West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Aug 1907, p. 5

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J. C. :TQI'OM. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER This store is noted for its high~class display of Wedding Presentsâ€"everythmg up to date. W. BLACK “1- 3le X X X X also any other quality you may wish for. \Ve sell the London and Diamond Brands, also (theilpt‘l‘ grades. as Happy Thought, Buck’s Pilot, Buck’s Hexo. so widely known the W01 1d OVBI. They sell thcuxseh es. Ask your neighbor about them. We sell the best manufactured such \Ve sell the Sherwin-“"illiams which all users know there is no equal f0 all purposes, as they say it; works nicer and spreads farther than any other paint they ever used. Known all over the country as the most reliable twine. Everything of the best manufac- ture is to be found in our establish- ment, which makes it easy to do business. Binder Twine Stoves and Ranges Charcoal Irons at a BARGAIN A FE W Grain Cradles Is very t‘ilSlly solved by commg mto \Vel.).stez-’s, while in town. EVERYTHING CONFI DEN'PYAL. August 22, 1907 GraMeware W'e sell the Plymouth Interfit at best In Ready-mixed BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Eamms JARVIS, Esq. ., - - President RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First V zceâ€"Heszdeni A. A. ALLAN, Esq., - - Second Vice-President MCMILLAN, HON. PETER MCLAREN, Tinware Wedding PAINT HEAD OFFICERâ€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: - v $3.0 In Stock General-Manager. The “Wedding Ring” Question In Remember our Silverware is made by the “Standard Silver company,” of Toronto, and we are authorized to replace Free of Ch;’u‘ge any piece that leaves this store that is not satisfactory. For the Bride. or Bridesnmid the fol] wing would make very suitable present-s: Solid 14kt. Creaentl’s, Solid Gold Locket’s Necklet's, also sm‘ue vm'v handsome). Rmmlmc 1‘00“?“ N NNr-‘klet'h‘. also smne very handsome Braclets. For the (Erroomsmzm Solid 14kt Pearl Stick Pin Or Cuff Links in plush or leather cases. Of course it is simply impossible for us to attempt to give a full account- of our large. display, the only way to satisfy yourself is to give us a, call. Savings Bank Department. “ DIAMOND HALL.” DURHAM amucu °’ current rates paid quarterly. W. K. MCNAUGHT, Esq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., KC. Picture F mmz’ug 072. 5/20/1351 notice. Funeral Director gFall Wheat .......... ESpring Wheat ........ ‘Oats Peas.... Pctatoes per bag. .. . .. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs ........... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... ’Wool ............... . Tallow .............. Lard ................ A. BELL UN DE RTAKER SHO\\' ROOMS~N9Xt to Swallows’ Barber Shop. Full line. of ( fathnlic Robes. and black and whito Cups for aged people. Asst. General-Manager. Embalming a Specialty $31000,000. Wheat .......... $ lg Wheat ........ y ............. . . . 14 3r ..... . ........ was per bag. .. . .. ' per cwt ........ 2 9211 per sack ..... ‘2 per cwt ........ 1 Hogs ........... DURHAM. August. Market Report. and Manager. OPTICIAN 2‘2. 1907 90 to 23 to :3 to 1:2 to 90 to 90 to 45 to H 13 to ~~ oz) to 00 to 11 18 to 15 to 85 to 20 to 00 to (-50 to (I) l H hfl Lfi 16 00 OHIO IO mover-ace:â€" OOCJIOICI U! 13 00 ' . ° , of Eugenia, is spending a couple of weeks with her Sister Mrs. R. Bentham, Mrs Andrew Wilson is visiting relatives at: New Mal-km: ma Ant-Ara Miss Myrtle Thurston Lions Head on Saturday her school duties. muss Jennie Wilson again took charge of Ceylon school on Monday- Mr. Geo. Mitchell received the bad news by‘ wire on Saturday, of the destruction by fire at Seaforth of the clothing factory of his brother-in- law, Mr. W. E. Sonthgote. Mr. Mit- chell left on the evening train for Miss Jennie Wilson charge of Ceylon school Miss Laura. Murphy; of Owen Sound, is visiting for a week wish Misses Mabel and Lily Boyd. Mr. Ed. Swift; of Toronto is spend~ ing this week with his family who are holidaying here. Mr. Charlie McTavish is home from Toronto for a week’s holiday. Mr. Bert Armstrong paid his mother a short visit on Friday last. Russell. of Port Huron, Mich, and Mrs. (Dr.) Henderson of Toronto. are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Black- burn this week. Mr. R Stephenson and daughter Muriel of Collingwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker Iasu Week, and Mrs. Alf. Cook and two children. of Collingwood are the guests of Mrs. Tucker this week. Miss Annie Lewis of Toronto, 13 visiting Mrs. (Dr) Murray. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. of Buffalo, is visiting her brother and sister Mr. D. McLeod and Mrs. Cairns on the wee: back line. Mrs. Palii~ ter of Detroit is visiting her sister Mrs. M. Ferguson. Dr. Murray is at Midland this week attending the I. O. F. High Court. Rev. L F Kipp was at Wiarton over Sunday supplying the Baptist pulpit there. Mr. Kipp’s pulpithere was supplied by his asisstanc Mr. L. H. Wilkes and at Rockvale by Mr. ‘71 --_, W. J. Mill, who with his tam“; leave this week for VVarkworth where Mr. Mill has secured a school. \Vell drillers Operating Mr. Jack- son's outfit from Markdale drilled at the Park House here and at Mr. Barry Piper’s near Ceylon, last week. A good supply of water was secured at. both places at: 40 and 90 feet. re- Speccively. Mr. Piper is having a windmill erected to do his pumping. Mr. Fred Brown is having his large barn reshingled. 'l'he campers returned last week frem the Holland lakes after having had a very enjoyable holiday. The Shirley M. which was brought safely home added much to the pleasure of the party. Our public school Opened on Mon- day with anew staff of teachers as followszâ€"Mr. \V. Heath of Delaware, principal, Miss Kane, 0! Gorrie, and Miss Young. of Alton, assistants, the former taking the primary and the latter the intermediate work. Mr. Heath, Normalled with Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Mansel former principals of the school here. Flesherton Band assisted Markdale Band at. a successful promenade con- cern on Thursday evening last. Mr. W. A. Armstrong had a fine awning put up last week on the front of his jewelery store. The Methodist Sunday School and Mission Band picnicked together in the Park on Thursday afternoon last and an enjoyable time was spent eSpecially by the juveniles for whom the outing was mosnly given. A garden party given by the Pres- byterian Ladies’ Aid on the Agricub tural grounds on Tuesday evening of last week was very successful, the proceeds being over $80.00. In a base-ball match between the Flesher- ton and Markdale clubs for a silver cup the home team suffered severe defeat, the score being 15 co 5. The Band was in attendance and the large crowd enjoyed the libeial supply of music given. i A school section dispute, upon, ! which much interest has centered for ‘some time, over the formation of a proposed new union school section affecting mostly Portlaw section, Artemesia. and the adjoining section in Osprey came up for settlement by arbitration in the town hall here on Thursday afternoon last when a large number were present. The arbitra tors appointed by Grey County Council were R. J. Ball, Reeve of Hanover, and W’. J. Bellamy and Thos. Scott, clerks respectively of Artemesia and Osprey. After hear- ing much evidence the decision of the arbitrators was against the for- mation of the proposed new section and that the old sections remain as they are. ' Mr. Francis Shier. near Portlaw, sufl'ered a heavy 1055 last week by the destruction at noon on Wednes- ; day of his barn and contents by fire fwhich started from ashes thrown out by one of the children. The building was a log one but served the needs of the farm. A waggon. eight loads of hay. eight pigs. harness and a quantity of last years oats and barley were consumed with the building upon which there was no insurance, the policy having expired only a short time ago. The house nearby was several times on fire and it was with difficulty neighbors who hurried toi the scene saved it from destruction. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Shier who were away from home when the fire occurred have the sympathy of the entire community in their loss. Flesherton Wllson '13 visntmg Market and Aurora. returned to to resume v '13 : THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars. write ARTHUR H. JACKSON, Assignee, Durham, Ont. l- by the undersigned until noon Friday, September 6th, 1907, for the assets of The Farmers’ Manufacturing Supply 00., Limited, Durham, 0n- tario, Buildmg, Machinery, Stock c., in block, or separately. First class opportunity for manufacturing indus. try. Good railroad facilities. {HENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED " Say, who is that lassie over there ?” said one. " Oh, that’s Miss Mary Pritcbard from Vandeleur.” answered his mate.” Hanged nice- looking girl,” returned number one. Miss Pritchard was the guest of Miss Myrtle Hunt until Saturday. “ I’ve met: my destiny to-night 1” said a badly enamored youth as he pulled down the back cover of the buggy top. " G. E. Arrowsmlth is the best looking married man on the grounds,” admiringly whispered a fair one, who has her eye on his son. “Miss Ethel Limin has grown so handsome that behanged ifIknew her,” muttered a mlddle aged chap. “Hi ho ! I am afraid, Too many lovers will puzzle a maid.” dolefully bummed a fellow whose jib-boom hung glum. Rambling remarks overheard by the Scribe: r During the thunderstorm of Friday 3, lasr, lightning struck the barn of W. 5 L. Falkingham at the Falls. splinter- . ed a board or so and set fire to some [ hay- Betore It broke into flames his I bright boy. Willie, and acomrade put out the smouldering fire with a pail [ of water. Mr. Falkingham, who was ‘ fixing fence some distance away i received quite a shock. The Garden Party held by Zionites ' on Wednesday evening of last week at the home-of Mr. and Mrs Thos. E. Blair. was the most successful one in ' the history oi the church. The pro- ceeds from gate and tent amounted to over $75. The evening was beau- tiful, though somewhat cool; there was eatables enough to give everv. body present two suppers and the grounds were brilliantly lighted. The pregram was just about right length and a spicy one Rev. Mr. Jamieson makes an ideal chairmanâ€" witty. tactful and most entertaining. Mrs. Jamieson has a winning personâ€" ality and made a happy time for those around her. Rev. \Vray R. Smith received a meet enthusiascic greeting and his address was most humorously worded. Mrs. Smith 1 got a warm Welcome from both 1 [young and old Mr. Midford made his first appearance before a Zion crowd and his two solos were render- ed with the ease and power of a mus ical master. Miss Ethel Limin play- ed the accompaniment for him. Duets were sweetly given by Misses Olive Cook and Stella Jack. Miss Florence and MaSter Percy Hunt and Jennie Cook and Edna McNally. The musical selection by Mrs. John 0. Greenwood and Mr. Thos E. Blair was considered to be one of the best numbers on the list. Mr. Jackson, girom Brampton, had a new chapel organ there and gave two songs full of fun and jollity. Mr. J. is a musi- ‘ cian of high ability. Bis organ is on trial in the church at present. Miss Stella Jack’s recitation was one of the best she has given us yet. Mr. and Mrs. Blair were most attentive to the comfort of all and the Leaguers feel deeply indebted to them for their kindness. Will Jack assisted by Ernie Cook and others did a big trade at the booth selling everything off early. . l Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are Spend- ing a happy time among the old friends around Zion. Mr. Cameron McIntosh was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Green- wood the first of the week. Half of the farmers in this vicinity began oat harvest on Monday. Masters Fred Karetedt, Charlie Bellamy, Frank VanDusen Oshwell Whitten Albert. Richardson, \Villie Crosh‘ley, Fred Sullivan and Kendall and Haxold Mitchell are on a holiday camping at Ewarcs lake. Mr. and Mrs Frank Turner. of Corbetton Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hi2 gins of Dundalk and Mr. T. R. Turner of Berkeley Spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Sharpe’s. Mrs. Frank VanDusen and children of Dundalk, are visiting Mrs. A. S. VanDusen this week. _ Mrs. Spence and daughter Clara. who have been on an extended visit with the formers sister Mrs. Robt. Best and other friends' returned to their home in Toronto on Monday . Miss Agnew of Owen Sound, visit ed the Misses. Munshaw last week. Mr. Joe. Mueller left on Monday for his home at Montclair, N. J.. after spendinga month’s holiday with his family eummering here. Mrs. Howard and Miss Jennie Bunt, of Toronto are visiting their brather Mr. W. H. Bunt. Mrs. 108. Taylor and son of Sing- hampton and Mrs. Milligan of Tor- onto paid Mr. and Mrs. Bentham and other relatives here a visit on Satur- day. of his loss. For Sale. 'l raverston. We carry a. full line of all kinds of Furniturezvarying in prices accord- ing to quality, Call and examine our Goods and they will speak for themselves. If you want ‘Vindow Shades, or Curtain Poles of any kind or length, Pictures etc., see our assortment. Lenahan 5:. McIntosh National Portland Cement always kept; in stock. Coal Oil. Machine Oil, Separator Oil. Lmseed Oil, etc., in abundance. and of the very BEST QUALITY Our supply is nearly used up, we have sufficient tn do \Ve have at Call and examine them! they will “’9 are also agents for the McCleu-y’s l a the leaders being: the ‘ crate it. :m does not require Burns (20211 or \Vood and gives Perfect; Satisfac- tion with either. Being simple in construction it expert to op- n A few doors south of the Middaugh House. If you intend putting in a Furnace, call and sec ours See our PICTURE FRAMING PROM PTLY DONE all times a. full line of Shelf Hardware, G mnitcwmv. Tin- Ware, Forks, Spades, Shovels etc. assortment of harvest and threshers GrLO VHS FURNiTURE “PANDORA” Hardware McCleu-y’s line of Famous Stoves :uunng being the well known stand inspection at any time ture, which will insure their dur- ability. Nothing but the Best: Cast; Iron and COM Rolled Steel Plate, zmd the Best \Vurk- manship are used in their manufac- our customers. ififlfl

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