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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Aug 1907, p. 8

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'i'x 5 m I; any ,--x u. â€" “$23 i THE BIG STORE ! I'nH Til“ “imperial” shoe is the kind that combines ;: En». Comfort, Style and I‘uralfilit)’. We have also n 1 .- â€" . - ‘ - -. " ~ ~ g un'g‘n awaitimmlt (>1 Pnhmts. kids, Dmlgnlas and H (fn'nvzls Shims. L Fresh Groceries always on hand. he preserving season is now in and it would be we}! to get our prices for sugar. p1; « e Hvre the working man can be furnished with ()wmlls. SDIOC‘kS, Working Shirts. Pants, and the must sutisfzwtm‘y Shvws a. working man can wear. We carry a! full line of everything a, man wears. and ; this department of our Store is always a. busy If you have adesire to save money on clothing now is your chance. Our fall clothino will be on hand shortly and we need the room and the money invested in the present stock, so its to your advantage to buy now. Almxdy the New full styles of materials are in stock, and Hwy sm- m reasonable in price, so exquisite in pattern. and so rich in appearance. Piaiu Satin (Ilntfihs, Venetians, Broadcloths, Tartans. Fluids. 'l‘nfi'ett'n (-‘lnflls and Kllantanas are the new vinths fur in“. giiSS Torrey, (1111' (h‘uSSinnk 11 iS holidayino‘ ti is month but \1 ill 111-111111113'f111 business the fimt \xeek in Se‘})te]111)(?‘1,81111i anyone securing ti1110110dSh¢1111111111111112111311101111111111S “i111 US to 112-1319 first (3112111011 “111,111 H111 luxmmkmn s’m’fi arrix es. 111 011 are 0111) 5110111111 11111101111111 111111111 1'11111' 1811 1111988 13011111 111 land 81111 11111 8111111111111. We 1111113111 in showing Them. 11 11 111111111 111111 11111 to 0011111111 and look at them 1111911111 11111 11111 111' 111.11. Binder Twine, Machine Oil and Harvest Tools are the articles most required at the present time. Our stock is complete and reliable. Never such Suit Values for Men and Boys ’ hm» 2L rioh and rare 218$”?mele of whih‘ and colorw'l Kilnslins, as well fork of Lawns and Linens. Alex. Russell New Fa” Dress Goods Men’s Furnishings Shoes for Everybody We want your butter and eggs ROBERT ‘ Dressmaking HARDWARE The People’s Store Foam the Ladies’ H/jg'lzuxf 7317213 for Buffer and Eggs. Many are wearing our ready-made-suits which can- not be distinguished from tailor made in many cases. The Material is just as good the Styles are perfect. The only difference is in the cost which ranges from five to ten or fifteen dollars less than made-to-order suits of the same kind of material. “A penny saved is a penny earned” and you can always save money by wearing our high-class, perfect fitting Ready-mades. MO<E >G<mm 02â€"..L._n_ humanâ€"flunâ€" mwjuulmzl In August 1905 the bright prospects of the Farmers’ M’f’g Supply Co.. of Durham, were brought very forc- ably before the farmers of this place by two representatives of that Co. l‘hese gentlemen first canvassed the moneyed men of this village and in some cases it is alleged that they gave $20.00 shares in order to have their names placed on the stock lists of the Company. In this way the farmers proved an easy mark for the adventurer who reaped a bountiful harvest. In the writers case the Company was most wrong- fully represented. two years having passed since we subscribed and paid for stock in this concern and up to the present time have received no rePort from the Compeny. Now, Mr. Editor, as shareholders of this concern have we not a perfect right to demand an eXplanation of where the good old farmers' money went or In other words Government inspection 0f the Company. ' The Dornoch 1.0. 1“ members will have a grand church parade early in September Dr. J. L. Smith is in Midland at present representing Court Bannock- burn No 1265 I. O F. at- the meeting of the Supreme Court being held there this Week. The Dr. is a strong advocater of the Order and will re- port the meeting new in session at the next monthly meeting. A fandango in the western suburbs one night recently was attended with an unusual amount of fun. \Vhile some of the boys were going a fine round bout. Hays who had control of the midnight flyer collided with trol- ley waggon and sent Becker to the fence. A load of Owen Sound friends spent; Sunday at. the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. 1.1m; m5} 2.1333151: gt 806};_sfi;lfo}: chard. For further partlculars apply to Mrs. Wm. Britton. Durham. Last week we had the pleasure to meet the Corner Gander. The dry summer seems to have ruffled the feathers on that noble bird. but still seems to be in as good fighting shape as in the early days of the Chronicle Menagerie. The Misses Vasey, of Toronto, are at present visiting at the old home here. Mr. Jas. Vasey was in Owen Sound last week. Forest fires are raging at present. The Misses Corletc, of Chicago, who were visiting here, returned home last week. N DURHAM, CORNER OF SAD. (1191‘ and Kincardine. rough cast house. gtalgle with 33999 Magenta half we of Ers.7Wu:. "Brittonf Ang‘. 20 6w, Property for Sale. Dornoch. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE l Miss Kate Allan returned from {Toronto last. Thursday in the best. of lhealth and spirits ‘co enjoy a few 2,. weeks holidays with her numerous TTriende. Miss Bella. McLaughlan returned from Chesley hat Thureday looking as though the last part. of her visit, had been much more pleasant than the commencement. Miss Shelton, of Pike Lake, visited the Gordon family laSt geek. Mr. Hattel and Miss Maggiw Queen of Woodland, were guest-3 of the lat- ter’s sister on Sunday. The Varney Baseball Team lune been practising hard and doing every thing to put themselves :11 shape f. r the return game with our hmu who went over last Thursdav night With fear and trembling. but the score at the finish stood 10-9 in favor of our team, and as they are b0th made up of S. 8. workers it was a surprise to our folks to hear Varney wanted to put up a bet for another test. .Bet tingis quite in keeping with them way of playing as it usually ,5 es with games of chance. and baseball with Varney is all a game of chance. as they play just as Well after dark‘ as they do 1n daylight. in [set better: for they made six runs on their in- nings after dark and only three in all the rest. They didn’t in reality offer to put up the money so their betting was of the simpleSt kind. Some eminent writers maintain that effort 18 really what counts either for our good or sorrow success counts nothing. A belief of that sort must be a great consolation now to the Varney ream. Mr. Mountain ref- ereed the game and gave good satis- faction. Varney team gave a goon example of how immediate reward may lullow acts of courtesy and kind- ness, for though they won the first innings in the choose up they con- ceded it to the visitors as an act of courtesy, and in place of walking Straight to the ball grounds at the .appointed time When our team ar- rived they spent three quarters of _an. hour in giving them a hearty welcome and that threw the game into the night. As our team has won each game there will be 110 chance of having them back to play the rubber, but; we may lla'v'e a game With Holscezn and have them over to icarry drinking water for the two con- IteStll'lg teams .11va IIIva â€"vâ€"- seeing the marked success of this neighborhood after spending four years teaching the boys and girls who are now the young men and women. Mr. Wm. Chapman. of Mr. Forest, was up to see the laying of the cor- ner stone and visit relatives. He still has a warm spot in his heart for the neighborhood where he was born and raised. v. Oar teacher. Miss AlJoe, resumed her school dpties on ‘Mondsy after her well earned holiday which we trust she spent pleasantly. A concert. is to be held in the School House this Monday night to eat up the fragments of the Friday dinner. An impromptu program will be given. Our public gatherings give appor- tnnity for people to prove their hon- esty as some one lose: their wallet on each occasion. Mrs. Crittenden found one on Friday night and hand- ed it over to‘the owner. Mr. Geo. Pollock returned home from Port Arthur last Week and re- ports work tether scarce there. Your Traverstou man says that. the people from his part had a buster of a time at. the tea cable at the I. O. F. picnic and they certainly had a chance for a blow-Gun as the crowd from this part was not eating as hearty as usual that night. The fel- low whu was cutting the cakes was making a praclice of Wlplllg the knife across the back of his pant. leg in‘ place of on his coat; slees e, and our people did not ear. with much relieh on account. of it. Tue l‘ravezston people didn’t, seem to mind it, any. W. K. Reid was present in the School House on Sunday to hear Rev. T. Farr who ofliciated in place of Rev.- Bice It muSt have been gratfying to W. K. to see an old pupil of his making such a success of life. He must also have felt a satisfaction in The laying of the corner stone of the new church was a great success. We will leave it to the Editor of the Chronicle who was present to say if it was not, and for our part merely ‘thank all who contributed towards its success or otherwise on behalf of our people. Collection at church $75 gate 378. Mrs. Wm. Marshall was in Fergus last week with her sister, Miss JeSsie McVein who underwent an operation in the hospital for a tumor on Friday. Miss McVein has the heart felt wishes of her numerous acquaintances for a Speedy recovery. Mr. Jae. Kerr had a lively time one day lasc week fighting fire and had many of his neighbors helping him. It. ran over Stubble fields with considerable speed. Miss Edith Allan had a quilting bee since we last wrote. She had all the ladies of the countryside present. Both Jim Eden ani John Grasby are of the opinion that. this is jusc about as good a place as the average run. again. We congratulate Maszer Tom Allan on his high Standing in the Junior Leaving examination, and trust. that the medal may be his when it. is de. termined to whom it belongs. Mrs. John Chapman, of Markdale, Spent a part of last week with her mother and other friends, and was in attendance at the laying of the cor- ner stone. Corner Concerns. We welcome them both back Mr. Chas. Lawrence has returned to Greemore af'er spending the past three or four wneks with his parents. Miss McLeod of Priceville arrived here Mondav morning to commence he. school duties. Mrs Wall 05 Shallow Lake is the guess of Mrs. W. Falkingham at. present Mrs. John Bailey spent Sunday last with friends in town. A Mrs. Whitmore also Mrs. Caldwell Of ”What; called cn Mrs MUCulloch Sr. one day last week Mr. Chas. Reay and Migs Adeline Reay spent Sunday before last with friends in Durham. Mr; Frank Vickem of Toronto, vis- ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Vickers. Miss D. Brigham and Miss S Park. ofiAllan Park were guGSLS of Miss Mary Vickers recently. Mr. and Mrs. Muuhew Campbell of Hutton Hill visited the latter’s sister Mrs. T. H. Lawrence one even- ing of last week. Mrs David Adlam is very ill at, present Hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching. painful. protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large nickeLcapped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by MacFarlane 85 Co. Mrs. Robt. Smith and children, of Durham are visiting in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs H. \V, Hunt azd Miss Berta Cuff visited friends at Allan Park Sunday Mr. Eddie Vickers had the misfor tune to get two of hm fingers badly bruised in a rcpe. Mr, James Atkinson and daughter Bessie of Edge Hill. spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs John Lawrence Sr. We congratulate Mr. Wes. Arnott on having secured the position of foreman over the drudg» an thé lake. Mr. Soddard the foreman “its moved to Hanovw' and H \VUl'kiug in con nection With the cement plant :lmre Mr. Jamés Ritchie, of town went Sunday with old acquainvauc-s out this Way. “76 are all busy harvesting now, Mr. Editor, and haven’t much time to write. Misses Alice Lindsay and Florence Morton of Toronto Spent a couple of weeks visititg the Brown family and other friends here. Misses Laura and Josephine Griffin of Toronto are visitihg their cousin’s the Watsons and other friends in this neighborhood. Nearly every one likes a fine hair 'dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or' from splitting at the ends. Som-thing, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regula .- hair-food. Well-fedhair will be sstrong,and will remain where i; belongs- on thohead, not on the comb! Miss Maud Whitmore returned to the city on Tuesday. She was ac- companied by her siscer Kate who will also try city life for a Spell. All accounts must: be paid by the 15th of August. MISS DICK Durham These Hats are Bargains, as they are all made from the best material. We are confident we are giving Bargains by the number of sales made. We want to sell every Eat in the store by the l5thof August. and ofier them at a remarkable low price. We still a. number of trimmed Haps we want to dispose of by The best kind of a te: timetablâ€" “80121 tor over “my years.” A Hair Dressing Aug. 1 5th 8.71;!) J. O. ”or 00.. W Ag» Manors of Spring Bank. SALE Vickers. id-summer illinery . :i- 9.1522 99:..WI. an... Ontario ‘ Purity ’ Spices flarling’s DRUG STORE Preserving Season Darling’s LA. S. Hunter " DURHAM Oil, Turpentine, White Lead, Putty and Glass, Martin-Senour Paints. tings, Bolts, Builders Tools, Trace Chains, Ice Cream Freezers, Stoves and Furnaces Cistern Pumps, Lawn Mowers, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Sperm Oil, Pulp Oil, Raw and Boiled Linseed AT ' OU will always find our stock complete and up-to-dntv in Pitch Forks, Binding Gloves, Hay Rakes, Hay-Fork Rope, Trip Rope, Belt Laces, Garden Hose and Fit- We pay highest prices for Eggs and Gram "VE have made great reduc- ' tions in our binder twine prices to clear L110 remainder of our stock. A Great Saving III Binder I he People’s Druggists At this season everybody use spices. Spices are a commodity liable to adul- teration. August 22, 1907 Use ours that are Guaran= teed PURE and at the sametime the price no high= er than others twine

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