West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Aug 1907, p. 8

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i THE BIG STORE ! We carry a full line of everything a man wears. and this drpzirtment of our Store is always a, _ busy plum). H «TO the working man can be furnished with (fihwrzilis. Smovks, Working Shirts, Pants, and the must sm'isfm?tnry Shops :1. “owing man can wear. :1. 1:1 .111: \‘s'v 1m w- a rich and rare assm “"1111 strwk Hf Lawns and Linens. J Fresh Groceries always on hand. The preserving season is now get our prices for sugar. 1 Alex. Russell 11111111411 1-111-11'1911 11111 811 1118 of materials are in stock. 111111 111m :11: m 19115011111111,» 111111'ice,so mquisitv in 11:11111111. 111111 so 11011 in 1111119111 1111(9. P111i11 Satin (101113. \11111 1111118, Broadcloths, T11111111< Fluids 111111111: 1 1 10111:: :11111K111111t11111is 11111 1110 119“ (1.10111s1'm'1:111. .‘fiss 17011152 0111* (h‘nssmalker is thidaying' this month, but will 1wreadyt'0r business the first week in Selimember, and anyone securing 1‘13“ goods here can make 211'°mngen1e11ts with us to hh Y9 arrives. Ii 11111 111 e 01113 slightl3 concerned about your fall (hess come in avand see our selection. \\ e delight in showing them. We 11 ould like you to come in and look Oat them “hether 3'01; buy or not. If you have a desire to save money on clothing now is your chance. Our fall clothlng will be on hand shortly and we need the room and the money invested in the present stock, so its to your advantage to buy now. Binder Twine, Machine Oil and Harvest Tools are the articles most required at the present time. Our stock is complete and reliable. Never such Suit Values for Men and Boys New Fall Dress Goods C, hoes for Everybody We want your butter and eggs 31 w first. chance when the dressmaking- staff ROBERT BURNETT Dressmaking The People’s Store HARDWARE For the Ladies’ H/p'lu‘sf (Pr/213‘ fm‘ Buffer and Eggs. Many are wearing our ready-madeâ€"suits which can- not be distinguished from tailor made in many cases. The Material is just as good the Styles are perfect. The only difference is in the cost Which ranges from five to ten or fifteen dollars less than made-toâ€"order suits of the same kind of material. “A penny saved is a penny earned” and you can always save money by wearing our high-class, perfect fitting Ready-mades. HIGH-CLASS - PERFECT FITTING READY MADE :lswn'l‘men‘r of white and colored Muslims, as well as a A series of revival services will com- mence here on Sunday next, under the auspices of the local Churches. Revs. Crossley and Hunter, the noted evangelists who are sufficiently well known to need no introduction Will be in attendance. and a. great spiritual revival is looked forward to. They will be here all of next week, and per- haps the week following. To accom- modate the crowds that are expected to attend. the Rink has been secured. The Western Fair. London. Ont., held this year from Sept. 6th to 14th will‘without doubt be a great success. Entries are coming in fast in all the departments. At the present time indications are that the Horse Ex- hibit will be very large. The London Hunt Club have kind- ly offered to exhibit the six couple of bounds and horses composing the Hunt team that won this class in the International Horse Show at London, England. this year in competition with the world. The Exhibition will be composed of {our Horses, ridden by the Master. Hon. Adam Beck, the Huntsmen and two whips in the Hunt colors. and will consist of Horses in their exhibition of jump- ing exactly as shown when winning the above prize. Mrs Adam Beck has kindly consented to exhibit her harness horses, carriages and ap- pointments. as exhibited at the above show. This will certainly be a sight worth travelling miles to see. It will be'given on Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoon before the Grand Stand. All information given on applica- tion the Secretary. General Ofices, 'Londo , Onta'rio. Programs have been issued and all the attractions as advertised will take place daily. This is an apt description of con- 8tipution. It’s an unnatural con- dition to begin With. and it’s more. because it brings about blood de- terioration. interferes with digestion, renders you susceptible to infectious diseases and causes anaemic. Not so much a purgutive as sneturul stimu- lant to the bowels is what you need. You get it in Dr. Hamilton’s Pills ‘which increuse liver activityg “SWIG the bowels to perfect action and p08- itively cure constipntion end its sto tending‘evils. Insist on lining only Dr. Esmilton’s Pills of Mundrgke and in and it would be well to Butternut, 250 per box tt all CROSSLEY AND HUNTER. A. Cordial Invitation to Disease. THE WESTERN FAIR. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. A large number from aro’und here attended the laying of the Corner Stone of the new church in En. pump; and were so well pleased that some of them went back on the following Monday evening ‘0 help eat up the scraps. Miss Maggie Aldred came up to Verne; lrom Fergus hospital week before last. She looks well and will we believe.return to her home in the West; on Friday the 30m. Maggie McCalmon left Varney hut, week to spend some time viuicing friends in Dornoch. Chasswmth and Owen Sound. We wish h«--:- a. pleas ant time. A few from our hamlet amended the moonlight picnic at Hm Lmke m. the 23rd. got. up by the )oung peo- ple of the 2nd of Egremonc. Miss Lizzie VanAlstiua and Mr. W'm Hempell. from Dundalk, main. (1 on Saturday and Sunday at the loun- er’s aunt’s, Mrs. J. W. Blyth.‘ Hiss Areata who has been visiting in Vu- new and Durham for the past three weeks, returned home with them. Harvest will soon be over and is turning out better than we at one time thought It would. Miss MacKenzie is again in chlrge of our school and has a good large attendance. She has them tamed down after having their freedom so long. She Will make them learn if there is any learn to them. We heard that Wm. Grant sold his farm to Mrs. Murdock and after the papers were drawn out he rued his bargain We don’t wonder at: it as Varney is a fine place to live in. Mr. Truax from \Valkerton has again been in our burg trying to com- plete the deal with Mr. Clark for his property. There will be a deal yet if he continues. He is coming near it now. Rev. Mr. Rogers tool: a run up to Wiarton on Monday to see his par- ents and more particularly asister who is home from Toronto He re- turned on Wednesday in time for his Prayer Meeting work. He is very faithful. Robb. Petty leaves for the West on Friday and also Mrs. Morrison, Jr. We wish them both a pleasant trip and a safe return. Miss Edith Allan has again return- ed to her school} in Gowanstown. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe from London, and Mr, McCabe from Holstein. visi- ted their brother Alf. our village niacksmith, one day last week. Alf and the brother from London resem- ble one another as much as two peas. He is an engineer on the R. R. There came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark on Tuesday morning 27th of August, a little girl weighing ten pounds. Mother and child are doing fine. Will says they can’t quarrel now as they have two apiece. Wiarton. Aug. 26. â€"In the case of the woman, Agnes Thomas. held for the shooting ogf Philip Gilbert last Week, there is strong disposition in Wiarton to push the prosecution. The story told by Mrs. Thomas that she shot in the air is not believed. People do not Want the raiders prosecuted. for it is‘ felt that there is It is understood that Crown At- torney Dixon, of Wiarton, has receiv- ed instructions from the Attorney- General that the case be prosecuted. a certain amount of justification for their action, because of the inactivity of the authorities.‘ Rev Wm. Smyth, in his sermon last night, scored the authorities for not taking action. and advocated the forming of a vigilance committee to take up such matters. (Crowded out last week) Mayor Kennedy, of Owen Sound, was in town last; week. Lawyer McArdle of Markdale, spent a couple of days in town last week. Miss Dora. Burnett, Went: to Toronto last; week to attend the millinery openings. Mrs. Pulford returned to Kingsville, after visiting her sister Mrs. W. P. Patterson. I. B. Luéas, M P. P. was in town last week. Judge Hatton of Owen Sound, was in town W’ednesday of last week, as one of the arbitrators on the case be- tween Bentinck township and Robb. Smith. I will mail you free. to prove' merit, samples of my Dr. Sheep’si Restorative, and my Book on either? Dyspepsia. The Heart. or The Kid- neys. Troubles of the Stomach? Heart or Kidneys. are merely symp-‘ toms of a deeper ailment. Don’t make the common error of treating‘ symptoms only. Symptom treat- ment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak stomach nervesâ€"the inside nervesâ€" mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well, \ have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves. “and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Bestorativehas made its fame. No other remedy eyen claims to treat the “inside nerves)”. Also for bloat- :ins. bilionsness, bad breath or com- {plexion use Dr. Sheep’s Restorative. Write me tars!» to: «mined £500.. Book. Dr. Shobp. 8.th. Wis. The Restorative sold by Maoist-lane Co. PROBE THE THOMAS CASE. Varney. PERSONALS . '3"““’ .~ , I" .~‘-\(f-J:; , A *1 .. - ‘. w r, (Crowded out last week.) On Saturday a prolonged trial was held before Police Magistrate Telford. A young Englishman named Hallams from Swinton Park, only eight weeks in Canada. was brought up by Val. Hahn, of the Hahn House for criminal 1 assult. Hallam was accosted by Hahn in the dining room of the Hahn Hosue, about a week previous. Hallam was in for supper and Hahn charged him with insulting his dining room girls, and guzzled him from behind. Hallam was subsequently released, when he was ‘ again approached by Hahn whom he warned to keep awav. A single lilo“ from Hallam laid Hahn out \\ ith a ! couple of nasty cuts above the let eye. Hallam was arrested, but John Mc~ Queen went his bail and he didn’t have to go to the cooler. The (‘VldQlICU went to show that Hallam was not guilty of any unbecoming (-unduct with the ladies in the dining room and that he was justified in delivering the blow in self defence. The case was dismissed. Hallam has a gentlemanly appearance and his testimony was so clear as to enlist the sympathy of the Whole audience. who actually applaud- . ed when the decision was given. Buy Hair atAuction? At any rate, you so em to be getting rid of it on auction-sale1 principles:‘g01ng,201ng,1 g-o.n-e '1” Stop the auction with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It certainly checks f lling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medic-1e; makes the Scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it’s nature’s way. ”Emu; Jetg THE Hahn House has been repainted which improves it consideratfly. Ax advertisement announcuig the opening of the Meaford High School will be found in this issue. This is one of the schools that is building for itself a. reputation. The records for 1906 and 1907 as giVen in their ad. is a splendid showing and speak well for the ability of those in charge of it. 2 YOUNG PIGS. APPLY TO J. AoHeughan. Lot, 18, Con, l. Gara- traxa Road, Durham Aug. 29th.-tf I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham and Yi- cinity that I have opened up a firstâ€"class Butcher Shop in the MacIntyre Block where I will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited NEW BUTCH ER SHOP 15th of August. The best kind of a. tar amonmâ€" “ Sc-:d for over an, cy you-u." These Hats are Bargains, as they are all made from the best . We are confident we are giving Bargains by the number of sales made. We want to sell every Hat in the store by the 15th of August, and ofier them at a remarkable low We still a number of trimmed Hats we Want. to dispose of by price. m :- ,o..Lo:: ' 73;”. a ’5 J. .3... mm, u... Aug. 1 5th Pigs for Sale. LOCAL ITEMS aunts must be paid by the August, ' MISS DICK SALE id-summer illinery . . Ontario â€" Durham ‘ Purity ’ Spices Preserving Season Dafling’s AT Pitch Forks, Binding Gloves, Hay Rakes, Hav- FOlk Rupe. Tlip Rope. Belt Laces _ Garden Hose and Fit- VV’E have made great reduc- tions in our hinder twine prices. to clear the remainder of our stock. tings, Bolts, Builders Tools, Trace Chains, Ice Cream Freezers, Stoves and Furnaces Cistern Pumps, Lawn Mowers, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Sperm Oil, Pulp Oil, Bag? and Boiled Linseed i1, Eqrpéqtinez A Great Saving In Binder thte Lead, Putty and Glass, Martinâ€"Senour Paints. A. S. Hunter f '. , DURHAM mm We pay highest prices for Eggs and Gram 7'OU will always find our stock L «romplebe :md up-to-dnto in T he People’s Druggists August 29, 1907 At this season everybody use spices. Spices are a commodity liable to adul= teration. Use ours that are Guaran= teed PURE and at the sametime the price no high= er than others (Wine

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