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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Oct 1907, p. 5

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m. 263 Anor'rmx. shortest .11: seems but a short; time sinee last Christmas and here we .are again Within aféWWeeks of the festive TIME is passing rapidly. Only two months. more‘till the days are at their U . Durham Public School Outline of dunes may be seen at J . P. Telford’s ofice. Apply in sealed envelope, marked ‘tenders’ before October 3lst to C. RAMAGE; Secretary. U fraxa St., a. fine two-storey solid brick dwelling, with bathroom. furnace. electric 1i hts. hard and soft water in house. Also so id brick barn and stable. This is one of the best sites in the town of Durham. For termé. aprili f0 Addrevéâ€" Vfiggwood, Hanover, or Mrs. Han Campbell, Durham. Fall Wheat .......... Spring Wheat ..... . . Oats ................ Peas ..... , ............ Barley...... . Hay ................. 1 Butter . .............. Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt. ........ Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins. . . . . . . . . . “fool ........ Tallow .............. Lard Note the address McIntyre Block, - Durh I have a daughter nine years old .; for whom I wish a good home m ‘3‘ :3 respectable Protestant familyfi where there are no other children. J" The girl is now at the homeb!W J uhas Caesar, Durham, where she, may be seen. Persons wis 7-7 adopt a child will oblige by : ,- . 'on me at asearlyadate as possi g-f-u at Mr. Canal-s. , i i ‘ Bom'r DAY. ' flat. 16,-2 pa. I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham and Vi- cinity that I have opened up a first-class Butcher Shop in the MacIntyre Block Where 1‘ will furnish all kinds of first class IIIBiLtS at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited NEW BU TC H E R SHOP ARETAKER WANTED FOR IN PART LOT 9 WEST GAR DURHAM. Look! Look! B. PHILLIPS WE TELL N0 LIES. Help wanted. Saturday next commencing at noon we will continue to sell, Limeolum and Oil~cloth at great reductions don t- miss this oppor- tunity. In Blankets, Tweeds, under- wea.1,PIinta, Cottons. Flannels Flannelettes, and groceries of all kinds 15 to sell at. a very low margin of pxofit f01 cash or made Market Report. DURHAM. Oct. 2-1. 1907 About selling below cost and other such nonsense. )Vhat we say, we do. and we believe we are giving as good value for the money as in any ‘house in town. ‘ unuoooooo 0- per sack. r cwt.... gs...... Hogs percwt. )81‘1b........ ns..... . OOOOOVOOOOOO. 9.. too. .0000. .9. .0........ Oct. 24, 1907 S. SCOTT For Sale. uCODOOIOOCOI 53.1.. .. H .QIIOOIQUC. OOIIOOOOIOO .D...’.....wo 000000.000. but a short time 40 to 23 to ’3 to 12 to ONTARIO t0 am 13 00 grvwg Luau meat 60 we cuuruu. an: increase 1n behalf of mlesmns 13 ex'land had the quinsy My throat Was pected here this year. . ‘ ' swollen so I could hardlv breathe. I Rev. G. W 369““. Of Orangevflxe, 3 applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and 383m supplied the MatbOdlSt PM?“ it gave me relief in a short time. In on Sunday last, and with his usual; two days I W“ all right.” says Mrs. earnestness preached thoughtful and L Cousins, Ot-terburn. Mich. Cham instructive sermons. . Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment At the regular meeting of Prince 5 and is especially valuable for sprains Arthur Lgdggé. F:,'A.' M. on Fri- .and swellinge. For sale at Parker’s day evening"-Ia$3’a71'3'$eeolution. was Drug Store. _ In Nowmber. 1901, 1 caught cold I The Presbyterian GeneralAssembly having set apart Sabbath last special- ly for Home Missions, Rev. G. C Little. of this place, brought the sub ject before his congregations in an‘ interesting manner. basing his able discourse on Matt. 28: 19. Mr. Little having spent several years on Home Mission fields in New Ontario and Manitoba has the work much at heart and earnestly placed before the peo ple the needs of that work and the needs of self-sacrificing men who are ‘ giving their best to the church. An]; increase in behalf of missions is ex-i pected here this year. If I While on a pleasureable visit one afternoon last week with the host and hostess of the very neatly kept Park House, your correspondent spent some time interestingly exam- ining the day book of the late Robert Trimble, whose store accounts with xthe residents of this township are there recorded. The book is a highly ,prized memento now preserved by 'the deceased gentleman’s son. .8 s. d, was then the currency used. A common article of merchandise fifty years ago was “toddy” entries for which in some accounts appear with remarkable frequency. Tallow can- dles were then, too, apparently much used, but the changing times to the better have driven “toddy” from the, Store counter and modern light has bloued out the tallow Candle. W. T. Pedlar is having a monument erected at Salem to the memory of his daughter Elsie, recently deceased. I Mr. Wm Trimble had a line gran- ite monument erected in the public cemetery last week to the memory of his father, the late Robert Trimble. Esq. Others who have recently had monuments erected are Mr. Malcolm Kennedy and Mr. Robert McKee to the memory of their Wives, and Mr. James Neilson his daughter. Mr.1 8.: On Thursday last .‘1.lr and Mrs. Will Bentham, of this place, celebrat ed the first anniversary of their wed ding, and in the evening were given a pleasant surprise by about twenty five of their young friends, who un- cermoniously took possession of their home to tender congratulations and assist in the celebration. After bas- kets had been relieved of dainty re- freshments the evening was very e11- joyably spent by the company, who departed wishing the young couple many wedding day anniversaries. f The annual fowl supper of the \Vomen’ 3 Institute here was given at Mrs. Fred Hickling’ s on Wednesday fevening of last week and was a very lenjoyable event. The ladies, as is their custom. had a magnificent spread which thev shared with their husbands. and the company, about fifty in all. had a pleasurable time at the festive board as well as during the after part of the evening. Which was of a very social character. The! Institute here is a live organization, constantly growinv in numbers and' in interest. . 9‘01 ‘51 ‘rp a" ‘1‘]. cane-a." Flesherton fih'h'. _‘l’" '\.,._’- Still Going 6n Quinsy. Sprains and Swellings Cured Mrs. '1‘ Shore, of Linwood. visited her brother. Mr. John Runstadler, the past, week. Mr. Short and child ran and Mr. Runstadler’s brother. Joseph. of Linwood. also visited from Saturday till Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. .VVright and lirtle'daugh- ter,of Vandeleur, who passed through the recent Caledon wreck, were, ac companied by Mr. Wright, visitors at; Dr. Carter’s on W edhesday of iasr, week. Mrs. Wright, was severely in- jured, and we were pleased to see her sufl'icienrly recovered to drive the distance she came Miss Gertie Bellamy has returned from visiting her siSter an Markdale. Mrs. Richardson left, last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr) VVob star, in Toronto. ' Mr. M. K, Richardson was at Hun- over last week in the interests of Children’s Aid work. Mr. Wm. Smith visited old friends here last week and left for his home at Bufialo on Monday. Miss Minnie Munshaw has been Spending a few days with friends at Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell were at Meaford over Sunday visiting the latter’s brother. Mm. Chas. Fisher and Mr. Fred Fisher, of Hamilton, visited the farmer’s nephew, Mr. Lou Fisher. part of last week. 3’ Your Cor. is indebted to Mr. .103. Buchanan for a very generous treat from his orchard and garden sent to us on Monday. The Methodist choir were at lui scoge on Monday evening assisting in their church anniversary entertain- menc. We thank the Chronicle edith for a beautifully bound copy of Rev.H,T. Crossley’s "Practical Talks.” which we are reading with profit; and pleas- are. Mrs, Hanbnry, of Dundalk, has numerous friends here who deeply sympathize with her in her renewed bereavement by the death of her daughter. Mrs. R. J. Burdette, at Re gina, on Friday Met. The remains are being brought home for interment on Thursday The deceased, who was in her 3185 year, and married three years ago. was a very esnimable young Woman. :incipal Heath, Trustee Bellamy and Miss Jennie Wilson, here, and Mr. Campbell, teacher in No. 3, east. of the village, attended the Conven- tion at. Durham last week. Miss Young and Miss Kane. of the staff here. remained at home and taught as usual. Mr. Wm. Large, who has' been an work on the Richardson. drug store, was last week seized with a. very se vere attack of lumbago. Mrs. Large has been with him for a few days at the Munshaw House. Mrs. Archie Boyd has been confined to her home for two or three weeks sufiering severely with bronchial trouble. We hape soon to learn of improvement. Mrs. Wilson McMullen. west: back hue, is, we are pleased‘to learn. re covering from severe illness. "â€"'-‘â€"-“ adopted conveying the sings sym- pathy of the lodge to Mr. AJS Van- Dusen in his present severe illness. We'are pleased to be able to "“130“- merked improvement in his condition this week. Dr. Carter is giving the case close and skillful attention. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE _ McINTYRE Savings Bank Department Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Our-ham Branch : J. c. TELFORD, Manager. Tea Drinking In China. Nothing tends so much to keep down mortality in China :18 the habit of drinking hot tea instead of pox-5m! contaminated Well water. Ten to a rich Chinaman mounts concentxuied 10:1. costing 10 cents an ounce: to the prml‘ it is hot water with :: few tea leaves dipped in and to the very poor simply hot water. It is significant of the in- creased wealth in the muntry that the majority of the in“ or classes, who heretofore could only :xflord hot “water are now induleiwr in actual tea. Exams JARVIS, Esq, - - - 12mm RANDOLPH MAC DONALD, Esq. zst sze-Prm'dent A. A. ALLAN, Esq., - - 2nd Vice-Prat“: HON. D. MCMILLAN. ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq. M.P. A. E. DYMENT. Esq., M.P. HON. PETER MCLAREN, W. K. MONAUGHT, 1:3qu M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. F. G. JEMMETT, - - - General-MW: R. CASSELS, - - - Asst. General-MW Hardening Artéries. Arteriosclerosis, the thickeningr and hardening of the artery walls, is one of the most common causes of death. It is indicated by increased or lessened blood tension in the arteries, and when the sphygmometer reveals such condi- tion Professor d’Arsonval, the eminent Frenchman of science, applies six baths of a high frequency electric cur- rent. Such applications, it is claimed, completely restore the normal blood pressure. The baths, of five or ten minutes each, may be taken hree times a week, and they cause no in- convenience or disagreeable sensation. HEAD OFFICE zâ€"TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: 1 . 88.00 The Sovereign Bank of Canada I The track has been lifted and laid Lto the south side of the hole and two ballasting engines are busily en- gaged hauling material to fill the spot up again to the grade level, if such a thing: is possible. Two days damning has not made much show although on Tuesday morning about 20 men were engaged shovelling the dirt from the cars into the hole, and th y said that it was getting narrow er. If it can’t be filled there is no other alternative but to change the roure at this point w hich will mean A certain part of the new 0. P. R, road now under construction is at present: the cause of Some comment The farm ehich the road runs through is owned by Mr. John Best and is all swampy. low lying land. About the middle of this swamp .the track has disappeared entireiy for about 125 feet iong by 20 feet in width. At this very Spot there was a fill of 5 feet. but it is not there now. Water is all that is visible. Supposed to be a-- Subterranean Lake. IS IT THE BUTTDMlESS PIT? One Hundred and Twepty-Five Fame! the New Railway Disappears In a Night. SUNK SUDDENLY ‘ OUT OF SIGHT (From our own correspondent.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 33.000. 000.: {Lenahan 6: McIntosh We have a full line of these which we a bargain. Keep your horse comfort some of them. We have a complete line of these, and they are well worth seeing. We have a, number of Guns to H ire. They are the Sportsman’s friend. It will do you good to call and examine these lines for yourselves and if you require anything of that nature we are satisfied that both Quality and Price will suit you. The Pandora Range speaks for itself The Famous Heaters and Belle Oak Heaters are worthy of their name. Have a look at them. WE make it a point; to have such a selection of Goods 1:11th our customers will be satisfied. In this we are becoming more and more successful. We now have the agencies for many leading lines of goods, some of which are enumerated below. Furniture, Picture Mouldings and Window Shades Hardware and Furniture A few doors south of the Middaugh House. Guns, Firearms etc. National Portland Cement always kept on hand. Horse Blankets m Mm men we are selling at comfortable bv using

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