Rates - - $1 OOper year. payable in advance -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription is paul is denoted by [the number on the address label. So 'paper dis- continued to all arrears are paid. except at the option of the proprietor. THE UUHHAM EHHUNHZLE IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSD;\Y MORNING At the Chronicle Printing ï¬ause, Garafrexa .Stgeet, ' ' ' THE CHROMCLE WM 06 seun w gnmcrlptlon any address. free o_f_pqstage, for Advertising For transient advertisements 8 centsner line for the ï¬rst inser- Rates - - tion‘; :5 cents pet-line each subse- quent insertionr minion measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without speciï¬c directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€"“Lost.†â€Found.†â€For Sale." etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion, :5 cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be naid for in advance. . . Contract rates for yearly advertisements tur- nished on application to the ofï¬ce. -4 - _. , - ._- “no“ on {heartinn in A11 advér'tisements. current week. should In TUESDAY mornmg- HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬ice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m. and 7 109 p. (:1. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- §posite Presbvterian Uh/urch. _______.'-â€"â€"â€"-"â€"â€" is completely stocked \vjth all The JOb ' ‘ NEW TYPE. thus affordmgfuc- Department ilities for turning nut First-class work. I I LU“ LA-‘ u _v_ v U short distance east‘ of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofï¬ce hours from 12 to :2 o’clock Uâ€" (ween and George Streetsâ€"ho Methodxst Church Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"941 2-4 0.111., 7’9 p.m. Telephone No. 10. Late Assistant. 1103'.London Ophthalmic Hos. Eng. and to Golden Sq. Throat and N086 Hos. SPECIALIST : A â€"-‘-- EYE, EARâ€"WHOM NOSE DUR'X-lAM, ONT., ï¬rs. Jamieson 81. Maclaurin. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. GRADULATE of .London, va York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"(S p.111. OFFICE: J. G. Hutton M. 0., '. M. \mca AND RESIDENCE COR. \'I---l,\€ T ON'OR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in ail its Branches. Oï¬â€˜xce.-â€"Calder Block, over Post Oï¬ce propertv. .FFICE L‘- o." mu RESIDENCE A ,_ "-Lp\‘ ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR. ETC. Ofï¬ce over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Oct. 10, 1907 aï¬ceszâ€"Zln the Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY, K. C. er. Conveyancer, c. lnsurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Max;- nage Lxcenses. A general ï¬nanclal bus:- ness transacted. _ m ‘ vu-‘ v u-v‘- â€"'â€"v tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may .be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKmnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S..L. 1V1. tioneer for the County of Grey, Sales promptly attended during the fall or winter months. Terms reasonable. For particulars apply to M. Kenn . Ed ehill, or John Murdock. Middaughr ouse lock, v--- that§u parties indebted to the late Fred Peel, of Durham, deceased are re- quested to call at store and make settlement at once. Em'ron AND PROPRIETOR. OTICEâ€"IS HEREBY GIVEN that ties having claims against the late Fred as! of the town of Durham. must ï¬le sung witLMrs; “E; Peel, Durham. on or ‘7- -I-:_-- d" h 'ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- ' veyancers. Etc. Money to Loan. iceszâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over hov. 9. OBN CLARK. LICENQED App. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION - er. Conveyancer, c. lnsgrgflnce ' v T ------ A o1-_ Ofï¬ce: 13. Medical Diretiorv. Arthur Gun, “â€U‘ DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 'OTICEâ€"IS HEREBY qlvgm Dental Dz‘recz‘orv. MacKay Dunn. KENNYâ€"LICENSED _ A_UC- THE Cnnomm: will b‘e‘ sent to Legal ’Dz‘recz‘orv. A. H. Jackson. l. P. Telford. DR. BURT. . IRWIN Mz'scellamous. I I.“ |LIL ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ants. to ensure insertion in aid be brought in not later than Frost St. Owen Sound. V-..~ .â€" eorge Streetsâ€"North of Ofï¬ce 110111579311 a..m., NOTICE. W. F. DUNN. Executors. Simple Way to K111 Catarrhal Germs- Right Breathing Cures Batarrh. The only natural and common sense method known for the cure ol catarrhal troubles is Hy o-mei It is breathed through an ingenious po :ket inhaler, So that its medicated air reaches the most remote air-cellgl of the nose. throat and lungs. killing all catarrhal germs, soothing the ir- ritated mucous membranes, and re- storing a healthy condition. If you suffer from catarrhal troubles. such as oï¬ensxve breath, Eraising of mucous, frequent sneezing. ! husky voice, discharge from the nose, !droppings in the throat. loss of lstrength. spasmodic coughing. or a. ‘feeling of tightness across the upper )part of the chest, you should begin Ito use Hy-o’mei at once. It will de- stroy all disease germs in the nose. throat and lungs. and provide the blood with additional ozone. We do no want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. IJ All druggisrs should be able to sup- yly you with Hy-o-mei or we will send it: by mail on receipt, of price. $1‘OO. and every package is sold with yxy Jvu n..." ___.J , send it by mail on receipt, of price. $1.00. and every package is sold with the dietincc understanding Lhan it costs nothing unless u. cures. Boonh’s Hyomei Company, Buffalo, l 1 Three freight trains following each! other in rapid succession from Ham-i The failure of the brakes to work on the third, permitted it to strike the; cï¬J/tre train with some force. The: engine on the latter buckled, killing the ï¬reman, a young man named Robert Blackburn, of Ooe Hill. The crew at the last train was unfamiliar with the road, this being their ï¬rSt trip Blackburn was pinned in the wreck, both legs were broken, and he was otherwise badly injured. He lived about an hour after the accident.‘ Try front engine of the third train was badly damaged, the cylinder and castings being broken and the tender twisted on the frame. When Driver Morris of Hamilton saw the crash coming he jumped, calling to his ï¬re- man to do the same. The latter was between the tender and engine, and ; it is supposed waited for the crash, l not anticipating any serious results, l as the train was moving slowly. l Coroner Wells has ordered an inquest lâ€"Collingwood Bulletin. LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. That’s how pain comes. We sit near an open window, get stiï¬ neck or sore back. perhaps cool off too quickly after exertionâ€"rheumatism developes. Spend what you may, but money can’t buy anything better than Pol- son’s Nerviline. It’s penetrating power enables it to reach deep tisues â€" that’s why it cures aches that all; else can’t touch. For outward appliï¬ cation we gutrantee ï¬ve times more strength than in any other liniment. Inwardly it’s harmless and as sure as the hereafter to ease at once. Don’t ‘ accept a substitute for Polson’s Ner- ' viline which is the one great panacea _of to-day. were shocked to hear of the death of William Ellison. who committed sui- cide by taking strychinine. He was found behind the residence of the late A. W. Walker. A doctor was hastily summoned, who did all in his power to save his life, but to no avail. For some time past he has been suf- fering from melancholia, and it is supposed in a ï¬t of temporary in- rsanity he committed the rash act. Deceased was 31 years of age.â€" Clarksburg Reflector. Mr. A, H. N. Jenkins, formerly well known as a journalist in Grey, Bruce anu Huron counties. was in Ontario this week after an absence of eighteen years. He has resided for some years in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is editor and publisher of the times, an interesting weekly pa.- per. Mr. Jenkins was the stormy petral of local journalism in the On~ tario counties where he wielded his ,pen, and many will remember that i when he was editing a paper in Brus- 'sels damages were assessed against him in a libel suit, but as he flatly refused to pay and declared he would .go to prison to vindicate the right of the press to exercise freedom of speechâ€"to jail he was committed, , and for weeks wrete burning editor-J ials in his more or less uncomfortable 'cell. > The case made quite a stir at‘ the time. Mr. Jenkins, now grown stout and prOSperous, looks back on the events of that period with genial amnsement.â€"Hanover Post. [Mr. Jenkins is well-known here as a for- mer Editor and Proprietor of this â€penâ€"Editor Chronicle.] On Tuesday morning‘the residents The pleasant pnrgetive eï¬ect ex- perienced by all who use Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. and the healthy condition of the Ex_change Clippings. FIREMAN KILLED They Make You Feel Good. ample Opportunities to study the new Liberal leader, Mr. MacKay. and has apparently done so to some purpose. The Kincardine Review contains this pen-pieture by the co‘xonel : “ Hon. A. G. MacKay is the ableSt member of the opposition in the leg- 1slar,ure, but by no means the saleSt. He is so irpetuous and aggressiye that he is better as a lieutenant than as a general. He would make a ï¬rst class Topper toa Macdonald. The member of the opposition who rose superior to all his colleagues as a sane», safe. solid and attractive leader was T. H. Preston of Brantford, but he: was out of the race for the leadership' by reason of his retirement from the legislature. Mr. Graham has better qualiï¬cations for leadership than A G. MacKay although he does not be- gin to have Mr MacKay’s ability, his power of intellectual discernment and logical dissection. Ii he falls short of his successor in this respect he rises above him in discretion, the 'poise and moderation that becomes a leader, and even in political sagacity. " A case in point. Last year, the! government. sold. the bed of Cobalt Lake for $1,085,000. The Florence Mining: Co. laid claim to it and con 3 tested the government’s right to sell l The government thereupon introdu-l ced a bill to ensure the title attains:j all contestotion The Florence Min mg 00. put up a. strong lobby and won the support of most of the op- position. Mr. MacKay attacked the government’s position ï¬ercely as did several other members, but none of them were prepared to go to the ex- tent of moving the six months’ hoist 2 Mr. Macliay. however, took the bit aâ€" v â€" _v__ in his teeth and, much to the chagrin; of his leader and colleagues. forced a vote which, if it had carried. would have lost the province over a million dollars. The Liberal party in the pasc were not given to disposing of crown property in this way. They usually handed it over to favorites for a song. In \gppositiou, however, they could afford to be virtuous but Mr, MacKay refused them even the privilege of pretence. One could see the consternation which his move created in their ranks, but his impet- uosity had carried him beyond re treat.†Many medicines stimulate, break down, leave you worse than ever. E‘errozone is diEerencâ€"it’s a blood- former, a nerve strengthener. a body- builder. Pale anaemic girls are given color and vigor The tired and sleepless are Strengthened and re Stored. “Better than all tonics I found Ferrozone,†writes Mrs E. F. Casuleton, of Woodstock. "I was CaStleton, of Woodstock. "I. was completely run down. cheeks were blanched, lips white and had every sign of anaemia. Ferrozone added to my weight. gave me strength, ambi- tion and good health.†Nothing bet- ter. try Ferrozone yourself, 500 per box at all dealers. Cash for Mail and Empire Readers. The success of the Limerick Com~ petition. which has been running for the past few weeks in the rPotomac Mail and Empire, has been so phen- luau auu Duupuo, uuo Uuuu -v 1...-.. omenal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize money in the mute st which commenced Friday, Sept. ‘27, to $100.00. The person who sends in the hest sugges‘ion for thel last line of the incomplete Limerick will receive $30.00. The other prizes are as follows: the second $20.00; the third and fourth $10.00 each; the ï¬fth and sixth $5.00 each, and ten consolation prizes at $2.00 each. It ‘is probable that these contests will be continued from Week to week, and the conditions governing them will be found in both The Daily and Weekly Mail and Empire. OR, FOR A CLEAR COMPLEXION ! A clear complexion is the outward evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad health the face becomes a sign board, telling of disease within. If yellow, bile is not properly secreted; if pallid. the kidneys are faulty; if skin is murky and dark circles be- neath the eyes, look for constipation. Whatever the cause. no remedy com~ pares with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, which are mild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in their action. They give a marvelous rosy tint to the cheeks. brighten the eyes and establish health ;that deï¬es age and disease. 501d I everywhere in 250 boxes. (Collingwood Bulletin.) The Midland local Option by-la‘" which was recently sustained in the Divisional Court has now reached the Court of Appeal. In the Diiisional' Court the decision of Chief Justice Sir William Mulock quashing the by- law on a technicality was reversed. this Court holding that there was no grounds on which such action might be based. Defeated there the liquor ‘interests are now before the~Court of Appeal seeking a motion to quash the ‘ by-law. The principal grounds upon which this is sought is that the coun- cil passed the by-law so soon after the voting upon it that electors had not their full statutory time for seek- ing a. re-connt of the votes cast Judgment. has been reserved. “Our train struck a bear on the way down.†“Was he on the track?†“No; the train had to go into the wood: that himâ€-Louisvillo Conriér THIS TONIC BUILDS UP. LEADER MACKAY- LIMERICK COMPETITION. Midland Local Option. wï¬v t'ui'b'. '*‘ THE DURHAM UllRUA‘ [OLE THE DAVIS CLOTHES. REEL All-anunynu’m- letter write: is inf our titan-tat. Hm oijCt Hf hie ditt‘hbe-z'; being the pre lid-mt and meu'xhere of; the Board of 'l'rmle. more particulav-i 1y one or L-x'u ml the gv‘xirletrwn who! were membe' R of n unlcirzi cavuanttee i appointed to invem mate :uurte’s per ; t-t‘tining *0 the fire brigade. " Kate i payer.†m this (:0n.‘:l)iz.atioxl 0†base ‘ Hess, meumue e and cowardice Styles: himself, indulges m u 3;): of unwrap: and personaliuiee and m one letter passes out n mild tln'eet that on: may i yet suffer bodily harzn should he con! clone in the course he has been pur- . suing. The letters are dumbiless the: Workiugs of an ill natured mind p08 sersed by one who ‘mu been hit. endi hit haul bv the truths spoken ar the? meeting of the Board of "l‘rade at 'Which the repute of the Special com ‘ mittee than. is evidently so offensive was considered and adopted. The writer evidently has nor. the courage of his convictions otherwise he would Speak out in meeting nudnot hide behind anonymous scribblmgs to vent his spleen. The letters arw not taken seriously by those who have received them. but it is juSt possible that the author may be made regret his action it being felt that the practice of writ- ing anonymous letters, especially when containing: intimidatious, must be Suppressed.â€"â€"Collingwood Bulle- ï¬ll). -‘O Examine them carefullv and you’ll probably ï¬nd (norms. Whether hauL soft or .bleedme. apply Putnam’s Corn. Exrractor. It’s painless. it’s sure, and above all quick to not. In- sist on only “Pucmau’s.†COLLINGWOOD SLAB HIM T04). If you will try 3 â€Davis" for yourself, we will send you one on trial. It won t cost you a cent. Send name and address tOoday. The following important changesi in the Imperial penny and foreign postal rates went into effect on the ï¬rst of October: The poetage on let- ters to Great Britain, Egypt and all parts of the British Empire, except Australia and Rhodesia. Which has hitherto been 2 cenrsper 1} oz will be :2 cents per 02., Ausualia and Rhode- sia not having sxgniï¬ed their adhe- sion to th‘s_change.. the rate on let- ters to these colonies will be, as hitherto, ‘2 cents per g; oz. The post~ age on letters to Poetal Union coun- tries, with the exceptions above mentioned and United States and Mexico Will be 5 cents for each letter one oz. or less. On letters weighing more than an oz the postage will be 5 cents for the ï¬rst oz. and 3 cents for each subsequent oz. or fraction thereof. Get Rid of Indigestion and Th Will Look Bright and Joyous. Even in the present era,,of 91-03.! perity and good times everything ap-; pears black to those people who are suï¬ering wretchedly from some form of indigestion. Where digestion is quick. complete and easy there is a joyous and hopeful outlook, but indi- gestion causes depression. The want of a safe, effective cure for sick headache. indigestion and stomach troubles, was always felt until the prescription known as Mi- o-na stomach tablets Was put up in popular form and proved its invari- able success in the many forms of in. digestion. Aftera few days use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets the headache, dizzy feeling, drowsiness. bad taste in the mouth. coated tongue. nervousness, estion and a good skin W111 show that the vital machinery is once more running smoothly. Mi-o-na is to be taken before each meal and it will stimulate the score. tive and digestive juices and strength- en the whole of the digestive system so that the unpleasant full feeling, will be absent and indigestion pre- vented. THE CAUSE OF SORE FEET. Wew'ebsolutoly agree that your money will be refunded should you buy s. 50 cent box of Mi o-ne stomachl tablets and not be satisï¬ed with the' results. Mi-o no is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents; Booth's' mom. Company, Bnï¬elo, N. Y. LONDON (Box 165) “BLUE DEVILS†DAVIS REEL CO. POSTAL CHANGES. E Jr. Pt. II-â€"Donald Smith. Bobbief Morbiey. Mary Coï¬ieid. Neilie Smith, 1 Wllfred Black. ‘ E] Jr I (B)â€"John Locheed, \Villie iMounLaiu. Willie Vaughan. \ Jr. I (A)â€"Martin floï¬ield. Morris E'Smitb, Dugald Smith, George Vaugh- ‘an, Annie Mountain, Redford Loc- :heed. '1 .. 1 Average attendance 01. KATE MACDONALD. Teacher. Sr. IVâ€"Morrison Smith, Bea Simp- son, Alex. Turnbull, Bella Ray. Jr IVâ€"Mamie Mertley. John Led- ingham. Addie Twamlev, Isabelle Turnbull. Donald Ray. George Led- ingham, Annie Stewart and Ivy Dar- gavel. equal. Norma Pluck, John Smith, Arthur Simpsom Lizzie Smith. Sr, IIIâ€"Lavina Manley, Kate Smith.‘Peter Mountain. Jr. IIIâ€"Harold Ledingbam. Kate Ste wart.‘;F'i;;m- Sr 11â€" Carrie Mortley, Willie Smith and Cecil Twamlev eq , Archie 'l‘urnbull. James Vaughan. Stewart McSillivray. s. 8. N0. ‘2, BENTIXCK GLENELG. Sr. IV» Gertie Morton. Jr. 1V~J0hn Grasby. Sr. IIIâ€"Harold )Icliec'nnie. VViHie i Edge. '1 Jr. III--Mabel Vessie 1 Sr. IIâ€"Iaewie Newell, Mae MC ' ‘Kechuie. Stewart McArthur. ‘ Jr. IIâ€"Earl Vessie. Tom Grasby. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Armettu McKechnie. Jr. Iâ€"Maggie Newel! Mabel Grasp 'by, Reba Vessie. Merron McArthur. ‘._ Average attendanceâ€"1‘3. ' LILLIA‘N B. WALKER. Teacher. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time in which we are all more or less inter- ested, {or the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneu- monia and other - serious. diseases Mr. B; \V. L. Hall. of Waverly, Va , has used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- edy for years and says: “I ï¬rmly be- lieve Cbamberlains Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recom- meneded it to my friends and they all agree with me.†For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. REPERT OF U. s. 8.80. NOW for Don't. delay. Uetytx'ce Business ' Catalogue :11‘ once. Best Coilege, host couege terms, best, results :. A. FARQUHARSON, .B.A., British ( fanadiau ]i.0., 796, Yonge St., 'l‘uronto. Honor Rolls. How to Cure 2. Cold Don‘t. delay. Get free Catalogue at; once. Best College, bust terms. best, results “V“ I .belle i at 2.50 per sq. yard : Smyrna. Rugs 301430 in, $3 1 Men's (,‘ardigzm Jackets 1; and 1.50 each. 2 Lmlies’ fall and winter {from 250 up. i See our lines 01' 250 and 50c dross goods |ifur fall and winter. ‘ Fine imitation cut glass preserve disb- 1, es at 20¢ and 400 each. ' 1 4 piece Pressed Glass table sets at 400 Dont forget; to can and see us if you want. a lamp this fall. we have them from 25v up. La1ge 72x72 Bed Comforters, $2 to $3 Large 11x4 Flzmelettc Blankets, in white and Gtey, $1.2.)j11ai1. Floor Oil Cloth 1, 1.1., and 2 y :mls wide. Pumps. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUB- " EOMERS and the public in general t-hbt I am prepared mfurnis'b NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL Songs, wï¬lilés New music received each week. Percv 6. fl. Webster ll' CALDER BLOCK 1 have piaced in Stock a ï¬ne line of late SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 was Per QOW GEORGE WHITMORE. 30x60 in, $3 each. .1) Jackets at; 1.0!). and €wo=$tws .xn I’Rsssccnam‘e Underu ear