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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1907, p. 7

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" Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic H08. 3112., and to Golden Sq. Throat and N036 Hos. SPECIALIST : IHE DURHAM EHHflNIELE IS PUBLISHED , EVERY THURSDAY MORNIXG It the Chronicle Printing House, Garajl‘raxa street, . ham' ' Tax Cnnoxxcm'win-be sent to 8n ptmn any address. free of ' for Bat“ . . $1 OOper year, payable inad nco -â€"$l.59 may be chargec} if. no_t id. The 63% $331,232? :tg’mmm wlvidfi'i’fier an. continued to all arrears are padrexcept at the option of the proprietor. 5 cents per line for the first inser- Bates . - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€""Lost.” ‘=Found.” “For Sale, " etc,â€"50 cents for first insertion, 25 cents for each subgequentinsertion. ' , will advér'tisementa. to ensure insertion in/ current week. should be brought in not later than‘ TUESDAY morning- ‘ All advertisements ordered by strangers must be mid for m advance. â€" Contract rates for yearly advertisements fur- niehed oq appfication to the office. The Job . . FFICE A RESIDENCE A short dist ce east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lgmbfion Sgreet. Lower _To_wn, Durham ‘uu "v" ° . NEVVVfii’fYPE: thfis affording fac- Department ilitigs for turning out. First-class Ofice hours from 12 to '2 o’clock U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. m , 2-4 531.7739}. m: ' T'elé‘bhone No. 10. [ fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Speciak attention given to diseases of women and children. _ Residence 0p- of women and qhildren. J posxte Presbvtenan Church. HYSICIAN AND sfiRGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. _ foxcg EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, N 'W York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"S p.m. J. E'GRANT, D‘D. s.. L. n. s. HommGRADUA’rE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario: Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofiee.â€"â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice OFFICE: ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR. ETC. Oflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm 6.0a 'w‘u qu ’â€" “ Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY K. C. er, Conveyancer. Agent. Money to L0: riage Licenses. A gen ness transacted. OBN CLARK. LICENSED .AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may .be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKmnon’s _ _ .. A u. - nL_A-n:n‘n 0mm Drs. lamieson Maclaunin. W. ILL ACCEPT PUPILS Voice culture and singmg, at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown. Feb tf. The enormous strength of the condor is only equaled by his voracity and l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. DURHAM,ONT" .FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Nov. ABRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- A. H. Jackson. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancgr, 8m. Insurance Ynflcfih- A; “o’â€" Sept. 5, 1907 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. -'”-‘ â€" veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. s:â€"â€"In the McIntyre Block, over Oflice:~13, Frost St, Owen Sound. Medical Dz'recz‘orv. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. 3E: Over: J. J. Hunter’s. Arthur Gun, M. D. Geo. H. K. Midford MacKay Dunn. Dental Dz'reclorv. DR'. BROWZ Legal ‘Dz'rectorv. W. IRWIN J‘omcu” " u. v-v'_â€"_. 'or at the Chronicle'dfice. Miscellaneous. J. P, Telford. For transient ‘advprtzgemqnts 8 work. 19.92my16121y §t°°k°§ Wm .311 DR. BURT. 'ancer, c. Insurance to Loan. Issuer-of Max:- A general financial bus:- , (Lowér Town.) W. F. DUNN. Nothing will'hoild you up with the' owninty of Ferrozone. Thousands it has cored who never hoped ‘to he wellâ€"end Fare is ampl‘ proofâ€"sob- stentieted by one of Nova Scotie’s prominent clerics. ' You’ll Grow ISteylilf Worse Unless the System is’Better lionriphed. “Before taking the first box of Ferrozone,” writes Mrs. Annie J efirv of Sandy Cove, N. 8., “my condition was deplorable. Though I employed the most skilful medical ai I grew steadily 'weaker. In fact. was in such a low condition that it was im possible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very weak, and I suffered from terrible palpitations, which the doctors said were from troubles peculiar to women. Friends urged me to try Ferrozone. and I bought six boxes. When I had used the third box my old-time vigor and strength returned. The palpitation ceased. my appetite increased, and I got a gOOd rosy color in my cheeks. It would be impossible to speak too highly of Ferrozone. I hape many suffering sisters will use Ferrozone, for it will surely cure them.” Nerves Unstrungi I Vnii Baal I :mn ‘ Rev. J. C. Morse, D. “3., pastor of the Baptist Church, Sandy Co ' , bears witness to the recovery of Mrys. Jeffry, and writes: “This is to cert~ ify that Mrs. Annie Jeffry is a lady upon whose word you can depend. Ihave known her since childhooi. and believe her to be a truthful, hon- est woman,” This adds additional force to the testimony of Mrs. Jefiry, and gives assurance to other suffer- ers that Ferrozone does what is claimed for in. Three weeks treat- ment costs 50c., or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggists. Domâ€"{sdt-true thatJackfis going to marry you? Floraâ€"Yeaadw. Doraâ€"â€" Well, you’d'better'make 4himsign the pledge. Floraâ€"Whmeckflom’tdrink. Doraâ€"N , but he probably will. This is an ailment for which Cham- berlain’s Pain Balm has - proven especially valuable. In almost every inst'ance it affords prompt and perma- nent relief: Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich, says of it: “After using a plaster and‘ other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame back, purchased a cottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and two applications effected a care.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. There is nothing scrgrievous to be home that pondering upon it'wfll not make it heavier, and ‘there uisano fancy 30 bad that the animation of' fancy cannot enliven.1t.â€"Jane~'Porter. Ho Read the Signs. “And now, little boys,” said the pret- ty Sunday school teacher, “we have {seen that it is ordained that every hu- man being must some day come to his death. And what comes after dying?’ “Cleaning and pressing.” yelped a boy who was familiar with window ’ You Feel Limp ' /-L0aded With Worry [Unable to Sleep . Tiredland Excitable. LITTLE POCKET PHYSI= CIAN. Thousands‘who have been cured by Hyoo~mei call their inhaler that. comes with every outfit the “Little Pocket Physician,” as it is so small that it can be carried in the pocket or purse, Influence of Scotchwomen. It is not surprising to find that than» qualitiesâ€"intellect. grit and strenuous: endeavorâ€"that have brought the num- hood of Scotland to the fmnt should also be a marked characteristic of Scotchwoman. -â€" Englishwoman’s Re- Hyome‘i is Guaranteed To Cure Ca- tarrh. There is really no excuse whatever for anyone having catarrh now that Hy-o~mei ise‘so readily obtainable. Do not delay longer the use of H5- o-mei if you suffer with catarrh. This is a purely local disease, and Hy- o mei goes right to the spot where the catarrh g'erms are present destroys them, soothes and heals all inflammation and makes a permanent ind lasting cure. The complete outfit. consists of the “Little Pocket Physician” and a bottle of Hy-o-mei and costs only $1.00, making it the most economical as well as me only guaranteed treat- ment for the cure of catarrh. Re- member that Hy-o-mei cures catarrh without stomach do‘sing. applying the medication and healing where the disease germs are present. We do not want. anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money wiél be refunded unless the remedy 2: es satisfaction, All druggists should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei or we will send it. by mnil on receipt of price $1.00, and every package is sold 'with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company; Bufielo, N.‘ Y. "a!" 1"! H I WAm-JM A Mean scat Lame Back. The Council met August 10th. as per adjournment, all members pre- sent, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications read as follows:â€" Petition of Archie McCuaig and one hundred and thirty-one others in Op- position to the route proposed by the Walkertou and Lucknow RailWay; from (3-. Ramage, printing account; from the Reeve, report of meeting in Pricevil’le anent the closing of the town line G. and A; from several road Commissioners, reports of ex- penditures. A deputation consisting of Messrs, McCuaig. Brown. Hooper, Henry and Joseph Sealey waited on Council and addressed them in opposition to the route of the proposed High way and in support of their contention as expressed in their petition. By-law No. 475, to repeal By-law No. 469 and By-laws No’s. 476, and 477 to close parts of Harvey and Glenelg Streets in Priceville was in troduced and read a first and second time. Huntâ€"Weirâ€"That By-laws 475, 476 and 477 be now read a third time, signed sealed and engrossed on By- law Book â€"â€"Carried. ‘w 'v .-.â€"v.-’ '- 'â€"â€"â€"vâ€" "I _.__, C rw-rv-w" W“ fl. â€"; 7 wxll meet and engage Egon-era on arrxval at Wmmpeg. ' Free transportatxon w111 be furmshed at Wmm eg to poxnts on Can. Pao. and Can. Nor. Rye. where laborers are needed. east of oose J aw. KamBack and Swan Raver. (includ- ingbr‘a‘gches), and at on. cont a mile “ch way west. thereof an Saskatchewan â€"-â€"â€"â€"~_- __ and Albertsl': A eertxficate 18 furmshed with each ticket. and this «certificate when executed {an farmer showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more. will be honored from t point for a second class txcket back to startxng points in Ontario. at 818.00, prior to Nov. 30th, 1907. . . Tickets are good only. on 81360181 Farm Laborers’ trains and will be issued to women on V011 as to men. but wxll not be issued at half fare to children. v Homgggeijgscgéggggslons For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. ndent. or wuth Tourist Sleepers write C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A.. C-P.R.. TORONTO A.... or! a...“- 1n and 04 And. 22 And. 30 From Toronto and east. to on‘d ‘anouuoan Sharbot Lake and mom... Sept; 4' also north of Toronto and north of Car well dot. on 03.8. and north of Bolton Junction on Can. Pac. Bopregentative farmers, a‘pgointed by Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments. _ -L __ J __.._ _._ -â€"A-.-- ‘_ Aâ€"â€":â€"-n‘ n. ‘1r:-\-:nnn 0 ' 'Giâ€"fl‘Iâ€"‘ififirist Sleepers Aug. 27. Sept. 10 and 24 SPECIAL EXCURSIONS ONE-WAY sncoLn-cuss “cams mu. m: som ‘I‘O wmmrno on“ (ianelg Council. Farm Laborers Wantedm FromToronto and all Stations west in Ontario, south of muin “no of Grand Trunk Ry.. Toronto to Sarnia. . From Toronto to Sarnia on G.T.R. and all stations north to and In- cluding Can. Pac. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. 12 GOING 18 Additional for the Return Tick“. TRIP under conditions as below. THE DURHAM (111W );\ [CUE GOING DATE: P..6tersou $1 00 N G. J McKech nie $5 00., Jfiseph Campbell $1 (55. Robert Edge 553 10 John Russell $1.40, Thos. McGirr $1.80 Abe Grinch- leySS.25. \Vm Vassie $2.05, Archie Ector Sf) 90, T1103. Nichol $5.00, Thos. Jack 33 30,â€"Carried. §mellie $4.00, Mrs. Malone $1 15 Huntâ€"Blackâ€"«That the account {or repairs for grader amounting to $1 75 be paidâ€"Carried. \Veirâ€"BLackâ€"Tnm. the account of the Municipal World 34 ‘22, for Col- lectors’ Rolls and other scazionerv be paid.â€"Carried. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"Thac C Ramage’s acoount for printing amounting to $38 3:3 be paid-Carried. Ward Commissioners were paid $5 00 each on commission Th‘e Council adjournx d to Sept.1-1th at 10 a, m. BE A STRONG MAN J. S. BLACK, Clerk. THE MASK OF I..3ALTI"I. Few People Are Real]: s Well They Look. Cause a): lemedy. Many people in Dark. both men E and wbmen. who believ themselves to‘be in perfect health, ...e often in} the greatest danger. . 2 Indigestion which is 0 common a trouble, is the principal cause of the greater share of the general poor health, It has misleading symptoms that seem to have no reference to the stomach, such as headache, sleepless- ness. specks before the eyes. pains in the hack and side. etc. The success of physicians every- 3 “{ef where with the prescription tha; is: 3“ now embodied in Mi-o-na Stomach Lad tablets has made this remedy in the ' $‘ last few years the acknowledged L31! specific for the treatment of stomach ‘ ‘C diseases The secret of this success.see lies in the fact that Mi-o-na is we: ea pared eXpressly to strengthen the 1599' digestive organs and its use for a few 1 days puts the whole digestive system ? FL; in such shape that it can care for all U of the food that is eaten without pain ‘ F” or distress. .t. , 2 Simply take a Mi-o-na stomach be iore each meal and on retiring. and It will so strengthen the stomach that you can enjoy a hearty meal without the least fear of distress or sufl’ering. XVe absolutely agree that money will be refunded should you buy a 50 cent. box of Mio-na stomach tablets and not; be satisfied with the results. Mi o-nais sold by druggists every- where. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents. Booth’s Miona Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Old Age and Work. Old people make a great mistake when-“they give up work. Many men WhOchzrveJmade-a competency in busi- ness et-and .“feel entitled to retire from active “work- find themselves declining. in health mld becoming prematurely. oklior‘want of occupation. In most: aged persons the vital functions con- tinue in active exercise under normal conditions, but if the regularity and moderation of business life aredepartâ€" ed from trouble will surely follow.â€" London Lancet. Crossed the Border. (Extract from a lady’s letoteryâ€"We must have been traveling very fast. for in the morning all the people were swearing at us in German and early in the afternoon they lean to swear at us in Italian.+Simnlicissim,us. Table Linen 54 inches wide, 25c a yard 66 u m u u " u 000 2 Yards long, ‘26 inches wide, 25c. pair a: .‘ ¢ 5‘ 31.0“ 60 Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 35c. a yard. Ladies’ black sateen undershirts $1.00 each. Ladies’ white lawn undershirts 75¢. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at 25c eachâ€"Bargains. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. FLANNELET'I E BLANK ETSâ€"Lara‘e 11-4 size in white and gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd.. 132- yds. 2 vds. wide. 25C. 3 square yard. SMYRNA RUGSâ€"ifikfi!) inches 3.00 each. TEAâ€"Salmla Ceylon Tea. blank ana mixed at. 250.. 30c.. and 400.. a ll) He . Sells Cheap The Big4 Pure Canadian Honey in 250. W. H. BEAN NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL DRXLLING, RE-CURBXNG AND PBEsscvnans'G done with Cement concrete. . 3' ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan’a Mil] will be promptly at tended to. x music... Pumps. Songs, waltzes BEG LP‘: AVE '10 INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish .L WORK GUARANrEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. 66 O‘ 6‘ I have placed in stock a fine line of late 66 ‘6 6o LACE CURTAINS. CALDER BLOCK! GEORGE WHITMORE. and two-Steps 6‘ 66 66 6‘ “ 6‘ $1.00 ‘6 ‘6 6t

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