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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Sep 1907, p. 2

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mo THE PREMISES or THE HANDLE THE BEST PIANOS AT bestfitices. Consult me when bulging. Midford. Studio Mr. J ti- mer;s, {Taper Town, Durham. Hay 2ndâ€"tf. A QUANTITY OF CHEAP BRICKS suitable for out buildin s. D h Brick Works. 5: ur am D for registration. Color. dark roan. Age oneyear. lel sell right. Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen. March 23â€"tf. July 23â€"tf _ These beifiiiiésfighst be remqved at. an early date. 111 order to clear the hue of nght of yvgy. I1 engine, 13 h. . will sell chea . A 1y Bo_x73, Quyham.p p pp .l. for sale a number of houses and out- buildings along the line of right of way of the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway, in $119 town of Durham. I1 Cutter, Harness etc., either separate- 1 or all together. Apply to Mrs. J. Mc- racken. Bruce St., Durham Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. All material such as timber. brick, stone; etc.. in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also offered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to J. P. TELFORD, Durham. [1 storey dwelling. alongside Presby- terian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floored cellar, etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars apply to John W. McKechnie, Owner, Rockv Saugeen P. O. HE LARGE IMPLEMENT WARE. house and residence adjoining. com- 11 Mill Street, Durham, llOft frontage. Apply to “filing Laidlaw Aug 29,-tf 2 YOUNG PIGS. APPLY TO J. Aofleughan, Lot 18, C . 1, ~ traxa Road, Durham on Gara Aug. 29th,-tf .1 house and residence adjoining. com- prising 65ft. frontage on Garafraxa Street. one of the best business stands in town. alsoa lot 50ft. frontage, a short distance south ofthe rink. Will sell on reasonable termsâ€"Apply to Chas. McKinnon. n Queen and Countess Streets-52: 00d location mices leasonable. Applyg to T1105. Smith 01 at the Post Office. May 20â€"tf. ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dar» ham, in the county of Grey. containing”! acres more or less. For terms and particu lars applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- or. Durban: low wall east of the Corporation of Durham, five acres of good land. good stable. well watered. Easy terms. For fuller particulars apply to John Wilson, Durham, or to his son, James G. \Vilson, Durham. June... "" an 1901â€"41". l. dler and Kincardiue, rough cast house. stable with stnne basement. half acre of land. never fail' 1;: well at door, small or- chard. For fnrt yer particulars apply to Mrs. ‘Wm. Britton, Durham. Aug. 30 (5w, U Lot :37. cunceSSiOIl 13, Township of Norvanby- This is a highly improved farm in gmd locality. Anyone wishing to buy a first-class farm on easy terms of pay- ment. should coummnicate at once with MacKay Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors W \' THE GARAFRAXA ROAD-â€" about six miies from Durham. Good title. Pusses>x«‘)xx at once. Gnod land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. Durham. Feb 22nd 1905 â€"-tf. Machinery for Sale. Aug: lSâ€"tf. v- â€"- cessimx \\'P.~‘t of the Garafraxa Road. in the Township of Normanby. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J P. Telt'ord. Barrister. Durham. I HAVE: A FEW BARGAINS IN Good farms. farm lands here. first PSY- ment g small amount of cash and Rho bglâ€" tinge m half crop payments untxl paid. wnte to J 01m Hewitson, Lumsdvn. Sask. U the TOWI'Ship of Bentinck. 208 acres, new brick house: two large bank barns. land first class. all cleared except 20 acres. Snap to «mick purchaser. $1300 down. bal- gnce at_4._1. per ceu‘t; Apply to MacKay 85. ° 30M 1 Lot No. x. E. G. R.. in the Township of Gleuelg. 100 acres known as the “Mchn- noa Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate possession given. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. 3-11-07â€"tf wâ€"‘vv Dunn Vendor s Solicitors. _â€"" Vendor HE 214:6 AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No. I. E. G.‘ R.. in the} Tying? A nable farms; in New Ontario. near New Liskeard for sale-large discount for cub. Map of the locality and temps given 9.“ aDplication to J. P. Teltord, Sohcxtor for - '7 19 (I: _+§ ,TOVE FOR SALE, WOOD COOK IN Aug. 121m pd. HORTHORN BULL. ELIGIBLE N DURHAM. CORNER OF SAD- Aug. 22, 3. GOOD DRIVING PONY, BUGGY good condition .â€"Apply to J. A. Sirrs 1am ‘ July 15th tf. XE HUNDRED ACRES BEING GOOD OUSE AND LOTâ€"BRICK, HOL- UN DERSIGNBD OFFERS DWELLING AND SHOP. ON U'Féiqx THE SECOND gon- NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON Property for Sale. l. 3. Kaiâ€"t ' .NE 1»? EH}; BEST FARMS IN GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO Fina BER OF 1311"?va VAL- Stock for Sale. Miscellaneous. Farms for Sale. For Sale. Strayed. SA WYER PORTABLE J I my ll-tf. p ( 518L06.â€"tt '52-'6- 671â€"tf Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a health and septive. gown, making it a most desirab a _vâ€"-â€"â€"-vu. uh I‘D" \JAGDD Uurtluww apd thirdiear undergraduate of Queen’s Umver- History and Geography. plabe ’o'f' _re'ai(ié£c_e'. THOS. ALLAN. let Class Certificate, Pm. MISS LOLA McLEOD, B. A. Honcr Graduate 2! Qpeen’s University, Classics, Modems, and @116 school is thoronhly equi pad in teach‘ abdfiy, in chemical and electrical supplies :35 flttmgs, etc., for in]: Junior Leaving and Matric- fl"o"nfin ”Au-‘â€" ML- £-‘1___'W ,, h , _ r H, -V- â€"â€".-- v wan-Ya. uwvnus an“ MODIJU' wanton work. The followmg competent stat! are n dharze : v.â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" ”WC and active town, making it smog; desiring]: place of residence. Fees. $1.00 per month. WM. JOHNSTON, C RAMAGE Montreal, Sept. 16.â€"-A number of human bones and a stiletto were fo'nnd in a quarry in the north end yester- day. The place was being drained by order of the police in order to ascer- tain the truth of a statement made by a convict serving a term in peni- tentiary that the murdered bodies of Ellen Quinh and a Chinaman were disposed of by the murderers in that place. Yesterday’s find is a cor- roboration of the man’s story. How is it to be cured? This meth- od is simplicity itself. Rub the chest and throat well with N erviline, use it as a gargle and take some in hot water before retiring along with one of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Next morn- ing finds you refreshed, free from cold and bright as a dollar. These household remedies are wonderfully successful, and certainly won’t fail in your case. For saleat all dealers. Full information given on applica- tion to the undersigned. R. J. CORBETT, M. O. MACGREGOR Chairman. Secretary. Candidates prepared for all grades of teacher’s certificates and for pass and honor matriculation. T. E. Speirs, B. A., Specialist in Ma.- thematics. Subjects,â€"â€"Mathematics and drawing. G. A. Clark, lst Prof., History. Ge- ography, Selence and Commercial. Tuesday, Sept. 3rd ri‘ HA”1_‘_ LARGE TWO STOREY .1 Brick Dwelling en Garaftaztafi Street, near centre of town, knowqas the “Jm. Hunter resxdence.” For partlcnlars apply at the house. or to Sarah Jack, Traverston. Sept. 17-tt. Mt. Forest High School I1. Shotgun, 1‘2 guage, (3051:3510; class condition, for $35. Fred Peel. J. School No. 1, known as Varney School Duties to begin at the beginning of the year 1908. Apply §tating Salary. Experi enq': and Qualificatmns. J. W. BLYTH. See. and Treats. VARNEY, Ont. Sept. 10â€"4pd. EAUHER WANTED FOR UNION School No. 1, known as Varnev School ALESMAN TO CANVASS HOME ‘ Territory; . large established trade. salary 01" commlssxon, steady employment or part tune. Thomas W. Bowman Son 00:; Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. Sept. 19â€"4 DURHAM SCHOOL 53"3025 Bank Matti! ConnecfionwifllalIBrandles. 100 a d S. BEING- LOTS TWO three. of 10th Com. W.G.R.. Bentinck, in excellent state of cultivation. about SOacres cleared. well watered. well fenced. comfortable 10;: house, good frame barn basementtstable. good orchard. sit- uated on gravel road. convenient tochurcb. school. post . ofice' and grist mill. Full possession given b the first of March. Permission to dofal work from the present For further particulars apply to MRS. R. A. MARSHALL. ETWEEN DURHAM as ALLAN Park. on Wedneaday. t 11th. an open~faced nickel med wave , Bmpden movement. brand. chain‘ 201d slide and square lgcket .Fmder wall be rewarded by leaving :t at thxs ofice. or sending it to the loser. A. R. Henderson. Yeovil. Sept. 19-2011. \Vith a. full staff as follows H. Brethour, B.A., Specialist in Classics, Subjectsâ€"Latin, French, and English. Sept. 19-5pd. WHEN THAT con) COMES. OUSE TO RENT. APPLY ,TO John A. Munro. George St. 2pd HUMAN BONES FOUND. The Standard Bank psys Interest four times a year on ,3" savings Ba‘nk deposits. ' STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Farm to Reinâ€"t: . 0. SMITH HAMMERLE§3 Chairman. \Vill Re-open on To Rent. For Sale. W’anted. C RAMAGE Secret”; Durham. ESTABLISH ED 1873. ’ l907 in first -â€"tf. Brooklyn Doctor Was Successful After Six Weeks of Treatment. Her agony was so intense that she Was removed to the hospital. A council of physicians agreed that her ‘case was hopeless. Nevertheless Dr. Henderson. of the home stafi, inject- ed antitoxin, and has done so every day since. On Friday Mrs. Koesting was allowed to leave her bed. and she will soon leave the hospital. New York. Sept. 16.â€"A case of virulent tetanus, or lockjaw. has been cured by the doctors of the Williams- burg (Brooklyn) HOBpital. There are it is said, only two other similar cures on record. Six weeks ago Mrs. Annette Koesting, of Williamsburg. was apparently in the first stages of lockjaw from a wound from a rusty nail. This is an ailment for which Cham- berlain’s Pain Balm has proven eSpecially valuable. In almost every insmnce it afiords prompt and perma- nent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich.. says of it: “After using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame back, purchased a cottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. and two applications efl'ected a cure.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. CURE!) A LOCKJAW PATIENT Sixty-one bodies have been found on the railway tracks and bridges during'the period in question. The level crossing accidents show 41 killed and 22 'injured. Two were killed and 32 injured by trespass ; 46 were killed and ‘29 injured While working on the railway tracks; 44 were killed and 109 injured in head on collisions. Ottawa, Sept. 16.-â€"The casualty returns of the canadian railways for the nine months ending the first of April show 460 killed and 603 injur- ed, as follows: 42 passengers killed and 210 injured; 312 employes killed and 31'? injured ; 206 Other persons killed and 76 injured. ' 603 Were Injuredâ€"Not One Tenth of the Number Killed Were Passen- gers. 460 LIVES LOST IN 9 MONTHS ON THE RAILWAYS OF CANADA. 1‘0 revitalize and stimulate your whole being, to shake off lethargy and tiredness nothing compares with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which do make good looks, good spirits, good health. Sold everywhere in 250 boxes- He feels half dead. a sense of nausea. headache and nerve strain. He is on the verge of breakdown through overwork and lack of exer~ cise. These difficulties are best overcome by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. which make the bowels active. stimu- late kidneys and liver and thereby free the system of impurities. PITY THE BUSY OFFICE MAN. Mrs Ernest Roseborouga, of Owen Sound is visiting her mother at pres- ent. Mr Willie Vickers went to Ches- ley Tuesday last. EdgarT aawrence had the misfor- tune to have his arm broken but will soon be well again. Mrs. Smith returned‘ to Detroit, after spending the past two weeks With her mather McCulloch. Mrs. Robs. Bell of Glenelg, visited her sister \1rs.- David Donnelly. Thudsday of last: week. Mrs. Herb Hunt was the guest: of her cousin Mrs. W. Picken not long ago. Mr. Eddie Vickers was in Mount Forest Monday. Mr, and Mrs. James HOpkins'spent last Sunday with the farmer’s brother David Hugkihs of Durham. Mrs. Bell of Hanover and Mrs. Herb Livingston of Durham visited Miss A. Reay one day recently. Mrs. W. G. McCulloch and Mrs. Smith Were guesns of Mr. and Mrs. Robt Lindsay of Glenelg. Miss Adeline Reay and Mr. Chas. Reay visited friends in Priceville, week before East Miss Mary Vickers Spent one day last week with her aunt Mrs. Ed: moods Allan Park. , Lame Back. Vickers. 3‘3 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ' %‘t I 1 Mn “AW "I do not quit from choice. but ’from necessity,” said Mr. Carpenter. ;“It is not altogether a. matter of *money consideration. but in con- sideration of the high cost of living. If ever the opportunity oEers I will _re-enter the ministry, but at present there is net 3 living in it. The shortage of ministers to- day is OC- {casioned solely by the insufficient Pay The latest Pittsbnrg preacher to lay aside the cloth for the life insur- ance business is the Rev. J. C. Car- penter, pastor of the Mount Wash- ington Methodist Episcopal Church. He told his congregation to-day he had resigned and that his resigna- tion had been accepted. Pittsburg, Pa , Sept 16 .-â€"-Declar- ing there is more money in insuring lives than in saving souls. ministers of Pittsburg are forsaking the pulpit to engage in the life insurance bus- iness. Within the last two years a score of Pittsbuag clergyman have given up their charges for the life in- suranCe business, and all are mal' ing more money. they say, than had they remained with their churches. I was so weak from an attack of diarrhoea that I could scarcely attend to my duties, when 1 took a dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedv. It. cured me entirely and I had been taking ocher medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recommend this remedy as being the best to mv knowledge for bowel complaintsâ€"R. Gr. STEWART, of the firm of Stewart Bro., Gren- ville. Ala. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. if she did not want him there were others who did, he effectively cured her of her “nagging” habits. Cure For a" “Nagging" i.‘..’;;u....'8. Having advertised as a xvi‘mhc.‘ in search of Wife No. 2, a mm m” 8:. Gail, Switzerland, showed the titty re- plieS‘and photographs which he had received to his wife, and. stating that Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One Dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol~ era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Later reports give fuller particu- lars of the horrible tragedy. The three children murdered were a baby eighteen months old. and two boys. six and nine years old, respectively. She also made a desperate attempt to kill her eleven-year-old daughter. She put a rope arcund the girl’s neck. but the child struggled bravely and was assisted by a dog. which attacked the maddened mother. PADS She had not shown any signs of in- sanity before, but; had been ill. and it is supposed the murder was due to religious mania. She is probably thirty-five years old. The police of Weyburn were notified of what had taken place. and Constable Ing ar- rested the woman. who is insane. The woman shows no remorse for what she has done and expects to be hanged. She believes it was some kind of a blood sacrifice . Midale. Sash. Sept 16 â€"On Satur- day afternoon Mrs. John Anderson, Wife of a farmer residing about a mile from Midale. on the 800 line. took her three children, all boys. to the potato patch and there knocked them on the head With a hammar, after Wthh she cut them up in a horrible manner with a drawknife. NO MONEY IN PREACHING. Murdered Her Children. (Special Despatch to The Globe.) $4: ”fialuflf‘fl hinâ€" km 1 Special attention to Gaso. line Engine repairs. 0. SMITH SONS Sash 6’ Boots (N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler; Repairs promptly executed; RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Hor'sepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . . . DURHAM FOUNDRY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY PETTY. LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP 0F NORMANBY IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. FARMER. DECEASED. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUB. suant to “ The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Henry Petty. who died on or about the 22nd day of June 1907 are re- quired on or before the 211st day of Septem- ber 1907 to send by post pre aid or deliver to me. Robert Petty. the A ministrator to the estate of the said deceased. their Chris- tian and surnames. addresses and descrip; tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ‘ accounts and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable tor the said assets or any art thereof to any person or Bersons of w ose claims notice shall not ave been. received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 20th day of August. ROBERT PET’I‘Y. Varnev P 0. Out. Administrator to the estate of Henry Petty, deceased LUCAS. WRIGHT McARpLE. Solicitors for the Admmistrator. New, of Latest Style and Quality just arrived. for men women and children. We do not profess to keep every- thing, but What; we do keep is the best; of its kind Try a pair of our Rubber-rized boots which we claim to be water- proof. Bright clean YARN, scoured and free of all sticks and dirt. For men and boys is something special we have to offer. When in need of boots for fall ploughing, or dulrl'ing the rainy season give us a ca . Muslins @ 10c per yd. to ciear ont. Warranted all Wool, in various sxzes. Publishers. Springfield. Marga. F REE, “DictionaryVVrinklca.” Illustrated pamphlets. 2380 Quarfio Pages New Plates. 5000 Illustrations. Rich Bindings. Needed in Every Homé Edited by W. T. HARRIS. Ph.D., LL.D.. United States Commissioner of Education. New Gazetteer of the Woéld w ith more 1“ an 25.000 titles. based on the "test census returns. N ew Biographical Dictionary containing the names of m er 10 000 noted persons, date of birth, dc..zh etc. 25,000 New Words Also Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1116 Pages. 1100 Illustrafiona. Regula: Edition 7:10 39.33 inches. 8 binding-a. De Luxe Edition 5333531135 in. Printed from name plates, on bible paper. 2 beautiful bindings. floarse fall Boots Give us a part of your trade. g. a c. MERRIAM 00.. 53$? Notice to Creditors. Blankets Recently Enlargcd WtTH . McArthur Rubbers All kind: of Greg bought! at Hunt TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. All up-toâ€"date flour and feed ana grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone N o. 8. Chopping Done Every Day Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chog5 Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed lour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered afiywhere in Is made from §elected winter wheat, and is a superxor article for making pastry, etc. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba. wheat cannot; be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. A" blend of :3 Manitoba, and .5 Ontario Wheat; and is a strictly first; class family flour. People’s Mills A Putial List of Fair: Annoncod Fox: The Fan of 1907. énigstOn . .. . Arthur .......... Atwood .......... Barrie ...... . . . Beeton ...... . Conlgstown ...... Colhngwood . . . . Clarksburg. . . . Desboro ...... Feversham ..... Flesherton . . . . .. Grand Valley ..... Hanover. . . . Harrsiton ...... Holstein ...... Listowel ...... Markdale ...... Meaford.. .. Milverton ..... Mildmay ...... Orangeville ...... Peterboro ...... Petrolea ..... Port Elgin ...... Poyt Hope ..... fiyxfieville ...... 1p ey ...... Rockton. . . . Rocklyn. . . . Shelburne . . . . Strathroy. . . . Tara. . . . . . Teeswater. . . . Thedford . . .. 'l‘hamesville. . . . '_lfhorold. . .. ._v_ T werton.. Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths’ Furnisher HARRY BURNETT Men’s Black Leather and Patent Leather and Calf Boots, made on Stylish good fitting lasts' Blucher and Laced Shapes, all prices. Special lot of the 50354,)215 Best: Sty- les in white meat stripes and figures some whith attached cuffs, and some with separate cuffs. Prices ......................... 75c to $1.50 Hook down Gaps in tweeds and navy Serges at ...... 25c and 50c Four- 111- Hand 'lies at. . 3c and 300 Men’s police and firemana slhpvn- ders, leathex ends. ..........‘..50 Medium Weight; underwear Men’s DerbyHatS, up-tudate-shapes Special at.... “2.00 John McGown. PASTRY FLOUR I Sept. 19, 1907 SOVEREIGN FALL FAIRS. Footwear ECLIPSE ..... 000 . ~r-M. 30 ‘ .................. Sept. 19 ...Oct. 1. 2 ...... Sept%. 24. 25 ...... ..Sept.26. 27 ...... ....Oct. L 2 Sept. 24. 25. 26 27 ...... ....Oct. 1. 2 ...... ”Sept. 20. 27 ...... Sept. 24. 25 .....Oct 3. 4 ....Oct. 3. 4 _.. Sept. 26' 27 .7 ............ .Oct. I5. 16 Sept. 26. 27 ...... Sept. 2. . 27 ....Oct. 1 ...... Sept. 24. 25 P. ...Oct. 1.2 ...... Sept. '26. 27 ....§ept. 26 t. Shirts THE "Sapt 16 17 18 (Jet 1 2 .. . .Uct 3 4 . . . .Sept, 24 . .Oct 1 2 ......

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