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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Sep 1907, p. 3

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To change his advertisemenzts but now offers some gNEW BARGAINS 100 ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig stables. good soil. goodorchard. good bush. Price should be $4000 but will sell tor less than $3000 it sold at once 250 ACRES near Durham. a good farm, splendidly: improved. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal less. £00 ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham, a tine well improved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. - 1ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROVITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed. Difficulties arranged. 0 P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SP READERS .HAY LO A D ERS BI}. JERS MO WBRS .RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES . ALso‘A COMPLETE STOCK 09 Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. Implements Implement Agent and Auctioneer. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones ' Try our Ramsay Paints and Varnishes of all kinds. F. E. SIEGNER A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s 'The hot weather is now here and you should have the comfort afforded by our SCREEN DOORS AND WINDO‘VS Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. We have the kinds that work easy and last along time. The price is right to. COME 8: SEE. See our GASOLINE STO- VE, the cheapest and best on the market: Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just’the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. A Large Supply of TIN- ‘VARE alwavs on hand, or made to order on shortest notice. Sept. 19, 1907, 7W film Hardware and Tinware John Clark HANOVER CONVEYANCER H. H. Miller Get ready for :: HASBEEN : O‘VEN SOUS D. 2 BUSY DURHAM . H. H. MILLER‘ Berlin Pianos m. after an appropriate service by the Rev J C. Wilson. acting as paStor of the Methodist Church. a very large procession headed by the Independent Foresters. of which de- ceased was a member. moved slowly toward the public cemetery. The chief mourners followed the hearse in carriages, while his Sunday School class marched to the right. Magnifi- cent floral offerings covered the cas- ket. from the Foresters. the Public School Board. the Methodist Choir and Sunday School. and from numer- ous relatives and friends Business places were closed during the after. noon. ()n arrival at the beautiful family plot the casket was gently lowered to its last resting place, which was lined with evergreens, and at the conclusion of the reading of the burial service his brother For- esters passed around and dropped one by one a sprig of everegren into the grave and sang “Nearer My God To Thee.” This evergreen is sym- bolic ot the immortality of the soul. and teaches us not to mourn for the dead as they who have no hOpe. The pallbearers were Messrs. I B. Lucas, M P. P. R.L. Stephens. J. 0. Henry. W. J. Siortill. W. L. Young and C. W, Rutledge. Among those from a distance Were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boardman. Montreal; Mrs. William A. firmsu'ong. 01 use arm of Armstrong: 3103.. lumber and veneer manufacturers, cast a pal! 9f sadness over (her entire community Tuesday night the body arrived from the railway wreck to his late home on Mark street, and on Thursday p. A heavy cloufi of sorrow hung over Markdalelast week. Intense anxiety was experienced owing to the numer- ous severe injuries reached by citi- zens in the late railWay disaster, but the tragic death which came to William A. Armstrong. _0{ the firm Markdale Mourns the Loss of 9. Be- loved Citizemâ€"A Large and Sym- pathetic FuneraLâ€"All Bum- ness Suspended at Time of Funeral, M. A. Wright MooseJaw;MissLina Wrig ht Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. S A. Thompson, Midhurst; Dr. and Mrs. McBride and Messrs. Fred and Joseph Armstrong, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Walter Rorke, Feathcote; Messrs Chas and “7111. Brown. Collinchod ; Mr. Joseph Strain and Miss Strain, Proton ; Mr. J. E. Crone, Shelburne ; Mn] \V. \Vhitney, Dundalk; Mrs. N Cumpbell,.Tee-swater. . A memorial service will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday evening when Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. the pastor. will be home from his holidays and will otficiate.-â€"Markdele Standard. N 0 longer necessary to sumr from muscular rheumatism Every case can be cured. Ferrozone is unfailing as proved by David Johnston of Or- mond, Out "My wife was a dread- ful sufierer” he writes. “For two years she could scarcely do any work. Her knuckles and joints swelled, causing torture. To get up or down stairs was impossible. She‘ took box after [box of Ferrozone and rubbed the sore places with Nerviline. Im- provement started and she mended fast. To-day she is quite cured and we thank 'Ferrozone for her re- covery.” No remedy. more popular with doctors than Ferrozone; it , does .cure‘, 50c per box at all dealers. Mr. Armstrong was a superior me- chanic and machine eXpert, and pos- sessed judgment and executive quali- ties quite above the average. He had serve d most efficiently and acceptably for over six years on the public school board, being Chairman for two years in succession His death is a severe loss to the Methodisr Church in which be has long been a loyal and valued member and oficial. for twenty nine years a member of the choir and [or several years its leader. His unassuming department and ex- emplary christian character was such as might be c0pied with profit by all. Meet him where you would, in busi- ness in church relations or the home circle, his daily life and example was a benediction. Deceased was born at Maple Hill Farm. the homestead here. May 12th 1866. Was married July 11, 1894, to Miss Maggie Wright, who died eight years later leaving three children? Harold. Muriel and Margaret. In June. 1904, he married Mrs. Brown. Widow of the late W. A Brown, who with her daughter. Miss Loleta, and the three children above mentioned t0gether with his aged father. five brothers and four sisters deeply mourn the premature demise of a most afieczionate husband and father as well as son and brother. WILLIAM A. ARMSTRONG. A HARD CASE OVEBCOME. I Take It Now that Vacation Days are ! Fast Approachingl' ! Thousands of men and women are [anxiously looking forward to the 'vacation days that- come in June, TJuly and Augustâ€"not so much for lobe pleasure or enjoyment as for the chance to getting rid of their ill 'health. _ i To thoroughly drive away trOubles lot the stomach most people think Etho‘y have to make a business of it .w‘ith dieting. exercise. and perhaps 1 a vacation. Day after day, at work behind desks or in the factory with poor sunlight and air. soon results in sluggishness of the entire physical and mental apparatus. The first slight symptoms of indigestion can be easily cured, but when they are allowed to increase without any help, then the stomach complaints become. hard to shake 06. Strengthen the whole digestive sys:em with Mien-a. and you will soon find that both stomach and bowels do their worh as they should. But Mi-o-na stomach tablets taken with regularity. in a very few days will drive away indigestion, diZZy spells. distress after eating, head- achesnsleeplessness. and the many other symptoms of bad digestion and sluggishness of the digestive organs that keep people from enjoying them- selves. , THE OWEN SOUND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE We absolutely agree that your money Will be refunded should you buy a :30 cent box of Mi-o na stomach tablets and um be satisfied with the results. Mi o-na is sold by druggists every where. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents. Booth’s Miona Company. Buffalo, N. Y. __ â€" â€"â€"_m “uwvw u. {in-notice i'n shorthand and 1‘ mail;- The student who success milieu emny‘igtea this course is granted a di loma thep Colle iate Institute Boat-(1.1, y g For the peat leven years Owen Sound Coll- estate Instxtute has me red more teachers than any other school' 1n the rovinoe. I Torusâ€"The toes are: For 0mm from the Counties of G Bmoe.W gton, Duflerin and Simeoe. Toshiba-ho : th ti TWelveto Fifteen Donna. from 0 er eoun 6.. i For Annual Announcement or other infor- mutton apply to â€"_A_ -- _ A Within the past week three of about the shrewdest men we know of. have returned from the west, after spending several weeks there. These men are Jas. Cameron, of Teeswater. J. B. Campbell of Pink- erton and J. A.,Iohnston, of Midmay All three went out to that country to see what was to be seen, and they did not forget the object of their trip. In several respects all three agree in their report. They all agree that this is rather an off year for the west. In Alberta the crops are fair, not quite so good in Sas katche wan, and a comparative failure in Manitoba The weather has been wet, cold and disagreeable Money is scarce, and the building boom has slowed down considerably. Real estate is not moving very much, and promises to remain that way for some time. On the other hand. peo- ple are crowding in as usual. railway‘ building is progressing favorably, and the people are hopeful l‘hey all agree that it is bound to heal great country. and that once people give over this minia for speculation and get down to sober business. it is bound to go ahead. -â€"Walkerton Tele- scope. PROVED AFTER FIFTY YEARS. The test of time has proved Put- nam’s Corn Extractor cures quicker, with,less discomfort and more thoroughly than any thing else. Contains no acids, is purely vegetable and absolutely guaranteed. Insist on "Putnam’s” onlyâ€"it’s the best. The Owen Sound Collegiate Inentute will re- 0 for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. 8 9 8.111.. when pnplla will be enrolled and clau- ifled, nnd clams organized for the General Course; the Commexcul Course; for all on of Teachers’ Certificates; for Pass and onor Matriculation. and for entrance into all the learned profeeelona. Re-opening Tuesday, September 3rd, 1907 Staff and Equipmentâ€"Tho .taff consists of twelvotosohm ALL 82:0“me and men of the highs» profess onal sanding, The equipment 13 pnqmnghly modern and among the best in flannel Training and Household Science-â€" Booms hove been thoroughly equipped at a coat of over $1200. end the otndente of tne lower fox-mo receive intimation in these important departments. Commercial courseâ€"re meet the demand for a better oommeroml education, the Board has thoroughly equipped a. Commercial De rtment “a m.m0uon I. van in the several p:nbject3 required #9" _ mbn'qineee education. includ- Tt‘lE NEW REMEDY. Their Views of the West. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Gilbert Plains, Sept. 9, 1907. To THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. DEAR SlR,-â€"â€"Hoping I am not taking up too much space in your valuable paper, but as l have not :noriced any Gilbert Plains items lately I thought it no barn in writing you, and thanking you very much for your promptuess in sending the Chronicle which I, with many others, do enjoy very much. I may say, too, that I enjoyed a letter written by Mr. R. Cochrane, written about June. and as there are some items of interest in it I wouldappreciate a copy if you have one to spare. I send you a clipping from 9. Gilbert Plains paper so you can see and form an idea of the fun we have. I’shall not say much about the crops this time, but I may say the wheat cmp is the best we have ever seen here. It is about 3 weeks later than other years, but if this crop escapes frost we feel sure of a bumper.- Will ring 01$ for this time. With lasting regards from Tnos. CRITTENDEN. The duck shooters were out in full force on the opening day, Monday. Sept. 2nd, although the day previous the lake front sounded like a minia- ture battle field from one end to the other. The roads were in no condi- tion for travelling with heavy loads, but the Sports didn’t mind walking behind and pushing although it did take them four or five hours to reach their destination. The ducks are plentiful tnis year but hard to find after shooting them in the long reeds so say the hunters. Many are the tales told if the cartridges had been good how many they would of got; couldn’t find them in long reeds, oh I hit him all right, but the dog wouldn’t work, etc.. etc. Following is the count of the bags of a few of the sports given in: Geo. Lawrence and L. Shaw, 24; Geo. Leach. Dr. Harrington. Albert Iredale. N. Beyette. W. C. Turner and J. G Harvey, 1‘28; W. Morison. W. T. Greensides. C. Padley, J. Mc Kenzie, T. Kneebone and H. Ullyotn, 80; M. Perry, 25; D. Wishart. W. Wisharc, A. Sutherland and W. Sutherland. 50; H. P. Nicholson. R. Argue and 8. Code. 23; W flex-ch- mer. D. Brown and H. Forrest, 20; C. Playford and R. Fisher, 62; C. Irwin, F. Cleaver, S. McLean and Allan Small, 50; J. A. Ball. P. Spar- ling. F. McPherson. W. King. J. King. B. McKinstry and E McKin- stry, 130; J. Duval. J. Cathcart. G. Richardson and A. Maynard, 39; J. Reid. C. F. Turner. J. McIntyre and D. McIntyre, 50; D. Westbrook, Wm. Adam, Tom Justice, J. Marr, R. Cruise and W. R. Snellgrove, 104; F. Tedder and F. Race, 25. Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure Will Be Guaranteed. If you have catarrh, with ofiensive breath, burning pains in the throat. difficulty in breathing, raising of mu- cous, discharge from the nose, tick- ling or drapping from the back of the throat, coughing spasms, etc.. be- gin the use of Hy-o-mei at once. All druggiets should be able to sup- ply you with Hyom'ei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding, that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’s HYomei Company. Bofialo, N. Y. First Notice of lax-rinse Under the Recent Act. London. Sept. 16.--In Aberdeen the first notice of marriage under the recently pneeed Deceased Wife’s Sister Act hue been given. . A widower gave notice the other day of his intention to marry his de. ceased wife’s sister, but the register hesitated to put up the necessnry notice, not being certain whether the act was yet the law of the land. In order to satisfy himself on the point, he communicated with head- quarters. and a reply has been recaiv. ed stating that the notice is in par. fact order. the Act having come into operation forthwith. Hy-o-mei is made from nature’s soothing oils and baisams and con- tains the germ-killing properties of the pine woods. Its medication is taken in with the air you breathe, so that it reaches the most remote part of the respiratory organs, killing all catarrhal germs and soothing any irritation there may be in the mu- cous membrane. HAVE YOU CATARRH? We do not want. anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction, DECEASED WIFE’S SISTER. GILBERT PLAINS LEADS IN BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND {I‘YPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its graduates. l Each student is taught. separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one] week free. Visitors welcome. EBAY and EVENING classes. ZZZ; Z Z. ;Z Business College Have secured positions this year. De- mand is tar greater than the supply. Educate for business positions and you will get them, but the education must be first class. Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. Hundreds of students 0 the Popular and gusseas ul Many lines of our Fall Good are now placed in stock ready for your inspection, and we invite you to come and see for yourselfs What we have to offer you. \Ve have no hesitation in saying our stock of boots and shoes is larger than you can find anywhere else in town. You judge Prices and Quality. Eggs taken same as cash at the Down Town Shoe Sfiore. N.B.â€"A nice Pencil Case containing slate and lead pencil and pen omnes out of the oven in exact] the same condition Kerated Oven causes as it broiled. The Souvenir's meat therein to be con- stantly surrounded by fresh oxygen, and really roasts it. Most ovens .. "a: only bake meat. ‘ I When Going Up Street: The GURNEY-TlLDEN CO. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Geo. H. Stinson 1.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Gl‘OCBl‘leS MATTHEngé? LATIMER MATTHEWS LATI MER TORONTO, ONT. KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Mount Forest Every Souvenir is duo'uub guaranteed by the sunken. m1 "/0” 1; MOBtS/‘I‘d 0/: ,/ M ”I if} 1%“,511': H' The doctor orders i W"! "“1 meat broiled for his %§ patientsâ€"he wants it page; -2. ° hygienically cooked m , - ' pure oxygen, with all the nourishing juices and the sweet tasty flavor retained. Meat lroasted in a d. S. McILRAITH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS Come! Why not have a look at our Window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY whyiyou should buy your Free flygignicallyCooked Registered (Zlvdesdale Stailiei For the Season of 190'. GEORGE: MIGHTON has full clm‘ge of the above named Registered 8 rallion. and persons wishing to use the said Stallion. may consult with him, and make arrange; ments at, Lots 61 62, Con. 3, N. D. R. E. \V. LIM IN. Banker is one. of the best. Stoc: Horses in the County of Grey. 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. “BANKER” to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a. pair of boots. FROM

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