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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Sep 1907, p. 5

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; DURHAM BRANCH I’- 0- Telford, . I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham mid Vi- cinity that I have opened up a first-class Butcher Shop in the )Iaclntyre Block where I will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited Note the address McIntyre Block, - D1 -NEMI BUTCHER SHOP DURHAM. “79 have a good assortment of Tweeds and Suitings, which we would like you to see. Call and get one of our $1.50 \Vhite Bed Spreads for $1.00 While they last. -, _ any. i 97‘ 9‘ IV ‘3' 0V ‘0, «3/ gym...) .09. .0 -.IO_-" 0-,; .0, \QQA..V\IV\I m "Z"x».§x- Qfidwfiéfi.‘ %W--*.:s..ws..t=s; .25.. *- 3:255. 3.2%; .29: Our New Spring Stock of Grocerigs and Crock- ery Wave is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. §u§to_m Cowling; and Spinning will be attezded to as usual. The highest price will be paid in Cash or Trade. WOOL WANTED I I U Lll LlCL’lLli ' LV U1\’\/Dg I V 'J ULLJ L 1 00.000 Pounds B. PHILLIPSa A. E. m, Esq., M.P. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Percy (3.. A. Webster, Jeweller Sept». 19, 1907 S. SCOTT ' Emma JARVIS, Esq., - - President RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq. First Vice-President A. A. ALLAN, Esq” - - Second Vzke-Preszdeut HEADQ‘IARTERS FOR SOLID GOLD RINGS HEAD OFFICE:â€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . a 33,04 GmraLMaaagcr. _ â€" Asst. Swami-Manger. at best current rates paid quarterly. " ONTARIO Durham BOARD 01" DRECI'ORS : W. K. McNAUGHr, Esq., m BRUCE, Esq., Kc. The Watch That Runs On Time. “.7001 ........ Tallow ........ Lard .......... Fall Wheat .......... Spring Wheat ........ Oats ................ Peas Barley .............. . Eggs ............ L. . . . Potatoes per bag ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins. . . . . . . . Straight business methods and one pmce to all. Disfigured or illfez-Ltured enlarg- nlents by an \Vm’k done promptly, :L trial order soliCIted. Have made one delivery and the customer IS highly pleased. Will make all deliveries myself. The. above Company has 20 years expemence and guarantees likeness and workmanship. I have secured the agency from The Portaait Supply 00., Toronto, for Durham and surrounding coun- try to take orders sor Enlarged Portraits of deceased and livinO'. Children and Babies 1L speciality. 3"“ 3’5”: Patronize Home Industry $3,000,000. RETOUCHING Vheat .......... 3 . . .14 as per bag ...... >er cwt ........ 2 LI per sack ..... 2 be? cwt ........ 1 [o gs .......... . DURHAM Expert Artist Market Report. 55$; Yours faithfully, J no. R. Leggett, Durham, Ont. Sept. ..$ 90 1:03 901:0 45 to 73 to .. 55 to ..14 00 15011 18 to, 15 to 85 to . ‘2 20 to f 2 50 to f 160 to 1 19. 19M 90 to 23 to '1 to 12 to to to 13 00 90 45 73 THE Conductor and Engineer who had charge of the train in the Caledon Wreck are charged with criminal neg- ligence and the C. P. R. is blamed. for putting incompetentfind inexperienc- ed men in charge of a passenger train running on such a dificult piece of 11' will be no cause of regret when the mo'ving business is completed? Some of them are not worth much and the purchasers would be as well ofi if they hadn’t touched them. It’s all right in the case of a. good building. I A LARGE load from Holstein attend- ed the Evangelistic meetings here last night. The Rink Tabernacle, as it is called during the meetings was fairly ; well filled. It was ,the largest week- ‘ night audience since the beginning of the campaign and increased interest is being manifested as the days rollgby. They are the most orderly evangelis- tic meetings ever held in the place, and their influence will be felt in the improved moral tone of the commun- ity. The card and dance question will be taken up to-ngiht and the subject tomorrow night will be Characterl Buildings. Sunday night will be the farewell meeting. I A ROOM 1n the Town Hall is being used by the model students during the the model term, the school building itself being inadequate. We are much in need of more school ztccomodation and the board Will soon have to make a move in the direction of building. For the past two or three years the children have been housed around WhereV'eI-ziishelter could be found. This should not be so. ENVE learn that the railroad irons are laid nearly to Priceville from Proton Station. Were it not for a heavy out near the Glen it would not take long to run the rails through to Durham, but there’s about six weeks work in one out alone, and they will not likely be here before the first: of November. REV. \VM. KETTLEWELL of Toronto, formerly pastor of the Methodist church Mt. Forest was in town over Sunday and enjoyed a re-union with Cro'ssley and Hunter whom he had been with in' three or four former cam- paigns. REEVE SAUNDERS is brightning up his shop with a coat: of paint, and Alderman Swallow is rushing his new house towards completion. How these town fathers do shine! MUCH sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. James Lenahan. who are bereav- ed over the loss of their little child six months’ old. R. H. MCWILLIAMS. President of the Cement. (30., left for California, yesterday and will be absent; for two Weeks. For particulars, see small. Bills. Vs for :1 Prize List. Will be held in the Town Hall, 011 the evening of the 25th, Admission, 35(3.-â€"â€"A11 Seats Reservedâ€"Tickets will be ready for sale by '2 p.1'n., 011 the 18th. Plan of Hall at Darling’s Drug); Store. The Directors have resolved that the Exhibition of 1907 shall eclipse all previous efforts of the Society. Premium Lists have been revised and enlarged to meet the demands of the Exhibitors. Byrie Bros, Diamond Hall, Toronto, have donated several Medals to be competed for in different Delilartnients. Sights to see, Lots to Lem 11 Old F1 lends to meet, New Ones to oreet Joy all lound September 24 and 25 ’07 Exhibition The Old Southland Sextette Company of Chicago, have been secured at considerable expense and will appear afternoon and evening in their variety of songs and performzuices. This Company of Colored Entertainers have met with greatest success everywhere. GEO. BINNIE, Pres. South Grey Agricultural Society DURHAM . Will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday LOCAL ITEMS A GRAND CONCERT GOD SAVE THE KING. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE quefices, he foresees, may be'dgngg. National Portland Cement always kept on hand. ro er )8 same opinion as to the peril to the earth. Both as- , FURNITURE . . “7 MM tronomers hold that if the actual nuc- In thus our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. 9 ( lens of the comet is merely crossed a full line of Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches. Tables by thé earth, the r Will be brief, ha. . t f . This is the place to get though necessarily acute. If, however, 0 ms, Spring Mattresses etc.. to selec rom the earth collides with not the nuc- the right 8"qu at RIGHT PRICES- leus but the tail of the comet, our atmosphere will probably. be ignited, " . I h grammes 33mm?”- Lenaha 11 MC. 11 tos Prom Matteucci adds that other gated «timing: 212233083 2;: * A'few doors south of the Middaugh House. - mama-913.1193? Mame sun. -_ , Ma'y 'EnH {F43"W6rld. Professor Matteucci, the disfinz; guished scientist and authority Vesuvius, states that toward the end of March the substance of the new comet discovered by Signor Marchetti will come into contact with the at- mosphere of the earth. The conse- “Most welcome, returned the King, Holding out his hand. The boy took it, quite unconscious ”mi he was shaking hands with Eng- ‘find’s sovereigqaand ran off to his When the last crumb had disap- nmred. he placed the plate on the table. “Thank you t”_he sqidagajn. "(RE A ‘l piece of cake, whereupon, becoming suddenly shy, the little boy took to his heels and scampered away. The King laughed softly. But as he knows a good deal about child na- ture, he placed the plate with the cake on it invitingly near the~edge of the table, and presently “curly head” came haltingly back. His Majesty again extended the plate. This time the boy took it. "Thank you,” said he. The King bowed with the utmost gravity. Then, resting the plate on the King’s knees, the boy ate the cake with appetite, even stooping to pick up and eat a rather large crumb which had fallen at his Majesty’s feet. THE Jury zit \Vztlkerton brought in at verdict of “not guilty” in the case of Agnes Thomas, who Was charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of Philip Gilbert at \Viarton. Her three assailants, John. \Villiam and \Valter Lancaster, got :eight months each. A Baseball Match between Dur- ham and some other first-class outmde Team will he '1. feature. of the afternoon. ‘ @842 $38 EmmwarA rat/MOO The V King ahd 'the Edy. Write or ask the Sec. 1mm, Sec. BaseBall fi*§§?§§ Ll mi:- brief, Never, 2 nuc- . our .- .nited, mee- 1. other In this our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. “’6 him? a full line of Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches. Tables Chairs, Spring Mattresses etc.. to select from. This is the place t0 get the right goods at RIGHT PRICES. _ In Oils we have a complete stock consisting of Canadian and American Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Gasoline, Ben zine. Cream Separator Oil, Machine Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Castor Oil, Carriage Oil etc. etc. See our stock of these before buying elsewhereâ€"both quality and price speak for themselves. We also have the latest and best in Washing Machines. \Vringers and Chums. VVeZhave a good assortment; of Double and Single Bun-w Guns. A Rifles. Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds to select from. Sec “111‘ assortment of these and our different: kinds of cartridges. Guns, Firearms and Ammunition We also carry a full line of McClary’s Graniteware and Tin- ware. which is well and favora bl y known the (Oak Heaters) which surpass the majority of heaters both in usefulness and looksâ€"also many others which require no particu- lars given here. The New Hardwareand Furniture Store Horse Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes “Pandora” Range L: Furnaces, Stoves Ranges Heaters Remember we are agents for the famous lines of McClary’s Furnaces, Stoves, Ranges Heaters. Among these. is {the well-known “Sunshine Furnace,” which is almost as good as a private sun in any home fl pm fim

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