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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1907, p. 5

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I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham and vi- cinity that I have opened up a first-class Butcher Shop in the )IacIntyre Block Where I will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited NE“! BUTCHER SHOP ‘ WOOL WANTED I I The hi best price will be paid m Cash or r.ade Custom Cording and Spinning will be attended to as usual. 1 00.000 Pounds Note the address McIntyre Block, - D1 Our New Spring Stock of Groceries and Crock- ery Wave is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. We have a good assortment. of Tweeds and Suitings, which we would like you to see. @211] apd gef, ope 010111" $1.50 \Yl‘lite last. DURHAM. â€"-â€" â€" ONTARIO Sept. 5, 1907 spré’ads for $1.00 'while they The Sovereign Bank of Canada . PHILLIPS S. SCOTT Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings. mm Imam. Esqo. mom: MACDONALD. HEAD OFFICEzâ€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . ‘ a $5.04 f-F'fi Savings Bank Department. at best current rates paid quarterly- DURHAM BRANCH . .53 All information given on applica- tion to the Secretary. General Omces, Durham I London, Ontario. BOARD 01" DIRECIOIS: D, Esq, First Vice-Beside"! . . Secoml Vice-Beside»! HON. PETER mm, W. K. McNAUGH'r, Esq., MP. ‘ALnx. BRUCE, Esq.,_ KC. Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat ........ Oats Peas . ‘Barley .............. . Hay ................ .1 Butter ............... {Eggs ................. 2; Potatoes per bag ...... gFlour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... . DressedHogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ....... . ........ . Tallow . . . . K ......... Lard .. The Western Fair. London, Ont., held this year from Sept. 6th to 14th willwithout doubt be a great success. Entries are coming in fast in all the departments. At the present time indications are that the Horse Ex- hibit will he very large. The London Hunt Club have kind- ly offered to exhibit the six couple of bounds and horses composing the Hunt team that won this class in the‘ International Horse Show at Lon-don, 1 England, this year in competition with the world. The Exhibition will he composed of four Horses, ridden bv the Master. Hon. Adam Beck, the Huntsmen and two whips in the Hunt colors. and will consist of Horses in their exhibition of jump ing exactly as shown when winning the above prize. Mrs Adam Beck has kindly consented to exhibit her harness horses, carriages and ap- pointments, as exhibited at the above show. This will certainly be a. sight worth travelling miles to see. It will be given on Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoon before the Grand : Stand Programs have been issued and all the attractions as advertised will take place daily. THE WESTERN FAIR. Market Report. Wheat . . , ..1‘ Asst. General-Manager. _ $3,000,000. I Sept The Jeweller 5. 1907 to 9 to 90 to 23 to 5 to 12 to C :0 I OO 13 The harvest in general is getting“ pretty well finished It was not so‘ very great either, and as for laborers there seemed to be enough. ] The summer is pretty nigh being ended. We are now into September and then October and then winter sure. How swiftly time flies. The hum and bustle of this life will soon be o’er with a great number of the human family. Those amongst us who were getting on the decline last year must be more so this year. The cold and dreary winter will be dreaded by a great many, and its ap- proach will make them shudder at the thought of its arrival. Prepara- tions are necessary to begin in due time for the efiects of the cold is enough to endure without having to face the dificulties caused by neglect to attend to same. The dry weather we have eXperi? enced for the last few months is causing a scarcity of water. Wells are getting low and creeks and rivers are lower than seen for years. Pas- tures are bare except on low and marshy land. and the“ thirsty ground Was craving for a drink of water to cool its parched surface, which it did get on Sunday evening. We like to see it raining and at the same time would like to get the grain in dry. We are hard beings to please, and if we had the doing of things to suit ourselves What a mess we would make of it. This is Labor Day. We didn’t no- tice whether the Chronicle is 0E on an excursion this week or not. Edi tors, like other mortals, need a rest once or twice a year, but there is no net for the tiller of the soil. No sooner isihe out of one hurry than another is standing at the door wait- ing on him and hurrying up to attend or the consequences will be serious. Editors think, sometimes. that some wouldObe farmers are hard citizens to deal with, but some forget that the editor needs more to live on than paper and ink, consequently they have sometimes to engage the col- lecting agency to get in their expect- ed pay. But there are exceptions to every rule. Few subscribers might by way of advancing the Journalist’s cause. be contradicting otherwise In this case it would be nothing less than a mean act for any editor to place such into collecting agencies’ hands. We don"t mean to say at all that we have any in this part of our country. They are more manly than to do such an act. ' The rains of yesterday evening are atter cooling che atmOSphere. Sume from near here started for Durham to hear Crossley and Hunter. Whether they got all the way or not we didn’t hear. Rev. Mr. Matheson is again oc- cupying his pulpit in the Presbyter- ian church here, after Spending an enjoyable time at his summer resi- dence in Muskoka. Mrs. Richardson and two children, of Toronto, (Lilly Beacon) visited her friends in this part for acouple of weeks. She is now visiting other friends at Arthur before returning to her home. We now take a stroll over to see how the people of Top Clifl are get- ting along, and we find that the her- vesc there is getting pretty well on. l‘he genial postmascer of Top Clifi, A. McCuaig, was away for a. couple of days the latter part of the week looking after the interest of some parties whose premises got burnt lately. Mr. McCuaig is one of the anoe Company. The Top Cliff teacher, Miss McCosh. took a. race up home to Owen Sound on Friday. taking advantage of the Labor Day excursion. Miss Kate McIntyre, of Toronto, also took advantage of coming to see her mother, who has not been enjoy- ing the beat of health all summer. Cars will soon be into Priceville. They expect to be in this week as the track is laid Within a couple of miles. The steam shovel moved down to Martin Stonehouse’s, two miles wess of Priceville, and the little curs mov- ed down to the Glen, so they are cor- nering up pretty well. Colin McLean threshed a few days with his steam thresher, Grain is turning out; fairly good. We don’t hear of many going to Toronto Exhibition from here this week. They are all saving their time to attend our own local exhibitions, which will be coming on in a few weeks. We notice two fine monuments put up lately in our cemetery in Price- ville, one to the memory of the late Arch'd McKinnon, TOp Clifi, and one to the late John Simpson and wife. showing that the living have respe“ to their departed parents. Some are fixing up their plots nicely, and it would be a wise act if more would do likewise. The small yard, which is only a; of an acre. is pretty well filled. It is 48 years since the ‘first burial 15°01! place, being the late John Mc- Lachlin. who died at the good 8:8 0‘ about 90 years, and the last burial was a grandson of D. K. McArthur, Esq., late of Hopeville. Ont,, aged 2 years and 6 months. So we see there must have been a large number that intervened between these two 8808' Messrs. Tom Glencross and W. J. Greenwood are away to the Canadian National .Fair this week. Mrs. C3mpbell. with her two bright girls. Ethel and Florence, and their brother. leaves for her home in De- trait thie‘ week after spending the Priceville. 'l raverston. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE summer season with Mr. M. Csmp' bell on the 6th. There was a pleasurable feeling passed over the neighborhood on Wednesday of last Week, when it was learned that our skillful smithy. Mr. James Hastie. had been most happily wedded that morning to Miss Maggie Murdoch, of Durham. The ceremony took place at the manse. the Rev Mr. Little most deftly and s‘bcurely making the twain one. Miss Mary Has-tie made a graceful bridesmaid and Mr. John Murdoch filled the post of best man. The bride is a‘ most Winsome maiden. modest and clever, and her hubby has few equals in the craft. they spent the honeymoon in Toronto and other places in Western Ontario, arriving at the cosy home here on Saturday evening. The very best wishes of the neighborhood go out to the young couple in the new lite so happily begun. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy One of the Best on the Market For many years Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases. such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and is undoubtly the best in the market for the purpose for which it is intended. Sold at Parker’s Drug Store. The hum of binding machines is the order of the day. Our farmers are well along with their harvest. The splendid rain fall of Sept. lab, will improve the root crops. Miss Moody. of Toronto. and her little niece Miss May McGee, are vis iting at Mrs. Geo. Haws. at present A very quiet wedding took place this Week at Mr. and Mrs. S Mc- Lean’s when their second danghcer Annie was united in marriage to Mr. Wright of Toronto The Rev Mr Matheson of Priceville performed the ceremony. After congratulations and best wishes Mr and Mrs. Wright left for their home in the Queen City. Mrs Geo. Haw had a very success- ful quilting bee this week The afternoon was all that could be desir- ed and under the shade of the old apple trees two quilts were disposed of, the married ladies getting their’ 3 completed first but that is easily ac counted for as they had no beans to talk about. hence gained time. Mrs. Ferguson of Durham is Vlsit- ing her sister Mrs. Geo S ckett. In debility and weakness medicine should be mild and far reaching. Many pills and purgatives are too harsh. are drasrlc instead of curative Excessive action is always followed by depression. and knowing this Dr. Hamilton devised hi- pills of Man- drakeBntternut, so as to mildly increase liver and kidney activity, flush out the elementary canal, tone and regulate the; bowels. Thus do Dr. Hamilton’s Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore clearness to the skin, bring strength and that sweet restorer of healthâ€"sleep. Best medicine on earth 25c per box at all dealers. Wedding bells are ringing and we have reason to believe. Particulars to hand ere long. Mrs. John Weir and daughter Mrs. James Atkinson are at time of writ- ing. visiting friends and taking in the Exhibition in the Queen City. Miss Annie Staples left for Toronto Friday last after spending a few weeks at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hooper were callers on the Hewitt family one day this week We are sorry to learn that Mrs. James Lawrence is on the sick list. hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. John McGirt has been under the weather for the past three weeks but at time of writing is on the mend Robt G. Hewitt is feeling some what indisposed at present, not being able to return to work on Monday morning. Later, he is feeling better and intends returning to Priceville, Thursdav. Miss Bessie Atkinson left for the land of the setting sun, the golden west, last Friday morning. We wish her a pleasant journey and. a safe re- turn. Messrs Willie and M. J. Staples; accompanied by their sister Jennie, left for Toronto Monday morning, to attend the marriage ceremony of their sister Miss Annie Staples Select Your Medicine with Care. .1MwMuamma-vm mun-tam“... Sackett’s Corners. WILSON'S Darkies’ Corners. alQ-COLD IVâ€" The New Hardware and Furniture Store Burns Coal or Wood and gives Perfect Satisfac- tion with either. Being simple in construction does not require an expert: to op- erate it. Call and examine them! they will stand inspection at any time W’e have at all times a. full line of Shelf Hardware, Granitewau». Tin- ware, Forks, Spades, Shovels etc. National Portland Cement always kept in stock. Coal Oil. Machine Oil, Separator Oil, Lmseed Oil, etc., in abundance. and of the very BEST QUALITY Our SUPPIY is nearly used 09. We have suflicient to do our customers. We carry a full line of all kinds of Furniture varying in prices accord- ing to quality. Call and examine our Goods and they will speak for themselves. If you want Window Shades, or Curtain Poles of any kind or length, Pictures etc., see our assortment. Lenahan ‘6: McIntosh n are also agents for the McClary’s line of Famous Stoves among the leaders being the well known If you intend putting in a Furnace, call and see ours A few doors south of the Middaugh ngse. See our assortment of harvest; and threshers GLOVES it Binder Twine “PAN DORA” FU RNiTU RE Hardware Nothing but the Best Cast Iron and Cold Rolled Steel Plate, and the Best Work- manship are used in their manufac ability. ture. which will insure their dur-

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