West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Oct 1907, p. 1

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LADIES. fur at Grant’s. A STONE MASON at. Gall: suicided re- cently by shooting himself in his glass Millinm'y. STANFIELD’S unshrinknble shirts and drawers, they are the goods, at. Gran L's. FUR. Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “Bobs” "Stag” and "Currency” Chewing Tn- \VE regret to learn that Mrs. Joseph Firth is seriously ill and grave doubts are entertained as to her chances for recovery. J CST arrived at “The. House of Quality” the prettiest silk waists ever shown in town. “/2 will be pleased to show them to you.â€"-H. H. Mockler. THE Sunny South Show of twenty- five colured people is coming on Monday evening next, They have painted the town red with their litho- graphs. Tue: South Grey Teachers will hold their convention here on Thursday and Friday next, Oct., 17th and 18th. W'hat's the matter with the Secretary that he hasn’t sent us a program? Every teacher in the Inspectorate should be. present. THE large number of capital letters required for prize lists and school re- ports have. exhausted our supply of some and we are obliged to use small ones instead. This will give our news- paper critic a happy chance to make corrections. MR. .1 01-1.\' CLARK, auctioneer for the (‘nnnty of Grey, has decided to leave the fixing of all sale dates to this office. This does not interfere with sale bills being printed elsewhere, but, before making arrangements we must invariably be consulted. 'l‘henl1je1t is to avoid confliction of dates. tf. A BALLUON was operated in England on Saturday being under proper con- trol from Farnborough to London, a. distance of thirty-five miles and back again. It did considerable manoeuvr- ing over London where it was .vatched with interest by thousands of specta- tors. it was better than the air ship advertised for Toronto Exhibition. THE Band has arranged with the celebrated Firth Co. for an entertain- ment here on Saturday evening the 19thinst. These people hold a high position among the travelling show men and as they have been here be- fore they need no special intro<.lm_-tion. \Ve bespe 1k for the Band a bumper house. Remember the date, Saturday evening October 19th. THE anniversary services of the Methodist (7111111911. Val-coy. will be; held Sunday. October 20th. at 10.31) :1. m. and 7 p. m. A supper and enter- ' tainment will be provided Monday; evening. The Durham Methodist. f choir will assist the local talent with ‘ the program. whxch will he seasoned! wuh good addresses. Everybody ' come and have a good time. On \Vetlnesday of last week our esteemed townsxnan. M1. R. \IacFat- lane entered the band of benedicts when be united heart and hand with Miss Annie L. Mac-Miller), of Antig» onish, Nova Scotia, at the 1esideuce of 3 the bride's mother. Mr. MacFurlane did not advise us before going 'out We : presume it was .5 pure “Vel'a‘lght on. his part, and to show that We enter tain no hard feelings on this account we. extend to him and the happy bride our heartiest congratulations for a. prosperous and happy future. “’e have no particulars to hand more than the mere announcement of his war- riage, and we aretheretore, unable to giveasfull an account as we might otherwise d'esire. Mr. Mat-Furiane is- 8 man of steriing qualities, good busi- ness abil-ty. and in good circumstances financially. The lady of his choice is a. stranger to us and we belieVe to this town. Mr. and Mrs, 31acFa114Ue were in Toronto when last we heard let them, but- before coming home they intend going to the Pacific coast. ;From Antigonish 1n the extieme east toVancouverin the extreme west of 3 rfair Dominion is a delightful ymoon trip which we trust Mr. ‘ I Mrs. Mac'Farlane- wilhfufly thijoy. VOL. S. F. Morlock’s stylish NEWS AROUND TOWN cont-s and fur neckwvar, N0. 2117. F311 , LADIES”, Misses’ and children’s vests and drawers at Grant’s. I , GIANT TRIPLETS “Currency” “Bobs” 3 and “Stag" Chewing Tobaccos in big 2 plugs. Quality always the same. Hair. Nail and Tooth Brushes, go to Darling’s ’Drug Store. “'3 must congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett, on the arrival of a. girl. They have one of each kind now. \VOMEN’S embroidered hose 40c value. f0) 290 per path at the “House of Qual- ity. ".â€"H H. Mocklex. THE Omngeville ‘Voollen Mills were destrnyed by fire on Friday last, loss 312.000. insurance $6.000, \Vill be 3512.000. feblmt. \VE invite you to inspect our stock of new fall dress goods, also our man- tles, which are of the newest sbvles and shades.â€"â€"I-I. H. Mockler, “The House of Quality.” C. J. VVESTERN, Eye Specmlist, of Toronto, intends visiting Durham once a. mon ch and will make Darlings’ Drug Store his headquarters for examina- tion of eyes and fitting of glasses. Look out: for his ad. WE saw hay sold here this week at $19.00 'a. ton. That’s nearly a cent a pound. Think of it, and see if it wouldn’t pay better to sell a. horse than keep'him for an 01 nament till he eats his head off. Only the rich can afford such aluxury. THE Town Hall at Meaford was burned last Satuiday morning. It was about fifty years old, was not con- sidered safe and condemned last week by the Government Inspector. No alarm could be given as the bell rope was burned about; the first. It was insured for $1.500. UNDER the auspices of South Grey Teacher’s Association, Mr. J. H. Cam- eron and Miss Mabel Manly Pickard will give a concert in the town hall on Thursday evening, the 17th inst. Mr. Cameron is the most versatile of en- tertainers, while Miss Pickard is a very accomplished soprano singer. Plan of hall at; Darlings’ Drug Store. Tickets 250. Reserved seats 35c. A REPORT from Mr. C. Firth. sec- retary of the South Grey Agricultural Saciety, states that some person car- ried away a valuable lace handker- chief from the Agricultural Hall on Fair Day either by mistake or other- wise, and the person having done so is asked to return the same to Mrs. Mc- Clintun, Varney. or to leave it at this office. “'8 understand that other valuable pieces nf lace-work are miss- ing also. 011 Monday night a Harvest Home supper was serv. d in the basement of the Methodist church. Notwithstand- ing the very unfzworao.e nature of the afternoon and evening thexe \vas a good attendance, and all present seein- ed to enjoy (heinseIVes very nicely. An abundance of good things were furnished by the ladies. and partici- pants in the festivities rejoiced in good things to eat and good appetites to eat them. This should be regarded as a real source of Thanksgiving, and no doubt manv of them felt that way. After eight o clock all repaired to the bud of the. church where a short pro- gram was rendered consisting of solos, chomses, vocal and instrumental se- lections and a number of short ad- The cho1r was in good form and seemed to outdo themsen'es in the spirit-.11 rendering of a. number of choruses. Messrs. Davison, McCrae and Glass gave a. much appreciated rendering of “Steal Away to Jesus.” Mrs. Newton favored the. audience with :1 solo in her usual style, and Mr. Yiirs nave a masterly exhibition of his $513.11.; the \iolin to an accompani- meat 'b3' the organist Miss Rita Irwin. Short-addresses we1e sandwiched 1n by Ref. Rogers, of Varney, Rev. N ew- ton and, the pastor, of Durham, and Mr. Chas. Ramage, Editor of the Review. ' lhanksgiving sex muns were preach- eJ on Sunday by Re\.Ja.m1eson,for wuich occasion the church was tasti- i) decorated with grains and fruits. The services were a social and financial success. HARVEST HOME SERVICE. Mr. Thos. Hislop, of Toronto, was in town a day or two'this week! Mr. \V. J. Young is getting is house well on the way to completion. Miss A. E. Ogden, of Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Margaret McKenzie. Miss Ada Browne is visiting friends in Flesherton. Mr. Brad Jamie on and Mr. H. 'i‘x‘rv- man have returned to the Medical School. ‘ \Ve warn our readers against a trap into which some of them may be led. ‘Vhat seems to be a fake letter comes from New York, from a supposed At- torney at Law announcing that certain shares of O. P. R. stock have been left by a relative of that city, now deceas- ed. and that said stock will be handed over «)1: p;l:.’::.(‘nb Of a fee of $5. \Ve giVéf at cup) m letter received by 311'. Thomas Smith of this town which will explain Hunters. Miss A. E. Ogden. of Ottawa, is the. ets tof \Iiss Margaret McKenzie. Miss Ada Browne is visiting fx-iunds in Flesherton. (7‘ t" Mrs. \Viii Card Well, nee Sadie Noble, of THI'WHU), Visited many friends: in and around town the past, couple of weeks. Mrs. vaery and baby left for Inde- pendence, Kansas, on Tuesday morn- ing last. Her husband intends to renmin till about Christmas. M ts J. O. Capper left: here Tuesday morning for Independence, Kansas. where she will spend a couple of days and then go to Dallas, Texas, to join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Henderson, who spent a couple of weeks in town with the latter’s brother, Inspector Camp- bell, left Monday for Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Mr. David Smith returned last Sat- urday from Stratford hospital where he spent six weeks after undergoing a. couple of serious operations. He is improving, but is still far from being well. Mrs. N. W. Campbell and daughter Islay returned from Norway Point, Lake of Bays, Muskoka, on Thursday last. They are hale and hearty after spending two or three months in their summer home there. Mrs. Wm. Smith left here on Thurs- day last for Stratford hospital where she underwent an operation on Mon- day. Reports of her condition and chances are favorable, and we hope she will not be long in regaining her health and strength. Met. in regular session Monday even- ing. Members all present. Minutes read and approved. Finance Committee examined ac- counts for town and recommended payment amounting to $327.24, and accounts in connection with Dean amounting to $118.20. \Vhelanâ€"McLachlanâ€"That report be received and cheques issued for several amounts.â€"-Carried. Saundersâ€"McGowanâ€"«That the clerk be instructed to notify A. H. Jackson, Assignee, that this council value their security on the Cr'emn Separator Fac- tory at $7000.â€"Cz1.1-1-ied. McGowanâ€"Smmdersâ€"That the Bd. of \Vorks procure estimates for the erection of a. bridge on Garafmxa St. (cement or steel) and report to this councii at the next regular meeting.â€" Carried. \Vhelan â€"-r McLachlan â€"â€" That; this council pay the band $25.00, balance due them as per grant made by council. Father of Mr. R. R. Gamay. M.P.P., Died at Gore Bay on Saturday. Mr. Joseph Gramey, father of Mr. R. R. Gamey, M. P. P., died suddenly at his home in Gore Bay at 11.30 on Satâ€" urday night. Mr. Gamey had called several times during the day at his son’s store, and went to bed at about 11 o’clock, apparently in good health. Half an hour later his wife heard him breathe heavily. Before a physician arrived he had expired. Mr. Gamey had been for 30 years a resident of Manitoulin Island, where he was for a long time a farmer. He. was about seventy years of age. Last year he and his wife celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. He is survived by Mrs. Gamey, four sons and four daughters. Mrs. Peek, 274 Palmerston Avenue, a. sister-in-law. received news of Mr. Gamey’s death yesterday. BURNETTâ€"In Durham, on Monday Oct. 7th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burnett, a daughter. MACFARLANEâ€"MACMILLANâ€"In An-. tigonish. Nova. Scouia, Wednesday! Oct. 2nd; by the Rev. Mr. McIntosh, - Mr. Robert memmm, of Durham, Ont.. to Misé Annie L. MacMillan. Meeting adjourned. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1907. JOSEPH GAMEY IS DEAD '1 own Council. PERSONAL . It is headed Leonard B. Drummond, Attul‘zwy at. Law. 608 Sixth avenue, New York, U. S. A.. and dated Sept. 28th, 1907. The body of bhé letter reads as follows: MR. THOMAS SMITH : DEAR SIR,-â€"-In accordance with the will of the late Mr. J. Smith, I beg to announce that I have in my care five shares of Canadian Pacific R. R. stock, value $800.00. These shares were left to you by the late Mr. J. Smith, of this city, at his decease. The forementioned shares are to be forwarded to you on receipt of my fee of $5.00 as counsel in this matter. Hoping that I may be of assistance to you at some future time, I am Respectfully yours (Sd.) L. B. DRUMMOND. On receipt of the above letter Mr. Smith, the postmaster here, wrote to Mr. Henderson, Post Office Inspector, and received the following reply dated at Toronto, Oct. 7, 1907. J. J. SMITH, ESQ., DURHAM, UNT., DEAR SIR,â€"ln reply to your letter of the 4th instant re enclosed letter from L. B. Drummond. I beg to state that the operations of this man have been reported to the Department at Ottawa and enquiries are now being made as to the bona fides of the same. It certainly has all the appearance of being a fake and I think you for bring- ing the matter to my attention. Yours truly, ( Sd.) J. HENDERSON. Mr. John A. Darling received a simi-‘ lar letter about another five shares that were left to him by a deceased relative. We understand that others had relatives die recently making sim- ilar bequests Our readers are warned to have nothing to do with such a fake proposition, as we are firmly convinc- ed that the payment of the fee will be the last of it. The letters were posted at Montreal GRAND SHOWING OF NEW FALL GOODS AT KEELERS. For the past few weeks loads of New Fall Goods have been arriving. We have for this season the Largest stock of New Goods which we have ever shown. \Ve are always pleased to have you look through oar store. The following are some of the New Goodsâ€"come and see them! Ladies’ and Men’s Watches, all the best makes; Ladies’ and Men’s Two Mammoth Stores DURHAM AND WE] Watch Chains; large assortment of Ladies’ and Men’s Lockets, all shapes and sizes; Brooches, Brace- lets, Stick Pins, NeCklets, Cuff Links, Chains, Fobs, etc. Extra Large Assortment of Solid Gold Rings. Spectacles and ' Eye Glasses to suit all sights. See our Large Assortment of China Dinner Sets, China. Tea. Sets, and Toilet Sets. Big Stock of Odd Piece China just We have everything that is New and Upth-date in High-class Silver- ware. ‘ R. B.Keeler 8: Sons See our 150 China. Window Saturday EVIDENTLY A FAKE. (Sd.) T was away last spring we made preparation for winter. W'e searched the markets high and low and bought our stock of winter goods at; the very lowest cash price that money could buy. We have assembled the largest and best assorted stock that we have ever had in our store. We have everything you need to clothe you for protection from the cold wet Weather. If you buy one of our NEW Progress Brand Overcoats, you can assure yourself that you are wearing a. strictly up-todnte and perfect fittinggarment. We have them in many differ- ent styles and prices, including black and grey beaver and Mil- ton cloths,. heavy and medium weight tweed mixtures in the very Newest Patterns. We have all sizes from 22 to 44, they are made from Heavy Grey Frieze and Blue loop cloths. made with high storm collar and lined with heavy Italian Cloth and Corduroy linings, $2.25 to $5.00. Our Millinery department is humming with business. of trlmmers are extra. busy turning out orders in the v. creations in Ladies’ head gear. if you inspect our stock you will find at the lowet price, S. F. MORLOCK Men and Boy’s Reefers. Fall and Winter Goods OVERGUATS. Stylish Fall Millinery. Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing. Cash and one price This chilly weather makes you think of your winter underwear. We have an extra large assort- ment of underwear to select from mostly with the Penmen trade mark on them which speaks for itself. Men Women and Children's Underwear. See the Special Line of Ladies’ Vests we are showing at 25c. $1.00 PER YEAR have the best Quality in the very newest

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