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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Sep 1907, p. 5

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I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham and Vi- cinity that I have opened up a first-class Butcher Shop in the MacIntyre Block where 1 will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited NEW BUTCH ER SHOP Note the address McIntyre Block, - Durhz The highest price: will be paid in Cash or Trade. Custom Co;ding and Spinning will he attended to as usual. ery Wave is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES. “78 have a good assoxtment of Tweeds and Suitings, Which we would nke you to see. Call and get: one of out :31. .30 \Vhite Bed Spreads for $1. 00 While they WOOL WANTED I I last. DURHAM. k PePcy GI Al webSteP’ delta B. PHILLIPS Sept. 26, 1907 .‘l'lle Sovereign Bank of Canada S. SCOTT Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings. BOARD 01’ DIRECTORS: Emms JARVIS, Esq. ., - - HM Rumour: MACDONALD, Esq., First Vice-Beside»! LLALLANHEsq - - Sedeice-Mzdui MCMIIJAN, HON. PETER MW. mans, Esq. ., mm. W. K. Mcmmnr. En» m. nan, Esq. MP. ' ALEX. BRUCE, Esq.» KC. HEAD OFFICE:â€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . . $3.04 General-Manager. Asst. CMMmer. : 4' m ONTARIO am Fall ‘Wheat .......... $ Sprlhg Wheat ..... Oats Peas . Barley .............. Hay ................. 1 Butter .............. Eggs .......... h ....... Potatoes per bag ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cm: ........ Live Hogs ....... '.. . . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins..... . l have. secured the agency from The Portaait Supply 00., Toronto, for Durham and surrounding coun- try to take orders sor Enlarged Portraits of deceased and living. Children and Babies a speciality. Patronize Home Industry The abov 0 Company has 2.0 years experi ence ezmd guarantees likeness and W01 knmn Shl p Have made one delivery and the customer IS 1ngth pleased._ Will make all dehverles myself. Disfigured or illfeaturcd enlarg- men ts by an \Vork done promptly, 3L trial order solicited. Straight business methods and one price to all. DURHAM. Sept Market Report. RETOUCHING $3,000,000. :83..........$ heath”... .. .ooooooooO'O >OIIDQ0.000.0 ,..a..00.ooo 0000.00.00... Expert Artist Yours faithfully, J no. R. Leggett, Durham, Ont. Jeweller $ 90 to $3 90 to 45 to 73 to 55 to 14 00 to 1 18 to 15 to . 85 to ‘2 ‘20 to 2 50 to 1 ("$0 to S) to 90 to 23 to 7x to 12 to to to to to J! ~] (3 65 90 00 13 Pumpkin pieâ€"R. Max-ice, Art Mc- Donald. Pie. any otherâ€"R. Burnett. Mrs- Blackburn. Canned fruitâ€"D.Mc11vrifie. Raspberry wineâ€"Geo. Binnie. N. Harvey. - Mixed picklesâ€"D. McIlvride, Mrs. Blackburn. Maple sugarâ€"Geo. Binnie. Maple syrupâ€"W. G. Firth, Geo. Binnie. - fiHoney, strainedâ€"M. ’Barber, W. J. Ritchie.. 2 .2 M ECollection Jelliesâ€"Mrs. Blackburn, Misses Edge .‘fiw‘fi.’ :37 if” "" :"s... Hothouse plants in pots, 12 varie- tiesâ€"- Howard McDonald. Thomas Petty. Hothouse plants in pots, 6 varieties â€"â€"D. McIlvride. Arr. McDonald. Collection double geraniu‘msâ€"N. Harvey. Hugh McDonald. Collection sinrrle geraniumeâ€"Hugh McDonald, N. Harvey. , - 1 “hi?” -‘ PLANTS. mg-.. H ECollection hothouseâ€"C. Lang“, Hothouse plants in pots 2O variet- iesâ€"H. McDonald, Mrs. Blackburn. Collection geraniums. fancy leaved Hugh McDonald, Mrs. Blackburn. laouble geraniums, whiteâ€"Miss Mockler, Art McDonald. Double geraniums. any other color â€"â€"Miss Mockler, Mrs Blackburn. Single geranium, 'whiteâ€"Miss Mockler. Hugh McDonald, Single geraniums, any other color «Miss Mockler, Mrs. Blackburn. Collection scented geraniumsz. Harvey. Ivy geraniums, variegatedâ€"H. G. Brigham, Hugh McDonald. Palergonium geraniumâ€"Geo. Bin- nie, Hugh McDonald. Oleanderâ€"Geo. Binnie, D. McIl- vride Ivyâ€"Robs. Edge, Hugh McDonald. Hibiscusâ€"N. Harvey. ' Collection begonias, floweringâ€"â€" Mrs. Blackburn. Collection Coleusâ€"C. Lang, Petty. Collection Fuchsiaâ€" Mrs. Blackv burn. Single Fuchsiaâ€"J. Gray. D. Mcâ€" Ilvride. Collection cactiâ€"Mrs. Blackburn, N. Harvey. Collection foliage plantsâ€"C. W. Lang, Mrs. Blackburn. Abutilonâ€"Howard McDonald, Hugh McDonald. Balsamsâ€"N. Harvey. Hugh Mc~ Donald. Hydrangeaâ€"Hugh McDonald. Tuberoseâ€"N. Harvey. Rose in bloomâ€"N. Harvey. Cockscompr. Harvey. Hanging basketâ€"~N. Harvey. C. W Lang. Display Open air flowersâ€"W. Far- qurharson, N. Harvey, Hugh McDon- ald. Asters. COLâ€"N. Harvey. .. (Very fine says the Judge in his report.) Dahliasâ€"Hugh McDonald. Dianthus, collectionâ€"N. Harvey, Hugh McDonald. Marigoldsâ€"N. Harvey. Hugh Mc- Donald. - Phlox, Drumondiâ€"N. Harvey, A. Scout. Phlox, perennial-Hugh McDonald Howard McDonald. Pansiesâ€"A. Scott, N. Harvey. Petunias. singleâ€"N. Harvey, W. Farquharson. Stocksâ€"N. Harvey} Geo. Binnie. Snapdragonsâ€"N. Harvey. flVerbenasâ€"N, Harvey. .. Einniasfiâ€"Hugh McDonald, N. Har- vey. Gladioliâ€"Hugh McDonald. (Fine.) mLarkspurâ€"Mrs. Blackburn. Hugh McDonald. ' Wild flowe'rsâ€"T. Petty. Hugh Mc- Donald, Jas. Gray. Q §Bonquet, vase. any flowersâ€"Hugh McDonald, Mrs. Blackburn. White Plymouth rock cockâ€"N. Harvey, W. Mountain. White Plymouth rock henâ€"Wm. Mountain. N. Harvey. Barred Plymouth rock cockâ€"H. Grasby, Jas. Gray. Barred Plymouth rock henâ€"H. Grasby.:Jas. Gray. Bufl Plymouth rock henâ€"H. Gras- by, Ist and 2nd. Single Comb white leghorn cockâ€"- Howard McDonald, H. Grasby- Single comb White leghorn henâ€"H. Graeby, Howard McDonald. Rose comb white leghorn henâ€"H. Graeby. Single comb brown leghorn cock-â€" H. Graeby. Single comb. brown leghorn henâ€" H. Graeby, Howard McDonald. Bose comb brown leghorn henâ€"4H. Grosby lat and 2nd. Bouquet, hand, house flowersâ€" Miss_Mockler Hugh McDonald. Table ornamentâ€"Mrs. Blackburn. den. Buff leghorn cockâ€"J». Gray, B. Burnett. Rhode Island Red cockâ€"G. Thomp- son, 0. G. McFaydon. 4’3 Rhoda Island rod honâ€"C. 0. Mc- Foydon. MATURE Light Brahma henâ€"C. 0. M01?”- Bufi laghorn honâ€"Jae. Gray, B. CUT FLOWERS Poultry. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Silver gray dorking hefiâ€"J. Gray. Black minorca cockâ€"'Wm. Moun- tain. J. Gray. Black minorca. henâ€"J‘as. Gray, W. Mountain. Orpington Bufl cockâ€"A. Soon. Orpington Buff henâ€"C. W. Lang, A. Scott, White wyandotte henâ€"Art. Mc. Donald 18': and 2nd. White wayndotte cockâ€" Art Mc- Donald C. C. McFayden. Golden laced Wyandotte cockâ€"N Harvey 131'. and 2nd. Silver laced wyaudobte cockâ€"C. C McFayden. Silver laced wyaudotce henâ€"“. C McFayden 13c and 2nd. Black breasned red game 'cockâ€"N. Harvey 185 and 2nd. Golden laced wyandotte henâ€"N Harvey let. and 2nd. Black breasted red game henâ€"N. Harvey 1512 and 2nd. ‘3er game cockâ€"1:1. Grasby. Pyle game henâ€"H. Grasby. Seabright Bantam cockâ€"W. Moun- tain. Game bancum henâ€"H. Grasby 18!: and 2nd. Bantam. any other, cockâ€"C. W. Lang. Bantam, any other, henâ€"C. W. Lang. Rouen drakeâ€"C. W. Lang. Emden ganderâ€"Thos. Gadd lst and Bud. Seabright bantam henâ€"VV. Moun- tain 13!: and 33nd. Game bantam cockâ€"H. Grasby 13b and 2nd. . Emden gooseâ€"JFhos. Gadd 18B and 2nd. Toulouse ganderâ€"Wm. Willis. A. McClinton. Toulouse goose-Wm. Willis. CHICKENS White Ply mouth rock (:ockerelâ€"â€" W Mountain ist and 2nd White Plymouth rock palletâ€"N. Harvey. W. Mountain Barred Plymouth rock cockerelâ€"H Grasby Is: and 2nd. Barred Piymouth rock palletâ€"H H, Grasby lsr. and 2nd Single comb white leghorn coc_kerel â€"H. Erasby, Howard McDonald. Single comb white leghorn palletâ€" â€"â€"Howard McDonald, H. Grasby. Rose comb brown leghorn puller.â€" H. Grasby 13c and 2nd. Single comb brown leghorn pullet â€"-H. Grasby 15!: and 2nd. Rose comb brown leghorn cockerei â€"fl. Grasby lst and 2nd. Single comb brown leghorn cooker- elâ€"H. Grasby, lst and 2nd. Rhode Island red palletâ€"George Thompson 151: and 2nd. Rhode Island red cockerelâ€"Geo. Thompson [Sc and 2nd. Bufi ngington cockerel~-W. J Ritchie. C. W. Lang. Black Minorca cockerelâ€"VV. Moun tain 155 and 2nd. Black minorca pullecâ€"W. Moun tain 181:, and 2nd. White wyandotte cockereJâ€"A. Mc- Donald lst and 2nd. Buff Orpington palletâ€"C. Lang. W. Ramage. White wyandonte palletâ€"A. Mo. Donald lst and. 2nd. Silver laced wyandotte cockerelâ€" C. C. McFayden. Silver laced wyandotte palletâ€"C, C. McFay den lab and 2nd. Black breasted red game cockerelâ€"o N. Harvey. Black breasned red game pulletâ€" N. Harvey. Pyle game cockerelâ€"H. Grasby. Pyle game palletâ€"H. Grasby. Game bantam cockerelâ€"H. Graaby 15c and 2nd. Filly 2 yearsâ€"Jae. Park. Scar! Sons. Gelding 2 yearsâ€"Ed. Boy, W. A. Brood mareâ€"S. Putherbough, D. Greenwood. Foalâ€"S. Pu therbough. Geo. Ritchie. Filly, 1 yearâ€"S. ‘Putherbough, Scarf Sons. Gelding 1 yearâ€"'W. A. Sharp. Filly 2 yearsâ€"Geo. Aljoe, Scarf Sons. Gelding 2 yearsÂ¥â€"Scarf Sons. Spring colt (Staple’s prize)â€"â€"Scarf Sons, D, Greenwood. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Spanâ€"A. Marshall, J. A. Swan. ston, D. McLean. Brood mereâ€"Jae. Ellison, George Herd, Wm. Allan. Foalâ€"Jae. Ellison, A. Marshall. Filly 1 yearâ€"Misses Edge, A. Scott. Gelding, 1 yearâ€"Misses Edge, Geo. Ritchie. Bronze turkey cock 1906â€"D. Edge, Thos. Gadd. Spanâ€"B. H. Fortune. J . A. Swan. ston, Wm. Ritchie. Single driverâ€"Mrs. W. Black, J no McRobb, J no. Fairbairn. Saddle horseâ€"Scuft Sons. Brood mareâ€"C. Blyth, Ju. Gray. Foalâ€"C. Blyth, J 8!. Gray. HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES Spanâ€"Frank Rusnell, D. Marshall. Nelson Willis. Game bantam palletâ€"H. Grasby lst and 2nd. Bronze turkey hen 1906â€"Thos. Gadd. D. Edge. Bronze turkey cock, 1907â€"D. Edge. Bronze turkey hen, 1907â€"D. Edge. m Continued on page 8. BOADSTER. The New Hardware and Furniture Store In Oils we have a. complete stock consisting of Canadian and American 0031 Oil, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Gasoline, Benzine, Cream Separator Oil. Machine Oil. Sewing Machine on, Castor Oil, Carriage Oil etc. etc. See our stock of these before buying elsewhereâ€"both quality and price speak for themselves. We also have the latest and best in Washing Machines, \V ringers and Chums. , . In this our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. We have a full line of Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches, Tables Chairs, Spring Mattresses etc.. to select from. This is the place to get the right goods at RIGHT PRICES. which is well and favorably known the (Oak Heaters) which surpass the majority of heaters both in usefulness and looksâ€"also many others which require no particu- lars given here. We also carry a full line of McClary’s Graniteware and Tin- ware. Wefihave a. good assortment of Double and Single Bun-cl U uns, Rifles. Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds to select from. See our assortment of these and our different kinds of cartridges. Guns, Firearms and Ammunition Lenahan 6: McIntosh National Portland Cement always kept on Horse Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes “Pandora” Range A few doors south of the Middaugh House. FURNITURE ":9" Furnaces, Stoves Ranges 8: Heaters Remember We. are ”gums for the famous lines of Mc-(‘lnry’s Furnaces, Stoves, Ranges limiters. Among these is {the well-known “Sunshine Furnace,” which is almost as good as a private sun in any home

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