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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1907, p. 1

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\Vho. are holding Ev and perhaps Innger. 'I‘EX "PP? tint/ices “7311th Apply, t0 . (;I;\.\'T 'PRJ PLET‘S HC’HI'I'BUCY” “BObS” Miss Dick at the Parisian Millinery‘and “St/21g" Chewing Tobaccos in big Rooms. . plugs. Quality always the same. 1901: Quality and Quantity ask your (h'alt'l‘ fur tlu- new big plugs of "Bobs” "Stag” and "Currency” (Hunving To- havens. 9 GENERAL BUU'I‘H. the Veteran Sal- vationist. is again vowing to America. Though 7S )‘c-al's of age he is still pos- sessml nl' gun-it. physical endurance and vitality. THE svhnnls in town I'c-(_)}'wnm1 on Tuesday mnrning with a. full stuff and a guml attendance. ‘ COME to M t. Forest Fair on Sept. 17th and 18th. $1WN)in prizes. \Vrite Sec’y J. T. Allan for Prize List.-2 \VE hear that Principal Allan had a gnud much of Hunt last week. In half a day hP caught between twenty and thirty ranging h(‘t\\'t'{‘n six and eleven inchvs, giving an aggregate wvight at ten pounds. A I’E'l‘x'i‘m): was circulated by Mr. Furquhnrsnn by which the merehants agreed tn rinse their stores on \Ved- nesday evenings from 7:45 to 10 p. m. in order that they and their clerks 111ight have the opportunity of :‘lttend- in" the ("rossley and Hunter meetings during their stay here. \Ve 2111 not name a single merchant- Who refused to sign. IN referring last week to the opera- tion Mrs. Laidlaw underwent a few days previously it seems we were in error in saying that the wound never healed after an original operation. We have since been informed that it did heal perfectly and that the trouble. which necessitated the last operation was liable to occur at any time, and to any person. THE traction engine which went through the Cemetery bridge last May and stood on the river bank all summer has been put in repair by Mr. Smith so ‘thatib drew itself into town last Week. It needed quite a number of new pieces which were procured from ‘Vhiteéz Sons the manufacturers in London. MRS. THOS. REID had an accident by which one of hex- arms was fractur- ed between the wrist. and the elbow. She was out driving with her son and on meeting Mr. Smith’s traction engine the horée took fright, made a sudden turn and precipitated both to the ground. The horse then ran away and did considerable damage to the buggy. THIS is the 2nd of Sept. and not an acre of wheat cut in the,Moosomin district. Fortunately the frost of the let August has not injured two per are not yet "out of the Woods” and are liable to be. caught any night as everything is green and very heavy, and no harvest on till the end of this week. The weather for the past month has been very unfavorable for ripening grain. but if the temperature does not go too low the sample will be one and two hard as the heads are full to the top, and very plump. Oats are something immense. There should be no poor horses next spring. Harvest hands will be rather disappointed at going West to find no work in their line in sightâ€"J. 0;,Joppflgoosomin. VOL. 40â€"440. 2112. N EWS AROU N D TOWN CROSSLEY AND HUNTER rzmgelistic Services in‘ the Rink this week and next R. L. BURDEN, lezulm- of the Opposi- tion, will he in 0mm Smmd Monday next. See ad. on page 3. PRINCIPAL Allan is having :L new Sunshine flf‘urnzswe installed in his new I'CSidPnCU this \Vt‘ek. Is it 2L Range you want? If sn, take iHOOI-i at J. Murdock‘s before dvciding to buy. T1112: very hunvv rain on Sunday 12st gave new life In the parched fields which had beconw very bare. The. grass and root crops have been much benefited by it. SIRS. HARHOTTLE, injured in the railway wreck, is the mother of John Harbottle, of this town. A message from the. hospital reports favorable chances for rwovery. WE have received a goodly number of subscriptions on arrears during the past, few weeks and the labels have now been changed. If by any means we have made an omission let us know as we wish to have everything right. There are still a number Who have not paid up, but we hope to have them do so before costs are incurred. \Ve wish to be fai ' and honest with everybody. but the axe will fall soon. Do not think for a moment we are playing a gamé of bluff. as We will certainly place our subscription accounts in oth- er hands for collection as we have said we would. Only those who pay up are any good to us, and those who don’t intend to pay we don’t want on our lists. Hurry up and settle before costs 1 are added. Severe sorrow entered the home of i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewen, of this town on Saturday morning when their daughter a young woman in her twentieth year died very unexpected- ly. About two weeks ago she became ill showing signs of fever and it was thought she might be taking typhoid. Medical attendance was at once sum- moned but no alarming symptoms were discovered until \Vednesday when she suffered severe pain, and it was then decided that appendicitis was the cause of her ailment. An opera- tion was decided on and as the case wasa very severe one there was no time to be lost. Accordingly Drs. Jamieson, Maclaurin and Gun under- took the task, which, though apparent- ly all right at the first terminated fatally on Saturday morning early. It’s a sad blow to the sorrowing father and mother, who retired from their farm labors, but recently, and settled in this town to spend the evening of their lives. Interment took place 'on Monday afternoon. We extend Our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Ewen and the son-owing relatives, knowing what it means to see the vacant chair. -â€" DIED . GEDDESâ€"At Allen Park, on Friday ' August 30th, Catharine Derby, relict of the late Thomas' Geddes, of Nor- manby, aged 73 years 5 months. . EWENâ€"In Durham, on Saturday Aug- ust 3lst, Elizabeth Agnes, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Ewen, aged 19 years, 6 months and 20 days. ELIZABETH AGNES EWEN. â€". 0.9 Mr. Frank Harris is in town. Miss Allie Blackburn has returned to her school in East; Toronto. Mr. and. Mrs. Patterson. of Howick, visited their daughter, Mrs. Bean. Mr. Moore McFadden, of Pickering, was home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe were in Guelph Mr. and Mrs. Rowe were in Guelph on Labor Day. Miss Brooker is visiting at Colpoy’s Bay. Miss Putnam spent a. couple of days visiting friends in Mt. Forest. Mr. John Snell was in Mt. Forest, the latter 'tart of the week. Miss Annie Cameron, of London, was home for a fe .v days. Mrs. T. A. Harris is visiting her husband in Buffalo. Miss Maud Davidson attended the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Jessie Saunders, spent Labor Day with Mt. Forest friends. Mr. Geo. McMur-ray was at; the Ex- hibition in Toronto. Miss Margaret Caldwell spent, a few days with her mother, Mrs. Laurie. Miss Harbottlc spent. a. few days vis- iting Fergus friends. Mr. Joe. Swinburn, attended the T01 onto I‘ah last, week. dein Glass and Thomas Cook went ‘00 Toronto this morning. Mrs. \Vm. Gadd visited in Mt. Forest], on Mcnday. Mrs. H. Burnett attended the funer- al of her lmother-in-law in Barrie. W. C. Livingston was in Harrisnon on M onday. \ Miss Susie McClocklin left Monday to begin duties as teacher in the Hes- peler school. Mrs. Dass is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sutherland. Miss Laum Hill, of Aberdeen, left \Vednesday to take a, position in Guelph. Mr. Chas. Dowling left this morning for Detroit where he intends to re- Illztill. Masters Russell and â€"â€"-- szelle returned to Stratford after visiting town friends. Mr. Kinnee, of Guelph, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kinnee, over Sunday. Editor Ramage and two daughters spent a. few days at the Toronto Exhi- bition. Mrs. Chas. Moore returned to Toron- to this morning after Visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs‘ Wm. Renton. Mr. T. Swallow. Sr., is in town after several months’ absence with his daughters in Toronto and Ingersol. Mr. Esdon Wolfe, of the Sovereign Bank, was a visitor at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Miss Gertie Elliott of Mt. Forest, and Mr. Irwin of Toronto, spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang. Mrs. Young left last week for De- trait aftei visiting her parents, M1. and Mrs. Hunt, in town. Masth Willie Farquharson left Monday to attend the High Sehool at Chatham. Mrs. J. L. Browne, of Vankleek Hill, and son Will, of Hawkesbury, are visiting in town. Miss Barbam W'att returned to To- ronto this morning after spending a few weeks with parents and friends here. Miss Mary Radburn returned to Fergus after spending a. month with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt. Miss Dick has returned home after attending the Millinery Openings and will be pleased to wait on her many customers at the Parisian Millinery Other visitors from town at the Ex- hibition were, Clarence Miehlhausen. Thomas Livingston, Charter Smith. W. Laidlaw, J r., W, Laidlaw. Srw Thos. Lauder, Mrs. Freud and daugh‘ ter, Barrister Telford, Geo. Gagnon. J. R, Darling, George Burnett, Albert McFadden, Mulvey Cowan, Mr and Mrs. A. McClocklin, Mr. and Mrs. Cat- tOD, Mrs Redford, Robt. Adlam. Al'- thur Weir. MCCLOCKLINâ€"In Durham. on August 30th. 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. E, D. McClocklin, a. son. TRAYNORâ€"In Durham. on Saturday Aug. 3181’. to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Traynor, a daughter. DURHAM, OWL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 1907; PERSONAL . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY PETTY, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF NORMANBY IN THE COUNTY OF GREY, FARMER. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFN PUR- suant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Henry Petty. who died on or about the 22nd day of June 1907 are re- quired on or beiore the 21st day of Septem- ber 1907 to send by post prepaid or deliver to me, Robert Petty. the Administrator to the estate of the said deceased, their Chris- tian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrator wiil proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anv person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Daggd at Durham this 20th day of August. 1 ". . . ROBERT PETTY, Varney P O. Ont. Admlmstrat .r to the estate of Henry Petty, deceased LUCAS. WRIGHT McARQLE, Solicitors tor the Admmistrator. \Ve have everything that is new in Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Pearl Brooches, Pearl Pins, N ecklets, Lockâ€" ets, Brzicletzs, Gold \Vatches Chains, for the July Bride. The largest Stock of choice Silver- ware that we have ever shown, con- sisting of Silver Tea Sets. Berry Di: hes, Butter Dishes, Pickle Castors’, Salad Bowls and Servers, Bake Dishes, Card Receivers, Bread Trays, Cake Baskets, Bon Bon Dishes, Napkin Rings, Car- ving Sets, Pie Sets, Meat Sets. Berry Spoons, Meat Forks, Pie Servers, Knives and Forks in Fancy Cases, Spoons, all sizes. We have just opened up a. large Stock of l. China. Tea. Sets, and Dinner Sets, everything that is New in Toilet Sets, and the largest stock of odd pieces of china. 111 Durham. With the crowd to the Store that gives you the Best Possible Value for every dollar spent with us. COME! COME! COME! COME! ' Twok Mammoth Stores DURHAM ‘ m WELLAND The date for receiving subscriptions from delin- quent subscribers closed on the 15th. We thank those who reagended to our re- quest. There are still many in arrears, and we are now making out the lists for our collectors who wlll be au- thorized to charge $1.50 a year. We do notwish to incur costs on anyone, and in order to give everybody a fair chance we will hold the lists until Saturday, 14th day of September. In the meantime we will accept a dollar a year. We are trying to be fair with all, but we want delinquents to pay up. W. IRWIN, Publisher, Durham, Ont. R. B. Keeler Sons Notice to Creditors. SOLID GOLD yet Save Costs To Delinq went: Which makes beautiful wedding presents. “4.0 J ap China h», Mg Dress Goods Fancy Waistings Silks Wrapperettes Flannels \. Flannellettes Ladies’ Mantles Ready=to=wear Skirts Underwear Furs Progress Brand Clothing and Boots and Shoes NEW FALL GOODS We will consider it :1, pleasurv to show these (mods whether you buy or not. Stylish Mantles . F. MORLOCK UR Store is full of brand New Goods for Fall Wear. We are showing“ tlw Very latest styles in B have a, great number of styles in Ladies’ Misses" and Children's )Izintles to select from in Black, Fawn, Navy, Grey and Tweed mixtures. We have also a, Special Line of sample Coats. nu two alike, that we are clearing at very special 1')ri(‘:«_>.<, Sole .~ 5.:th for ngmss Brand Clothing. Cash and one price .w... $1.00 PER YEAR

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