West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Aug 1907, p. 6

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330? open We” All REPAIRING efly $3911de school Ea thorouhly equipned _ - in cuemu'ai and t-luctr 0M tings. otn.‘ Im‘ ml: Jumnr lmuvmg h min: mu wnL‘K. ;: charm-z in teachn supphes a. and Mann. 'l’lw follo \ iug competent stafl 3‘ on and third )‘0 E31112 Sc’wnc. HAVE; YQU? WM JOHNSTON. MISS M S THOS. ALLAN. lat C 51155 !,«.)L.»\ MPLEUD "R (3 es Ymderate, and Strictly Cash. Pumps {rem $2 upward. g 3. «y. m Ants-ma uni». 9%. intx. «flimmwunm 01.0..(00900... . 0.!!! u 3Thv highvst (“ash m‘ Trude. Custom Cor-ding and spinning will he attended ‘00 :15 usum. To improve the appetite and} strengthen the digestion try a few; doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich. says: “They restor- ed mv appetite when impaired. ra- lieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels.” Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. “’9 have a good assortment of Tweeds and Smtmgs. whxch we would like you to see. Call and get one of our $1.50 White Bed Spreads for $1.00 while they PRICES. DURHAM . 'ulm 1H ll ST A FF A5 Manufacturer of And Dealer in -â€"- M W mu :silmr? If xm prepared to 10â€" 3.1, ilvingit in now i‘z‘mm the time. my :4 guaranteed. l' n'n't-i'a For ,an Impaired Appetite- every afternoon . LING promptly and mm)- Fees. $1.00 981‘ MULLA ND. Firm. Class Cur! itimm muim‘gx'mlunto ut Quwn'a Umvm‘ IiifiI-u'y aml Goo-4112.011)? P21133133: 'H’t‘ Mun \V X] The S. SCOTT AND EQUIPMEN 1st Class Certificate Pm Jinn. B .\. Hun r Gruchmto- ‘ V. (_1. ssics‘ hinder s. and ~‘ .1 alumlcl enter hnsdhlv. V- on pnx‘s‘i l'th'fl HEJLU .3. H.88Nfi83 .) )‘W ALIA-J -â€"- B1“ tSS 1411)?de your excellency, ' Sai I- _ -3 1A $‘xn ‘\T‘WQQ (“(11.1 pricv will be paid in enter at '-he h9g1. !. cart! (:1. be m Durham is .1 lu-uhl it 1 must m 311‘. N 1110!” n J RAMAG'I‘, ONTARIO SHRIPT) r x-w i ‘. i c ‘ ! k r “U LC‘ULHVVQ “I think that we are all ready for them now,” said the seignenr. “I would that the women and children were in a safe place. Has any one heard any- thing of Du Lhut?” “Jean has the best ears of any of us, “Nay; I think that I might do bet- ter,” said Amos. “W'e might bait a trap for them there. Where is this powder of which you spoke ‘2" “Theuriet, the major demo, is giving “Very good.” Amos vanished up- stairs and returned with a large linen bag in his hand. This he filled with powder, and then, slinging it over his shoulder, he carried it out to the clump of bushes and placed it at the base of the sapling, cutting a strip out of the bark immediately above the spot. Then with a few leafy branches and fallen leaves he covered the powder bag very carefully over, so that it looked like a little hillock of earth. Having arranged all to his satisfaction, he returned. -_,1-. an“ l. i E 1 ' short handed ' “'hat do you s | MIUULCD C‘av. h of “Then he has come into touc them. Etienne. take. ten men and go to tho withered 0:11: to cover them if they are retreating, but do not go an» other yard on any pretext. I mu too already. Perhaps, Do (‘09 Catinnt. you wish to sloop:- “NO; I could not sloop." ”We (7:111 do no more down here. ‘ fly to :1 round or two of piquot?’ .. a . M.“ nv\1\{\1' hnH- ’Uul Co\\.Vleuv.v 7 beside the brass corner cannon. “He thought that he heard shots :1 few minutes ago.” . L ~ ‘rs-q r1“ A? [DLQUUIH They ascended to the upper 11:111. Where Adele mme and sat by her 1111s- Uand. whim the swzu'thy Onegu emneh- ed by the, window, looking keenly out into the. forest. “Men are rus‘nin cried Onega. "Tut! It grows nohlenmn. "\\'e "an finish the. game Inter. Remember that the deal lies with you. Let us see what it :111 Q 5:; from the woods!" serious!" said the mezlns.’ - 1 ____ .‘xn11 fr. i111" REFU 11:11'13- 1111‘ t \11110 10 1111- 1.1 - v. m. 111111311 1111<11'ss :11111 11":11111'11 1101' 101' 1191' 1:111 111 1111111 1 1'10'11 11111 11'1111101v..<1 D0 (‘11'111z1t 1111’. :11 his musket 111111 11114111111 1‘1)"1~t111\ \S he p1~~111111 bullet (11111? 111111115: 111111111111 0110 of the 11:11'~ 1011 0111111 :13111'115 111111 starred itself: ' 11 11111111111111}: of 191111 upon the oppo- site. 11:111. '1110 svignem‘ 11:11] :111'1311111' 11051101111191] :11111 11' lb conversing with 1111 111111. h1~<1110111e (1001‘. \‘1110118:1111l (11’ them you say?" “Y1-s; 1111 1:11111- 011 :‘1 ftosh trail of :1 large 11 .11' 11:1111' ~4300 at the 10381 They are an Mohmvks 111111 C3111â€" 3.17218. with :1 sprinkling 01' 0110111118. \Yc 111111 :1 running fight for :1 f1‘»'~.1' 11111133. and we have 11181 five 111011. \ '11 Eight 0f the covering party were mm- mlng with, their heads bent. had best have all ready to retire to the house if they carry the stockade. We can scarce hope to hold it when they are twenty to one.” “All is ready.” “And with our cannon we can keep their canoes from passing, so we might send our women away tonight.” covvnxcar. 1393. “I had intended to do so. Will you take charge of the north side? lou might come across to me with ten of your men now.” A -_L2_-- A-nm The firing came in one continuous rattle now from the edge of the wood, and the air was full of bullets. The assailants were all trained shots, men who had lived by their guns and to whom a shaking hand or a dim eye gmw’ ‘01'1011<"' “11111 111111 \\ 11 can 11111511 the ;:'{111111 ,111111111' that 11111 110111 111%. 1.111 11s 5013 111M it :111 Author of "The st ears of any of us, said one man from By A. CONAN DQYLE. Return of Sherlock Holmes” mean‘t‘ poverty and‘ hunger. On the other hand, the defenders were also skilled in Indian fighting and wise in 1 every trick and lure which could pro- tect themselves or tempt their enemies to show. They kept well to the sides of the loopholes, watching through lit- tle crevices of the wood and firing swiftly when a chance offered. A red leg sticking straight up into the air from behind a log showed where one bullet at least had gone home, but there was little to aim at save a puff and flash from among the leaves or the shadowy figure of a warrior seen for an instant as he darted from one tree fiARPER 5; 33013235 trunk to the other. Slayer» 01 the Cana- dians had already been hlt. but only three were mortally \wnzzzdml. The other four still kept 1:1:1111'11113' to their loopholes. The women sat in :1 line Upon the ground. lwnmlth tho love] of the holes, each with :1 mum-fin] of bul- lets and :1 canister of 1):)‘~\'lli‘l', passing up the loaded guns to tho lighting men. At first the :lttm'k 11:ch lu-rn :11] Upon the south I'm-o, but :15 l'rvsln bullies of the Iroquois calm: up lhvir lim- spruzld mm Immnmnml until 1h:- wlmlu mist up the loaded guns 1n 11w lighting 111011. At first the attack 11:11! hwn :11] upon the south face, but :19 I'm->411 llmlics of 1 the Iroquois calm: 11p lllvlr lim- 3111111111 and lengthened until 1111.» Whole cast 13100 w: s glrt will: I'n'c. \x'nivh :.:1°:11111:1l- 1y envulnpvd 11111 11111111 also. The fort was I'lngl-(l in by :1 grmt lump ul‘ snmke saw only wln-rv tlnr lmnul rivvr llnwml past 111nm. ()1'111' 1111:11' 1111: 1311111111 bunk 11111 cznnws \1’111'1- lurking, :1111l nnv, man- nml l»): 1011 \\':11°1".n'.<. :1lt.-11;111m’1 1011:158 «m»! shut from h 1111 the Sll't‘uln. 11:11. :1 '1 in 1;:‘1‘ $1111: and 1110 1111155 1.11111 11::r:ll<~< sunk 1101'. whilv :1 sec-11ml 111' gmpv lwl't sunk 1101' \‘.hi1v :1 $04 will HI gnu v M‘u. onh 1011? 01' me sxx'umm [S “husu high Svalp 1(H‘iih‘ at uni nut and“? Nu "m ltvl‘ like UH? hm k fins «)1 Swizw stinngv 1'81. 011 the Miami Mal». }uy\\‘m‘s~1'. 13w n ign- em‘ 11ml urdm'mi 11w wmnm m In.) SOI’VHI 1m nmn‘. fur the hymn} mn‘m‘u- 1' AI_, 7.22.7. 2:65. 2:. 5:5 4:: :2; ..::::n :3”? 5 The old 3!!)‘.-l«‘i2::11| stmmvu uuuu with his whiiv mum-.4 :12“? 111:: «olmldm cam: bohitul 1717- me~ «2f pun-1m}. :mmlu grimod mvn. 1::;-;-1'z;: his snufl'hox 21m shcmtim: nut: his iiulu josix. "\\'11:1t1(‘.uy«~.n Kilillk ()1. H. D11 thlt? was xx of her bullet 1 he wn For thin face hand \vhi shook lik' " 'he I the field think Um men in t AL, 'Vl\lr \.. .â€" .â€" 1"e1' an instant the old nobleman‘s :hin face grew a shade paler and the naml which helal out the little gold hex :honk like a hz'anvh in the Wind. ' " 'he De la Names always die upon the field of honor,” he remarked. “I think that we should have some more men in the angle by the gun.” And new it became clear why it was he east- that the Irequeis had chosen t think that we should have some more men in the angie by the gun.” And new it became clear why it was that the Iroquois had chosen the east- ern face for their main attack. It was that the clump of cover lay midway est and between the edge of the for the stockade. A storming party could creep as far as that and gather there for the final rush. First one crouch- ing warrior and then a second and then a third darted across the little half nf nmn space and threw belt of open space and threw selves down among the bushes? The fourth was hit and lay with his back broken a few paces out from the edge 0f the wood, but a stream of warriors Continued to venture the passage until thirty-six had get across. and the little patch of underwood was full of lurk- ing savages. Amos Green’s time bad From where he lay he could see the White patch where he had cut the bark from the birch sapling, and he knew that immediately underneath it lay the powder bag. He sighted the mark and then slowly lowered his barrel until he tangle of bushes. The bullet penetrat- ed the bag, and there was an explo- and 1' son. A g t had more» :19 (load. ' :m instmi face \vhio { like) THE DURHAM CHIMNWLE To be continued. HLV mkml 11101411119. :111 strutiwl about 11-5 :1211': 111:: «401111011 ~ az-f 11 111'11111 smoke IH' 12;," \ .‘xH‘lHlHJX (115(1 . h aâ€"1 ~ >2\*i:.:'n- In 1N.) t-m‘m'u- i of ”H! 1' wore Pittsburg Lady Fatally Burned by Smoker‘s Carelessness. Ningz1ra1‘nlls.N Y, A11 2-1â€"1 Misa LuLlra1{.Shpehy of Plttsburgi1 W‘A's‘ {wally burned tonight at the Thurm 11‘ Here! on the. riverway MirSS1Mhy had 1men“i~:-11tin<r Buf- faln. and v. 11119 hem m (1111‘ on a 81gb!- kewingtx‘ip. She was 9.21.ng lunch- eon in the sumnmr gmden' of tlw unote' when her drew caught the 1 from a lighted match thw wn to the 1'1001‘ by a care3053 smoke1 . Her dress was made 1-1 flimsy 1111189118}. ‘and in an msrant she way: enveloped ,1n11amw . SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Sept litli t3» 11%. i l . , l The attractivms at. the “asiernl i"'=i“, L=m(1(m.iln'.. tili~z f, 0011' mom I l I izsu m RHY‘VHQ‘} anything: ever we ', l Kuhnieaii a" any ineviunra Exhibi‘lun l y l "lxnahensluw. 'lw WI’i'iii’rellOWllWi . l "aeronzmt, will make Juilv asceneionsk fwith his ninliip 'ihe airship wills lain-u he on imiiiliirim :z' all times" Haring the Fair. The Toronto Pigepn‘. ib‘anciers’ Asseointion will start a} lrace from in from of theb‘r‘and Standl ion Wednesday ai‘r-rnoon, when it ital} lexpected that four or five hundred lpigeons will be liberated in their! Estart for home. The ling: Show wiill ‘be something new to Western Fair’; visitors. Apdale's animalsgwill per-l form twice daily before the Grand} Smud; they «how almmn human in- wlligence end no one should miss St‘ .ing them. White and LeMart. The Les Aribos and all .che others IUUSS.i)e seen to be appreciated. There will be firstclass music throughout the entire week by «ex- r} . i 1 cellent Bands. 'f‘he program each 1 evening will be con almled by a grand :1 display of fire works closing with the “Siege of Gibralter.” A Representative farmers. appointéd by M: will meet and engage labore on arrix Free transportation will be furnished at Vt Rys. where laborers are needed. east in: branches). and at one cont 3 and Alberta. ‘ 'AL --_L 0:-1r13‘ l‘epres.enLZ-‘HJVU lul ulc‘fl. “V‘JUALI\ u w; â€"-.__.-,, V , ' . . wxll meet and engage labor-e on arnval at Wmmpeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Winni g to points on Can. Pac. rnd. Can. Nor. Rye. where laborers are needed. east of ll oose Jaw. hammk and Swan .Liver, (includ- ing branches). and at one cont 3 mllo each way west thereof 1,, Saskatchewan and Alberta. . _ . . . A certxficate 18 furnished wnth each txcket, and thxs certxficgzte when executed b farmer ed tlnrty days or more. wxll be honored 1' rom tKat point showing that laborer has work . _ . , for a second class ticket back to startmg pomts 1n Outarxo. at $18.00. prior to Nov. 30th. 1907. _ , _ 31 Farm Laborer-3' trams and wxll be xssued to women as well Tickets are good onlyon speci . . as to men. but wxll not be xssued at half fare to ehlldren. - Don't forget the For in“ particular: see nearest C.P.I. adent. or Homeseekoqs: Excu rslons -_- A n unnmnn n n A n n n arnnnu'l'n with Tjourrist SIeepers Aug. 27. 8ept. 10 and 24 ONE HER DRESS CAUGHT FIRE. Special arrangements have b‘en made with all Canadian Railways and some (f the lines in Michigan for reduced rates from Sam. 7th to 16th inclusive. A\l\.lJ saw-v». v v Reserved seats will be for sale for the Grand Stand on Tuvsday. Wed- nesday and >Thursday. Sept. 10th. ~ f__- .Ln [UCLA .J u... ‘ . -- _, _ 11th and 12 h "Mai! orders for the same will be attended to. 1 0| I f___ auunu v7... vv Pregrams, prize lis:s and all infer-g Charles Lawson, . mation giving: by appiying to thefold son of Consta Secretary, General Offices, Londozv.‘1“airm0um. West\ Ontario. t by shooting hlmself ' I baking is also the be the oven twice and the chimney. The Pandc at the same time‘ Do you know pf 9: -WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL BE ‘30”) 1‘0 WINN THE W ESTER}? FAIR. Er . .1? London, most the same time. But the arrangement of the Pan ably from others. They are so cor baking is also the best for cooking, From Toronto and east. to and inclu’iin h b t Lakn and Kin ton a|so north of Toronto and north of Lar witlajct? on G328. and ‘n‘ortl; of Bolton Junction on Can. Pac. From Toronto and all Stations west in Ontario. south of main line of Grand Trunk Ry.. Toronto to Sarnia. , From Toronto to Sarnja on G.T.R. and a“ station: north to and in. cluding Can. Pac. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. $12 $13?“ $18 [1, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. LENAHAN MCINTOSH, Agents “y f‘NWRi-l‘w‘ .oint‘gd by Manitoba. Saskauhewan and Alberta quernmenta. A ‘IY. _.._‘A-. write GOING DATES C. B. FOSTER. 93.4., c.r.n.. ronon'ro another range that does?1 Ller does not sell the Pa [IIIICO tent of the Pandora Hues differs consider- ney are so constructed that the draft for st for cooking, the heat circulating aroun-i under every pot hole before passing ut) Mm. Honghthy, of London. was vi~iting her sister Mrs .308 Firth, hut; week. Mis< Ethel Greenwood has been exvgagvd as teacher in a school near Tslomishurgzmd {Havps this week to hoagiu durivs. Mrs C. Williams was visiting her son George in Owen Sound recently Mr». Gardiner and daughter Miss Lily. of Mt. Forest, vi ired Mrs. John Firth and other friends last week. \lics En‘szna Hoffat of G-‘eenoch. )8 Visiting in this neighborhood at present, Mr, Herb Gwen“ ood }e: ves on a trip to Oak on and Other 3; aces m the \VP. t3. ‘.ii~‘s "Eartha Firth lwff this week tv Vi>it ffrim) is in Hysxings Co. Miss Kinsman of "Dov-onto was vis- .it.iug relatives here, last week 3 Free. for Catarrh just to. pmve Emprir. a. Trial size Box of Dr. Sheep’s QCarm-rh Remedy. LN. me FUDd it |now. It is a snow white, creamy. {healing antiseptic balm. Containing: §such healing; ingredients as Oil IZum-xL kiptus, '1' 'nyxnol. Menthol, etc", it gives ‘ainstunt and Iasring reiief to Camry?) of the nose and tluoat. Make the free test and see for yourself what. this prppamtion can and will ac- ’Icomplish. Address Dr Shoop. Ra- 1ucime. Wis. Large jars 5w gems. "805d by Macf‘arlane Co. A barber named Haynes Was recently kil ed at Sault Ste Marie. Out... by a blacksmith, named Ryan. It; was a barbarous row, and whiskey was the cause. Additional for the Return Ticket, under conditions as below. Edge Hill. south of main line of ’andora write direct ‘ “EG ONLY {The People’s Grocery \AND PROVISION STORE 0“smm‘b~~0 For Flours il‘hat‘ alwax‘s satisfies the ‘ $00k. ‘. Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba. Flours always give satis- fac‘iuu. 3153/, ' ,//;(‘” "fin"; .///’/_.,/ STRATFORD, ONT. Fall Term opens September, 3rd Q This school bx’ being the best has become the largest business training schoul m the west. We lune three departments : Commercial. Short- hand. and Telegraplw. lt‘ iinerested in ubtairing a practical education, write for our new catalogue. Graduates assisted to positions. x ‘} a““ “()u .1 4'. i‘ms. Mex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. {istowel linnel Bread Hum (Rm. \\'hit(- A’ Sun 'l‘hx-vshing Ma- chilies. McGowan’s Eclipse led s H :uncss. Sp“ ads and H unoss Repauls. ”H > and (Iteasv‘s ‘ STUVHS 8c Flf1{.\.\( 1‘... . “implements. Ml Elliott Mclachlan PRIXCU’ALS. H GENERRL.. BLFC ISSMIT'H r 1': HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY All kinds of iron wm'k promtly attended to an'! h Auueric: See our folding roof and fire escape ladders, the safest and mast complete in the market. I have purchased the ” House Cold Tire Setter” the heat and Iatest [true setting device on the market. Agent fut tlw I’m'cixal l’lnws. All kinds at [deils kept un hand. August 29,. 1907 FARM MACHINERY We carry also other well known brands of Flour ~11 Singer LOT'I‘H ( Hhm'h wh HM. Give us a Trial and be Convinced. N. J. LaWrcncgh or A harm: STU \' ES Jfi‘fifi h. i‘iiiJHUUiJK )Immgvr and (utter. Frost 62’ Vv’ood nil} [i 'l‘m'xmtn \\'indmills. Mt‘l't'hztnf Tailm; ‘a find. a: AU EXT FOR All Kinds of ('1‘ l ‘ mum-Imam 1117.111: Féemi'w 4 «‘C FFHNAVE! vaing Muvhint AND .\I inUr _’:l!l IMP .\-'.~‘H!';ane (.‘n. M '13“{_’" HO' IS“ H‘Ul'k mmng m Pin: SIC l’.\ RATURS. P rice mm»; :\ 0U \‘u'anc cps right. gun-r hn' every ~ identical (-lrfhing )1: :ms 1TH nor the into Of

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