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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Oct 1907, p. 7

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propertv. U V 22119911 and George Streetsâ€"North of Methodist Church Office hoursâ€"SH] a..m., 2-4 o.m.. 7-9 pm. Telephone No. 10. Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Oflice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice I' fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 £09 9. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence 0p- posite Presbvterian Church. um}; over [Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Advertising For transient advertifements 8 Ba cents per Line for the lust inser- tes - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertionâ€" minion measure. Professional cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advm'tisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Transient noticesâ€"“Lost.” ”Found.” “For Sale." etc,â€"50 cents for first insertion, 2.3 cents for each snbgeqiient insertio I ,1 _, l I A4 A4._-_......_. mnin‘ (iiiâ€"cg libâ€"firsâ€"frdth '12 to 2 o’clock L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, N 'w York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. “All adx ertim menté. - to" ensure insertion in current xx eek A. should be brought in not later than TUESDAY morning- FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb_ton Sgreet,fl_L0\yexj _To_wn, Durham Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic H03. 3112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat. and Nose H08. SPECIALIST : veyahgefs, Etc. Money to' Loan. Ofices:â€"â€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. ° ' THE Canomcu: will be sent to sumptlon any add regs. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 00pm- year, payable inadvance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted by the number on the address label. So paper dis- continued to all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. v v“.‘- nv- -â€"â€". Contract rate-Esmfâ€"éfyearly advertisements fur- nis_h_<_:d or; appfication to the office. 0 a - _â€"_I-â€"â€"--A-‘ -“ 1V veâ€"rT'Conveyancer. . c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer pf Mar- riage Llcenses. A general financxal busi- ness transacted. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Barafraxa Street, qu-w yupâ€"v -â€"â€" _-- w. Alladvertiséments ordered by, strangers must be paid for In ad vapce - I A o _ p THE DURHAM CHRUNiCLE . _ is completely stocked with all The JOb 3'13“" TYPE. thus affordingfuc- Department ilitips for turning out- First-claws EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE v..-‘ vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" tioneer for chCounty of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. M KENNYâ€"LICENSED f fiUC- . ' f r the County 0 rey, Sales 13:33:33., aitended during the fall ‘or winter months. Terms reasonable. liar particulars apply to M. Kenn . Ed 8111“, _“J--L “manual. Izmszn lock- mama WI“. ”15px. LMuw-ow‘ :_ - before Oct. 25th 1!". No claims accepted “to: above date. 3 Q that all parties indebted to the late Fred Peel, of Dar quested to call at store an late Fred -v __..â€"____7 th _fi10_ sang with Mrs- F. Peel. Durham, 9!! or A- G Am ‘7 ._!__ n." M Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. Nov. 9. l. G. Hutton, M. 0., IHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- JV F. GRANT, D, D. S.. L. 'OBN CLARKLLICEIS§ED Apo- FFICE AND RESIDENCE-700R: l. P. Telford. ARRISTEI.,_ASQLI_CITOR_. E3720. MacKay 8:. Dunn. ARRISTERS. SOLIQITORS, 901v- DU RHAM, ONT., 'OTARY PUBLIC, QOMM_ISSION- Otfice: 13, Frost St" Owen Sound. EMTUR .\.\'D PROPRIETOR. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz’rectorv. {ft 17, 1907 Dental Dz'rectorv. DR. BROWN Legal ‘Dz‘rectorv. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. W. IRWIN work. DR. BURT. -IS HEREBY QIYQN .0086 1 A healthy sxin is absolutely essen- ltial to HEALTH, HAPPINESS and ?BEAUTY, and thenatural and never Hailing Way to keep a healthy skin is to treat all injuries and eruptions promptly with Zam Buk. Zam 8111: contains only the rich saps and juices of healing, health giving herbs and is therefore Nature’s Own Skin Rem- edy. Sad indeed was the pathetic story told by the Rev. Mr. Goff over the mortal remains of Willie Ellison on Thursday last. The deceased was well known to everybody in Clarke- burg as an inoffensive, industrious young man, with no vicious habits; respectful and polite to all. cheerful disposition but intellectually weak. During the past summer he worked for Mr. ,Shields on his farm near Duncan, and had the care of a valua- ble team of horses. One animal con- tracted a sore shoulder and was hard to manage. One day it became ill and died; Paris green was found in its Stomach, but as Mr. Shields had no enemies the circumatance became a mystery. A few days later Ellison went to Mr. Shields. and told him that he had given the fatal dose. The horse had crushed him against the side of the stall and hurt him badly; there was a package of Paris green in the stable and he thought he would make the horse sick but had no in~ tention of killing him. He promised to pay for it, and later walked all the way to Duncan and paid $31 00 on account either to Mr. Shields or to some one who claimed to be acting for him. He was told to get the bal- ance within a short time. returned home, tried to borrow the sum among his friends and had letters written to relatives at a distance. In the mean- time a letter was received. apparently not from Mr. Shields but a party whose name was not mentioned, stat- ing the balance of the money must be paid in seven days. The agony suffered by the unfortunate young man was known to his friends. every Strange face he met he believed to be apoliceman to take him to prison. Six davs passed and no word from relatives. He then bought 10 grains of strychnine at a drug store, waited until the time limit was up and ap- parently took the fatal dose, then started off with a hammer in hand to repair a fence While on a back Street on Tuesday morning a scream was heard and neighbors ran to the spot in time to see the poor fellow fall in convulsions. Between the spasms he asked his friends to pray for him. Dr. Moore was soon on the spot but the poison had doneits work and had taken its victim to a higher tribunal, where a righteous judge will know how far he was morally responsible for his self-confessod act. Mrs. A E. Gardiner, Catalina, Piles. Miss K. M. Bartlett. Montreal, Eczema. Mrs. Coggill. Wapella, (Sask ), of Abcesses.5 All Skin Diseases yield to Zam-Buk. Obtainable from all druggists and Stores at 500. a box. Send to Zam. Buk Co, Toronto, for free sample box. Just can can this ofier write name of paper across it, and mail, with 1c Stamp to pay postage. Mrs. A. Harrison, Kingsmn, Blood Poison. Mr. Alfred Brown, Toronto, Rheumatism. ' You find life a miserable afi'air be- cause you have headaches, but; you have neither nausea nor are you weakâ€"You know if you could only prevent headaches you would enjoy perfect health. Snob heaéaches indicate a general lowered condition. because they arise from a general decay of the nervous system. Do They Bother You ? This depressed condition of the nervous system has its origin in the reduction of the quality and quantity of the blood. meat. Ferrozone will make you feel like now, try itâ€"sold by 0.11 druggiats in 500. boxes. The blood is thinâ€"its red coloring is reducedâ€"it. contains no nourish- ment. You see, Ferrozone doesn’t treat a. symptomâ€"it remedies s. causeâ€"and that’s why a. month’s treatment will absolutely remove every vestige of recurring nervous headaches. The digestive organs are not. sup- plying it with suflicient nutritive matter. Ferrozone does moreâ€"it supplies all the elements that are essential to the rebuilding of the bodyâ€"supplies the reconstructive forces that contri- bute to the formation of rich, red blood. If you had used Ferrozone you would know how powerfully all the digestive and assimilative functions of the body are stimulated. Nothing like Ferrozone to build you. up, to give the reserve of force, shes heppy health thst contributes so much to happiness and content- The resultâ€"nerve weakness, nerve debility, ill-health. ‘ DON’T NEGLEOT YOUR SKIN. Recurring Headaches. WILLIE ELLISONS DEATH. (Clarksburg Refleccor ) ZAM-BUK CUREL) of of of of When Ethan Allen’s daughter lay dying, she called her father to her bedside and said, “ Dear father I am about to cross the cold, dark river. 'Shall I trust to your Opinions, or to the teachings of dear mother ?” Without a moments warning pain Springs upon us. At the outset it is instantly cured by Nerviline. Sur prising what fifteen drops of this marvelous medicine will do. It’s ex- ternal action is no less certain than it’s wonderful effect when taken in- ternally. Of“ course Nerviline is powerful or it couldn’t be so pene trating. But n0t irritating or .caustic. There are other pain rem~ edies, but when you use Nerviline you see the difference 'l‘bat difler- ence is this.â€"others relieve, but Ner- viline does cure sprains. Strains. swellings. earache, tooxhache. neu- ralgia, lumbago, in fact all muscular pains. Large bottles 250 at all deal- ers. a delightful draw! and sometimes unbemtg sufficienuly to tell a. funny Story. which he did wail enough. “He was a. tall gawky chap, just from the wilds of Hannibal, Mo. His clothes were several sizes 600 small {or him and gave him the appearance of a scarecrow. “He was a silent chap. who at;- nended to his own business and didn’t. mingle with the wild fellows who Worked with him. He Spoke with “Trust to your mother!” said the champion of infidelity; and covering his face with his hands, he wept like a child.” "We were sticking 'type then at 30 cents a thousand ems.” said Ken nedy, “and while the rest of us were drawing our $12a week. it was all Sam Clemens could do to make 58 or $9, He always had so many errors marked in his proofs that it took most of his time correcting them. He could not have set up an adver- tisement in acceptable form to Save his life. Naturally, he did not Stay in the printing business very long. because he would have starved at it One day be washed his hands of printer’s ink and went down to the river, where he got a job as rouSt about. He must have found his ele men: there, for two years later, when I met him for the last time on Chestnut street, he‘told me he had climbed up to pilot in that short time.” "The most remarkable thing I re member about Clemens,” said Ken nedy, “is the fact that he was nor. ‘one of the boys.” Then, more than now, it was the proud prerogative of printers to be able to drink more red whisky than men of any other trade. But Clemens, so far as I can remem- ber, never took a drink. The damps of death are coming fast, My father, o’er my brow; The past with all its scenes has fled, And I must turn me now To that dim future which in vain My eyes seek to descry; Tell me, my father, in this hour, In whose belief to die. He had to own that Sam Clemens, as he knew him. Was a very common place young men not even known among his fellow printers as a youth of more than average intelligence, IVo matter what elée Mark Twain succeeded in achieving, he could um set type, says Anthony Kennedy. a 71 year old St. Louis Post Dispatch “neweboy.” Kennedy cherishes as the proudesc memory of his life the fact that. the celebrated humorist and himself were compositors wgether on the old St. Louis Democrat for soverai months in the spring of 1853‘ In thine? I’ve watched that scorn- ful smile, And heard thy withering tone, Whene’er the Christian’s humble hope Was placed above thine own; I’ve heard thee Speak of coming death Without a shade of gloom. And laugh at all the childish fears That cluster round the tomb. Or is it in my mether‘s faith? How fondly do I trace Through many a weary year long past That calm and saintly face ! How often do I call to mind. N ow she’s beneath the sod, The place. the hour, in which she drew ' My early thoughts to God! ’Twas then she took the sacred book, And from its burning page Read how its truths support the soul In youth and failing age; And bademe in its precepts live, And by its precepts die, That I might share a. home of 10Ve In worlds beyond the sky. My father, shall I look above, Amid this gathering gloom, To Him whose promises of love Extend beyond the tomb? Or. curse the Being who has blessed This checkered path of mine ? Must I embrace my mother’s faith. Or die,_my sire, in thine ? ‘ The frown nponthat warrior brow Passed like a cloud away, And tears coursed down the rugged cheek ' That floWed not till that day, Not. not in mine ! with choking voice, The skeptic made reply- . But in thy mother’s holyfeith, _ “MARK TWAIN” A POOR TYPO. YOU MAY BE SICK TO-NIGHT. 'w- .â€" vâ€"i wâ€"v-vâ€" 'My daughter. The Infidel and his Daughter. THE DURHAM pmwMCLE \ Sr Pt IIâ€"Al'ce Picken, Theodore Ayling. Sr Iâ€"Mary Cameron, Juan Weir, Christen». Cameron Jr‘ Pt. II ~Guo. Langml. Johnny Pectv. Irene Volvect and Ca i1 Moun Lain aeq. With the advance of years the vital functions of the body slow down. In consequence the organs of secretion suffer, the action of the bowels are lessened and there is no longer healthy circulation. The brain is congested with blood, giddi. ness, trembling and cold extremities are common. No assistance is so potent as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. By their direCt action on the stomach, liver and kidneys they cause an im mediate change. Mild, free from gripe. Strengthening and cleansing the whole system, no medicine is so valuable in old age as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and, Butternut. Try these Pills. 250 per box at all dealers. " Jr IIIâ€"Nina Nable. Grace Petty. Her‘nvr Noble. Ella CUE. Sadie- Law remap, “7 m. Langrill. Bertha Ayling. Clara Mchslin Sr. IIâ€"Annie Smith and James Lungrill aeq Jr. lIâ€"Lorne \louutuiu. Wu V61- ’ett-, Maxwell Griarsou. Sr. IIâ€"Jne Wilson (530/o Gordon Sackenca 56/ lanes McDona1d25/. Jr. I Bâ€"Maggiv Ferguson. Etta Sackeu, Bella McDougaH. HUTTON HILL. V Classâ€"Char!“ Lawrence Sr. IVâ€"Aznes PMM. Sadie Lang- rill, Rebeoca Griersnn. Marion Perry- Jr. IVâ€"Magzie Mountain. Leilla Vollptc, Jeanie Picket). Robb Cufi. Sr IlIâ€"Niaggiu Donnelly. Joseph McUa-slin . Sr Iâ€"â€"-Rueben Noble. Annie Moan tain, Eliza Sammon. Jr. I Dâ€"Eveiyn Sharpe. Jr I Uâ€"MN Donnelly, Lizzie Sammou. Hilvnrd Arms‘trong. Sarah Summon. Clara McCuslm, Geo. Cuff. Sr I'I--DalyHaW71°/. Ethel Haw 63% Neil “03010sz 28/ PC. If Srâ€"Edna Sacketc 920/0. Charlie M609.006175% Grace Muxr 457°. Pr. II Jr.--James Haw. Annie Marshall, Mary Ferguson St. Thomas Times: Thomas A. Richardscn. the Owen Sound man who is wanted in that town for higa- may, was in St. Thomas a week with his second wife. leaving here on Tuesday last for Owen Sound Dur- ing his stay here Richardson Worked at the Thomas Bros.’ factory. and at the end of the week decided to quit work and asked for his pay, which he did not receive. He had evidently heard the police were after him. as he left in a hurry without waiting for 1118 money. and has not been heard of since. Following the receipt of a telegram from Owen Sound police, who also want Richardson on a charge of stealing an overcoat. the local police ascertained the above facts and notified the Owen Sound authorities. The couple while in the city boarded at the home of R. Din- ner, 10 Wilson ave. While there the young woman learned that the man she had recently been married to was not her husband. and she showed unmistakable signs of grief. Mr. Dinner, on discovering that they were not really husband and wile, insisted on their leaving the house. and they did so, going away together. Jr 111- Jessis Clark 520/ Lydia. Ferguson 40/ Chrisceua Gammon 39/ Jr IIâ€"‘amea \chunald 64/ Jen- nie \larshall 40/ Donald Mat/3mm»! 20% With nursing comes an unceasing strain on the mother’s vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are irri- table through loss of sleep. Anxxety and care break down even the strong- est. Experience teaches that noth- ing is more helpful than Ferrozo’neg What an appetite it brings! No blood-former. or nerve ‘tonic more potent. no medicine known that so steadily brings back the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It’s because Ferrozone nourishes, because it supplies the materials for rebuild- ing that it does such permanent good, 500 per box at all dealers. IVâ€"Clura W'Hson 670/0 Olive Sack an 58/ EVn Haw 33/ Jr. I Aâ€"Annibel Marshall, Harvey Williams, Efie McDougall. [The man Richardson referred to above is the man who- recently mar- ried a Miss Weir, of Owen Sound, nor. a Miss Weir of this locality, as some have been led to believe.â€"â€"Ed. Chronicle ] A man in an adjoining county died recently who had taken his paper for twelve years without paying for it. Upon the day of his burial the kind hearted, forgiving editor called to see him for the last. time, and etufied a linen duster and a couple of pun. leaf bus into the oofiin Ho- .' prepnrod for n warmer c " no. s 5 x0 14. ICGREMONT PROTON THE TREMBLE OF OLD AGE Invaluable for Nursing Mothers. BIGAMIST IN ST. THOMAS. Honor Rolls. JOHN JOHNSTON, Teach». ISA CAMPBELL. Teacher. They found a dead man on the. pavunenc in from of a newspaper office in a Wesneru town. wiLh a poem on spring clenched in his Stiff cold fingers. and the coroner didn’n even hold an inquesu on him He simply lookeg Up at the editorial rooms on the top floor. and measuring the distance to the ground with his eye, remarked: "It. would kill any man to be thrown out of the window. Take the remains to the undertaker.” Spring poets are scarcer now. Quinsy. Sprains and Swellings Cured. Friday OCtober 13m, at Lot 11, Con?) ,Glenelg, there will be sold by Public Auction on above dare. Farm Stock and Implements. Bull Calf and and some of the stock registered. Terms : 12 months’ credit. 5 per cent for cash in lieu of notes. Edmon C00 . Oct, 10 -â€"(Special )_. The second shipment of bufialos from thn wilds of Montana. wiil arrive in Strarhcona to night. where they will be immediately trans“. rred from the U P. R. to tbeC N N. over the E. Thorn win by in all thirteen cars of the shaggy monsters, the number being 110 They. are mostly COWS and Calves. In November. 1901. 1 caught. cold and had me qmus» My 'hf'U’dt Was swollen so I could haxdlv breathe. I applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and ir. gave me relief in a 8110”; time. In two days I was all right.” Says Mrs. L Cousins, OLLetburn. Much. Cbam Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment and is especially Valuable for sprains aud\swellings. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Ic has rrquired nemu two months in rounding up thw bunch at, the Flat Head reserve in Moutnuu. They had the run of an enormous extent of territory, and the numerous deep ravines made it, a 111057 diflicult un- dertaknyg. The I‘vmnillder of the bunch will come later. MORE BUFFALOS FOR CANADA JOHN FALAISE, Preprietor. NOW for Don‘tdelay. Get free 3 u S iness Catalogue at, once. Best College. best College terms, best results R. A. FARQUHARSON, B.A., BritishCanadimx 13.0., 796. Yonge St., Toronto. Sale Register. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp, ivod at Strathcona Montana. D. MCPHAIL, Auction eer. s from I ive in} l" ‘I . He Sells‘ Cheap The Big 4 Large 72x72 Bed Comforters, S2 to $3 Large 11x4 Flanelette Blankets, in white and G ivy, $1.25 pair. Floor Oil Cloth 1, 1:}.- zmd 2 yards wide at: 2.50 per sq. yard Smyrna Rugs 30x60 in. $3 ezu-h. Men’s Cardigan Jackets at 1M”. 1.25 and 1.50 each. Ladies" fall and winL-cr {index-wear from 250 up. See our lines of 251: (and 5m- (iu'ss goods fur full and winter. Fine imitation cut glass p1 ewr‘vc dish~ es at 200 and We each. 4 piece Pressed Glass table. svts at 41k- ; Dunc target to call and 5m want; :1 lump this fall. from 25(_: up. - us if you we haw them Songs, walrus music. New music received each week. DRILLmG, RE~CURBmG AND I’m..~.~.uumm done wnh Cemmn concrete. [3" ALL ORDERS taken at the 01d stand (mar McGowan‘s Mil} win iw m-ummiys) tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live.” PRICES. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS‘ \VELL Pumps. Percv G. H. webster BEG LEAVE '1‘0 INFORM 2:1? CUIS- I‘OMERS and the pubiic in general that 1 am nrepared to furnish SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 (mus Per flow 1 have placéd in stock a fine line of late all Goods CALDER BLOCK GEORGE WHITMORE. and Cwo=Steps . BEAN

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