West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Oct 1907, p. 6

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”â€"â€" #wfla :4 To “the ) HAVE PUP. ‘ ’Bus and Dr. J Mr. John V0111 7: announce to th '3 ham and viainit ,4 my aim to um 7-, so successfully t. predecessor for years. more succ All orders m" .30. ’Phone No. W.J.'\fl 1’ 4*“ ALL.A:_:I.¢ k P amps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Liner? and Iron Cflinders. w. J. WAlPUlE ‘o '3 Lower Town, - Durham Pumps from $2 unwam. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and map- erly attended to. \JV. D. BONNER W. D. CONNOR Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. X'mx :u'c invitmd to take 2L look through war More When: ynn will rum.- m t‘. .- mnuhhim. tint we $011 tin-hast ('si'4'\‘vl'}'ti'lint:mnnuCnMurvd in the hflrd wme Hm- Any old Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now While I have the time. All WOl’K guaranteed. ()111' “Low (':1.~' 15:1111- ~11111'"ed with all the HH‘HT designs m Siivc 1w.119, \‘111'1‘ :~;1i(:1:1.1' fm' W. BLACK Bifihday and . . Wedding . . Presents Every :u'ticiv stmuped \V. _. BLACK. is guaranteed. HAVE PURCHASED THE ’Bus and Dray business from Mr. John Vollet, and wish to announce to the people of Dur- ham and vicinity, that it will be _ __.. nfi.~ Everything: you can wish for in Table Cutlery. Carving sets in abundance and cheaper than the cheapest. ua-u u...“ . -..--.-.... , _ my aim to make the business, so successfully carried on by my predecessor for the past two years. more successful than ever. All orders promptly attended ‘30. ’Phone No. 13. Do not use that. old lantern any longer when you can buy a. New one so Cheap. Stable lanterns from 150 to 75c; Buggy Lanterns from 75c to $3.50; Bicycle Lanterns, from HAVE YOU? $1 to $4. There is nothing in the Razor Line to equal the “Clauss” so wide- ly known for its good quality and easy shaving. Everyone guaranteed _ Clip your horse early. don’t wait an the weather gets too cool. Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS W'e have an immence stock of 'o "the Public Horse Clippers 750 to $2.50 BUGGY RUGS, LAP RUBBERS, WHIPS, HORSE BLANKETS. HALTERS AND HARNESS. \Ianufacturer of Am? Dealer m â€"â€" Geo. Yiirs The Harnessmaker. , Ont. nun... The Work of Potato Improvement as Carried on Throughout Canada un- der the Direction of the Canadian During the past year very material 3 progress has been made by way of perfecting our methods of Potato Im- provement and in instituting their application throughout the country. At the last meeting of the Associa- tion a very excellent paper on Potato Improvement was read by Mr. W. T. Macoun. Horticulturist at the‘ Central EXperimental Farm. Upon! the work which Mr. Maconn and many other authorities or! the potato plant, both at home and abroad, have done. a system of potato improve- ment suitable for use among Cana- dian growers was drafted and is being applied by several this year. The system adopted is simple and practi- cal, yet is founded on scientific prin- ciples, the individual plant being taken as the basis for improvement. The tubers produced by each plant are, morphologically considered, sim- ply swollen portions of the vegeta- tive and not of the reprouuctive system. The question has therefore been raised as to whether or not the principles of breeding which apply in the case of sexual reproduction through the seed. obtain in asexual reproduction or perpetuation through parts of the vegetative system. Bud variation is, as a rule. more narrow than is seed variation, and some in- vestigators claim that a part of any plant cannot possess qualities which difier materially from those of anoth- er part of the same plant. The best obtainable evidence at the present time does not support this view and the 'individuality’ of difierent parts is now generally recognized. Since the tubers produced by any single plant are all distinct parts of that plant the possibility of variation in the productive capacity and in other qualities is recognized. Association enables the grower to plant the seed tubers taken from the difl'erent hills which were especially chosen for seed purposes the year previoes, so that any promising var- iation which may result may be se lected and need in endeavoring to build up a strong. healthy and pro- ductive type. Furthermore. in al~ most all parts of Canada no matter how suitable may be the conditions there are many adverse conditions with which the potato has to contend. Unfortunately man himself is often the worst enemy of the pOtate and unconsciously, though very material- ly, assists in its downfall. The using of small potatoes from degenerate hills is perhaps one of the most glar- ‘ ing examples of this as far as thei seed is concerned. The practising of 1 improper cultural methods is another common error. Against these things this plant is contmualL struggling year after year, and while there is a continual survival of the fittest l wherein a few plants succeed in ris ing above the prevailing difiiculties in an endeavor to maintain the stan- dard of the race, yet unfortunately these are quickly gathered in and hurried ofi to market leaving the smaller, less desirable and often ce- generate tubers remaining to be used for seed purposes. With such a sys- tem is there any wonder why many of our best varieties have suffered a ,rapid decline until they are now 'praCtically worthless? What is needed among potato growers to day is some praCtical system whereby it may be possible to select ftr seed purposes those hills which .have shown themSelves superior to others enjoying equal opportunities In .this way seed tubers which rank labove the average would be chosen while those falling short would be ignored, hence making for an upward instead of a downward tendency. lThe need of just such an arrange- ment has been met by the Association in its system of Potato Improvement already referred to. The system drafted for us by this 1 l (Extract from last mud Report of Secretary.) 8 hills in each row. both rows and [hills to be at least 24" apart. A plor. of this size, it was thought, should I not require more work than the aver- j age grower can well aflord to expend L and more careful work on the part of i the“ grower should be encouraged. From each of the 25 chosen hills .8 of F the most uniform, smooth and sound tubers. aze then chosen and pach set of 8 tubers so selected is used to plant one of the eight-billed rows, a single whole tuber being used to plant each hill. At harvest time each row is dug separately and the indi- vidual hills within the rows are like- wise kept separate for examination. This arrangement permits the grower to determine first the hem rows and secondly the best hills in these rows. The required number of specially de- sirable hills can then be laid away for planting on the plot the (allowing spring as above indicated. Special1 blank forms are sent each grower in In undertaking systematic workl according to this system it is recom- mended in the first place that a good Standard variety be chosen and that the best possible seed of that variety with which to start be secured. The new beginner is advised to test two or three leading varieties the first year in small plots side by side, to keep the hills separate when digging and, after having decided which va riety has given the hem results, to select and keep separate 25 of the best hills of this variety for planting in the breeding plot of the following year in accordance with the regula tions as drafted. While the minimum size of the seed plot recognized by the Association is 3; acre. yet in the case of potatoes It Was thought ad- visable to depart somewhat from this rule and to reduce the size of the plot to one consisting of 25 rows with duplicate in order that he may record' certain information "attending the performnm-e of each row referring GSDGCiaUV to yield, quali'lv and frye- dom from disease. \Vhile it is urged that the crop on the improved plot be sprayed for blight. yet the Spraying of the breeding plot is left to the die cretion of the individual wOwer. In districts where disease is troublesome the desirability of deveIOping Strains capable of withs'andiug these mala dies is such that spraying is ignored and those plants which have show’n the greatest power in resisting dis- ease are chosen. Phe difference be- tween varieties in their attitude to- ward blight and other diseases as observed at the difierent Experiment Stations is so noticeable that the development of disease-resistant strains seems to 0361' great possibili- ties, Note zâ€"Pozato grower-1 l‘ookmg for maximum crops are recommended to try the abova sysnem. While anyone may carry on the work independent of the above Association yet there are certain advantagvs which come through at gdnized efl’ort We ad vise all, therefore. who desire to know 1110180! [him work (.0 communicate at once with 1hr- wawary. Canadian Seed Gro 2 ma" Association. Canadian Building. ()rtawa, Out... as the best: time for suleutiug for next year’s crop is no: far diszanr. Life Depends on Healthy Blood. IS YOURS RICH AND PURE? Blood is} the soul of Iife. Check its formation. rc-duce its quality. lossou its red Callsâ€"you at Oucr- sap strpn 2th and \italityâ€"you pmil 'Ife at, once. When you strengthen the Blood, maka it. richer in red cells. increaeu its solid constituents. you supply tbn materials that rebuildâ€"you furnish that disease-resisting element we call szwngth. Wham you are weak and ailingâ€" Wben appetite is poorâ€"when mental efiorts seems impossible, sleep hard to get. be sure your blood has grown poor and your nervous system in consequence is impaired .NOtiIing so quickly stimulates the formation of rich, red blood as Ferro- zone. Ferrozoue’s notion upon the diges~ tive power is immediateâ€"everything you eat is converted into nourish- ment and building material. Ferrozone fortifiee the ection of the kidneys, liver and Stomach, in- creases circulution. and by these means throws into the blood a vest store of material to build up and to strengthen. Ferrozune by making blood and Stimulating vital action, transmits to the debilitated brain cells, exhausted by toil. by anxiety, or by sickness. the strength they need. The beneficent action of Ferrozone on the brain is transmitted through the nervous system. and all powers of cha body are enormously mcreased. Fen-ozone enables the body to per- form all its functions in a. normal and natural way, and with an abso- lute freedom from reaction, which is the most. positive assurance that. the body is strengthened-mo: stimula- ted. \Vhesher the weakness you suffer is profound or of long standing what- ever the conditions areâ€"if the blood is impaited. if its redness is reduced, if its activity is lessenedâ€"Ferrozone is an absolute and rapid remedy. For any condition 01 waauness. debility or ill-health in men, women and chiidren, you can’t find so nour- ishing and strengthening a tonic as Ferrozone; try it. sold evexywhere in 500. boxes. How did it come to pass that bar- rooms became a part of hotels in this country. 9 Why isn’t it the case that they are a part of a printing office. 9 If that was the case there would now be five printing olficcs in this town doing a roaring business inStead of two, which are ample to do all the printing that is necessary. It is very plain, therefore. that the hotel busi- ness is overdone for the sake of the money made by selling intoxicating liquors. In fact the hotelkeeper tells you that he could not aflord to keep a public house if it was n0t for the profits from the bar. It is true, no doubt. that five of them could not it is Just as true that two of them could; or that there is just as Auch money in the hotel business Without a bar. as in any Other business Without a ’ bar. if run on business principles. This may help some peeple to do a ilittle sensible thinking about local oPtion, and will be the text for an editorial in some future issue of the Rep.â€"-â€"Mt. Forest Rep. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind” ihsrdwere merchant. is enthusiastic 'in his praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. His children have all been tsubjGCt to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup. [his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to efiect a. cure He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all-who have used it say that it 13 unequalled for croup and whooping cough. For sale .at Parker's Drug Store. A Certain Cure for Groupâ€"Used for Ten Years without 9. Failure. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE County Treasurer’s Sale of Lands for Taxes TAKE NOTICEâ€"That unless the Taxes and Costs upon the Lands hereinafter mentioned are sooner paid I shall on Friday, the eight day of November} 1 907, at the hour Of two o’clock in the afternoon, at the COURT HOUSE, in the Town of OWEN :«UL'ND in the said County, proceed to sell by public Auction the said! lands or as 11111011 thereof as may be. sufficient to dis-3 charge such arrears of taxes and costs and charges‘ incurred. ‘ . part 18 First published in Owen Sound Sux, July 19th 1907. J. C. Rockwell’s Sunny South 00 Those of our citizens who patrouizu the opera house and others who WNUY to see a good Coon show Will be glad to hear that the world famous J. C Rockwell’s Sunny South Company will appear in the Town Hall. Dur. ham. Monday evening, Oct 14th. There isn’t muc' to say about this company save that it is:a good strong one, composed of twenty five colored peOple who do everything,r funny that darkies can do so well. The company recently appeared in Sherbrook, Que.. and The Daily Record of that city, of Sept. 2nd. speaking of their per- formance said :â€"“ The organization of colored folks at the Clement Thea. tre, Saturday afternoon and evening, under the title of the Sunny South Company, was a highly meritorlous one. There was only a fair house at the matinee, but the quality of the performance was such as to draw, a packed house at night. For its ad- vertised features, fun. melody and dancing. the show was the best that has been at the Clement for some time and the best “Coon” show that has been in Sherbroo'k within the writer’s knowledge.” The high-class silver cornet band which accompanies the organization will head the Coon town parade at noon. Seats are now on sale at McFarlane’s Drug Store. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. The teacher was explaining to his Scottish class the parable of the man who fell among thieves. He asked the class why the prieSt and the Le- vite passed by on the other side. Silence fell until the small boy raised his hand and his voice: “They knew he had been robbit already,” be said. Not an uncommon experience was that of Mrs. H. Wilmot, of Shules, N S. Doctors tailed, still a quick cure was found in “Catarrhozone.” Notice this statement : “ I have been a most dreadful sufferer from bron- chial trouble and catarrh. On damp days I would kawk and suffer great distress in my throat. I used all kinds of medicines but didn’t get per- manent relief till I used Catarrho- zone. It has strengthened my throat, cured my cough and made me entirely well.” Refuse subatitutes for the one reliable bronchial and throat cure. All dealers sell "Catarrhozone" in 25c and $1.00 sizes. â€"§- 26-163 . 32 Ptlt d County Grey Treasurers Office, Owen Sound July 19th Great Distress in Her Throat. In five minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good, strong fire. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. The fire-box, Hues scientifically. arranged that the Pandora can be LENAHAN 8: MCINTOSfl,|Agents TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. N If Costs and min. Acres Patentpd Taxes Charges Total -1 l _Pab’d 22 77 3 65 26 42 A‘ .If your local dealer m does not handle this most perfect of an ranges, write direct to us [or Free Booklet. Shake well in a battle and take a teaspoonful ddse after each meal and at; bedtime. Ger frnm an} prescription pharma- cist tha fullown. g: 'r‘mM fix me Dandelion. one half ounces; Uumuuund Kargon. one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. The above is considered by an emi- nent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, a-z the finest pre- scription ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble. Weak Bladder. and all forms ot Urinary difficulties This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to fil- ter and strain the uric acid and any Other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. ’ Some persons who sufier with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this mix- ture. yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the reluef being efiected without the Sligbtest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It «'ertainly comes highly recommended. It. is the prescription of an emineoc authority whose entire reputation, it. is Said was established by in. A druggist here as home when asked snated that. he Cauld either supply the ingredients or mix the pxuscripcion for our readers. also reenmmen'ls it as harmless. If there is anything that tortures an editor more than anything vise it is $0 publish n 31:") or $20 onituarv notice about some old prominent citi- zen. who naver had the manhor‘d to take his town paper Bitters fru- quently put in such nocicw at the request of rnlatives and friendi. but it grinds them to 3010mm: a man to the skies. who Was too atiugV to sup port his home paper. A turao line nocice is all such fellows deserve. The Bird Dealer "It’s a bloomin’ shime, Jim. swindlin’ a pore, 'ard- workiu’ cove like this.” His Friend: “Why. woc’s wrong?” The Bird Dealer: “Why, ‘ere 1 slaved all-day Sunday a paintin’ up a eparrer into a red ’eaded Belgian canary, an’ I’m blowed if the ieher as bought it ain‘t given me' a. bad ’arf crown,”â€"Sketch. SIMPLE HOME RECIPE Vancouver. S. d. PARKER, T1 easurer County Grey. , 1907. The People’s Grocery That always satisfies the 000k. Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba Flours We CAD give vou what. you want. and you will find our prices right. See our foldipg roof and fire escape ladders, the safest sud most. complete in the market. I have purchased the “ House Cold Tire Setter” the best and latest true setting device on the market. Goo. \Vhite. Son Threshing Ma- chines. Mrs. Mex. Beggs 8: Sons J. A. GLASS fireat Reductions Implements. Give us a Trial and be Convinced. Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of wpairs kept; on hand. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . In Ordered Goods See Ad. Next Week FARM MACHINERY J . Lawrence. J. L. Flari-ty We carry also other well known brands of Flour Manager and Cutter. Frost 8’ Wood DURHAM. ONT. Merchan t, Tailor. W .7; AGENT FOR Oct. 10, 1907 All Kinds of . ‘.-. .â€"--â€"_â€". a ..O .-â€"---â€"-â€".â€" Jrs always give satig facmion.

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