West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Oct 1907, p. 5

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Fall Wheat ........ . Spring Wheat. ..... . Oats ............... Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ................ Butter. ............ . Eggs ................ Pouatoes per bag ..... Flour per cwt ...... . Oatmeal per sack. . . . Chap per cw: ....... Live Hogs . . . . ...... Dressed Hogs per cm Hides per lb ...... . Sheepskins ......... Wool .............. Tallow ............ . Lard ............... McIntyre Block, I beg tn announce to the citizens of Durham and Vi- cinity that I have opened up a first-class Butcher Shop in thv Mmelntyrv Block where I wili furnish all kinds of first class mmts at reasonable wings. Trial order solicited NEW BUTCH ER SHOP DURHAM. In Blankets, Tweeds, under- wear. Prints. (.‘ottons. Flannels I’lanm-h-Lt‘es. and groceries of all kinds is tn sell at. :1; very low nuu'gin of prufit fur cash 01' t‘l‘fldt‘. At Actual Cost What we do WE TELL N0 LIES B. PHILLIPS Percy G. A. Webster, .u Saturday next conmwncing at nnon we will continue tn sell. at; cnst mu stock of Men’s and box": Pants Mid Ox 0 £118. This is p0\1t1\91) the lust “ppm-tun- ity tn get such bargains. (fume and get :1 snap saturdny after- noon. About selling below cost and other such nonsense. \tht we say, we do. and we beliuve we are giving as good value for the money as in any house in town. .... 0.. 0 can... ........ 00000000 O. o a. 1/ o ............. o 00000 o 0.0. 0. per CWt...... .. 11 per sack. >er cwt.... I028 ........ ... ¢ 4 Market Report. DURHAM. Oct. 10, 1907 Note the address S. SCOTT Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings. Oct: CW1. .10. 1907 14 00 18 85 I am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee Which will be re- spected by other, Official Agents throughout Canada. L or procured in s om e other second -hand way. without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second- Hand Watches, taken in trade ONTARIO Regina Watches, when sold Durh 90 45 73 55 16 00 18 4:3 Died. at her residence on Monday 73 g evening the 30th September Margaret .55 Black. beloved wife of John McPhail. 00 of south Glenelg. at the age of 80 19 years. Mrs. McPhail was one of the 18 pioneers of Glenelg, being a resident 8:3 for fifty-seven years. She lived fifty- 75 three years on the farm where she 50.ended her life. Mrs. McPhail leaves 60{ an aged husband, six daughters and 65 two sons and one sister, Mrs. McDon- 25 ‘ ald. of Walkerton, to mourn her loss 9 ‘ 1n religion she was Presbyterian. 00 Rev Mr. xiatheson conducted the 25 funeral obsequies. The funeral to 5 Priceville cemetery on Wednesday. 13 Oct. 2nd. was largely attended. We are p14 ased to see Mr. Brander home again after his severe experi- ence of the horse shoe wreck. He is pretty frail looking yet. but is going abOut. Miss McCosh, teacher, of Top Clifl schOOL, Lenders her resignation as she [as secured a. school near her home at Owen Sound Pupils and parents feel sorry that Miss McCosh is leav- ing. She made a favorable impres- sion on both during the year. Gaelic communion held in the Pres- by terian church. Priceville. last Sun day. The old language is dying away with the old peOple. The ven- erable John Campbell of Swinton Park comes regularly every month 1n spite of his ninety years, and comes seven miles The old gentleman is hale and hearty yet; he never knew a day’s sickness in these long years, he is blessed with health. All his teeth are yet as firm as ever and he looks more like a man of :30 or 60 than {our score and ten. The Rev Mr. Berry of the Metho- dist. church! preached for Rev Mr. Matheson in the Presbyterian church lasc Sunday night; and Mr. Macheson (00k Mr. Berry’s pulpit at Bethel, Promo Monday morning, the 7th October, has a fine appearance and good, dry weather would be very acceptable to take up the potatoes. NOTICE John McLeod has been under the weather during the past week. but we hope to see him around, able to attend his business again as usuai. Not much done by way‘ of fall plowing yet, but we saw Abraham HOOper with a gang of three teams plowing. and will soon get over his farm of some three hundred acres. Railroading is getting pretty well cornered up, a few more weeks will finish the main part of the work. The engine and a. number of box and flat. cars come down as far as'l‘om Nichol’s west of Priceville. A large number are boarding at. Mrs. Butter’ 3 Priceville Threshing is pretty well done on this line. The yield is fair according to the quality of straw, but below the average. Fall wheat looks good. Arch. McCuaig has twelve acres which looks fine, and if in will come out as good looking next Spring he may look for an abundant. yield. Rainy weather generally during the las: few weeks. Shows are pretty new allover now. and we expect the weather to be finer for some time yet. Priceville Exhibition on Fridav last was quite a success, as the Editor can tell without us maxing any fur- ther comment. The concert as night was also quite a success; lots of poo. plea there and some had to be turned away on account, of no room. Top Cliff. Jeweller J. c. Rockwell’s Sunny South 00 In November. 1901. l caughc cold and had me quinsy My throat was swollen so I could hardlv breathe. I applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days I was all right.” says Mrs. L. Cousins, Occerburn. Mich. Cham- Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment and is eSpecially valuable for sprains and swellings. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. When “The Sunny South” Com- pany comes to the Town Hall, our- ham. Monday evening. Oct. 14th. local amusement seekers will have an opportunity to judge for them. selves just what a high-class colored organization really is. This troupe is one of the most remarkable of its kind It is thoroughly up to date and orignal, which is a broad asser- tion to make in view of the fact that this isa progressive theatrical era. James Turner, one of the highest salaried colored performers on the stage is at the head of this sterling company. It is acknowledged that although there are musical comedies without number on the road, that there are very few that have enjoyed the unprecedented success that this one has, nothing better in the line of musmal comedy has ever been pre- sented. and certainly nothing has a stronger hold on the public faUCY- The high-class silver cornet band which accompanies the organization will head the “Coon” town parade at noon. Seats are now on sale at Mo- Farlane’s Drug Store. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. Mr. Clark took charge of- the League services on Sunday night. He spoke from the command " Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” He did well was the expression of many. Rev. Mr. Rogers was down to Or. chard Harvest Home Anniversary on Monday night and took part in the pregraw. Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured The peeple of the Varney Methodist Church will have 9. meeting on Thurs- day night to make arrangements for their anniversary. Look out for the date further on. There was a. good many from around here took in the World’s Fair in Holsnein on Tuesday. In is a great Show, you bet. Those who attended the Epworth League Convention held in Mount Forest last Week from Varney League were as follows: Rev. Mr. Rogers, Mrs. Roht. Pentigrew. Mrs. R. J. Allen, Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mrs. Con. Creller, Misses Lena Allen, Nellie McAnulby, Eva Blych, Winnie Laud- er, Maggie McCalmon and J. W. Blyth; They all had a pleasant and profitable time. They gave the Mt. Forest people great. praise for their heapiuality. There has been a good bit of mov- ing in Varney last week and this. A” McCabe moved out of the oid hotel into his own house and George Pollock and family moved into the house that McCabe vacated. We Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and family to our hamlet. And then on Monday last Mrs. Wm. Crawford moved the lam of her household eflects from Varney to Durham. We can assure her the good wishes of the people of Varney go with her to her new home. Mrs. Quentin Pettigrew and her daughter Lizzie, left for the “7835 a week ago Tuesday morning to spend -rwo or three months with the form ers sons and daughters. \Ve wish them a pleaaam visit: and a safe re- turn. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Long, on Thursday. the 205k), a. son sun born. Miss Edith Allen, teacher from Gowantown, spent from Friday night until Monday morning week before lass with her friends in Varney. \Ir. David McCrie, who has been in the West nearly all summer. re turned home since our last budget, ' looking: as if the trip agreed with 2 him. We hear that he prefers living Q in this country to that of the Wesc. A large number from around here attended the re-opeuing of Knox church a week ago last Sunday and had a splendid time. Billy Linnell says that-if the Cor- ner Gander doesn’t keep his tongue OE him he will get the feathers pluck- ed out of him before Xmas. Say. wont the feathers fly if Billy gets a hold of the Gander. Miss Irene Trotter, from Toronto is visiting with her aunt Mrs. Zenus Clark, for a. few weeks (Received. too late for last we ek.) Miss Eva Burnett. of your town. spent a few days visiting: her cousin, Eva. Blyth, since we lass wrote There has been a large acreage of wheat put in this fall because It turned out, so good this year." Varney. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HE TRUSTEES OF S. 8. NO. 9. Glenelg, will receive tenders until Friday, the 18th day of October, for the erection of 43 rods of er6 Fence around thei; school‘grpperty, 1130355 16 that Rita and ' Congactiorfto fuapish posts 311113311?“ tthae wor . . norms. onastos 19 if Echofts;ne% from tge .fgustties? Jaggslfig , .. eor e m . ' . , Olive. 61011913.“ 1 or the Sec , Geo. Oct. 10-2 ' And further take notice that after snob last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which thegy shall then have notice. and that the sai Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any Derson or persons of whose claims notice shall not then have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of October. 1907. TOM BAILEY. Hanover P. 0., Ont., JOHN BAILEY the Elder. ' Allan Park P. 0., Ont... Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Bailey the Elder, deceased. LUCAS, WRIGHT 8.: MCARDLE, Solicitors for the Executors. In the Matter of the Estate of John Bailey the Elder, late of the Town- ship of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, Deceased. pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 129. that all creditors and others haviuzr claims against the estate of the said John Bailey the Elder. who died on or: about the 30th day of July. 1907. are required, on or before the 2nd day of 1V0- Verpber, 1907, to send bv post prepaid or deliver to Tom Bailey. or John Brown the Elder, the Executors of the last Will aud Testament of the said deceased, their Chris- tian and surnames. addresses and descrip- trons. the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the na- ture of the securities, if any. held by them. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Simeon still sells silver. supplying substantial substances. Simeon. slightlv susceptible. seem- ed suddenlv smiften. sought Sallv’s side. sncrilegiouslv surrounded san- ctimonious Sallv Sister’s smoofh svmme'rv. Simeon said: “ Sweet- est. surelv such solitnrv souls should sympathize ” Sallv stopped Simeon. Simeon seemed snubbed. She seemed sorry. showed some softening svmntoms. supinelv sought Simeon’s smrdv shoulder. sh! sh! sh! Sim smacked SelIv! So straightway surrendering: she smacked Sim ! Simeon said: “Set. some suitable season.” Sallv said “Septemher.” Simeon. shrugged Sim’s shoulder. said: "Sooner! Surelv Scripture sanctions such strong svmnathy; say Sundavf’ So Sally-succumbed. Seven snpernal seasons softlv. sil- entlv slipped somewhere. Seven small scions Sprung. successively, shedding sunshine. singing. shouting seldom sick. equalling sometimes. still sweetenintz Sallv’s solitude. So. succeeding summers serenely spent. , Simeon’s seven stalwart sons seized ; soldiers’ swords l Sallv‘ stormed sewing. said she saw something slyly sneaking. stealing Simem’n silver. Sally, stifling. enlemnlv Mitching stockinette. suddenlv sneezml! Sim- eon startedâ€"seemed scaredâ€"â€"suspic- immlv survpvod surrounding: Space. shutters shades; seemed spcure. Simoon’s stomach seemnd satisfied; 90 Simnon smoked several “ Spanish cemu-s.” stupefied, soon slept. snored sonorouslv. So Sally sent some sausage. Sirloin steak. mvnrv stnw. some soothirv sangaree. Square shoulderpd. Slab sided. 9min- dle shanked Simeon seemed satisfied. Sally said: “ Sold some silver sincn Sundav. Simeon?” Simeon 5:001de aavaeelv. Sally suggmmd Runner. “Sartin. SaHv!" said Simeon - 9 “ somnthina‘ sufficiently shengthen. ine. Some strong stimulant.” ! g Simeon Sykes. silver seller, swayed ‘- slowly southward, sreadily seeking ‘ satisfactory sales, soberly sauntered Iswinging satchel, syscematicallv 'showing solid silver spoons. sugar shovels, small sized salvers, superior spectacles. scissors. sewing shieids. Somber skies sent soft. showers. soak- ing Simeon’s satchel, shoes. Stockings ' shirt. skin. Simeon shivnred. shook. said. “Smart Shower ” Sallv said. “ Slightly so.” Simeon’s shins spemed sore; co Sallv snaght comm soothing: salve (Sawyer’s) supplied some 90ft aolpd slippers: She, somewh» t sensitive suspic- iously started. suddenly spilled some snuff. soiled stockinette, stammercd, Shattered, said "8 s-seat, 3 Sir.” Simeon soon qaw sundry starelv svcamores spacious shelter; spied Sally. sitting solns sewing silk stock- inette, slyly snufling sweet, scented Scotch snuff Sudden surprise seized Sally’s soul. seeing: Simeon’s SWifr, Strides; Sally’s sanctity soon skvd addled shamefully. So Simeon straightwav strode sm- pendous Strides seeking Sally’s sunny shelter. “Sweet Sally Slater Simeon soon shall see.” Suddenly something seemed softly saying: Alliterative Composition That Won Prize of Fifty Doilars. The GlaSgow \Veekly Record re centlv awarded a. prim of ten pounds to the author of the following sto.y in alliteration : Tenders Wanted. Notice to Creditors. STOBYJI‘OLD ALL IN ESSES. In Oils W6 have a. complete stock consisting of Canadian and Amexiccm Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Tuipenbine, Gasoline, Benzine, Cream Separator Oil, Machine Oil, Sewinn' Machine Oil, Castor Oil, Carriage Oil etc. etc. In thi our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. ‘Vc have a. full lit: of Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches, Tables Chairs, Spring Mattresses etc.. to select from. This is the place to get the right goods at RIGHT PRICES. See our stock of these before buying elsewhereâ€"4mm quality and price speak for themselves. \Ve also have the latest, and best; in \Vashing Machines, Wringers and Chums. \Ve have a, guod assortment of Double and Single 13:11ch hams. Rifles, Revolve ers and Ammunition of all! {inds to sdect in 0111. Sw um assortment of these and our different kinds of C:Lrt1‘idg(‘>. We also carry a full line of McClax'y’s Granitex'm-e and Tin- ware. Guns, Firearms and Ammunitien which is well and favora b] y known the (Oak Heaters) which surpass the major-Icy of heaters both in usefulness and looksâ€"also many others which require no particu- lars given here. Lenahan 5: McIntosh National Portland Cement always kept on hand. Horse Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes . Just {L fe\\' of 511050 ladies crm'enwtt and 11: 1':Li11(1+()z‘1ts teft} “e owmlt to C -:]<1 11 (mt m 01} them and me sullim» them at moat wdm Iiuns In weights for all weathers, to fit :11} SiZl‘S u;' people and so much we hardly know what to (in with it. In spit-u of the high price ()1’ wuul w“ hum mainâ€" tained tlw high stundz‘trd of «‘liiz-iiity at “W prim-s. t New, Fall and WE 12E. Underwear “ Pandora” Range A few doors south of the Middaugh House. We want your Butter and Eggs Raincoats Ill-l.) ‘0 .OK prgfifiwfl me Hm: {Jaw .... pawn» JJ. ‘TVVb FURNITURE McIntyre Block. '7 Remember we are agents for the famous lines of Mc(.‘l:u°y’s Furnaces, Stoves, Ranges Heaters. Among these is {the well-known “Sunshine Furnace,” which is almost as good as a private sun in any home Furnaces, Stoves Ranges Heaters mx’envtt and rublmr Ivar out every (me of £11.)th l'mlllctimls. 533d 1012 '4‘"? '1'7‘.‘ '1. ‘13} 91.53 t.‘ W E- ' D-K‘OI ”HQ. Mr».

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