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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Aug 1907, p. 7

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_ Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORXI At the Chronicle Printing House, Gan mun“ KG 38W . . $1 OOperyear payab ° â€"-$1.50 may be charged if not. no paid. The date to which every subscription is paxd 1'3 denoted hy the number on the address label: - )0 paper (he- continued to all arrears are paw, except at the option of the proprietor. nu “u ‘ W'â€" ' ' For transae ~- Advem cents per line for the first inser- line each subse- Batu . tion; 3 cents per . measure. Profeeslonal qnent insertioneminion _ mch $4.00 per annum. cards, not exceeding one . _ . ’ 'thont specxfic dn‘ectlons will Advertmemento w: ' h '11 forbid and charged accordin 1y. Tnnsxent noticesâ€"“Lost.” ‘=Found.” “For Sa 0,” “ _‘_ hu- amt. insertion. 2'5 cents for each etc,-50 cen subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid for in advance. . rly advertisements fnro Contract rates for yea the office. nished on appiication to . ‘ - to ensure insertion in Viva-w--. nished on application to me owcc. . . e Insertlon in All advertisements. to ensur current week. should be brought in not later than TUESDAY morning- h . . is complex.“ T equ LNEW:IY?E? Department {fii'ie'é {Brâ€"fuming work. OFFICE AND KESIULLVUL A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Ofiice hours from 12 to '2 o’clock U Garafraxa. and Geo: foot of hill. Office? hours- EYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women _and ehild‘g‘en. Residence op- L I WUWUM “.5“ v-â€"â€"â€".â€"_ v 0 posits Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant R 03*. L( 3112., and to Golden Sq. Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, N w York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose a Will be at Knapp House. Dur Satm'dav in each month. Hour at! Throat. ham. the 2nd 5â€"1â€"6 p.m. I. G. Hutton. OFFICE: 'ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. weerâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice 'FFICE AND RESI DENCEâ€"COR. punk-” .ma Gnnrge Streetsâ€"at Jewellery Town, Durham Any amount loan at 5 per cent. on farm August 29, 1907 316 staid.‘ NOV. 99 EDITOR A. ‘ ILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN ‘ Voice culture and singmg. Studio at Mr. Latimer’s U ppm-town Feb tf. ‘ “Three years ago we nuu , «may doctors with our 1' thing that they could do seemed in - - ,1 -_ -n Lana. Rimmed ‘Buinady and in a. _ Today he is :39 gusto improve. . lfl'ihhy a child 98 guqnu‘con‘lrd wish 'ARRISTEI.” SOLICITOR. ETC. -- Tnmnl I :nwr Medical Directorv. -F. GMT, 1). D. S.. L. .u. Otfice ; 131 OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- .. nonvavancer.c.1nsgr_a_nce Arthur Gun, DURHAM. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Dental Dz’recl‘orv. AND fiESlDBNpI}. A Geo. H. K. Midtord Legal ’Dz'rectm. . IRWIN A. H. Jackson. AND PROPRIETOR. DR. BURT. l. P. Telford. Miscellaneous. street, transient Frost St., Owen Sound. and George Streetsâ€"at fice hoursâ€"941 a..m., 2-4 Telenhoue No. 10. London Ophthalmic Hos. 3n. Throat and N086 Hos. ONT. (Lower Town. ancer, c. Insurance to Loan. Issuer of Mar- A general financial busi: :, Garafrwr a NSED AUC- W. F. DUNN. with _all L m ton , To If there is any doubt. in your mind as to the power of Hyto-mei, the medicated air treatment, to care all cacarrhal troubles, this remarkable ofler should GXpBI that doubt. We give our personal guarantee with every dollar outfit of Eye-moi sold, to refund the money unless it gives satisfaction. - We cake all the risk of cure. and no reader of the Chronicle can afiord to sufier longer with catarrh when an ofier like this is made. With every Hy-o~mei outfit is a nest pocket inhaler, and By o-rnei breathed through this inhaler reaches the most remote air cells of the nose. throat and lungs, destroying all os- tarrhal germs, and soothing and healing the irritated mucous mem- Hy-omei really gives you a health giving climate in your own home, so that when you breathe its medicated air. your nose, throat and lungs will be filled with air like that on the mountains high above the sea level, where grown balsamic trees and plants, which purify the air with their volatile antiseptic fragrance 50 healing to the respiratory organs. We do not. want anvone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief ana cure, and-we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists should be able to sup ply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price $100 and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’s D Prove That Hyomei Win Cure Catarrh. Every Reader of the Chron- icle Can Have Special Guarantee. (Meat’ord Express) A shocking accident took place at at Mr. James Sparling’s paning fac- tory about 8.30 Saturday morning whereby Ernesn D. Rowe, youngeSt son of Mr. Thomas Rowe, residing on Union Street, Kent, was virtually deprived of the use of his right hand for some time to come. The young man, who is only ‘21 years of age -»- “-LA“ l‘n ......., ..__- _ , _ was working on the planer when he in met with the terrible mishap. While 3‘ putting a 51inch square piece of tim- ber through the machine a chunk 5‘ suddenly flew off and clogged in the a “feed.” Mr. Rowe was attempting “ to pick it off while the machine was 1‘ still in motion when the piece of wood he was dressing balanced itself, bringing his right hand in direct con- tacr With the knife. cutting off the a whole of the thumb and first two V 'fingers, severing the third finger near 1 the second joint and slightly injuring the little finger. Mr. Eustace Grant, who also works in the factory, was the first to notice the accident and lost no time in hurrying to the young man’s assistance. Mr. Rowe was, however, able of his own accord to walk up town and have his injuries dressed by Drs. Drummond and Jor- 1 dan. The hand presented a ghastly sight in its mutilated and bleeding condition. The second and third 'fingers, though practically severed, were still adhering to the hand by . small portions of flesh. As it was 1 impossible to save the fingers it be- came necessary of course to complete their divorcement from the hand. and 3 this the doctors did with as little 2 pain to the patient as was possible under the circumstances. Much sympathy is felt for the un- fortunate young man, who is well known and very papular in town. In, relating the particulars of the acci-l dent to an Express reporter at his y home on Monday evening Mr. Rowe D said he had worked for Mr. Sparling about two years and had run every - machine in the factory, yet this was the first time he had met with an ac- cident. He was thankful, he said, I. that it was not worse. FOR OUR READERS. Although very painful at. times, the hand appears to be healing nicely, A REMARKABLE CO-INCIDENCE The following account. of an acciv den similar to the above is clipped from the Toronto Daily Scar: “ W'hile working on a. planing ma- chine set with knives, Ernest Munroe aged 23, of 28 Balmuto Street. had the first. second and third fingers. and the thumb of his right hand out off. Munro is employed by the Roman Stone Company of Marlborough Ave., and the accident occurred shortly be- fore noon.” [It is rarely indeed that the par- ticulars of two accidents. each occur- ring in a different place, are found to be almost-identically the same. It will be observed in the first place that the machine inflicting the in- juries in both instan'es was a planer. ‘ The name Of one of the young men is Ernest D. Rowe. while the Other bears the name of Ernest Munroe. One is 21 years of age and the other 23. It was the right hand that was injured in each instance and both lost a thumb and thx ee fingersâ€"a truly remarkable co-incidence.â€"â€"-Ed. Ex- press.] . A A SHOCKING ACCIDENT. A tank our containing about. one hundred barrels of gasoline consigned to, the Harriston Oil-0_ompany from ;ze'§;a;§, was emptied oh its way to‘Harriston. The man they: per- formed this robbery: must ‘hfvo been .â€"- - SA. â€"-" ‘v‘ ”.9“ VII.-- â€" ' ~ ' _ a genius. If he is caught it Will likely go very herd with him. Gaso- line has been rather source in Harris- ton lately, and this‘ will clenn it out entirely‘for i few den. Many citi-A 'zen'e Will have to light up their fires1 main end 0. few engines will be shut' flown-701mm EXpi-ee'e. i I . q . ; ”Iv gOUd md luv u of Hazrzsruu John Watson of Redickville fell from ' 1* Waking {rum TH: dyad 1115 Wagon at Conover and Died A H . Instantly Due 25 shakmfg off the. weep of years ‘ And tumnllzu; mu; 3 bed. V vuâ€" home on Thursday morning (){Jath week to drive his son. H. W. \Vcttsuu B. A. of the Winnipeg COHegginue lu Stitute to Shelburne in time to catch the morning train south. hie spent most of the forenoon in Shselburxm and before leavmg put- ou a load of chopped grain which he had purchas- ed from S. F. M. O’Flynu Son. He left here in apparent good health about 11 o’clock for home. On reach- ing Horning’s Mills he transactrd some business there and again pr0« Iceeded on his way. When between Richard Fewster’s residence and [by school house it is supposed he £00K a paralytic stroke and fell out of the democ.at to the ground. Thos k1, -- ,"l‘o all our neighbors round anouc Iw was the first one to reach him. a few, We send you this invite. oi minutes after he fell, but he gave no i To come to tow“ on Labor Day to signs of lifeâ€"in fact he must havel And $86 tba merry sight. cl died instantly Dr.T J.Gowan Mal, , _ sent for but deceased was past alll llw fun Will feet. and furious be, 3' aid Dr R. VV Rooney, coroner.l llllr- sport be keen and KUUds i} “as notified but did not consider an la" “on” 81'0““ and you W1“ 899' , And enjoy it as you should inquest necessary. Deceased had re 5 sided on lot ‘23. con ‘2, U. S. Melan ch’ll make you downright welcome ‘ lothon, about 37 years and was at ll And feed you with the best, known all over the country. He “’“S 1 So you’ll have no cause to grumble a man of good habits and sterling! w ban you go back home LO rest. worth and no one could be more high- ly esteemed in the locality where hel \Vr’ll feed you lamb and Davies Ham was known He will be greatly miss- And stuff you up with beef. ed by a large circle of friends. fii, We’ll load you so that you will look 1 wife died over 20 years ago He is Like good old ’l‘om llontcrieff. survived by three sons and one daugli ,. . . . , ter The sons are H W Watson B (Jhietjehnson too in policeman 5 blue - . ' ° Will watch You on that da' ‘ A... of Winm e who returned for . . . ~ . y. . p g, But give him a Wink and I don’t think i the funeral, and Ed. and Roht Wat H .11 l k h h son on the homestead. His daughter} e W1 00 L a 0‘ er way. ‘ 1s Mrs Ed- Ferris 0f Carman. M“. g Doc Gordoh’s‘tile will raise a smile : The funeral was held on Saturdayl As we go {narChino by, afternoon from the residence or his He’lltake our chaff ahd make uslaugh l 9°"? Edward Watson, W Horuings‘ Till we are almost ready to cry. Mills cemetery. i‘he funeral was largely attended. The bereaved fam- 01 3 ily have the sympathy of all in their , great trouble.â€"-Shelburne Free Press. Will strut around all over the town. a â€"â€"-o-â€"â€" g 0 . . d . ll IT DOES CURE WOMANLY ILLS ur VISICOI‘S roa y to green. e "‘ Old Charley Ward, he is the card, ”I feel it my duty” writes Mrs. S. He’s dorng things up brown, Mead of Fraserville, Ont., "to let He can let a rig, or take a gig L' you know that sometime nrevious to And drive you around the town U the change of life I sufiered more _ , _ 0 than I could tell Neighbors told me And now you girls don ‘ Jolly Gus. Ferrozone was the only remedy and Dryer: won ”.3“ enhance. 3 their advice was good Ferrozone In his automobilea ride to steal - - He’ll look at you askance. Our townsmen all. both reat and 5' that relieved from the start. I sale- small g [.3 ly passed the turn, and now enJoy Will welcome you right glad, 0- perfect health and rest. No woman And make the outing seem to you 1, 1y medicine can be better than Porno The best you ever had. zone.” Instant relief is found in~ Ferrozone for female weakness or You farmers now your barns are full every kind, 500 per box at all dealers. l Can also celebrate, _._....__â€" So bring your families into town ‘- CLAY’S READY WIT. And let the plowing wait. 39 Y. :i- . ed “‘ , ‘ , Your hired man also wants a day, When Henry blay W33 stumping He’s mortal like yourself, .a- Kentucky for ore-election. at one of So send him in to celebrate, 1118 mass meetings an old hunter of But don’t forget the pelf. "' John Watson of Redxckvilla 19f: “I feel it my duty” writes Mrs. S. iMead of Fraserville, Out, "to let i you know that sometime orevious to} the change of life I sufiered more than I could tell Neighbors told me‘ Ferrozone was the only remedy and their advice was good Ferrozone put a step to my pain and sickness, had a direct action on my troubles that relieved from the start. I sale- ly passed the turn, and now enjoy perfect health and rest. No woman 1y medicine can be better than Ferro. zone." Instant relief is found in Ferrozone for female weakness of every kind, 50c per box at all dealers. W. K. GEORGE. When Henry Clay was stumping Kentucky for reelection. at. one of his mass meetings an old hunter of wxde political influence said, " Well. Harry, I’ve always been for you\ but because of that vote (which he named) i I’xn goin’ ag’in you.” . l “ Let me see your rifle,” said ClaY- 1 It: was handed to him. .‘ " is she a good rifle ‘9” “ Well, yes,-once.” “ Why didn’t. you threw her away?” , The old hunter thought. a momenc and than said. “ Harry, I’ll try you again.” The Triumpli of the Time! ' 1907 In Premiums $45,000 In Premiums $40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000 Industrial Adifity National and Historical All Tim's Best in Exemplified Portrait Collection Agriculture and in Art And Harry was eleqted. A SUDDEN DEATH F LY PADS Single fun for gonad trips and «mansion rates on every line of travel. Fa all information address CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aufiust 26th to September 9th THE UURHMa (BURUMQTLE Ivor! Wm will H" mm “1“?“ Sm- w p For Labor Day will soon be here And catch us nu the. Imp. The celebration ihazt we’ll have WM! b3 the triggesc y t, ’l‘wxil maaa- me o‘ hers look so small. As thiru ‘cez :34, you bet; Fur We intend to (st-1v brate With at: our might; and main. Am gin- our {heads a nulu Lillie Sm that they’ll come again. To all our neighbors round about We send you this invite. To come to now“ on Labor Day And 2386 the merry sight. . In )3: dev 50u' And u.” get inm hu~tle then ilk» lusty mm A! Huthilng do not SYUU. PORK PA CKERS’ POETRY. J. o. ORR. Manager and Secretary. p. panama nn “411:” (:1 “he Has not seen her 11 Years. life, wandering all over the world, and now settled .in Seattle, Wash. Walter Burdette is seeking the Whereabouts 9f hie favorite daughter " uv‘UHVvâ€"vv _ Charlotte. He writes a pathetic let- ter to the Globe, asking assistance since the daughter is supposed to be living near Toronto. A quarter of a century ago, he etates. his wife died, and the chil- sailor. He wrote to the foster paro‘ ents for a while. out without results. ‘A few weeks ago he learned that his daughter was near this city. In the letter the Opinion is expressed that Years ago, continued the aailorman, . the daughter. than a little girl, was taken by a Miss Rye to a children’s home near Niagara. Afterwardaahe 'lived with a‘M_ra. .Lixmkay, Durham, 7 - 9-5156: u "l.“ â€" â€"- â€"â€" '01“. The father’s address is 2.335. First Avenue, Sesttle.“~Washington, while a brother, Walter Burdette. jam, on be found at H.M.T.S., No. 6, lb‘hdthsm. England.â€"Toronto Globe. SAILOR SEEKS DAUGHTER. City Hall. TORONTO OurCountry Industries .w) 11 H3. .,.,,-.._; and girl Illllte. \ \ her Sunday-2040- 1907 . SHEWRING. Twenty Five Cocaine is the no; \‘ c o”. \Vhez‘e 3 it can ha “89d I4 cvh. w a to avoid? the 1199 Hf Mich anaeu! ,. ... 35 ,. “(4-1 and chIorofmm v. :4 of gin.li seriOO in tumor surgw .3 reunions. E but, whrrv it is ““41 as .t 3! lg i‘ has; been called the mean < . vii in the‘ lwmrld. The Phnrmwr. .. .u: t1 J0 HEM ‘_ pxpluins that it ia not in any directly ' poisonous results than Hm inner Off cocaine lira. but rme in the fun. that by inhalmiwn .mu~.-h the n so. whether in the form \f a powder or a spray, or by subcutunpous iuj-ctiou. “' Stiong FCTVO'IS S‘imU!dti.;u 1.. 0b ‘7‘ . v . taiued. Such mimulntiou tend, 1,03sz31318 ngengé Inc}: only to 9'06“" 3 “WW ‘°' mm“ - Bleached Table Ln but, an inclination to take n second 35¢. avard. ' d ‘ \ l’ _ I " 0' I dose m order *0 ' 8 ”Q “"h uh ‘ Ladies black sate suits of the fine. Cocmuv wrongs to $1.00 each. the list of Insanity producmg eub- Ladies’ white lav ‘ stances Waugh. we??? “:00?“ “m 75c. each ' . S O ’ In '1 x ' lopmm. an n 13 a1 1 I” 5" '9 bee our ladtes’ fa reSpé‘OtS the wound a1 . 6 wake” ‘ eachâ€"Bargains. ~ ‘ Is 11 - W] the moral {0. C6. shattt‘ ' H 11 and See our new F ‘he nerves. [1]? WOI’d 0f the Us?! Call“ Ginghams. not. be depended up 11. and when unce- i FLANNELEHEI the habit is fanned, ”(z-ruxntion 1. 114 size in White utmost xmpcssmke. T'h‘e .- is “:9?“ (to‘ FLOOR OILCLO' the} druukard. the: 1: h :pe :u k ‘5‘ 2 vds. wide,25c. opium fiend. but L e. cgcanu 9?”. m SMYRNA RUGS is said, when onc~ thoroughla up, slaved is inetrievahly 102:8. It pm i ducesa beefial condili m ; and We mull is the insane asylum I}: “ll-Cl! ‘ne steady User of cocaine i~ uuuund' Within ten iears. The ham: 1‘ -0 use Hines induced inads'ertmutiy tn the taking of preparations (3 mum-mug cocaine. especially ca‘airh powtlem but it, is often delib-xratelg induced by the weak and foolish, the iiia~ii.-a- tied and the degvueratr. Among (h' negroes of the south it ls‘ said to he a l leading cause of the busier crimes. 1.. Home parts of the United Sinie‘ the ievil is ac great: than iegislnczou has been passed to resuicc the ”#0 of cocaine‘ and such leghlatiou mu be hum-essay in thiscoumrv. If in were . impossible to obtain acoliol opium lcocame and other deadly d: ugs «inh- out a doctor’s prescription. the pOV arty, misery and crime of the world would largely disappear. For the good of those. angering u ich eczema or other such trouble. I wish to say. my wite had something of bat. kind and after usmg the doc- tors’ remedies for some time con. cluded to cry Chamberlain’s Sa‘wa. and it pnoved to be bettm than any thmg she hm tried. for sale at. l‘uker ’3 Drug Store. NEW CURE? Eczema Table Linen 3: inches wide, 20¢ a yard 60 we Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 1 35c. a. yard. ‘ Ladles’ black sateen undershirts 0 $1.00 each. :i' Ladies’ white lawn underskirbs 75c. each The Big4 2 Yards long, % inches wide, ‘25 30 i 35 u u 30 u u i3; 06 .0 m 6‘ 6c 13% 0‘ to m o. ‘6 3.3% u u 54 u u He Sells Cheap See our new Prints and Dress Gmghams. FLANNELET'I E BLAN KEYSâ€"Large 11-4 size in white and gray, $1.21) pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd.. 1.} yds. 2 vds. wide, 250. a square y:.rd. SMYRNA RUGSâ€"Iiflxm inches 3.00 each. '1‘EA--Salada Cpflnn 'l‘pa. him-k ana mixed at 2.5m. 3%.. and We. a 11» Pure Canadian Honey in 250 I BEG LEA V16 T0 INFORM MY CUB- I‘OM ERS and the xmhlic in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AXD REPAIRS. WELL Dmnmm. RE-Ccnmso AND Pusswmmxso done With Cement. concrete. music. [3' ALL ORDERS taken at the old 3mm! near McGowan’s Mi}! ml? m: promptly at mended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at ”Live and let live” PRICES. Songs, (Balms our ladiesfi fancy collars at 25c umps. QALDER BLOCK" LACE CURTAINS. l have p1aced in stock a. fine line of late GEORGE WHITMORE. $1.00 25c. pair 75515 66 6O 66 6‘

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