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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Oct 1907, p. 3

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q} Dur ham, Ont. 9,? ‘ ӣ75415 ' “' ' Wmmmvwmmswéw 4:5 ‘iv‘ ‘. ”9.9. ! QM \‘MJ‘QSH: $10.1; implement Agent and Auctioneer (Ruhber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bull Pianos and. Organs -â€" - y---o-â€"s.â€" b.â€" Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implmnents Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BI}. JERS MOWERS RA KBS SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS VVAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Democrats and Buggies i acre building lot in Durham, for sale cheap, or trace for anything a man can eat, wear, or through a. stick at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. $390 ot‘stock in Durham Cement 00., placed in my hands for sale cheap. v I Always‘l’rompt. hever Negligent Implements Farm. Bank Barn, Fair. Dwelling; Shap tor $2500. 100 acres extra gond Buildings alone wor- th near!) the S‘Z'OO asked for the faxm Near Craxxtord P 0. :00 acres._ Glenelg. Frame Dwelliqg, Bank Barn, Good Farm, ought to brmg $4000 \V'ill sell {01‘ 330(1). :00 acres 911 Durham 394d, Bentinck. good Then {In business with H. H. MILLER the Hnnnvex' (’nnvvyzmcer 50",ames Glenelg, splendid Iocation.extra gopfllluiltlmgs cheap at $7500, will take AGEA'T" cr DOYLE JULIAN Moments and Minsmes (the highest .u was 9:11 en to the In- ternat 101ml at the n urld 5 Fair St. Louis. 3L 'l.i("1[3lhl‘h 1L PUBLISHERS. 22:23:51.0 MASS. weasnns \ A supplc'nt nt to the new editim: has hrnuxht it fullx III to date" I have been h )(Min‘: thmu-rh t 1e latter with a feeling «.1 :wtnuishmcnt at its completeness and the amount of labor that phas been put mm XI. A. II. Sayce, LL.D., p.D., of Oxford University, England, has recently said of it: It is indeed a marvelous work: it is ditficult to cunccive of a dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everything is in itâ€"xmt only what we might expect to find In such a work. but also What few of us would L‘rwrhave thought of lookingfm'. I)” you want tn make tummy and must Win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work, of its kind in the {English language. a ”A“. GOOD THINGS , F R E E â€"â€" “A Test in Pronunciation.” in- r'm‘zn'c and entertaining wzasnns H‘ the whnie family. Also Lndtntwl pziIlel’.ch. THE GR IND PRIZE ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF John Clark awn-ass the river m van‘ is cmning :L 9:1th deed nf [Mk suture it was smxrcd. \Iauy are predicting 1.11» II ‘J «1! I) N; I’LWHH tin {wt wgen thv finmis cum“ in the sp: mg: nth-4's Hm: {New \xiil m a “if," jamwi .1. the {u ~iw‘i comes. and .vi}! he carried awzw. \Vt‘“ We Wmlid nut. iikt‘ {.0 haVe that come to pass, but, we would uke m sea- pmplc we are giving in New Drcss (funds. f‘lII'S. Buns kt 51100:, and Underwear etc. (Tmce and see how we will manage to Wait on you. C. L. GRANT BARGAINS jam and tin ”'1"'~t..n°e I19. and get the The, New Rail Paad BREDGE Oct.31907 H. H. Miller, A FULL LINE OF THE SAVE MONEY ? The Hanover Conveyancer He offers: 331'? A10 Pialli 5‘ an 2 \5 l Tn:- Perth teachers met in Conven- ‘ thu a week ago last Thursday in this icity. One of the principal features 'of the proceedings was a warm. dis- cussion over me merits and demerits iof the entrance literature examina- *tion paper for 1907. The Principal [of cur can, Inst. severely condemned Ithe paper, and his View was support- ,ed ‘M' several Other members of the lfrat ~rnity. On the other hand Prino IMP”! S'auehter, of Romes’ P. S. of “this city, vigorously defended the Paper He considered the questions were fair and that any pupil who could not answer the majority of the.“ had not been prOperly taught. 'do we v e r, notwithStanding M r. 3 Shag rel-’5 able defence a majorityt1 of ’eachers voted that it was too diffi- cue.- for the average 4th class pupil. during the Teachers’ Convention the pubiic schools of Stratford held their «shoe! (air. The children’s wort: in drawing, writing, painting. etc , mane a splendid showing and was nighlv gratifying to the parents, i"h)Wu£'b and vegetables grown by the children were also exhibited, and I heard it expressed more than once that: it Is doubtful if there will be as fine a display in that line at the Fall LaSt Sunday morning the Rev. G. F. Salton, B. A. Ph. 3., delivered such an intereSting and thoughtful ad- dress on the " Massacre of the .In- nocents.” that I deemed it expedient to'give the readers of the Journal a synopsis of the same. At the outset Mr. Salton said that it was impossrble ito deal with every phase .of this im. l portant subject in a 30 minute 3 dis- course, but would confine himself to one or two thoughts worth emphasiz. ing. Speaking generally he remarked ithat thousands of parents were un- } intentionally cruel in their treatmen; ' of their children. Ignorance of the simplest hygienic laws is responsible to a great extent for the physxcal ills of children. School teachers who give homework to boys and girls were also severely scolded. Si: Walter Scott could only study five hours a day and yet many public school pupils are given enough work to keep them studying from ‘3 to 3 hours at home. Such a practice is reprehen. sible. The Speaker then introduced his text which was “Feed My Lambs”. There is no greater or more impor ; tant work under heaven than making} characcerâ€"nOt one’s own character for when a man gets beyond 18 yearsl of age his character is moulded in? ‘eternal brass and nothing short of a! cataclysm, catastrophe or miracle will alter it. To fashion the characters of? children While their minds are plastic? 'and before they have reached a per i imanency in character is the greatest :‘work that man can undertake. No} angel has such a glorious work to do, i .It is time that the church should re cognize 'that children are more im i portant than a dozen choirs. and yeti ,thousands of churches spend five ltimes more on their choirs than they I do on their Sunday Schools. Children ,are more important than church de- lcorations. yet congregations are fair- lly pouring out money for that pur- pose, and at the same time miserly doling out a few dollars for S. S. work. Instead of the Sunday School being the brightest, prettiest. cosieSt land most attractive spot around a i church it is often the gloomiest, cold- lest and most repelling apartment in the building,â€"â€"Some insufficiently lighted. badly drained basement with Window sills on a level with the ground, with probably iron bars across the casing suggestive of the prison dungeons of the dark ages. I But the day is coming when S. School larchitecture will be of primary im. portance. Everything is topsy-turvy ,just now. It is not surprising that 395% of the children who attend S. S. i never become members of the church. I This is a Startling and alarming con- dition of afiairs. When we pour 100°/. of young earnest lite into our S. S and only get 570 of what We put lin for the church life there must be a ~«-~â€"- I l b tremendous leakage somewhere. Why have we not retained them? This is a problem worth solving. While General 800th and his grand army are busy working in the slums the church must be as active in stop- ping the sediment from falling. Un- less the church of God can clear the waters of humanity the S. A. or any .Other organization can never catch lup with the work. The church has forgotten that formation is infinitely greater than re formation. It seems to take it for granted that every hu. man being must become bad and then .be reformed. It has a miscaken no- ftion that it is more important to re- liorm a drunkard than form a sober man. It is better to let the hardened isinner go on his way than neglect 3 the children. Christ said "' Feed My lLambs” and then "Feed My Sheep ” lWhy don’t the workers turn their fattention to the children and feed lthem? If there is great joy in hear ien over one sinner that repents there {is infinitely greater joy over a child iu’ho has been so trained and taught that he is kept from the need of re pentance. Salaried ministers are seemingly indi~pensable Why out also have salaried S inday School superin tendents to give their whole time and attention to tie children? The day is coming when S. S. work will be pre eminent. The speaker also advo catetl a graded curriculum of S S. 1 studies. \Vilat would happen if ' emery child in our P. Schools were ‘ requme-i to study Algebra every Mon- l day? In conclusion Mr. Salton said ‘ 1 c s that the chili} Stands inside of God’s Kingdom if Christ’s Words to Peter, “Feed My Lambs.” meant anything. Therefore it is. the bounden duty of the church to keep them there so that t they may develop true, upright, in- i Doesnt characters. Classic City Chronicles. Jr I“Dannie Nuhn, Clara Hen- dry, Edgar Boyce. Georgie Smith, Johnny McDougall. 1 Sr. Iâ€"Gilbert Ncble, Etta. Twam- ey. I (b)-Robbie Britten, John Joe Burns. Jr. IIâ€"Maggie Clark, Meggie Lun- ney, Willie Britten, Hughle flendry. Diantha Redford. Jr. IIâ€"Eva Redford. II (b)-Harry Cox, Millie Hopkins, Nina Noble. Jr. IIIâ€"Katie Phillips, Irene Britcon. Pearl Hopkins, Freddie Torry. Jr. Pu. IIâ€"Jennie Britton, Neilie McDougall. S. S. No. b', BENTINCK. Vâ€"Catherine McDougall. Sr. IVâ€"Lottie Britten. Sr. IIIâ€"James Brown. Frankle Twamley. Arthur Lunney. Archie McDougall, Campbell Clark. I Ayton has fully sustained its repu. tation of holding one of the best fairs in Ontario. The Ayton public school had a very fine exhibit of nature work. such as mounted insects of every description, seeds of weeds and flowers, birds’ nests, leaves, natural woods of differ. eut trees near by, dried wild flowers. snakes, fishes. fossils and old relics. The cases of moths were particularly fine. Mr. McKenzie, the principal of the public school, deserves the high- est praise for the way in which he has created such an interest for na- ture among the boys and girls. Some visitors from Hamilton and London declared this the best work they have seen in Ontario for children, The vegetables, the fruit, the fat cy work were much commented upon and praised by’ the crowds. The en- tire entries in these departments were wholly by local exhibitors. All outsiders who travel from town to town with much work that has been bought were ruled out entirely. The direCtors have the courage to give justice and to make the show apurely agricultural one. as all should be. Ayton, Sept. 27.â€"â€"The Agricultural Society held its fall fair at Ayton yesterday. The show was the most successful ever held here. The at- tendance and the receipts were the largest on record, Ayton has been famous for its horses, but to-day’s exhibit was equal to anything ever shown in Galt or Toronto. The bunch that lined up to compete for the gold medal given by Mr. Gilleland for the best farmer’s single driver could not be excelled. W J. Wallace, of Ford- wich. won the much coveted prize. The year will long be remembered for the magnificent exhibit of horses in all classes. Remarkable Showing of Horses in all Classes. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50 cent box of Mi o-na. stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi 0 ns is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents. Booth’s Mions Company, Bufialo, N Y. O~-‘ 0.. Hâ€"_.â€"â€" Mi o-na is to be taken before each meal and it will stimulate the secre- tive and digestive juices and strength- en the Whole of the digeStive system so that the unpleasant full feeling will be absent and indigestion pre- vented. Aftera few days use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets the headache, dizzy feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, nervousness, sleeplessness. diet-ress after eating, â€"â€"all‘these symptoms of a weak di gestion and a good skin will show that the vital machinery is once more running smoothly. Average attendance 27, A. HARROW, Teacher. Even in the present era of pros- parity and quad tune?! everything ap- pears blacx t“) B13049: people wtm are ~ufi‘ering wretched” from somu form of iDdigratiOn Where diges'i'm IS quxck. Complete and emsy mute ts a joyuus mu! ‘nupeim outlook, but iudi gestlou cauacs depression. Tm: want; of :a. safe, effective cure for sick headache. indigesuon and scomacu troubles, was always felt, until the prescriplwu known as Mi- 0 na Stomach tablets was put up in popular form and proved its invari- ame success in the many forms of in- digestion. Get Rid of Indigestion and Thmgs Will Look Bright and Joyous. The people of Durham will be pleased to know that Mr. James H. Smith, B. A.. has been appointed in- spector of the Public School of Strat- ford. to succeed Mr. I. R. Stuart. who has gone to Queen's University to lecture on school managemenc. The assessor has just: completed his work for the current year, and he hes informed us that our population 18 now 14062. which is an increase of 843 during the year, and also that taxable preperty has increased nearly half a million. Fair next week. The échool fair re- C{nit-ed the expenditure of so much energy and thought that some teach- ers hinted that; is be made a semicon- tennial evens. N ORMANBY FALL FAIR. “BLUE DEVILS” Honor Rolls. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE All druggists should be able to sup- yly you with Hy~o-mei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price. $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Booth’e Hyomei Companys Bnfielo, ‘1’"? ;.We do no want. anyone’s money unless Hyomei glves relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. If you sufier from catarrhal troubles, such as ofiensive breath. raising of mucous, frequent sneezing. husky voice, discharge from the nose, droppings in the throat, loss of strength, spasmodic coughing. or a feeling of tightness across the upper part of the chest, you should begin to use Hy-o-mei at once. It will de- stroy all disease germs in the nose, throat and lungs. and provide the blood with additional ozone, The only natural and common sense method known for the cure of catarrhal troubles is Hy o-mei It is breathed through an ingenious P0311813 inhaler, so that its medicated air reaches the most r'emote air-cells of the nose. throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs, soothing the ir~ ritated mucous membranes, and re- storing a healthy condition. Simple Way to K111 Catarrhal Germs. Right Breathing Cures Catarrh. The school children marched in a procession to the grounds. A male quartette composed of local vocalists rendering a number at songs from the bandstand platform during the afternoon. The ofiicers oi the society are: Dr, A. B. Taylor. Hanover, president; Jos. Hegarth. Carlaruhe, first vice- president; V. Kirchner, Hanover, second vicemresident; directors, Mar- tin Monk, Uhesley; D. ‘Wepple, Han- over; J. Sandlos, Hanover; H. Boett- ger, Hanover; T. H. O’Neill. Hanover; John Little, Walkerton; Robt. Brig- ham, Allan Park; V. Reiner, Neu- stadt; X. Oberle, Carlsruhe. The special features of the day were the horse races, not having a. record lower than 2.40, and the school drill competition open 10 the pupils of the public school. The ladies’ fancy and fine arts ex- hibit was of an exceptionally good quality. the oil paintings being num- erous and good. 31220 R ka. a prominent cici- zen nf Lunenburg, N. S , proved Fer- rozone was a marvelous tonic and savs: "Naming I ever used gave such pruxnpx, srreng'.'nening efiecn as Fer- \rozoue. I Was run down, quite ner- vous. no appease and in a generally used-up condition. Ferrozme gave me a wonderful amount of new strength, quite restored my nerves and made me well. I can recom- mend Ferrozone to every man who works hard and needs a tonic.” I‘n pigs and poultry were shown all the well-known breeds‘ the Poland China pigs attracting especial atten- tion. The sheep included Leicesters. Ox- ford Downs, Shropshires, Cotswold: and Southdowns. The different breeds of cattle shown were Durham. Herefordl, Galloways, Ayrshires. Holsteins, Jerseys and Polled Angus. The different classes of horses shown were heavy draught, agricul- tural, carriage and road horses. Hanover. Sept. 27,â€"The annual fall exhibition of the Bentinck Agri- cultural Society held to~day proved to be a good success, the attendance being: up to the average of other years. The exhibition of stock. agricultur- al products. ledies’ fancy work, etc., attracted the usual crowd, the stock being particularly good. Ferrozone g'vvs you "grip” and co-xmgeâ€"makes the blood tingle throng?) your veinS-~-fills you with the fr-wling than a powerful and strengtheniag medicine is winning you ban Health. Annual Exhibition of the Bentinck Agricultural Society Proves a Success. By supplying nourishment and vital force to the nerves. bv enriching the blood, strengthening the heart,- Ferrozone is sure to help any man. women or child in ill-health ; try itâ€" 500. per box at all druggists. ! BOOK-KEEPING ‘ $Â¥3§$$Rfi1nm No Control of Your Nerves. i COMMERCIA‘L LAW 3 COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- 1 5 ENCE 'lhe nerves are the great control-, PLAIN BUSINESS ‘K’RITING ling force of the body. They govern , ORNAMENTAL ‘WRITING every action. every function. Upon ; their vitality hinge your energv,' and m placmg all Its graduates. power to think and act. ; Each, student is taught separately at But alas. your nerves are week' Ellis own desk. Trial lessons for one Y9” have burnt up your nerve'week free. V1s1tors welcome. force, used up that reserve you so badly need to-daY. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Just one way to win it back. fi’DAY and EVENING classes. It restores worn out nerves, be cause it supplies them with nutri , . ment and bu Mm: material, dundreds of students a; the Popular 11“]: C-‘t.nn.... .- Nu Se HANOVER FAIR. f Contml. Stan at "Rifles.” 1/“..11111501111111'335391‘” '1' .‘v H mu ‘1 m 1111.1}1'5‘; 11,!) M11” 1111111: 3: 1'} 1““: “1/111. _‘ 11"- “‘11.. ,3! ,rnfl"? . \= ._=.. v.» MW 1111111111: \ 1 \ Ԥ '0: . . N v t -m‘yx: v, (“Lab ‘3 ‘ ‘\\\~;‘ '1‘, a will fit any chimney. it will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. A Souvenir Range 18 buxlt to draw weii fl ELLIOTT mn'b (“mun Hm Have secured positions this year. De- mand is tar greater than the supply. Educate for business positions and you will get them. but the education must be first class. Students admitted at any time. “Him for catalogue. Every Souvenir guaranteed by \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Comer Yonge and Alexander Streets Business College Hundreds of students of the Popular and Successful Humiiton, \Vinnipcg, Montreal and Vancouver KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. N.B.â€"~A nice Pencil CaSeZ containing slate and lead pencil and pen Many lines of our Fall Good are nmv placed in stock ready for your inspection, and we invite you to come and see for yourselfs what we have to offer you. \Ve have no hesitation in saying our stock of boots and 811098 is larger than you can find anywhere else in town. YCII judge Prices and Quality. l.â€"â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries Will suit you. 3.-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. FROM Groceries MATTHEWS a, MATTH EWS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Geo. H. Stinson When Going Up Street: 1'11 “111'” 11111 1] . t7“ “mull: :llq 8y . if not, it will not draw . at all, or very imperfectly the chimney must fit the range. A TORONTO, ONT. Eggs taken same as cash at. the Down LEADS IN Mount Forest Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock M» n Q '2‘“; . S. MclLRAITH ULSEN is n )solutcly 1172 make:- . FOUR REASONS Come! ‘\ I!“ I: . Ts... ....... T. :PE.....§ENI.§~ . \ Why not have a look at our Window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a. look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. ted. ism I A. MODEL BAKERY why you shuuld buy your Free :35 F111- 1119 Smmn of 19:17. GEORGE MIGHTUV 11:15 full 01111139, 11f1h1° ahm 9. 11111119111wu°1~19191i>€ allimn. 111141;)91-511113 wishing to use t‘119 aid Si alliun. 111:1y consult with him. and 111.1119 :11°°.1°111g9- ments at Luts ($1 1\' ('32. 0011. 3, N. I). R. Registered zivdesdale Stallion “BANKER” Banker is «mv of the best Staci Homes In thv County uf Grey. 4.-â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and ent're satisfaction. TRY US. Town 81109 Store. to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a pair of boots. LATIMER E. \V. LI M] N. LATIMER

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