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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Aug 1907, p. 7

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“Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and every- thing that they could do seemed in vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gene we began using Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours he be- . gun to improve. Today he is as healthy a child as parents could wish for."â€"Mas. B. J. Jonus'rox, Linton, Mile. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. DEN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders may be left at his Implement Wareropms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chromcle Ofiice. ILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and singmg, Studio at Mr. Latimor’s Uppertown. Feb tf. .D ()fice over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. D veyancers, Etc. Money to' Loan. Oflicesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY, K. C. W. F. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. . Dentistry in all its Branches. Oficecâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofice Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. U York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"Iâ€"G p.111. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic H03. 3112;, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. l. fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. 111. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. m.. 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice Nov. 9, ’03. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock - vâ€"vâ€"u All advér'tiaoniénh" to ensure insertion in current week. should be brought m not later than TUESDAY morning- cards. not exceedingI one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements wit out specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordin 1y. Transient noticesâ€"“Lost," ‘zFonnd," “For e,” etc,--50 cents for first insertion, 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid for in advance. Contract rates for yearly advertisements fur- nished on application to the office. . . is completely stocked with all £118 J01) ' . ’E‘V TYPE. thus afiording fac- apartment xliti‘es for turning out First-c1383 The Job .. . iéusgwifisly 3‘091‘89 _,';V.ith 3" bacri ' Tn Cnnomcu: will be sent to an thOn any address. free of postage, for m . ' $1 OOper year, payable inadvance -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription is pad is denoted by the number on the address label. No paper die- continued to all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. team"): For transient advemeementa 8 Adv cents per line for the first inser~ tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent. ineertiont-nfinion meaenre, Professional IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE MacKay Dunn. rARRISTERS,_SOLI_QITORS, 901v. l. P, Telford. ARBISTEL, LSQLICITOR: Eire. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. A. H. Jackson. cum PUBLIC, COMMISSION- Drs. Jamieson . Maclaurin. J. B. Hutton, M. 0., DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. _RADULA_TE_ of London, Now DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) berlain’e Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy, Better Than Three Doctors. DURHAM, ONT Office: 13, Frost 81).. Owen Sound. 680. H. K. Midford EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. August 22, 1907 Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz'rectorv. Medical Dz’rea‘orv. Miscellaneous. Legal ‘Dz'rectorv. W. IRWIN DR. BURT. work. I never seen 'the bent The way them tellers kin sit down There’s pecks sn’ pecks o’ pickled beets. Potato sslsd too. There’s cherry pies sn’ cookies, jns’ A-stsrin strsight at you. I’d like to git down cellar now. Away from All the host, I’d sit in there fer half a. day An’ est, sn’ est, sn’ est. Both Mew sn’ sister Emeline Hes cooked for days sn’ days. The threshers ’ll be here to night, _ They hev sich hungry ways ’Ag we’ll hsrdlyhsve enough. OUR cellar’s full as it kin be ’Ith eatahles. Ther’s ham. An’ beef, an’ chicken heedcheese, an’ A great big leg 0’ lamb, A feller’s mouth jis’ waters when He sees sich piles 0’ meat. I wish’t ’at I could go down there An’ eat, an’ eat, an’ eat. There is a dozen lemon pies ’Ith yaller cream on top, An’ twenty-seven jelly cakes, l’m jis’ as mad as hep ’Cause mother sez I got to wait. By jinx, it would be sweet To git inside that cellar, an’ J us’ eat. an’ eat. an’ eat. They are in the air everywhere, too minute to see, but just waiting for a chance to get into your lungs. Then they will play havoc with your breathing apparatus, and you’ll won- der what to do. The doctor will say you had better in bale Catarrhozone for it kills Hay Fever germs and moreover is dead certain to reach them. Catarrhozone cures every time, and absolutely prevents :the disease from returning. You inhale Catarrhozone with the air breathed: it goes directly to the source of the trouble and cures it by removing the cause. At druggists, or sent with guarantee of cure, to any address for $1.00 forwarded to Polson 00.. Kingston, Ont. ‘ Ottawa. Ang. 17.â€"According to advices received by Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, Government engineer of Grand Trunk Pacific construction in the West, rails have now been laid to a point 120 miles west of Portage la Prairie. The line will be completed to Saskatoon, 465 miles west of Win- nipeg. by the time the snow flies. Divisional points are being placed at intervals of 120 miles and the road will be in shape to carry wheat to Winnipeg at least by the late au- tumn. Hay Fever Germs are Now Floating About. It is expected that work will be com- menced on the Winnipeg terminals without delay. The G. ’1‘. R. Will Be Ready to Carry Wheat to Winnipeg Late in the Fall. I will mail you free. to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia. The Heart or The Kid- neys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. are merely symp- toms of a deeper ailment. Don’t make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treat ment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the ’cause. Weak stomach nervesâ€"the inside nerves- mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well, ;have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. ShOOp’s'“ Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the “inside nerves.” Also for bloat- ing, biliousness, bad breath or com- plexion use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative sold by MacFarlane 81: Co. Mrs. Shelton and her daughter were well thought of by the neigh- bors. who are unable to account for the eIOpement. except to say that Shelton was a “tightwad.” They took no money with them, except the proceeds from the sale of a basket of butter and eggs. Shelton reported the matter to the police to-day, and asked that some- thing be done to locate the runaways. It was ascertained that Mrs. Shelton and her daughter. who is 18 years of age. took a boat on Friday afternoon for Detroit. in the company of a man who wore on the occasion a fine bunch of black whiskers. Whether the whiskers were faked is not known. The man is supposed to be the finance of the younger woman. Bruce County 'Farmer Find: This Grim Note Upon the Table. I Kincardine, Aug. 12.--â€"When J. Shelton, a respectable butclose-fisted granger, of Armow, six miles from Kincardine, returned to his house on‘ Friday morning, after being out in the fields only half an hour he found a note pinned to the table cloth : “We have gone for good.” Shelton’s wife, Martha Ann, and his daughter, Nora Ellen, had left the house and farm, taking with them a couple of grips packed with clothes. FOR THIS YEAR’S CROP. A Time of Plenty. One of the most interesting com- petitions in the horse classes at the Canadian National Exhibition will be for the King Edward Hotel cup, which is ofiered for the best horse not over 15.2 in the runabout class. Another specially interesting com- petition in this section will be for a string of ten horses owned by one exhibitor, for which prizes of $100 and 850 are to be given to the first and second strings. All druggists should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price $1.00 and every package is sold with the distinct undersmnding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’e Hyomei Company. Buffalo. N. Y. We do not want anvone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. By 0 mei really gives you a health giving climate in your own home so that when you breathe its medicated air. your nose, throat and lungs will be filled with air like that on the mountains high above the sea level where grown balsamic trees and plants, which purify the air with their volatile antiseptic fragrance so healing to the respiratory organs. We give our personal guarantee with every dollar outfit of Hyomei sold, to refund the money unless it gives satisfaction. We take all the risk of cure, and no reader of the Chronicle can aflord to suEer longer with catarrh when an offer like this is made. With every Hy-o-mei outfit is a. neat pocket inhaler, and Hy o-mei breathed through this inhaler reaches the most remote air cells of the nose. throat and lungs, destroying all oa- tarrhal germs, and soothing and healing the irritated mucous mem- brane. “ 0â€"â€" ”LD " 1â€"â€" mccam, means an mam nous: tummMu-a marsh. will In! a who“ “Coon- If there is any doubt in your mind as to the power of Hy o~mei, the medicated air treatment, to cure all catarrhal troubles, this remarkable ofier should expel that doubt. To Prove That Hyomei Will Cure Catarrh. Every Reader of the Chron- icle Can Have Special Guarantee. R. agent is well posted and will be glad to give anyone full infor- mation. C. P. R. Runs $12 Excursions , to Winnipeg. i Upwards of 20.000 men are wanted iin Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta to assist in harvesting. and to lmeet the demand to some extent the Canadian Pacific ha arranged to run low rate farm laborers’ excursions. Leaving dates are Aug 27, 30 and Sept. 4. (Advertisement in another column gives territory and further particulars.) From all Ontario sta tions one-way tickets will be sold to Winnipeg at $12. Men are engaged at Winnipeg and are given free tick- ets to points where help is needed east of Moose Jaw. After working at least thirty days and having the employing farmer certify to the fact. a ticket back to original scarring point is issued on payment of $18 This is a Splendid opportunity to see the golden west and to make some- t_hi_n_g more than expenses. Local C HARVEST HELP WANTED WEST FOR OUR READERS. A Great Horse Exhibit. FINEST OF THE WORLD’S BANDS MAGNIFICENT BATTLE SPECTACLE UNRIVALLED ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES $400,000 In New Bulldlnds $400,000 In Premiums $43,000 In Premiums $40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000 1907 CANADIAN NATIONAL » EXHIBITION TORONTO Audust 26th to September 9th Ono pack“ has actually killed a buohol of “I... THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Pam collecting "' Agnew 7' 11;; 7J5. An Three automobiles plying up and down Durham street on Tuesday gave Walkerton a rather citlfied look. The old town in fact takes to city ways like a duck to anorphant chick. All we need is a slight increase in pepulation and we can readily be palmed 03 as an urban municipality. Two or three automobiles make a greater stir on the front street than a quiet citizen likes to think about. Especially is this the case when sev- eral horses are tied along the route where the autos pass. The news- paper men always lock for a few runa aways when the autos commence to scorch and they are rarely disappoint- ed. An auto is the beat instigator of news a paper has, and many a hair. rising item can trace its source back to {reckless abdom- horu.-Bruu Times. JOKE ON THE EDITOR.-â€"Stratford Herald :â€"â€"Newspaper readers are ia- milar with the story or the visiting preacher, who, among the announce- ments read a sympathetic one about the aflliction that had befallen a leading member of the congregation in the death of his wife, whose iu- neral was impending. The preacher could not underscand the levity that pervaded the congregation until he llearned at the close of the servicei that he had read a year-old announc- 1 ment which by queer chance still lingered on the preacher’s desk. and lthat the bereaved husband had been ; present in the congregation with his |second bride. An almost parallel case has just turned up in Berlin, only it is a newspaper, the Telegraph which has been victimized. Some- body got the Telegraph to print the particulars of the sudden death of the wife of F. G. Gardiner. the edi- tion being no sooner 05 the press than the amazed editor learned that the item was an account of the sud- den death of the citizen’s first wife twelve years ago. The Telegraph had to say it was delighted that the present Mrs. Gardiner did not sufier an untimely death, and it apologized for the ”very regrettable character” of its mistake. We~would wager, however, that Berlin citizens dis- played levity similar to that of the congregation in the other story. Mr James C. Widdifield. a former Pictonian, son of Judge and Mrs. C. H. Widdigeld, of Owen Sound. had a thrilling experience. while mountain climbing in the Alps, Switzerland. In a letter just received from Zurich, Switzerland. he vividly describes the fascinating vet dange -us, undertak ing of climbing the Alps, and of crossing a glacier Where the icy sur face covered H 000 acres. Aside from the danger in the mountaineering, Mr. VViddifield had an eXperlence long to be remembered and one un dertaken by few, if any, tourists. At least he and his travelling friend. lthe Rev C. B. Kenrick, of Toronto, twere the first English-speaking ‘peOple to run the risk. A company was building a sort of elevator rail- way up the side of Mount VVetter- horn, and was using a packing case, suspended from cables for conveying building material to the upper sta- tion, The guides suggested we should come down in this instead of by the path. which would take one and a half hours. while the packingl case could make it in half an hour, continues Mr. Widdifield. “It was aterrible feeling to be in that box, 1,700 feet above the ground and swaying around like a balloon.”-â€"â€" Meaford Mirror. One dav lust Week contractor D. SCM'in. sent a gang of men and about $350 worth of material from Wiarton on the tug Esperanza to Cape Croker where he has: the contract of the In- dian R, C. church. Mr. Stevie. gave instructions to his men to unload the buiiding material the same mght they arrived The tug got to Cape Croker dock at ten p m., and though the captain promsted againsr. the folly of unlmdim: the tug solute at night. th‘1 Carpenters carried out. theirorders and it ' as VGIV fortunate they did. for fifteen minutes after the boat was unloaded it was in flames and was burned to the watel ’e edge â€"-Chesle3 Enterprise THRILLING EXPERIENCE. I. O. ORR. Mm”! and Secremy, A CLOSE CALL. Cay Hm. TORONTO 1907 lien Rule by Farce, Wome by Charm. For the good of those suffering with eczema or other such trouble, I wish to say, my wife had something of bat kind and after usmg the doc- tors’ remedies for some time con- cluded to try Chamberlain’s Salve., and it proved to be better than any- thing she hes tried. For sale at I’uker’s Drug Store. Angling has ever been the pastime 3 of men of sedate and contemplative , mind. A man can angle when he' can’t wrangle. This idea struck the , thought box of one of our retrospec : tive citizens on Monday. and he said : " By Jove. I’ll go fishing.” He used. to go fishin’ when he was a kidi Seeking a companionable man they: hiked down to Bambridge's Creek and i this is what happengd according to' Abe’s truthful hired man. They bor-r rowed two shovels and dug up six worms in the afternoon. then the)" had tea with a sympathetic farmer; after supper the hero assayed to catch a trout, and the hired man hooked one and let the visitor pull it out. Being bound to observe the law the amateur firherman decided to measure the fish, although to him it‘ looked to be 14 feet long. So he put his two thumbs together which he al~ ways cunsidered would measure an inch and scaled the trout and found it was quarter of an inch short. Sor- rowfully and dejectedly he turned! the dead trout to the water His; adventure cosc him a pair of patent leather boots. a business suit of clothes, a rod and tackle which he~ cast away and a laundry bill. On his} way home he bought. six chubs from an urchin for 50 cents. The exploit just cost him $13.80. He threatens to appeal the case.â€"â€"Harriston Re-l view. l Ami yet because 2hr. live less strenuously. women neg H's the early evidences of falling Vigur. The wise woman’wilt no: permi‘ '7' tr charms to be robbed by ill hu'n When she feels appetite is: we, nerves getting on edge. colo' fading she takes Ferrozone. Hm tn sharpens the appetite! How H .ickly rich blood is available to restore color to the cheeks. buoyancy to the step. Better try Ferrozone. You’ll feel like a new being. with new vigor and ability to confront life's difliculciee You are sure to bless the day you commenced Ferrozone. Sold every- wherein 500 boxes Now for Don’t delay. Get free a a1 « . BUIII'IOSI Ct 0,110 at. once Best College. beat College terms, best results L. A. FARQUBARSON, B.A., British Canadian 13.0.. 796. Yonge St., Toronto. Eczema. music. Songs, waltzcs I BEG LEAVE TO IN FORM MY CUB- I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL DRILLusG, RE-CUBBXNG AND PREssccamxc done thh Cement concrete. [5" ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan‘a Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” Pawns. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylon Tea, “wk and mixed at 250.. 300.. and We. a 11. Pure Canadian Honey in 250. Jars. New music received each week. See our ladies’ fancy collars at 25c eachâ€"Bargains. See 0 new Prints and Dress Gmg ams. FlfiANIFEIfET'gEBLAfVKETSâ€"Larqc 2 vds. wide, 25¢. a. squar‘e sad-(1i SMYRNA RUGSâ€"30x61) inches 11-4 size in white and gray. $51.30;): L‘QOQR QI‘LQ‘I50THâ€"l yd.. l_.‘_. yds. Table Linen 54 inches wide. 25c 5‘ R0 ‘1 ‘s 6‘ . l_| , ,, _ __ â€"â€"â€"v-v“‘b ‘0‘ $1.00 each. Laflies’ white lawn underskix‘ts 1.8016 lumen 04 inches wide. 25c a yard u c 68 u u 500 u Bleached Table Linen54 04inches wide 0)? Ladles’ blitck sateen underskirts A‘ An W. H. BEAN 2 Yards lo‘ng, 3‘3 inches wide, L5c. y)! AI Pumps. Percv G. H. webster 0‘ ‘6 SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 mm Per flow l have placed in stock a fine line of late ‘6 LACE CURTAINS. CALDER BLOCK! GEORGE WHITMORE. and two=$teps 6‘ 6‘ ‘6 6‘ ‘6 6‘ $1.00 70c. ‘6 66 6‘

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