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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Oct 1907, p. 6

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M: chine Oil, Harness 011) Am: Grease and; Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cvlinders. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. gw. D. BUNNflR pr' 83 Muderate, and Strictly Cash. HAVE YOU? Any u'u’l Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it Bring it in now whim {have the time. All w: n'K guaranteed C(mw Tu Thee Store \\ liviu \ 011 can get supplimi \xitii ( \wnthing in Hand- “mu. ..‘.i\'(‘1\\(UP, 1"i1muu3 an?! (h-nnitmvare. “MMITY” in ;"~t<.>\'os and I‘iangjes, m cm .~:h()\\' you Qualify :1. M \’;1.riwt,\'.Heating '. ‘\'t‘~' from 4:3 to r, ‘53..)â€" {:1112 ‘8 f1 0m $530 to $30. [f .\ 01 \\ 011M like a b'lr- gain in S.- m p Shox (‘18. ex- amine 0111' ' s at 80C. “'ehz1V0a Special Line of Curry (301an and horse Brushvs which we are $911- ing z.t2 7n: per pair. Now is the time to buy a Wheeirll'nu'row. ranging in price from $12 to $4. Om: Establishment- is Heauthuarters for See our Dash Asle, Dash Crockery. Rocker and Bar- rel Chums. Plow Lines, trace chains and sweat pads in abun- dance. We hm e a great assort- Of Mitts and Gloves, lined and unlined for 150 up. W. BLACK t- wi-(u mrer of TM And Dealer in -- Gee. Yiirs Chums mm wzmt T‘ e Harnessmaker. ‘A LOSS OF APPETITE AND ENERGY. Singly they are a worryâ€"combined they become a burden telling that waSte has been immensely greater than the bOdY’B Power to rebuild.‘ The firm need is to reconstruct the blood. make good the deficiency of red cells. Ferrozone improves in digestion, makes blood, the kind that nourishes and rebuilds. Quickly the nervous system reSponds to the new power supplied by Nerviline. Strength retuins, ambition revives, energy and endurance give the sys temjust What it needs to maintain the balance of health. No tonic better than Ferrozone. 50c per box at all dealers I’ve been meditating lately. that. when everything is told, There’s something in the English after all ; They may be too bent on conquest and too eager after gold, But there’s something in the Bug- lish after all. Though their sins and faults are many and I Won’t exhaust my breath By endeavoring to tell you of them all. Yet they have asense of duty and they’ll face it to the death. So there’s something in the English “There’s Something in the English After all.” If you’re wounded by asavage foe and bugles sound "Retire,” There’s something in the English after all; You may bet your life they’ll carry you beyond the zone of fire; For there’s something in the Eng- lish after all, Yes, although their guns be empty and their blood be ebbing faSt And to stav by wounded comrades be to fall, Yet they’ll set their teeth like bull- dOgs and pr0teot ton to the last, Or they’ll die like English soldiers, after all. When a Brick-H chipia Inc? at sea. ah. Ihks.1 klN)“?)WJU,IiLflld That than-5’s s :meching in the E '3' H h after all; There’u no puma, hub for safety, where the weak nl‘P left behind. For there’s something in the Bug. lish after all. th the women and the children are the first to heavy the wreck. With '11» mvu m Una an stuctv as a wall; ~ And 1hr captain is the Ins: to S'and upon the reeling dvck‘ SO there’s 8'3anng in the English after all. Though the half of Euamm hates them md would j)y in their decline, Yet there’s smmelhing in we Eng- lish aftwr all; The‘; may scam the SHHHEV numbers of the. thin red B’i HM limp, Ye: they (var US law battalions '4wa all i" :‘ hey know that f' un Lht‘ c.»1.nn-l u) the drummer u. h-- bmd Tth 18 not. a 5mg!» wuhlipr in ‘ hwn n1 But \Vuu'd go to blind destruCEion, Were their countr» to demand, And call it simply (lucy uafter all. â€"Shaderl, in Boston Transcript. When they buzz and seem slightly‘ deaf, beware of catarrhal inflamma- tiox.. This grows steadllv worse. but can be cured my Cntarrhozone. J. A. ‘ Hnmmill of Greenmount, P. E. 1., proved the merit of Catarrhozone and writes: “No one could have worse Catarrh than I had for years. It caused partial deafness. bad taste, upset my stomech. made me sick ail aver. Catarrhozone cleared my nostrils, stopped the COUgh and gave me acleor feeling in my breathing organs I am absolutely cured.” Doctors say nothing: is better than iCatarrhozone. Try it and you’ll say 'so too. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 an all dealers. All persons are warned not to tres- pas on the following lots with 'dogs. guns or otherwise, for the purpose of hunting. or prosecutions will follow :-- Abraham Crutchley, No. 62. 3rd Con. E.G.R.â€"No. 3, 4th Con. S.D.R. Thos. McGirr, No. 61 and 62, 2nd Com, E.G.R. John Bell, No. C7, 3rd Com, E.G,n, ~â€"No. 3 and 4, 1:51; (301)., N.D.R. Chris Firth, No. 5, 1515 Con. N.D.R, \Vm. Young, No. 3, Con. 1, S.D.R.â€"â€" N0. 6, Con. 1, N.D.R. after all. To enable all to learn. we teach on cash or instal- ment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a monthâ€"class commencing 111$t 7‘18de of each month. These lessons teach how to Fm» fit and put together any garment. from the Dlamest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over loco dressmakers and guarantee to give $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the 8.285 Of 14 am: 40. You cannot learn dressmakinzfis thorough as this course teaches it if you work in shops for years. Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada. and excelled by none in any other country. Write at oncefor Dar- ticufars. as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Eric Street. Smlford. Ont" Canada. In Your Spare Time at Home, Or Take a Personal Course at School. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. DO YOUR EARS RING? Punctuality was a point on which Inspector Ritchie laid much stress in his address at the Convention last week, and there was not a teacher who dared to oppose him in his re- marks on that point. He regarded tardiness as a species of stealing. The teacher who has the habit of being late or idles away time is simply steal- that much time from his or her em- ployers for whom it is agreed to do .11thtula11d diligent wo1k. \thn a. man let him be a teacher, a 111echanic, or a navvy, loses or wastes his time in idleness or neglect of duty. he is steal- ing just as surely as if he opened the all of his employer and stole an equal 2 value in cold cash. Few look upon the matter in this way but a very little reflection can lead to no other con- clusion. The tendency, Mr. Ritchie pointed out, was to get as much pay for your work as possible and on the other hand to give as little in return as possible. Few indeed would like to be classed as thieves but if this 1dea be true, and who can doubt the sound- ness of it, are there not men and women to-day who are not dealing honestly with their employers. and ‘herhaps don’t think it. It is quite :time'that- the man who uses his full energies for the benefit of the man who pays him. may not be paid enough for his labor, but he will soon get to his right level in the way of wages. Honest industrious men are sought for in every avenue of lile. It will not be long till such a man is found out and the man who under- pays will soon have to be more gencr_ 0113 or lose a deserving employee Men to-day are taking the best posi- tions they can get and those who seek help haw: long since learned that the loborer is worthy of his hire. The tardy indolent te.eher will soon be found out and it willnot be long till he is hunting for another job, while one with arep111ation for honesty 1s plcked up by those. who need help. The \Viarton (_.‘-anadian puts up a vigorous kirk against advertising free i the \Vinter Show at Guelph and tells l Mr. \Vhitney that if the Agricultural Department can’t pay its way it should heshut ol‘l'. History is repeating it- sell’. The \Vinter Show at Guelph never did pay anything for its adver- tising: to local papers so far as we. are ] aware, ’l‘ne llig ludustiial Show in 1 Toronto ran along the, same line for 1many years, lull recently they have opened their purse strings a little and the country \x'eeklies gel. t\\'() or three (loilarsu..ye:1r for giving it publicity. 1 The newspapers and everybody takes advantage. of their weakness. t s a t 1 t The Durham papers are never killed with kindness even by local institu- tions for whirl) they are always work- inu'. Notice. alter notice is given to ailvertise concerts, shows, picnics, garden parties and everything else for which they never get anything like a proper remuneration but they usually have to pay their way the same as those i who didn’t do anythin". The ()hroni- ' cle is not asking,r for lawns, and is not begging for "eomplinientary” tickets. l [1' we get pay for what we generally do at five cents a line we can pay our own way to all the entertainments we. ,icare to attend and still have a little : halanee on hand. Making a ticket ' ”eoinplimental-y” always seemed a l mean things; to do. and placed the " user of it under an acknowledged r l "compliment” to the institution that break their heartstrings in such gener- osity. Representatives of the press in most civilized places are never expect- ‘ed to pay at concerts or entertainâ€" ;_ ments. As a matter of business they :. ‘should be there and give a report of ’f the event,-not of one event alone but of every event.-â€"if they are to give the whole news. New publishers can’t afford to go to everything. and many d | a time they would stay at home, were it not that its part of their business to be on hand. EJRHAM CHRONICLE WHO ARE THE THIEVES ? DURHAM, OCTOBER 24, 1907 W IRWIN. Edito: and Proprietor. On one occasion the writer was in- vited to take part in an entertainment away from home and was given a- complimentary ticket. Imagine his joy on passing inside to hear the leather headed door-keeper remark he was a “dead head.” After hiring a livery to go to a place we didn’t care to go to, and then driving several miles on a cold night we might feel and act like a “dead head,” but we did not feel under much of a compliment for our share in the bill of fare furnish- ‘cd. SATURDAY OCT. 26.â€"1-lousehold goods of Mrs. Fred Peel. No reserve as she has sold her residence and W111 leave town. Terms cash. John Clark, auctioneer. TUESDAY OCT. 29.â€"Farm Stock. and Implements at Lots 6 and 7, Con. 2 N. D. R.:Glenelg. 12 months credit. Mrs. C. Arnett, Proprietress, D. Mc- Phail, Auctioneer. NEWSPAPER KICKERS. Sale Register THE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \Ve know it. All the people all over the. Dominion who are using it know it. It is the biggest step forward in {kitchen Range construction ever known. For Sale only by ?A. S. HUNTER, Durham, Ont. In the Matter of the Estate of John Bailey the Elder, late of the Town- ship of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, Deceased. ‘- _ _v_,__ pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors , and others havin; «Iain 5' against. the estate '; of the said Jnhn Hallow the El ‘er Wilu died ; on or about the 30:}. deg ot‘J ulv. ISM”. are . required, 01! or heh-n'e the 2nd day of N0 ; vember, 1907, to send hx- ( mt premix! m" deliver to Tom Hailey. m .lnhn Bruwu the Elder. the Executm's uf the last Will and Testament of the said arceased. their Chris- tian and surnames addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement uf their autumn“; and the na- ture of the seem iiies, it an} . held by NIH". And further take HHllCH that after such 3 last mentioned date the mid Execlltors will l proceod t0 distrib He the «WOW of the de- ' ceased among the parti .-‘ emitled thereto. having regard Ulll tn the claims of whichl thev shall then have twice. and that the: said Exesuturs will not. be liable for the said " assets or any part thereof lo any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not then have been received by them at the‘ time of such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of October, 1507. TOM BAILEY, Hanover P. 0., Ont.. JonN BAILEY the Elder. Allan Park 1’. 0., Ont... Executors of the last. \\ ill and Testament, of John Bailey the Elder, deceasedJ LUCAS. WRIGHT MoAnan, Solicitors for the Executors. The Imperial Oxford Range (100 Series) Has no Equal Since the world began there have been written perhaps 100 supremely good works of fiction. Assume that the first of these was the Iliad. now about 3.000 years old. One hundrwi good stories in 3.000 years is n storv every generation. Since the battle ut Wuterh,m, then, there have been mt‘r er less than three of them. l’rohahly \70 are overstathig the ruxnxbor rnfhot than the cuntnnjx VVhen you onnsVL (n‘ 13" nwnttor. t}\ree sulprOXh '7 ~ -.3 stutips in a hundred years is :1 \r. r‘ h::.:.: average. All Ready. T1111 g? “.mbler 31111011 him for the £133 “11h :1 look of deep abstraction He (M1113 stole four aces away “Now let's beg 1n ” I heard him 5:13- “I’ve clearedg the deck for action.’ OTICE IS HEREBY A GIVEN_ Notice to Creditors. Few Good Works of Fiction. London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St LENAHAN 6: MCINTOSH, Agents Wit-h! Owen Sound. Oct, 19,â€"Thomas A 1 r, thefRichardsou. who is wanted by the! BSald‘po ice on charges of bigamy and! furs): theft. was arrested in East London: t the to day. Since the return of Miss \Veir! the young girl to whom Richard-* {son Was matried early in Septemh._r‘ Ont.. ‘ as James Wilson. a railway engineer, [the police haVe been making every sliggkyfiort to locate him. He was last J 'heard of at St. Thomas, but 1:: was supposed that he had made his Way out of the country. His capture was :eflec'ed by a cleve'lyoworked adver- }usement inserted in a daily paper, have aakiug for a Sauyer and saw setter "1015' .to go to a South American point, fare that ladvmmed Among the many replies That’s where you’ll find “Nervi- line” in every well regulated house- hold. So pleasant. to take that even little children will cry for it. 80 certain to cute coughs, sudden colds and tight chest that thousands of bottles are used every day. Polson’s Nerviline does prevent illness. it does with? pull) and inflammation. and by “Hing handy will Sch worry and kcvpdowu the doctor hills. Large boatles sold for a quarter at all deal- ers Police. Catch Owen Sound Scoundrel by Well-Chosen Advertisement Wu: one signed Thomas Alexander. and, being typewritten, includmg the aiguawre, Wu: suspccwd as Richardson’s y his law. employer, Mr. J. S FiLdlay, from Whom Rich- ardson mole a. valuable fur-lined coat. The arms: follovwd. Don’ c trim \our corns with a razor use a purely vegetable remedy llke: Putnam 3 Corn Extracror No pain certain cure. and all {or a quartet; Every dealer sells ”Putnam’s.” g l TRICKED THIS BIGAMIST. READY ON THE SHELF. ~ POISONED BY A RAZOR. ._... 0.0 ’4 The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the Cook. Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba Hours always give satis- facniot). We can give vou what. you want and you will find our prices right. BF being the best this school has be° come the largest, business training school in .wefitern Ontario. Our enmiment agam exceeds that of a year ago. Why ? Becaqse our courses an- thorough and Pracncal with specialists in charge 0f our Commercial, Short hand and 'l olcgraph.“ All our graduazvs obtain good positions. You may enter now. Write {or our free catalogue. Ellitm Mclachlan MIS. Alex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. Maybe yuu‘rc not partivulzu‘ about many things. but yun ought to he ahnut, yum- (:lnfllvs. Thvre .‘l!’(‘ $01110 particularly NICE SUITINGS $15 AND UP And the prive ilehldt‘S first-Mass trim- mings. and .1151» :1 first-Mass fiit. 1mm forget where Ln come to if you want :l Good Suit, ur (Hm-cu J. A. GLASS ($00. \VhiLe K Son Threshing Ma- chines. Rndds Harness, 8pm: “38 and Harness Repaixs. ()il 5 and Glease’ s. STUVES ‘\ FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machines. )1 E LOTTE CR E A M SE PARATORS. Shvrluch k Manning Organs. Heintznmn Pianos. Implements. GENERAL.. BLRC BSWTH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY All kinds of iron work promtly attended to See our folding roof and fire escal ladders. the est and most complete in he market. I have purchased t e “ House Co Tire Setter" the best and late true setting device on the mark! Give us a Trial and be Convinced; N orth American Life. Assurance Co. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan's Eclipse . . . W. J. LaWrcn Agent fm- 1h:- Percival Plows. All kinds uf wpaix‘s kept an hand. For Flours FARM MACHINERY We carry also other well known brands of Flour. STRATFORD, ONT. JOHN N. MUHUUEK M anager :md (Putter. Frost 59’ Wood . L. Flari‘ty Tux-unto \Vindmills. Oct. 24, 1907 I’RINCII’ALS. Men-hunt Tailor. AG EXT FOR All Kinds of and Best. Middaugh House Block M.

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