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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Oct 1907, p. 6

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Pumps fmm $2 upw‘am. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- arly attend-Cd :0. kW. 0. BONNER Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cvlinders. :2 w. J. WAlPfllE l '51 Lowe; Town, ‘- Durham, Ont. W. D. CONNOR “4-- v 1 ’Bus and Dray business from Mr. John Vollet, and Wish to announce to the people of Dur- fi ham and vicinity, that it will be ; my aim to make the business, ’ so successfully carried on by my _ predecessor for the past two :4 years, more successful than ever. For Prices Moderate, , and Strictly Cash. Just to hand a. shipment of “Kando Russian Silver Polish” vex-y suit.- able for cleaning silver on stoves which we are selling at 15c per package. regular price 25c. HAVE YOU? \thr‘c you run get the best of m' 4. yrhinz- numufnct ured. W M 11: no :11. best stoves and anges 11 at .. 1-, 5,“ .umnl :nmuher'e. sufhc- 16:3? 1" ‘o: .1 .1 um 11!:- tmznhe1~\‘.e aw 59m]; 3: out. Naming; tn equal 131». “I! pp. 1‘hvught” Range, "nu :1 (-1 hm” .4 8 “Hero" one. ‘31.» have just received another swck of the beautiful Which gives 3'2. candle power, with a 16 candle lamp In Guns. Rifles, Revolvers and ammunition we 1ead. See our bar- gains in donble liarrel‘ preecp load- Bargain Day Several people had bu 'es broken lately at night, if the ad one of our Dasle Lanterns,- that would not W. BLACK Electric er. Our single barrel breech load. ers is something extra. These are a. few of our numerous 'Any old Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while Ihave the time. All won; guaranteed. All orders promptly attended .30. ’Phone No. 13. I HAVE PURCHASED THE ’Rns and Dray business from Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS To {ha Public A: the T t’ Hardware Store \Ianufz‘ cturer of And Dealer 111 â€" Tack Hammers 5c Broom Holders 50 Upholsters Hammers lOc 11b Screws 10c Riveting Hammers 25c Apple Peelers 250 to 65. Geo. Yiirs E very day is The Harnessmaker. Lamp TER)iS:â€"-All sums of $5 00 and under, cash; over that, amount 12 months’ credit win he given on ap proved joint notes. 50/o discount; for cash. I The following : 4 Cows supposed to be in calf. 1 Far- row Cow, 1 Thoroughbred Durham Cow in calf, 1 Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 2 years. 2 Two-year-old Steers. 1 Two-year-old Heifer in calf, 2 One year-old Steers. 3 One year-old Heif ers, 1 Mare 8 years old. supposed to be with foal, 1 Horse 13 years old, 2' ‘Sows in farrow, 8 Pigs 3 mos. old. 15 Breeding Ewes, 22 Lambs. if not sold previously. 1 Wagon. 1 Binder. 1 Mower, 1 Disk Harrow. 1 Seed Drill, 1 Roller. 1 Sulky Rake, 1 Set Bob sleighs, l Cutter, 2 Ploughs, Set iron Barrows. Scufller, 2 VVheelbarrows, l Hay Rack, 1 Set double heavy har- ness. 1 Set plough harness. 4 Leather Collars. 1 Pair horse blankets, 12 Grain Bags. .1 ‘Grindstone, 1 Grain Cradle. 2 Picks. 1 Ringed Beetle, ‘cythes. forks. tie chains. logging chains, and other articles too numer- ous to mention. Everything must. be sold Without reserve. Sale at One o’clock. sharp WM. LEGGETTE, JNO. CLARK. PrOprietor . Auction em. . An evangelist, preaching in a Scotch village, said to the congregation :â€" “Will all who Wish to go to heaven stand up?” Eyegy one rose up except a man named Jamie, who appeared much interested in his hymn book. When the people resumed their seats the preacher asked all who wished to go elsewhere after death to stand up. No one stirred for a few moments, then, looking round, Jamie rose. “You surely did not understand what I said !” exclaimed the minister. “Do you really mean you wish to go where their is wailing and gnashing of teeth?” “Weel,” replied_the old man, The queStion of how to cure- a cold without unnecessary loss of time In which we are all more or less intaro ested. in: the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneu mania and other serious diseases Mr. B. \V L. Hall. of Waverlv, Va , hm used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- edy for wars and save: “I firmly bu Nev» Cb°211berlains Caugh Remedy :o be nhsntatwlr rhe besn preparation on the mark»: for colds. I have venom menedwd it tc mv friundd and they all agree with me.” For saie at Park- er’s Drug; Store. “I’m nae anxious to do so but I cudna bear to see ye standin’ all mane, and you a stranger in the parish.” The undersigned has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Lot' 17, COD. 1, E. G R.. Glenelg. Rocky Saugeen, on FARM STOCK IMPLE- MENTS. Friday, October 4, 1907. Auction Sale! Procession of the Four Varieties of This Superb Fish. "There is nothing more curious con- nected with the finny tribe than to watch the doings of the salmon family in Alaska,” said an Alaskan dealer. “The most singular thing of all is that after the females deposit their spawn their earthly career terminates, and I have seen the bottoms of creeks covered with their dead bodies. They give birth to thousands of their kind and immediately die. The young one» are then taken care of by the male salmon, and it is a well known fact that in three years from their birth the offspring reappear on the very ground of their origin. There are four varie- ties of this superb mh which make their appearance in regular order of succession. “In the spring the first to arrive is“ the magnificent king salmon, which weighs all the way from fifteen to ninety pounds. About June 1 comes the sookey or red salmon, which visas may, in August and September. the beauflfnl silver salmon arrives, the pretfiestflshinalltheworldandone ofthe most palatable. ‘When the salmon enter the fresh water by a curious trick of nature their skin becomes red, but this pink: hue does not aflect the" whiteness at their flesh. It is seldom that suntan will journey up a glacier stream. but the streams that have lakes atuflur heads literally swarm with M”- Had Compassion On Him. ALASKA SALMON. How. to Cure 3. Cold Credit ”Ah “Earthquake m Persia. Professor Vambury, the Hungarian Mentalist. was in Shiraz, Persia, at thetime of one of its devastating earth- quakes. The shock was terrible, throw- ing great houses about like shuttle- cocksand splitting the hills beyond the town. When the very earth seemed in process of disruption and men and wo- men were weeping and tearing them- selves in agonies of fear two mad fa- natic priests stalked through the tot- tering city crying aloud that the for- eigners sojourning in the place had brought on the calamity. And the peo- ple took up the cry “The Frengis are unclean!” and made a rush for the house in which the professor had been staying. Only the entire collapse of the property adjoining beat of! their at- tack and enabled him to make his es- cape from the .city. A Certain Cure for Groupâ€"Used for Ten Years without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bort. a Star City, Ind., hardware merchant. is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to Proup and he has used this remedy for the pas: ten years. and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always l'vlv safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup but, this remedy never failed to effect a cure|l He has recommended it .to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequalled for croup and whooping cough For s-ile at Parker's Drug: S=ore. It Involves Attacking the Mon That Uphold the System. On every side I hear strange insist- ence upon the fact that it is only the system that is wrong. I hear people utter the following extraordinary words: “We do not attack individuals.” What. in the name of the seven plan- ots. can you attack except individuals? How can one fight a system? It a sys- tem came into this room, What would you do to it? Would you tinge a gun or “'5 DAVIS 1'1 fencing fbil or a butterfly net or horsewhip or a disinfectant? Kind of fierce to be tied up in a knot at midnight with cramps. Keep Nerviline handy. ’I‘en drops quiets cramps instantly. Used occas- sionally Nerviline prevents this trouble entirely. From Stratford. Ont., Wm. Dee writes: “Nothing I know of will give such quick relief to cramps. colic or pain in the stomach as Nerviline. If you feel squeamish or sick, just ten drops of Nerviline in water and you’re well next minute.” Think of the protection and comfort contained in a 25c bottle of Nerviline. A system only exists in the minds of men, and it there is a very vile system in the minds of men there must be something very vile about their minds. I do not say that they may not have other virtues along with the qualities that make the bad system. I do not W. And meyfidzfihi’rmrk too. Buttoose ma Chlmnhotelor boardmgwm inIlmllyresidenws,Inendothe'work :mrmmamm Wm m “oftakeseare” them minthehotdsot'aii. _ _ say that the upholders of any bad sys-‘ tem are without any moral merits. I do not say that Italian brlgands are without any moral merits. But, how- ever good or evil may be mingled. in‘ the character of an Italian brigand, nobody ever said that in dealing with persons of that profession you were not to attack individuals. There are some oddities in Chili Med with the sphere of woman. One 18 that women act as conductors an the street cars. Everywhere the ”auger meets the woman conduct- 01' afmed with her bag and, as Mark. Twmn had it, “the blue strip slip for 8 five-cent fare,” collecting the coins fun? as well as her masculine com- Petltor and much more politely. In the Shoe stores all the “salesmen” are and women, and in the tele- mph offices in city and country young women are invariably found as You do not, in dealing with brigands, say that you merely attack the-system. You attack the brigandsâ€"that is, sup- posing that you are in possession of the adequate bodily courageâ€"C. K. Chestertou. in Illustrated Lopdon News. We believe the “ Davis ” is the best reel made and we want to prove it to you. Send us your name and address and we will ‘send you one on trial without it ,- costing you a cent. 40: LONDON (Box 165) ATTACKING A SYSTEM. THE DAVIS REEL CO. EVER HAVE CRAMPS? TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE In Chili. Qsfl‘: 4oz TAKE NOTICEâ€"That unless the Taxes and Costs ‘ {é upon the Lands hereinafter mentioned are sooner paid I shall on Friday. the eight day of November] 1 907, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the COURT HOUSE, in the Town of OWE v.t>Â¥.*.\'D in the , said County, proceed to sell by public Aug-+2- »: the said lands or as much thereof as may be suffici-at to dis- charge such arrears of taxes and costs and charges incurred. ( County Treasurer’s Sale of Lands for Taxes Lot Con. Acres Patenhd Taxes Charges Total 8- W- part 18 Z 1 Pat’d 22 77 3 65 26 42 S § 26 1'.) 32 Pac’d 4 80 3 2.5 8 05 County Grey Treasurer’s 0mm», Owen Sound, July 19th, 1907. S. J. PARKER, Treasurer County Grey. “0 n l I. i 'I O A .‘v i n Y ‘ q-n.‘ -AAâ€" First published in Owen Smmd SUN. July 19th 1907. Elaborate Prepartions Being Made For the Auspicious Event. Preparations are being rapidly com- pleted for the arrival of the expected r0291 be) 3.0 the__t.brqx_1_e_of Spain. _ - any ”'F-‘ VJ V. W lm The baby’ 3 cradle will be the onein I passed through the lethal may“, which Alfonso XII Slept It restaon onthel crematorinm, but there are in the four Corinthian columns, and issnr I mounted by two pillars beafingthe 36033 of every imaginame breed, and royal crown 0f Spa-m, Whldl W ithe kennel accommodation is severely W of old @flfsffls ‘13? L“, __ ltax - taxed in spite of the recent exten- The coverings for the little bed are hand-embroidered, some with gar- lands of rosebuds and others with but- terfliw in white silk. By desire of King Alfonso, all the baby clothes are of Spanish make, th majority being the products of the marvelous painstahng industry of The sisters of the Santa Isabel Hos- pice, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the Convent of St. Catharine and of the Inclusa are vying with each other in this work. Scores of charming little garments of the finest silk, flannel and 118in sook, trimmed with lace and raised ' embroidery, are being made. They ‘ bear the royal crown in relief, and . are adorned with satin ribbons of white and pale rose pink. ‘ - I Queen Victoria Eugenie has shown a preference for Valenciennes lace an_d_ broderie Anglaise. Many of the trimmings used are of priceless old Mechlin lace which has been in the possession of the Span- ish _royal family since the days of Ferdixfimd VII. The christening robe is made by 8 Madrid firm. It is lavishLv adorned with Irish lace, and is described as “a dream of.heauty..” "SPAIN’S ROYAL HEIB. TOWNSHIP OF BENT Acres Patenh». 1_ Pat’d lost and stray dogs the Dog’ Home at Bahamas during the first. six weeks of year. This numbev is nearly 40 per cent. higher than than admis- siops for the correammmrg period U \1 - of last year. The majority of them have already passed through the lethal ohmnber Ato sions. Although the number at almissions has increased so largely, the number of persons visiting the home to search forbatdogs ortobuy newpetatma fallen offâ€"a combination of circum- stances which suggests that. many dog owners have been chary of am the responsibilities which tho W imgoaes on them. The excessive in o_ver,_13 actingvgry the finances of (the home. pends entirely nsubaai the sale of unclaimed M V v thatgll parties indebted to the late Fred Peel, of Durham, deceased are re- quested to call at store and make settlement zit once. that arties having claims against the late Fred eel of the town of Durham. must file same with Mrs. F. Peel, Durham. 9n or before Oct. 25th 1907. No claims Will be accepted after above date. J. PEEL H. PEEL Executors. JULIA PEEL OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that partiegz having clajgs against thei 'OTICEâ€"IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE. Costs and Taxes Charges Total 22 77 3 65 26 42 The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE See our folding root and fire escape ladders, the safest and meet complete in the trinket. - ' I have purchased the “ House Cold Tire Setter" th!’ be'et‘ agd latent true setting device on- the market. Give us a Trial did he Convinced; That always satisfies the Cook. Five Roses and Reindeer HORSESHOEIN G A SPECIALTY All kinds of iron work promtly attended to Manitoba Flours always faction. We can give vou What you want and you will find our prices right. MIS. A MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. GENERAL.. BLF‘C lSSWT'H J. A. GLASS Geo. \Vhite 6: Son Threshing Ma- chines. Rudd’s Harness, Spreads and Harness Repairs. Oil’s and Grease’s. STOVES FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machines. Great Reductions North American Life Assurance Co. Implements. '1‘liâ€"isâ€"isr {£313.} tzime of year to t our classes. Elliott Mclachlan Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept; on hand. Mofiowan’s Eclipse listowel lionel Bread Flour In Ordered Goods See Ad. Next Week FARM MACHINERY Sherloch Manning Organs, Heintzman Pianos. We Teach Tolemphy. JflHN N. MUBUUEK J. L. Flat-if)? . We carry also other well known brands of Flour. STRATFORD, ONT. Manager and Cutter. Frost 6’ Toronto \Vindmills. lex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. Merchant Tailor. AGENT FOR . Lawn-g ncc All Kinds of Middaugh House Block Oct. 3, 1907 give satis-

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