West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Aug 1907, p. 3

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THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER To change his advertisements but now offers some NEW BARGAINS: 100 AC RES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig stables‘ good soil. ‘ goodorchard. good bush. Price should be $4000 but will sell tor less than $3000 it sold at. Once 250 ACRES near Durham. a goosl farm, splendidlv imnrm erl “ax asking ST? 500. x» 1h mm txiie great deal less 100 ACRES in Glel-el'g. near. U irnam, a fine well improved farm. wrll sell very cheap m- trade. 4} ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture F actnrx Will sell cheap or trade. A PRU' l'l‘ABLE Blacksmith slic i stand, u ell kn“ med. A large sum of mone\ tulend at loxxest rates. DE BTS COLLECTED l.\ \UR~ ANQES placed Drthculties . a 3.3%".‘39d' "(J (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machinps Bell Pianos and Organs. ---v v P. R, und Ocean Steamship I‘idmt: for sale. Eu‘enthmg private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIL JERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OI" Democrats and Buggies Implement Agent W WW’AfiWW “5W?“ '5‘ Implements AGENT [or DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones O\VEN SOUND. F. E. SIEGNER Farm Implements Machinery. Deering Harvester Co.’s E ARE NO“’ REH-=Y to do business. mm \«M, wan-155x) our vunual mimxu tuge. Our Stock is new and attractive and our p'\icp~ um 10x. Coal):- audj 3.120: fur your- s?” “ft: 11.1“ Khan»: pien-éd to sruv gmh. whvthrr yxuu bllV Jr nut If _\Oll I o hO’ “UV now xou «i I n Ain A Large Supply of TIN- VVARE alwaâ€"vs on hand, or made to order on shortest notice. The hot weather is now here and you sglould have the comfort affo ed by our SCREEN DOORS AND ‘WINDO‘VS Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. We have the kinds that work easy and lastalong time. The rice is right to. COME 8: ‘EE. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. See our GASOLINE STO- VE. the cheapest and best on the market. Try our Ramsay Paints and Varnishes of all kinds. Hardware and Tinware DURHAM. August 29, 1907, H. H. Miller Get ready for A FULL LINE OF THE : HAS BEEN : : 2 BUSY DURHAM. H. H. MILLER and Am-:ioneer. Benin Piams '. You long RExle vzth x'nl, M Mit'ntl new alas] ;ic9~ urn fur y\nxr- ! W?» rm rm am- '1§‘mv 5‘; 3759 all‘v‘ WI? ' 'Ih“ '21‘ 9A a» ah»ZM¢2WFZW§in¢ZWSVWPVWV’W°*W* 'â€" A . P. .H Z‘I-«j r;7.= It is said the automobile has come to stay. This may be true. But if so. along with it, under present con- ditions have come to stay much of restraint, inconvenience and hardship to every farmer and country resident who drive horses on the highway. It is not merely the danger of life and limb when a trio is undertaken as formerly. but the entire destruc- tion of the comfort and relaxation which driving behind the horse on a country road furnishes. on account of the fear and nervousness lest an automoble should be encountered Formerly the antomobilists selected only the leading highways, but lat terlv they are taking possession of the side lines also. so that no road is safe for their presence. Women can no longer drive in Safety during the busy season to the village or town lest, they encounter one of these “ fiendish monsters” and are driven into the ditch With the danger of an upset or runawm or both In con sidering the situation one is forced to enquire who are these who thus take possession of the highway ? “flint pEI‘Cr-nrngte 0i Yhe population do they represent? How much do they contribute towards the up keep ofthe toads they use? It ill he found that man of thr-tn are mere tourists, 'who have no intereSt what. ever in the country through which they pass. As for the rest the} rep- resent a small percentage of the pop- ulation, but having money and leis- ure they Choose to spend both it: this form of pleasure. alrhOUgh it nay prevent the re<ii‘i"nrs of the neigh hood from the tardinary use of the highway which they have helped to build and for repairing which they are annually taxed. -â€"Farmitgi “for 1d. HORSE AND AUTO. Mr. Jas H. Farr’s horse was tied to a telegraph pole on Saturday 0p posite Mr. W. J. Hermeston’s .tin Shep, when an automobile came along and then there were things doing. The horse reared, and plunged around at a great rate and broke the shaft of the buggy arid parts of the harness. before it could be got under contrtl. But it was only a farmer’ 3 horse and a’farmer s harness, and a farmer’s buggy. and where the automobile is concerned, farmer’s don’t count for much â€"-Telescope. FARMER’S WIFE HURT. About 8 o’clock Sunday evening a Mrs. Kamsdt. florn near Mildmay. was driving over to see her sister, Mrs. John Ernst of Brant. when she was overtaken by Carroll’s automo bile, near the residence of Mr. John Whitehead ’l‘he horse became un- manageable, and Mrs. Kamsdt was pitched out of the rig. She lay there in an unconsizious condition until help arrived. Her head was badly hu t. and at the tune of this writing she is lying in bwfitt the, home of her sister here. Smashing; farmers’ rigs, frightening thâ€"ir horses, and half kil int: th~tr Wives. is. 'we suppose, rare Sport for the average automobi‘e driver The same mat hine was the cause of Smrsriing‘ aucthet farmer’s rig an hour or two earlier in the evening. 0p0~~.]:h Oliver McConnell’ s residence. Grand sport this !â€" l‘elesc0pe We have since learned that the lady Who met with the accident at Mr. Oiiver, IsicCouneil’s,‘ and whhh Was cauSrd bx the automobile. was Mrs. John Hollick of Culross. When the machine came along. the horse run In the side of the road and backed 2h.- imggy into the wire fence. The crusher of the buggy broke as did also the hold-backs on the shafts, and then the horse ran away Mr. Mc- Coumll’s boy decared the horse thrOugh the open gate did it was capmred at the barn. Nobody W89 butt. but it was a pretty unpleasant oXpos knee â€"Telescope. Get, their feat. Wet, Catch cold or cramp“. «did give mothers an anxious time. \Vi' h the firm: shiver or 9116329 rub sh» Rule one’s chest with Nervi. line. g-wgle she throat. and give ten lr‘jp 1.. no: water an bed time. \I.xr morning all is well. No cold. no time loan at school. If Poison’s . - o 1 \ o Nam-me 139’: m your home get It :nrre at owe. Dealers sell“: in 250 bottles. ' ABOUT THE LOVELY AUTOS. THE AUTOMOBILE NUISANCE. MANY CHILDREN SICK. NARROW ESCAPE in a liquor prosecution ’before Messrs. McNamara and Robb. Wal- kertun magisn'ates. the other day, several witnesses expressed dissatisf faction with the low scale of fees allowed for their attendance at court ‘ \Vitnesses from 'l‘eeswater, for inn Stance,six1eez1 miles, could only be allowed one dollar and sixty cents. All others in the same proporrion.' This is the scale of feesin the Ontario consolidated statutes. fixed by Sir Oliver Mowat thirty years ago. In prosecutions under the Dominion statutes, twenty five cents more is allowed to each witness in summary cases. but in criminal cases they get nothing at all. It is about time these scales of witness fees were revised. The legal gentlemen who fixed them are a good deal more generous to themselves. Besides, the general cost of everything has greatly ad vanced in the meantime. ATees- water witness, for instance. has to pay one 'fifty or two dollars fora , l1very rig He Spends a whole day {on the journey both ways and atten- i ding court. His necessary expenses W111 certainly be a dollar. with some- thing more for incidentals For all this the law at present allows him a dollar and sixty cents. It is certainy time for a change. It is to be hoped that the attention of the Attorney General may be called to the matter in the coming revision of the Ontario statutes There is no reason Why in- dividual cit1zens should be called up- on to discharge their duty to the State at their own expense. The aommunity at large should bear the burden, and pay Witnesses decently. -â€"-Tara Leader. That’s why catarrh is invariably cured by inhaling “Catarrhozone.” The healing vapor spreads to every part of the breathing organs. Germs infecting the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to cause inflammation. Spots that are sore are healed. Discharge is cleared away and cararrb becomes something of the past. Use “Ca- tarrhczone" and your recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 95c and $1.00 at all dealers. (Meaford Mirror) . About 10:30 last Thursday evening. a serious fire occurred at the residene‘? of Mr. W. J. Juniper, Sykes streetq Mrs. Juniper was blowing out thei hall lamp, and had another lightinl her hand, preparatory to retiring to bed, when the flame fired up and lighted her dress. Mr. Juniper quick- ly appeared on the scene in reSponse to his wife’s cries, and endeavoring to put out the flames on her dress, was badly burned about the fingers. The fire spread very rapidly and there was a great danger of the chil- dren. who were already inbed. being. sufiocated. Mr. Juniper rushed up. Stairs and passed out the young ones‘ through the window, afterwardsl jumping from the veranda roof him-, self, narrowly escaping a bad acci-i dent. ! The fire alarm was rung and the brigade soon on the scene. It is due to the prompt response of the firemen to the call that/so little damage was done to the building. After about twenty minutes work they succeeded in putting out the blaze. The dam- age is fully covered by insurance. DISASTROUS FIRE IN MEAFORD. Mrs. Juniper’s burns were of a ter- rible nature and mostly on the upper part of the body. At the time of writing we learn that she is a little better, but it will be some weeks be- fore she recovers from the efiects of the burns and the shack. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year a 0 When I had 3. Severe case of measles I go' caught out in a hard rain and the measlus settled in my Stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived tmta lew hourslonger. but thanks to this remedy I am now smong and well. I have written the above through simple- gratitude and [shall aqule speak a. good word for this remedyâ€"SAM H. Gwm. Concord, Ga. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. But Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. On Saturday Mr. Peter Todd sent atelegram to Calgary. the cost of which Was one dollar. On Monday he got 500. back. for the reason that his message got no further than Winnipeg. striking operators there,i refusing to handle it. From thatI point on the message had to be for-' warded by mail This illustrates how strikes paralyze business. We do not know whether the message in this case wasimportant or unimpor- tant, but it wouldn’t have made any difierencc. The whole business of the country is now controlled largely by the labor unions. in the United States. This particular strike. was occasioned by the discharge of an employee at Los Angelos. California, for incompetency'. The labor Union demanded his reinstatement. The FTelegraph Co. refused to take him back, and then the strike followed. {In this particular case the companies are likely to win out, but no. sooner is one strike settled than another breaks out.â€"â€"Telesc0pe, ‘ ' It Actually Destroys the Cause. HAD AN AWFUL TIME The Telegraphers’ Strike. LAW COSTS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Maw sez green apples never should be es ' She sez ’at little boys are sure a: get The :twf’lest pains if they should dis- obey ’N can ’em, I had some to-dny. I eat the Juice of thirteen T‘Iormern O Spies. ’N one of ’em was just. an awful size. I got no pzsin. I bet. greed apples ain’t, Ez bad ter kids as Paris Green or paint, But, Maw, she said they wuz I won- der why? ' I cm’c believe ’ac Maw would tell a be If l’m found out, I got. a good excuse, I never er. the pulp. just sucked the juice. P’rups MaW’S digestion ain’t as good as mine. . Paw often‘sez my scummick’s made ’0 pine, ’Cause a'fcer 1 have es some pickled beets I Want. ice cream ’11 fancy cakes. ’n sweets. 0’ course green apples mebbe raise a Whirl ’Ith Maw but. then, you :68, she is a girl. Thousands of tired workers need the invmoration, the strengtn. the nerve-force which Ferrozone can supply. Ferrozone imparts strength because it nourishes. Until You Ironize and Forpify the Blood There’s No Rape of Cure. Once the blood is vitalized its conic influence is circulated to every nook and corner of the body. carrying new life with it. Cases on record prove that Ferro- zone builds up when else fails. Mr. Alonzo W. Douglas of Woodbridge. Ont., says: “I desire to state the use of Ferrozone. Two years ago I was stricken with Pneumonia. So severe was the attack and so reduced was my strength that my life was despaired of. I had the very best medical attention, but made no pro- gress towards recovery. When re- duced to practically a skeleton a a kind friend told me of the re- markable powers of Ferrozone. An improvement began almost at once. I gained steadily in weight and strength until Ferrozoce made me a new man. I will gladly answer inquiries from other sufferers if they care to have further particulars about my recovery. Ferrozone deseryes its great measure of success.” When a man in Mr. Douglas' low condition can be quickly cured, are'nn the chances good for you? Don’t fail to cry Ferrozoue. Price 500. per box at, ail dealers. Ferrozone is able to nourish be- cause it. supplies to the blood the ele- ments it lacks. This afternoon I’m goin’ out once more Tu find that tree. ’Bouc three o’clock or four. I guess I’ll have ancther dandy feed, About; a dozen ’ll be all I’ll need. ’N w0uldn’t Maw be frightened if she knuw 01' all the wicked things [’11) goin’ to do? By jing, I’m feeliu’ queer. I wonder now If chem green apples ’ll kick up a row? Some small black Specks is bonherin’ â€"OH MGTHER: MOTHER! ! Get a doctor, quick. let green apples 80’ I’m AWFUL sick. my sight. â€"---rGee whillikens. I bet that. Maw is right THE OWEN SOUND COLLEGIATE iNSTlTU a” E Re-ppening Tuesday, September 3rd, 1907 Tbepwen Sound Collegiate Institute will re- Open tor tne Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. at 9 sum, wx. en pupils will be enrolled and class. filed, and classes organized for toe General Course; the Commercial Course; for all grade, of Teachers’ Certificates; for Pass and Honor Matriculation. and for entrance into all the learned professions. Staff and Equipment-The .taff consists of twelve teachers, ALL summers and men of the highest professional standing, The equipment is thoroughly modern and among the best in Ontano. departments. Commercial Courseâ€"To meet the demand for a. better commercial education, the Board has thoroughly equippegi a. Qommsrcial Department, and instruction 18 wen m the several subjects required for a. go business education. includ- ing practice in shorthand and Typewriting. rm... .mannt who successmlly completes thu mg 91’“th uâ€" --â€"v--â€"â€"__. The stqdent 1:23 eugeetlssmllytr’ eolrffiléoteu th'i. course 13 gran a I cum. t e ‘ Institute Board. 1) y llegmce For the east seven years Owen Sound Coll- egiatelnstxtnte has me ared more teach any other school in the Brovinoe. era than '.‘~ 3 , Al- â€"â€"-J â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__ , Termsâ€"The fees are: For Wemlnils from the f Gre . BWruce. Eton. Duflerin nggfcog, Ten 3bollxms-f : from other counties. Twelve to Fifteen Donate For Annual Announcement or other infor. mation apply to rueâ€"A- \fmnnv Dfinnn’hol -â€".Vlary sat upon a pin And showed no perturbation- For some of her was genuine - But most; was imitation. ' Watery Blood Nerves are Weak Face is Pallid You Lack Strength You Look Sickly. HE ET THEM. Tnos. MURRAY, PrinciQal. J so. RUTHERFORD, Sec ngrega â€"Toronto News. i - and in placing all its graduates. 1 ’Each student is taught separately at: his own desk. Trial lessons for one} week free. Visitors welcome. i E’DAY and EVENING classes. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets The School that ranks first in thoroughness, popularity and genuine merit. Our atten- dance is greater. more students were placed in positions and at and at better‘salaries than 1n any previous year. Write to day for handsome catalogue. BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING D f‘:'3:!14‘$’;‘:: W ”J2 w 9 Business College FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3 It pays to attend the ()nr $1.50 line, white heel at $1.29 0111' 1.40 lino. leather hvel at 1.11! Our 1.2.51ino, .. ,. ., HS Misscs’ and (Zlhildren's :me also rodm-vd in pricv. Br “WW and gm :1 pair While yum.- size is in stark. «5. S. McILRAITH Somebody to carry away the balance of our \Vhite (Tan v.15 Oxfords “'6 have :1 limited number in Ladies’ sizes, 25 to 5.1; A Souvenir Range is built to draw we'él on any chimney. will fit any chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. ”1“er tr: 3‘95 19 d8 ’5‘ H5___ : .. e»- 0 _.;~;__«\-__-_. ney Hueis builtin acertain “L £1“ 30 $13315 :1- ;fiflnflr ‘\\ $2.525. _MW 3 \1 way; fact, It wiflnot draw \ at all, or very imperfectly --the chimney must fit the range. A 4‘ ¢ The GURNE‘Y- {21.1 S OUVEm RANGE When Going Up Street: ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . Geo. H. Stinson Every Souvenir is ;.;‘;;~ciutcly guaranteed by 11.1: makers. 1.â€"-Prices will please you. 2.â€"-â€"Groceries will suit: you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. FROM Groceries MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER MATTH EWS LATI M ER Hamilton, Winnipeg, Montreal and Vancouver KATE'EOCHRANE. Agent, DQRHAM, ONT. TORONTO, ONT. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. LEADS IN W. J. Elliott PRINCIPAL. Mount Forest Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS .012 0‘7“ “ot’o'¢ Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. A Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY Lidia“. The down Store. why you should buy your Th e D raft .1 Construction 1 Registered (llvdesaale Stallion “BANKER” For the Season of 190'. GEORGE .MIGHTON has full charge of the above named Registered Stallion. and persons wishing to use the said Stallion. may consult with him. and make arrange- ments at Lots 61 62, Con. 3, N. D. R. E. W. LIMIN. Banker is one of the best Stocc Horses in the County of Grey. 4.â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and entire satisfaction. TRY US. FRO M

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