated. if we remember rightly some 2501' :50 miles from his home. Things are \VH hear that: M '5. Glass was one of the prize-winners in fm-hishing a name. for the. latest McClary kitchen range. She gets a silver tea, set. REV, ‘V. S. JAMIESON will deliver an address in the lecture room of the Mvthodist Church, on Monday even- ing next, August; 26th. The subject will be “Our Responsibility to the Missi<'m:u'y.” FOR SALE-Three or four houses good condition, and other property the town of Durham. Easy terms apply to “’11). Laidlaw. HOUSE TO RENTâ€"See condensed ad- vertisement on page 2. FOR quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “ Bobs” “ Stag ” and “ Currency ” Chewing To- NEWS has been heard recently from Rev. and Mrs. Holmes in Japan and they are well and dcing well. baccos. FURNISHED rooms to letâ€"See class ified ads on page 2. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS on page 4. Junior Leaving Examination. in in Ye Editor who thinks the name more appropriate as it leads straight up to the College buildings. ~ Rev. and Mrs. Con] Miss Maud, of Brook ent at the laying of ‘ of the new church i remained over a few acquaintances. Misses Alvina. and London, returned spending a. couple of grandparents, Mr. Wiggins. Mrs. Turner and daughter Burnetia, of Detroit, and Mrs. Mitchell and three children of Toronto. are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Firth, 0f Glenelg. Mr. J. A. V. Preston, D. D. G. M- of the Masonic Society visited in town last Week and acted as chief builder in the laying of the Corner Stone of the new church in Egremont. ‘ \ M rs. S. McComb of Palmerston with son and daughter were visiting at; the McKinnou and McComb families over sundaYa leaVing Monday to visit Mc- Oomb’s at Williamst‘ord. Mr. \V, H. Bean has returned from Preston where he spent acouple of weeks at the Springs of treatment for rheumatism. He feels better now we are pleaseed to learn. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Farr, of Gorrie, visited friends in town and vicinity last, week, and Mr. Farr was present, at the Corner Stone laying in Egremont. Mrs. J. B. Palmer, Miss Adele and Master Guy returned to Chicago Sat- urdaynfter spending six Weeks with Mrs. Arthur \Vhitmore. Miss Eva Anderson having spent her holidays with friends around town re- turned to her home in Owen Sound last week. Mr. R. N. Mulvin, bookkeeper for the Farmers’ Manufacturing and Sup- ply Co., left Monday for his home in \Voodstock. Miss McGregor who has been visit- ing here for several weeks, returned last; week to hex-home in Essex Centre. Rev. Mr. Herbert, of Preston, Wm in town for it day or two last week, 2‘. guest, of the Hughes family. Miss Lydia-L Thompson left, Saturday morning for a. prolonged visit: to De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol, of Priceville, were guests at Mr. Allan McKinnon’s Sunday week. Miss Armfield, of Greensboro, N. C. , has been spending several weeks with hercousin, Miss \Vilkinson, of Vm'ney. Mr. Hugh Rose. and his sister Mrs J. Kress and family are cmnping a‘ the Roeky. \Ve omitted last week to mention the visit of Dr. and Mrs. Culbertson :md dzmghter of )Ieaford. Mr. \Villm'd Porter after spending a month in town returned to New York on Monday morning last. Miss Aggie. Cameron left Monday morning for Tomuto to attend the Millinery Openings. Mrs . Samuel BIL-Alister of H: unilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. MCD(mu-ld. Mr. W. J. Rogers. of London, of the firm of H. '1‘. Reason 85 00., was in town last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. J mneS‘ Heslett visited Owen Sound friends Saturday and Sunday. . Mr. H. H. Mockler was in Toronto on Monday last. Mrs. Wm. Ryan is visiting in Owen Sound for a. few days. Miss Bea. McCracken is spending a. month with friends in Huntsville. Miss Allan, of Elora, spent a day in town last week. Miss Esther Wilkinson, of Varney, leaves shortly to take a position in the Sanitarium in Hebron, Maine. Miss Lawrence is engaged in a. school at Damascus and began duty this week. Mr. John Kelly was in Fergus on Monday. Mrs. Arthur ‘Vhitmore left; VVed- nesday to spend a few weeks at; Lis- towel and Stratford. and Bug Killer, go to '. - H. Allen DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. AUGUST 22. 19071 . of Brookholm,iv;;r:;z:és- laying 0f the Corner Stone PERSONA L . moved Monday i: nd Irene Smith, of 1 Saturday after of weeks with their '. and Mrs. Oliver a t. DURHAM R. B. Keeler 8: Sons With the crowd to the Store that gives you the Best Possible Value for every dollar spent with us. COME! COME! COME! COME! ’. China Tea. Sets, and Dinner Sets, everything that is New in Toilet Set§,tand the largest stock of odd pieces of china in Durham. We have just opened up a. large Stock of The largest Stock of choice Silver- ware that we have ever shown, con- sisting of Silver Tea Sets. Berry Dishes, Butter Dishes, Pickle Castors’, Salad Bowls and Servers, Bake Dishes, Card Receivers, Bread Trays, Cake Baskets, Bon Bon Dishes, Napkin Rings, Car- ving Sets, Pie Sets, Meat Sets, Berry Spoons, Meat Forks, Pie Servers“ Knives and Forks in Fancy Cases, Spoons, all sizes. \Ve have everything that is new in Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Pearl Brooches. Pearl Pins, Necklets, Lock- ets, Brz-Lclets, Gold ‘Vatches Chains, for the July Bride. ROBERT PETTY. Varuey P O. Ont. Administrac-m to the estate offlenry Petty, deceased LUCAS. WRIGHT McARQLE, Solicxton s tor the Admmistrator, And further take notice that after such last. mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties ent fled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anv person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution Daggd at Durham this 20th day of August. 1 7. suant to ” The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 chapter 129 that all c'reditors and others having: claims against the estate of the said Ilenry Petty. who died on or about the 22nd day of June 1007 are re- quired on or be‘ore the 21st day of Septem- ber 1907 to send by post prepaid or deliver to me, Robert l’etty. the Administrator to the estate of the said deceased. their Chris- tian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accxmnts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY PETTY, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF NORMANBY IN THE COUNTY OF GREY, EARMER, DECEASED. May yet Save Costs‘ The date for receiving subscription: from delin- quent subscribers closed on the 15th. We thank those who recponded to our re- quest. There are still many in arrears, and we are now making out the llets for our collectors who wlll be au- thorized to charge $1.50 a year. We do not with to incur cost: on anyone, and in order to give everybody a fair chance we will hold the lists until Saturday, 14th day of September. In the meantime we will accept a dollar a year. We are trying to be fair ,with all, but we want delinquents to pay up. W. IRWIN, Publisher, Durham, Ont. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVFN PUR Two Mammoth Stores Notice to Creditors. SOLID GOLD To Delinquent. J ap China -‘u‘ d.. H-â€"â€"â€"~... Darling’s Drug Store. Highest Price Paid for Produce J. 6,: J. HUNTER We want our stock reduced as quickly as possible, and to do this we are going to clear a very large line at So a. yard. Another line that must be cleared out.â€"Regular 25c to 50c. Your choice for 15c each. From money saving if you come no thisb “tum In every lme you will find money saving chances. “Progress Brand” Ladies’ Wash Collars and Belts Can’t Get Muslins, and Fancy Ginghams ‘ Our Stock is always complete and up-to-date. \Ve are still reducing thase goods. 30 pieces, Plain and Fancy, regular price 12; to ZOOâ€"t0 clear at 100 yard. THE BU8Y 87085 0” THE 8087 CORNER. Sole Agent for ngress Brand Clothing. Groceries Away \‘Tli 111“ thew in nit-v fine Liwln and Dark '1 weeds «Y \\ «11%: 11> “vullv W t1i1111110d “111111121111 In «11 f1u111:52..-31_11n\.‘.31m HE Boy who is fond of Games and Sport will wear out more clothes than the quiet reserved boy. Progress Brand clothing is not only made with a snap and style that gives a boy a manly appearance, but are Made From Good Strong Tweed, and will stand the wear and tear that a lively boy will give his clothing. drun’s Clothing including single and (inntile-breasted in 2 piecu and 3 piece suits. ‘ TE have :1 large stock ‘ of Boys‘ and Chilâ€" Boys” 3 pimrv Suits Black and Blue Sergv and Tweed Mixtures. fmm $3 to $43 9 ‘ 0 - w ‘ c ‘ Boys .2 [“000 Burinlk Suns in a great unit-2y of pat- terns from $245010 $1.50 $1.00 PER YEAR. Children’s Buster Brown Suits

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