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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Sep 1907, p. 3

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3 _ Durham. Ont. g wrmwwwasmwm ans ‘_ O o '4 MSIQSE‘ ’- -:§.'5.' ' ,. m Implement Agent and .Auctiuueer. (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Se wing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIZ» JERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 0F Democrats and Buggies Implements 100 acres on Durham Road, Bentinck, good Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling, snap tor $2500. 100 acres, extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the $2700 asked tor the farm Near Crawford P.O. i acre building lot in Durham, for sale cheap, or trade for anythin a man can eat, wear, or through a stic at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. $300 of stock in Durham Cement Co., placed in I my hands for sale cheap. Always Prompt, Never Negligent AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Iambszones (“YEN SOUND. Then do business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover Com'eyancer He offers: 200 acres. Glenelg, Frame Dwelling, Bank Barn, Good Farm, ought to bring$4000 Will sell tor $3000. :50 acres. Glenelg, splendid location. extra good Buildings, cheap {at $7500, will take -.1- - Al" Deering Harvester Co.’s we are giving in NcVV Dress GUOda, Furs. Boats 8. “hut“, and Underwear etc. . Come and see how we? will ‘ manage to wait on you. Do you want to make money and F. E. SIEGNER c. L; GRANT BARGAENS across the river in Town is causing a great deal uf talk since it was started. Many are predicting that it» will nutsfand th.p test when the floods «mu: m the spring; ORth‘a‘ Lmtt there will b:- a MC: jaunvhen the freahet comes. and will he carried away. We“ We Wumd Hui. Ilse: Lu have that come tn 11:13:, but We firmld like. tn see pe-up'e jam and fill Uzlt‘ stun-9 11;, and be: 8.1:: John Clark The New Rail read BRIDGE Try our Ramsay Paints and Varnishes of all kinds. A Large Supply of TIN~ \VARE alwn ys on hand, or made to 0) (181' on shortest notlce. Our CHARCOAL IRONS are just the thing for warm weather. No heat, no dust, no trouble. Hardware and Tinware Perhaps you want a Lawn Mower? if so, you should see ours before buying. we have the kinds that work easyand last a long time. The price is right to. COME SEE. See our GASOLINE STO- VE. the cheapest and best on the market. The hot weather is now here 1nd )011 should hen: the comfort afforded bv our SCREEN DOORS AND ‘WINDO‘VS A FULL LINE OF THE Sept. 26, 1907 The Hanover Conveyancer SAVE MONEY ? . H. Miller, Get ready for DURHA M . Berfin Pianos A" '5 'f’ ”W QB left. here to reside in Thornbury from which place he went up the lakes..â€" i Word reached here from Bying In- let on Friday 185: of the accidental sheeting of Mr. Alven 8. Clay by B;_.,rr)ert Hooey, late 0f MGQford and Tho nbnry It appears that the two young men were hunting some miles up the Still River, and a glancing shot from Hooey’s gun, Which had struck a tree, hit Cmy right on the cheek, entering the brain. Death follutved in a few minutes As they , were same distance inland from the‘ ,river. Hoooy was compelled to carry} the body of his companion to the ca. rm» and bring it down the river to vae Inlet. Deceased was in his sweaty-eight year. unmarried. and at the time of his death Was a partner With douey m the coast trading busi- ng” in no small schooner Mermaid. Hi4 parazlts reside in Owen Sound. Much sympathy is extended to Huoey. who at one time was in the cooper-age businessin Meaford. He ln'h LA-A -A __.,‘ O While out Hunting at Bying Inlet, b3, Herbert Hooey, Late of Meaford. All drugglsrs should be able to Sup- ply you With Hyomei or we will send in by mail on l‘tCuipl‘. of price $1.00, and every package is sold Wish the distinct; understanding that it costs homing unltb‘i it cures. Booth’s Hyomei Company. Buffalo, N. Y. We do not want anyone’e money unless Emmet givee relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives SBI‘ASfaCLiOD, Hy o-mei is made from nature’s soothing oils and be. sums and con tains the germ killing properties of the pine woods. Its medication is taken in with the air you breathe, so that it. reaches the most remone part of the reepiratory organs, killing all catarrhal germs and soothing any. irritation there may be in the (nu-l cous membrane. l Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure Will Be Guaranteed. If you have catarrb, with offensive breath. burning pains in the throat. difficulty in breathing, raising of mu- cous. discharge from the HUSH, tick- ling or drapping from the back of the throat, coughing spasms. etc.. be gin the use of Hy-o-mei at. once A rather serious accident occurred _ at the main railway crossing Carleton i Place early Saturday morning. . It was about 3 a. m. when the Mis- _ sissippi hotel bus was driving up . with a load from the west-bound “ Soo ” express. As the bus ap- proached the Munro crossingâ€"where there is a number of tracks and a gate on the opposite side from where the bus was comingâ€"the driver mis- took a lantern waved by a brakesman for the yard engine to be a signal for him to cross, and he drove right on ' to the rails as the east bound express train came thundering along. He pulled up and endeavored to swing clear. but too late. The horses were struck by the engine, one being killed instantly and the other so injured that it had to be shot. The front of the omnibus was carried away, and {the driver, Mr Frank Lodge, was thrown several feet, falling upon the pavement and being badly shaken up. two ribs also being broken. The passengers in the bus. two men, two women and a child, had a miraculous escape, sustaining no injury what- ever; in fart the child was sleeping at the time and never woke up. The horses were valued at $400 and tho loss to Mr. Mcllquham is in round figures $500.â€"-â€"Kemptville Advance HAVE YOU CATARRH? We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50 cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi-o-na is sold by druggists every where. or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents. Bouth’s Miona Company. Bufialo. N. Y. soon find that both stomach and bowels do their worh as they should. "Day after day, at work behind desks or in the facmry with poor sunlight and air, soon results in sluggishness of the entire physical and mental apparatus. The first slight symptoms of indigestion can be easily cured, but when they are allowed to increase without any help, then the stomach complaints become hard to shake 0E. But Mi-o-ne stomach tablets taken with regularity. in a very few days will drive away indigestion, dizzy spells. distress after eating, head- aches, sleeplessness. and the many other symptoms of bed digestion and sluggishness of the digestive organs that: keep peeple from enjoying them- selves. To thoroughly drive away troubles of the stomach most people think they have to make a business of it with dieting, exercise. and perhaps avacation. MAN ACCIDENTLY SHOT Thousands of men and women are anxiously looking forward to the vacation days that come in June, July and Augustâ€"not so much for the pleasure or enjoyment as for the chance to getting rid of their ill health. Take It Now that Vacation Days are ngt Approaching. THE NEW REMEDY. STRUCK BY TRAIN . For Annual Announcement or other infor- mation apply to T1103. Manna, Princinal. JNO. RUTHERFORD,SOOYT1'688. For the past seven years Owen Sound 0011- egiate Instltute has Dre areal more teachers than any other school m the tonnce. Termâ€"The tees are: For Emile from the Counties of Grey. Bmce. We 'ngton, Dufierin and Simcoe. Ten Dollars : from other counties. Twelve to Fifteen Donate. Commercial Course-To meet the demand for a better commercial education. the Board has thoroughly eqmpped a Commercial Department and instruction 18 fivengn the several subjects required fora goo business education. includo mg practice In shorthand and Typewriting. The student who successfully completes this course is granted a diploma by the Collegiate Institute Board. flannel Training and Household Scienceâ€"- Rooms have been thoroughly equipped at a. cost of over 3:300. .and the atydents of tne lower forms reoelve msaructlon 111 these important departments. sun and Equipmentâ€"The staff consists of twelve teachers. ALL spscqms'rs and men of the highest professional standmg, The equipment is thoroughly modern and among the best in Ontario. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will re- open for the Fall Term on Tuesday, 3rd, at 9 a.m,, when pupils will be enrolled a class- ifled, and classes organized for the General Course; the Commercial Course; for all es of Teachers’ Certificates; for Pass and onor Matriculation. and for entrance into all the learned professions. Re-opening Tuesday, September 3rd, [907 THE OWEN SOUND COLLEGIATE INSTITU {E Adjourned to meet on Saturday. Nov. lb'th. Orders were issued to the amount of $173 60 made up of small accounts chiefly for gravel, and 330 com. tax for sidewalks in Dromore and $38.75 clerk’s quarter salay. By-Iaw No. 214. to levy the rates, passed the usual readings Rates are not so high as last year. Mrs. Muir and Mrs Kerr were exempted from land tax. 1. The sum of $110 has been paid. balance retained to pay bill presented by R. O. Kilgour. $2 fees paid on drain No. 4 and $1 fees on drain 1. Drain Inspector recommended pay- ment of $200 on drain No. 4, D. Shea culvert; on said drain 3‘20. Recom- mended payment of $183 on drain No Com’r McArthur expended $78 40, the sum of $14.85 ditching. balance on bridges and culverts. Fees 85. Com’r Ferguson expended $40. 65 in repairs and culverts. Fees award- ed $3 00 Com’r Philip reported having ex- panded $50 in small jobs given in de- tail. Fees on the same 33. Com’r Lothian gave detailed ac- count. of road imps. consisting chiefly of repairs to bridges and culverts amounting to $152.25. His com. fees $5 00. The council accepted of assmnment of contract of drain Nos. 1 and 2 from W. P. Ellis to John Ellis. On requisition of W. P. Ellis an order was issued for $72.18 in favor of R. O Kilgour and charged to con- tractor on drain No. 1. MoArthur-â€"Lothian-â€"Thac Com’r Philip be appointed to investigate the case and make as reasonable a settlement. as possible.â€"Garried. Council met Sept. 19th. Minutes approved. A communication from Dr. Perry re damages to horse and buggy by breaking through acnlvert, A diseased condition of the sur- faces of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from indigestion or an impure conâ€" dition of the blood. Thousands of cases prove that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills through their specific action on the secretory and eliminative organs. not only cure bad breath. but so thoroughly purify the system that anything suggestive of blood or di- gestive troubles is impossible; Through Dr. Hamllton’s Pills thel skin grows rosy and clear, activity of the body and mind increases, and boundlng health is established. Sold everywhere in 250 boxes. A SUGGESTION 0F RARE VALUE turbed on the Pacific Ocean side rath- er than the Mediteranean. I predict that within the next few years all I the great European nations will com- bine in triendly relations, oEensive ’ and defensive. against the balance at ' the world, which means against China, Japan and India. who repre i sent about two-thirds of the world’s} i population. If the United States wants to stand aloof and avoid being drawn in on one side or the other. I the Philippines must be parted with. The contest of the European nations will be for the Commerce in the East, and the European powers, especially Russia and Germanv, will do all they :can to breed trouble between the liUnited States and Japan and would , be glad to have both nations cripuled Ithrough a War. So long as we hang 'on to the Philippines we will have a éwar cloud hanging over us Eng- land owing to her alliance with lapan, H in better posifion to take care J ,the Philippines than we are. and if 'we could make a dell With Eng and to exchange them ior hr-r South American possessions it would he a good thing for us, as, when the Pan- ama Canil is built. those islands will a be of much more advantage to us 1' than the Phiiippines. and by thus re- l moving: the bone of contention we c \VOUld secure our permanent peace. j The Philippines will be agreat source z of expense to us without any possi- 2 biliry of obtaining corresponding ad- l vantages, therefore. why retain what will keep a sore spot open as long as we hold on? 3 3 Egremont Council. PROPHET AT LARGE. W. ALLAN, Clerk. “ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE They usually contain acids and burn the flesh. The one safe cure in liquid form is Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. which is purely v93. etable, causes no pain and cures in one day. Don’t. {forget the nameâ€"'3 “Putnam’s.” Don’t iudge a man by what you see When busmess cares are on his mind ; At work though grufl' a man may be, At home perhaps you’ll find him kind. I know a gruff old man who seemed To be perpetually riled, And no one ever would have dreamed That down at heart his ways were mild. This grufl' old man at work would scowl It seemed that he was always cross, He gaye his orders with a growl. Impressed on all that he was boss. A. grouch they called this gruff old man And that is w at he seemed to be. But home. a little baby ran To clamber high upon his knee He tugged and pulled the old man’s beard And took his watch and chain away. At home this grufl‘ old man appeared As happy as a boy at play. They rom d together on the floor. He travel ed on his hands and knees The baby on his back he bore To capture lands across the seas. Then childish laughter filled the place And thru the home rang shouts of glee, No frown would ever shadehrs face When baby clambered to his knee. Ready to romp, and run. and play, i This gruff old man was always found. With baby at the close of day. The gayest man for miles around. And so I say. don’t iudge by what A busy man appears to be. Perhaps it may be that _he’s not So grufi' with baby on his knee. When his daily task is done And all his cares are put away. The ruff old man may love to run And ugh with little ones in play. I was so week from an attack of diarrhoea that I could scarcely attend to my duties, when 1 took a dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me entirely and I had been taking: other medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recommend this remedy as being the best to mv knowledge for bowel complaints.-â€"R. G. STEWART, of the firm of Stewart Bro., Gren- ville, Ala. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. DANGER IN CORN SALVES. Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One Dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Yesterday morning gentlemen who were driving along the St. Vincent road brought word to town of the . strange conduct of a man who had been making matters uncomfortable for the Longs’ neighborhood. While the mother was at the barn milking and the father had gone to assist at a threshing at an early hour a strange looking individual entered the resi~ dence of Mr. W. J. Long, carrying a» shotgun. He passed through the house, and going up stairs discharged the barrels contents of the gun in the floor. He then went out and without comment sauntered down to the road. The children went up stairs and found the floor on fire from the burn- ing slugs. With commendable pres- ence of mind they put the fire out and then hastened to the barn and gave the alarm. Immediately search was made for the individual, who was dressed in a suit of grey cloth- ing, but up to the time of passing of the Owen Sounders no trace had been found, A driver of acream wagon reported having seen the wild eyed individual, and the gentlemen who brought word to town remembered having met a man answering the de- scription and carrying a gun only a few minutes before being informed of the incident. The man is evident- ly demented. It is supposed that he went toward Meaford Up to this morning the local police had heard nothing of the occurrence.-â€"O. S. Zun Buk heals sores. cures eczema skm eruptions. ulcers, nngworm, itch, 1m ber’s rash, blood poison. bad leg. min rheum. abrasions, abscesses, cuts, burns. scalds, and all skin in- juries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents. or from Zam~Buk 00., Toronto for price. 3 boxes {or $1.25. “GENTLEMEN,â€"-In the orphange de- partment of the Asylum, we have i found Zam-Buk very good for heal~ 'ing cu ts. cold some. and skin injuries generally. and shall continue to use in for such. Yours sincerely. (Signed) GREY NUNS ” When u morher rubs on to the del- icaze skin of children a balm. or salve to heal some cut. bruise. burn. erup- tion or skin disease, she needs to be careful an: if she were giving a child an mieenal remedy. ZenuBuk i8 pureâ€"â€"free from all animal fat and all mineral matter. and may be ap~ plied with wonderful benefit; even to the skin of young babies. I TH E GREY nuns zmsux From the St. Patricks Asylum, Ottawa comes the following appreciao tions of its merits: Many of the leading institutions throughout Canada have now adopted Zam-Buk as a standard preparation Without equal for skin diseases and injuries. burns. blood poison. etc. Leading Institutions now THE GRUFF OLD MAN. MAN WITH A GUN. . 23W," ,4 LI 4’; ‘J [117‘ if '. Its deep fire-box holds the fire easily over nightâ€"no ashes can accumulate to choke the draft. lts 'grates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. Every desirable improvement for elfecting a saving in labor. time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. Its Aerated Oven, changing the air therein completely. without lessening the heat a degree. gives it an immense ad- vantage over all other ranges. in stove building is con- centrated in the Souvenir .- 1‘. Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern cooking stoves. Added to its compact- ness, is every advantage to be found in 'any KATE COCHRANE. Agent, DURHAM, ONT. wDAY and EVENING classes and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one Week free. Visitors welcome. l.-â€"Prices will please you. 4. â€"You c. 2. â€"â€"Groceries Will suit you. getztmg fill 3. -â€"Promptness of delivery Weight; and will surprise you. q BOOK~KEEPIN G SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING Groceries MATTHE ' _ FROM WS 8’ W. J. ELLIOTT; Principal. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets N.B.â€"A nice Pencil Case containing slate and lead pencil and pen ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson \Ve have no hesitation in s and shoes is larger than judge Prices and Quality. Eggs taken same as cash at the Down Town Shoe aying our stock of boots you can find anywhere else in town. You Stnrpe Mount Forest Business College THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO., Limited TORONTO, ONT. LEADS IN HAMILTON. WINKZPEG. MONTREAL. VANCD'J'L’ER '. T. CLANCY, Prin. ELLIOTT . 3‘“ 31.1.3011\\1.l3 hog Sgi‘rvim 9.9:“??ctano-‘r‘hh hf“ * Oglivie’s Flour Always in why you should buy your “I. .5»?! ... siwfim; wWa‘ (c sits 4 ixperlence For the Season of 1907, GEORGE MIGHTOX has full charge of the above named Registered Stall inn. and persons wishing to use the said Stallion. may consult with him. and make, arm-ange- ments at Lots 61 «k 62, Gun. 3, N. D. R. E. \V. LIMIN. Banker is one of the. best. Sbocc Horses in the County of Grey. Registered alvdesaale Stallion “BAN KER” "0. $3 Town Shoe Store. to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a pair of TRY US. Stock LATIMER

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